Very Important Edition

Previously: →

>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their decks strategy and card choices.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commanders color identity.


>Official search site. Current for all sets.

>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface.


>Thread question
Do you work on refining decks or building new ones?

Other urls found in this thread:


This is my wife.

I don't really know anything about her but she's a katawa shoujo that makes ghosts and has a fancy cleavage window and that's all I need to know

Give her Darkest Hour for maximum b l a c k my man

What's some good sliver queen tech

Anyone ever deal with channel fireball over missing packages?
I contacted them concerned that the package hadn't updated (from arriving in my country) (and the tracking has desynced between my postal company and USPS) on the 18th, got a dry response telling me to wait, finally emailed again today... Should I expect an uphill battle to get a refund/compensation? (Also kinda wish I had ordered different stuff to make a wort deck)

>channel fireball
if you used paypal just reach out to them if you dont wanna go through the hassle

Sliver Overlord as the commander.
Not even kidding he's 100 times more versatile and you can fetch her at whim.
Slivers have pretty much been completely done by this point, Queen is a central combo piece that can go off with any 2-3 cards from a selection of 30 in your deck because there's about a billion ways to get mana off the 1/1's she's producing.

is Commander a good format for someone starting on magic?

>Do you work on refining decks or building new ones?
Refining the decks that I have. I even took several of my decks apart. In a singleton format a handful of of decks is enough to never get bored.

The free trial decks are the best way to be taught how to actually play. Once you actually know how to play then commander is easy to hop into

No, it's the worst format for starters. You have lots of weird and complicated interactions. Also every card that gets played is a new card and as a beginner you have to read and memorize them all, which can get overwhelming.

>thread question
I always prefer to work on refining decks than making new ones. I already have 9 edh decks and that is more than enough for me

Refining more than building new ones. Actually this makes me think, we are going to get Dominaria next, what are the chances we get a Weatherlight Vehicle?

Can I buy one

None, the weatherlight was destroyed

They could maybe put a wreck or crash site in as a land, but that's about it.

Technically the crash site is Karn.

Explains why he's such a wreck.

I mean, do we know why we are going back to Dominaria? Is it a phyrexia resistance 2, modern post phyrexia, time rifeted dominaria, etc.

I can dig Karn vehicle.

There are two likely options, maybe even both at once:
>1. Karn has returned to Dominaria, now free from Phyrexian influence, in order to plan how to deal with the corruption of Mirrodin with the help of some of the people most experienced with fighting Phyrexia left in the Multiverse
>2. Liliana fled to her original home in Dominaria when she escaped from Bolas on Amonkhet and this will be the start of her part of the Gatewatch training arc

What exactly happened to Venser? I know he died passing his spark to Karn, but what are the chances of we seeing him again, even if as a phyrexian venser.

Any chance of an ID on these, chaps?

They're from the MTG Arena of the Planeswalkers game, I know that much.

No confirmation. They didn't specifically say whether his body was left behind or recovered, so it's up in the air.

Maybe we could get something like a phyexian orrey with him as part of it, charting courses between worlds.

looks like that treefolk with P/T equal to the number of forest you control and makes a copy when he comes into play.

Oh man, Karn vs Phyrexian Venser woulf look pretty good.

I really hope they don't fuck up Phyrexia, they were my favorite "villains". Where did it end up? Elesh was dominating over the other ones, Jin was buried doing his research, Vorinclex was being Vorinclex and both Urabrask and Sheoldred were MIA, is that right?

Kalonian Twingrove, probably.

>Do you work on refining decks or building new ones?
Just started but I'd lean towards the former. I have limited funds and I prefer a single well oiled machine like my 40k army over numerous shitty ones.

Thanks, Magic isn't my thing but painting cheap miniatures is.

Yeah, that's about the size of things. Elesh Norn raided their domains, and the remaining Mirrans somehow got out of the Furnace Layer before she was able to round them up. No telling exactly where they are now, same as the two Praetors, but their former bases of operation are in shambles.

This is the token if it helps, you can also probably find higher res version of the art too.

I need some spicy tech for Volrath, give me your best

I run Draco already

Is it worth to buy merfolk v goblins for a goblin edh deck?

What happens when there's a deck you love to play but everyone else finds it annoying? Should I build this?
It's fun as fuck, tapping and drawing in response just to counter some shit.

Yes, it's a good start. It has several goblin stables.

wait for it to go down in price, duel decks usually drop $5 to $10 from the msrp

I need a deck that's just Beatstick Central. My group is getting sick of my combos

iroas or something to that effect



Buy all the songles in magiccardmarket using the shopping wizard, it's the cheapest and fastest way of building a deck, people saying buy the deck are shills

Play Ulasht and impress them with your creature based combos.

Xenagod or Ruric Thar for a werewolf deck?

I am just going to tell you that werewolves barely works even in a casual 1v1, so don't get your hopes for even posing a threat in a normal game.


I had an azami deck for a long time and it was very fun to play for the first few games but then people start catching onto your bullshit. I basically became the default punching bag whenever I played her and I'd get aggro'd out very quickly depending on draws.
If you can unlock the secret of surviving 3v1 from turn 1 until you combo out, then be my guest but it's gonna make people salty as shit.

>I am just going to tell you that werewolves barely works even in a casual 1v1

I have obtained a Vizier of the Menagerie and i'd like to put him in my deck, but I don't know what to replace.

Also I was thinking to remove the Scourge of Valkas and the Dragon Broodmother because, while I know they have the potential to be very powerful cards in this deck (especially together), they don't do anything on the spot, need to be supported and cost triple red; was thinking to replace them with haste dragons like Glorybringer or Stormbreath.


