TCG general

ITT we talk about TCGs, and group card games. Currently, it's mostly Yugioh, but more things are welcome. (yes, also e-card games are awesome)

Previous thread: (it was like a month ago fuck it)

>What's your main TCGs
>How many have you played?
>What do you wish came back?
>What do you wish had a game?

in case you ever wanted to know what there is here:

Wanna talk to a bunch of nerds at once? Alice Games

Here: (currently 23 people in it.)

Other urls found in this thread:

Trying this again, anybody looking to trade? I got stuff I'm wanting to unload

What are you trading? And you might want to try on the discord.

Why do you force registration for your discord?

Mostly old tcgs, I have a ton of stuff. Old star wars and star trex. L5R,monsuno,xfiles,neopets. It's large collections no sealed stuff.


Not personally interested on anything on that list, but good luck, maybe Ebay, or Bartertown?

What's bartertown? Anything your looking for then?

Batertown is a forum for trading games (mostly minis, but you can post anything)

Not actively looking for anything, just seeing if anything sparked my fancy.

I will check it out. The rest of what I have is: bloodwars,wardlord,ultimate combat,shadowfist,James bond,wyvern,middle earth ccg,lotr ccg, on the edge, digimon,SimCity, and chaotic

>Previous thread: (it was like a month ago fuck it)
May want to adjust that so we don't lose continuity.

How much Middle Earth do you have?

a small stack little over a hundred cards

Ok, I'd be looking for a big collection.


So no guardians?

what about them? ivd never played them

So I've been going through my shit and found my old Yugioh card collection. I have a Blue Eyes White Dragon and Dark Magician that came with the video game Dark Duel Stories, which after doing some research, are worth a little bit.

Unfortunately, I was bullied a lot in Junior High and when I brought my YGO cards to school, this one kid stole my Dark Magician wrote his initials on the bottom with a pencil to prove to the teacher it was his. The pencil marks were erased but they're still kinda engraved into the card. There's no way to fix this, right? Would this card still be worth something?

And here's the Blue Eyes. The kid attempted to write his initials at the bottom too but it's not as prominent. Overall it's not in the best condition since the corners have been creased.

sadly no, you might be able to get a little for them but since they arnt mint , the price will drop a lot. you might as well keep them user

Dude its like the best failed tcg. So much fun art and play. Look it up

No dude. Sell them with a well told story and I think it sounds like a bundle

kek that might work
i know what it is but what about it lol?

MTG (only edh), Ygo, Vangurd
I've played a ton, too many to remember but at least 10
I'd play the crap out of a Madoka Magica tcg based around fighting witches and using them to corrupt your opponents soul gem.

I'd group simultaneous gameplay in two general categories, programming then execution (roborally, x of glory) and real time (space cadets, escape: the curse of the temple). In Hawken, what amounts to programming is really just push your luck and that is further limited by a real time trigger. I get that it was trying to add urgency to it's flavorless chit pushing, but none of the mechanisms facilitates entering the headspace of a pilot. A soon to retire accountant with a fast approaching deadline is probably more accurate.

What kind of story?
"The markings on these cards are caused by a jealous middle school classmate who tried to steal them and claim them as his own by writing his initials on them. While I tried to erase the markings, the damage couldn't be undone." The same kid also ripped up my 1st edition Mystical Elf card that I tried to take back together.

Funny enough, I think the kid is now a UX/UI designer. A part of me wants to track him down to see what he's like now, but since he treated me so badly back then, I don't know if I want to.

You're in luck.

I need this in my life, thank you clearly well endowed and attractive stranger.

>old star wars

There was a thread the last few days discussing this, if you want to see some impressions of the gameplay and overall aesthetic.

yes, younge jedi, star wars ccg and jedi knights. if you want pics just askdo it user, i highly recommend it

What do you have in terms of coruscant, theed, and tatooine?

im assuming younge jedi? or are we talking about the star wasrs ccg. i have at last 3 big boxes full oand even more of that, im really not about to in to 3 big boxes of it man.

Sorry, yeah. The ccg. Got a general idea of which sets you have?

well i know i have stuff from hoth and cload city along with a sizeable chunk of tatoine with endor as well. i think i might have some death star locations too? not too sure

Sounds like the stuff I have in bulk. Thanks anyways, user.

haha np user

Thanks for getting back to me on this one. I guess I'm not surprised a tie in card game based on a F2P game that wasn't very unique in itself is generic and uninspired.

Steal his wife and write your initials on her.


Would a campaign using yugioh creatures as the monsters player's will fight?

I'm thinking about just using the vanilla monsters, so stuff like a blue eyes would be something super-powerful but a Celtic Guardian would be about medium strength.

I know it's not really TCG but it's yugioh related so I thought I would ask here.

Sure, any monster based tcg works as D&D inspiration.

So was the Harry Potter TCG any good?

How did it play?

i was too young at the time so I don't remember
but what i do remember is that the Quidditch Deck was OP

I heard good reviews about Hogwarts Battle, anyone played it?

me and a friend bought a starter and a box of the Quidditch set. gameplay is simple, every turn you have 2 actions, you can play a lesson aka land, you can play a creature or you can play a spell, the last thing you can do is draw or play your heros ability. you win by depleting your opponents deck, at the start of your turn your creatures deck damage to your opponents deck. i think they added another way to win with Quidditch? not sure. i really liked it, and the game can be picked up pretty cheaply pic related was really op, she provides an extra mana pretty much and can get brooms wittch also provide extra man

ehhh not the biggest fan, they always turn out to be too samey for me but maybe i will give it a chance

Especially after , been wanting to slowly pick up dead games and see what unique mechanics and feel they offer. Though, I've been wondering if researching competitive play would be valuable as it can often be wildly different from casual and usually magnifies a systems strengths and weaknesses. Any thoughts on this or players versed in now defunct games?

its worth it for sure user, ive been doing that for awhile now. sholdent be to hard to find players

If a game is relatively recent (died within the past 10 or 15 years) and it had competitive play, then it'll most likely have meta decklists posted online you can track down.

Some dead games are still played. I know DBZ (the original version) still has tournaments at GenCon and the like (though I think it might be with fan-made expansions instead of just the base game). I wouldn't be surprised if some of the other, bigger dead games got similar treatment.

As to whether going the competitive route is advisable.... well, it's going to be very expensive, and to be honest, it won't necessarily reflect the core of the design better or worse than some more toned down decks.

I wonder if it would be possible to get Wizards of the Coast to send the game back out

doubt it, wizerds wont do it. if they did manage to ship it out, it would more like likely be changed so you cant use the older cards like with kaijudo. plus this is harry potter, theres nothing to really drive it

The fan base is still pretty big

is it still going? im not really surprised. well itsnot impossible then.

I actually used to play Score's DBZ until around 2011. The direction internet communities were taking and their influence on local play made me bail. VS, despite some attempts at fan sets, is largely untouched and still a marvelous game.

Either of you have experiences to share in dead games which had standout elements and why?

Regarding competitive and casual play, I think you can probably garner the designers intent in casual and most of the unintended or overlooked consequences in competitive. After all, very few are actually good enough at their own game to break them as competitive players do. I think casual is great for finding unique mechanisms and competitive for commenting on particular approaches to the games design space. It hasn't been too expansive in the past given those prominent cards almost always have decent quality images for proxying.

I dunno but I do know that people are still talking about Harry Potter and the

the thing with scores dbz game is that i bought a metric fuckton of it and now i have no clue how to play. i played vs and honestly it really needs a little more love, it feels like it never really got to that sweet spot. well i can start off with naruto ccg, i really liked how everything came togther. the cost system was good, makeing you pay for for stronger cards with cards from your hand is great, but void kinda ruined it. kaijudo was great in that it was fast and simple and you dient have to worry about how you tapped mana. i liked the lord of the rings too, it played more like a boardgame then anyhting. ultimate combat was an mtg clone but it still had charm. i liked monsuno, but its really barebones.

maaaaan i want it to get revived now. i assume gencon?

I was thinking we could start a petition wanna try that?

sure we can if you want man,i would sigh it

>honestly it really needs a little more love, it feels like it never really got to that sweet spot
What were you expecting from it? Had no idea what it was upon release, but it quickly became one of my staple games. First, it heavily rewards mastery through stringent chain and resolution rules. Which, secondly, gives players unprecedented freedom in how their effects will influence the gamestate. That freedom continues into actual deck construction, which is only limited by the players ability to circumvent convention. It translates the theme very well in unexpected ways, and birthed the raid deck. The only thing I honestly don't like are the last couple of rushed sets since the testing was absolute garbage. If your criticism is mechanical it would be interesting to hear, also the format. Though, if you got stomped in golden age or have no interest in an intentionally hyper competitive game, I don't think I could give them much weight.
Once naruto introduced unneffected, continuous negation, and the later more insane key words, the competitive scene started getting stale very fast. I think the last format I actually enjoyed was just before eternal rivalry/ Also, top decking points is garbage. But it did have a lot of great stuff, most of which I actually appreciate because of VS' earlier implementation of the concepts. Separating creature from spell costs lowered mana screw, team composition, charging, and jutsu gave many opportunities for mindgames, and the inherent 2 health for everyone added a lot of flavor and interesting decisions.
Can't comment on the rest as I've never played them, but their given descriptions are also pretty vague and meaningless.

Yeah. It's bad you lived it but it's marketable.