Do you have any suggestions?

werewolfs are shit in edh. if you really want to xenagod will be better but its seriously shit


how do I combo off with azam\?



cause people let the original thread go into archive and then 3 people made a new one at the same time

What circumstances would Planar Bridge be good in? Repeatable tutor to the battlefield is great, but that mana cost is horrendous.

You have shitloads of mana, and maybe a Rings of Brighthearth.

if you have the mana to play and then use a planar bridge you probably already have what you need to win and any table that just lets you have a planar bridge is retarded or is already lost just not quite there yet

Unless your deck is not a full werewolf deck, it is true. I tried making a werewolf deck with Ulrich as commander, and they suck balls hard. I mean, it's already hard to win with werewolves in modern/standard 1v1, wih 4x of your good shit, in a singleton format, with a shitty commander, 3 other players to cast spells, more boardwipes than any other format, and needing to deal twice the normal amount of damage, you really are in for a bad time.

Any field wipes that enjoys wiping your own wide field?


Decree of Pain if you need to draw cards more than have a big field


>want to get full suite of black tutors
>would be poor as a result
I hate this game sometimes

>tutoring cards
this makes you a fag

there are plenty of cheap tutors in black, if your in mono black mana shouldnt be a problem

The best format is the format that your friends play. If you don't have any friends, start with sealed drafts and low budget Standard at your FLGS.

>wanted to buy vampires before Halloween
>wanted to play with Zombies deck before/on Halloween
>did neither

What're you fags building?

rishkar 1/1 counters and tokens my play group keeps whining that all my decks have blue so im building something with no blue

Just built Seton. Might build Bobo Enraged next because I don't have a lands deck, but I also want to build Chainer

I finished(first draft, at least) my third Zombie deck before Halloween. Very happy about it.

Question: when one of the OG Eldrazi Titans hits the yard and the shuffle trigger goes on the stack, can I use instant speed reanimation like Fated Return to steal it?

Yes, it's not a replacement effect.

What're your decks?

Building a retarded Daretti derp-around deck. It's not gonna be good, but it'll be fun. Wanted to rebuild a red artifact deck for awhile now, finally decided to do it when I saw that Daretti is only $2.

Just the zombies, or all of them? Zombies are Liliana, Brood Tyrant Sidisi, and just finished Zur. Working on Sedris for the grixis version.

What's a good commander that isn't graveyard focused or aggro/voltron?? i already have Jarad and Neheb.

You're asking a big question.

Good thing for you I know a bug commander.
Ulasht is about as much fun you can have in Gruul without being Angry Omnath no. 4823.

he seems like a big guy

I'm staring at the few non-foil cards in my Karlov deck and dreading the fact they're stuff like Toxic Deluge and Archangel of Thune.

Zurgo Dickpuncher

Why are there 3 generals right now?

That's tight.

Old thread got archived because you guys are lazy

Panic set in and 3 threads were made

if anyone here plays modo regularly and would like to play commander team games to see how many consecutive games we can win, respond to this message. im playing a flash hulk deck and want to try to go 100-0.

This exact interaction is why Goryo's Vengeance is $40. Nothing like pitching Emrakul with Faithless Looting and then swinging her like the world's biggest Ball Lighting to get a game of Modern going.

>Do you work on refining decks or building new ones?

Our group's pretty casual, so it's usually more fun to make new decks, even if they're not great, just to throw something different into the mix. However, not a set comes out that I don't look for stuff to work into what I've got. Between C17 and Ixalan, I updated all seven of my decks with a couple cards each.

The one thing I generally don't do is spend much time on TappedOut or EDHRec, because I find that ends up making your deck just too samey.

>Do you work on refining decks or building new ones?
mostly refining occasionally building new

Jesus, I just have Gisa & Geralf for zombies.

Do you have lists?

How's Neheb? I'm thinking of building him because I'm a Burnfag in Modern and don't like thinking.

Phyrexian Rebirth?

I'm building pic related as my very first Azorius control deck. Anyone got any spicy tech that I wouldn't find on edhrec?

Goryo's is also mad expensive because it's only ever been printed once, with a mechanic that will never see a reintroduction.

Hey! you do NOT touch my girl!!
Do not defile MY wife, and commander!
She is too good for you disgusting hands!

Everything but Sedris, yep. Here's all my decks: tappedout.net/users/MelkorBauglir/deck-folders/

>have to tap him to add the counter AND if he dies the counter does nothing

why is gwafa so shit?

The thing is, prior to the Modern deck, it was a $3 card. There are plenty of cards that have only been printed once, it takes a certain something to make that single printing a relevant problem.

He's glorious. You get to cast gigantic fireballs and earthquakes killing everyone simultaneously. Or alternatively use all that free mana to drop huge creatures for free.

detention sphere, supreme verdict, swords to plowshares, glacial fortress, spell pierce?, judge's familiar, seachrome coast

it's one of the best considering you can pick up any of the 2017 precons for under $40 right now. just play enough magic to understand the basic rules first. i also recommended checking out edhrec and such if only to become familiar with the most commonly played cards.

Mostly building new ones. I don't like going back to old decks and changing them because I tend to want expensive parts / rip apart the old ones and put them back together in unrecognizable ways that make me miss the old list.

I want this card, but in every color.

R8, h8, appreci8

I know I'm late from last thread's post'em, but here
>tfw probably largest track record of anyone posting in this thread
AMA peons