So many good tcgs didn't get a fair shake

it dident feel very fun, the game had unqine ideas but it just fet so bland. everyone has trambe, and the you can put any card facedown was a great idea. i did like the stack is this game, it did feel very rewarding, you coulfd have traps facedown or locations and ambush cards later if you need them. it just got so stale for me, felt like it was just more of the same. even with the hidden zone, it waset much of an upgrade. i never undersstood the raid deck meme,wasnet a big fan of them in the wow tcg and i dident really the glactaus one they put out. yea naruto went to shit for sure in the later sets, i really loved how even the filler chacters got cards,made my sound deck even sweeter. ultimate combat is a martial arts mtg clone but attacks can only be used once berfore being discarded, and oyu can combine attacks together along with weopens being very strong but they have a chance of "breaking" every other turn. lord of the rings left you lead your fellowship all the way to morder, so you can slow your opponents fellowship down with saurons minions and what not, it was an odd tcg. really needs an update. monsuno was obscure game nobody played, but it was cheap so why not.had sweet anime stye art for stuff. really would like a revamp of this, it had potential

OK tell me how it looks and I'll edit it as we go. Everyone has a voice and so on.

Does Monsuno have enough decks for fun casual play? I like any Jap card game because they're interesting to say the least.

it has 2 starter decks, both come with the same "hero" deck witch is fine, and then you get one different deck per package. i mean its kinda worth it? i picked up both decks and a box for under 30 on amazon. i had fun with it

Wow, did it die that quickly, or was it something else? Either way sounds like an alright deal.

ehhhh its more like it never caught now. it was tied to an ok "anime" it was mostly forgotten more then anything, its not that the gameplays bad its just that nobody even know it exists it seems

Ah, that makes more sense. If it has some boosters I'll probably get a box or two since they're probably cheap at this point, along with the trial decks, might as well. Thanks for mentioning it's existence my dude.

enjoy them mate!

As in, a mechanical element that stood out?

I'll see if I can dig out some of the example of play inserts from the starter decks. If you bought any sealed decks (outside of Trunks Regorged, I think), they should have one. If I can't scan it decently, I can probably mail one.

It's 2002 but the video game manual explained it reasonably.

It's also a good game in general to play and get a feel for the game. I'm sure there's still copies or roms floating around.

no idea how it played, but I do give it credit with actually using original art for it instead of doing the lazy way of screenshots like a lot of licensed TCG's do(seriously don't get why they do that, it almost never looks good)

>it would more like likely be changed so you cant use the older cards like with kaijudo
god that and the really doofy way they handled both changing names of cards and their flavor text probably torpedoed Kaijudo's chances more than anything

on the plus side while Duel Masters is still dead here in the west, at least it managed to get a good amount of cards out before it died the first time(approximately 900 cards), not to mention since it's still going strong in Japan we'll probably see WOTC try again with bringing it to the West sometime in the next couple of years

Duel Masters would definitely be a good one for this, especially with how you can compare and contrast it's rules and playstyle with it's sibling MtG

I'm hoping you'll be able to read this, but the rulebooks only get you so far. If you're having trouble with those, then one of the examples of play might help.

I hope I get them in the right order too...

Pretty sure this is part two. There's a few bits on the sides in terms of illustrations but I don't think you're missing much.

Anyone have a good lead on old-mtg style tuckboxes i can buy in bulk somewhere?

The retrodbz website has all the card images if you want to go check them out- you can't even read the ones on the insert in real life (mainly because the starter came with extra cards JUST for the "simulator") so I don't expect you to be able to read them in real life.

Part four. Nothing of interest to add. 4 of 7.

Part 5 of 7. We all know Goku's gonna win this, right? It's always stacked in his favor.

Part 6 of 7

I mean LITERALLY stacked. You put all the cards in a preset order. No shuffling. It's not even close to a full deck either.

I totally didn't forget the pic! YOU forgot the pic!

Part 7 of 7. I can' stop rambling because I don't know how much text I have to put on here so it doesn't think I'm flooding or something.

Oh look, Goku won. Like he does EVERY time. Except that one time against Cell. Good job Cell, good job.

And I guess that one fight against Majin Vegeta was a loss too?

thank you so much user, honestly that made my night
ive been maning to pick this up at some point but ive heard mixed things about it
i liked kaijudo, if they just marketed towards former duel masters players then it would have worked
alright sure user, i dident buy anystrters sadly, just a huge lot

I'm glad I could help

>all thouse game i want
user are you looking to trade?

I find myself feeling surprised to learn there was a .hack card game, but I don't know why because .hack was in fucking everything.

yo homies. don't forget the petition

Do you just want boxes for your cards, or do you specifically need Magic tuck boxes?


What are the rarities for Final Fantasy TCG Legendaries?

I swear at this point I've got 5 from 10 packs. It genuinely seems cheaper to buy boosters instead of buying singles. The idea of that is mind boggling to me.

Hack is good man, I did like the card game

Guys help how do I counter turn 1 triple Gretzky?

Flying V beats everything.

I wish I knew the reference

I have no idea what it is either. I just assumed there's a hockey-based tcg out there and made a Mighty Ducks reference.

maybe theres like a wrestling game?

I think there was a WWF or WWE game at on point. Is Gretzky a wrestling thing too?

No idea? I know there was like a couple? It might be

i've been trying to get people into it but my group died at my shop

What are some good precons for tcg? I want to buy a couple