Boring classes and Archetypes

>honorable rogues
>"scientific" mage

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Archetypes are only as boring as you play them. The most kooky and creative homebrew will fall flat if you can't do it justice, and even the most bog-standard human fighter or LG paladin can be entertaining if you take the time to make them an interesting character. There is no silver bullet.

>"scientific" mage

>lecherous bard
>gentle giant barbarian
>stoic ranger
>autistic druid who doesn’t properly understand human social interaction because he was raised by animals

>womanizer bard
>dick ass rogue with a heart of a gold
>drunk stoic veteran
>princess who starts out as quiet and reserved but comes into her own and becomes a """""badass"""""" ie sociopath
>tiefling trying to be good
>any drow male

Lecherous bards would actually be funny if literally anyone did them well.

Sociopathic princesses happen to be my jam, 'though they rarely start as anything but. Also, fuck you on the drow thing.

Newton would mostly like be a scientific cleric than a mage. He was a devout man.


>morally ambiguous lich

>good man who help others.
Just take adventage of them. You already kill an entire kingdom to protect your friend. now you are just beating your friend because he was evil too.

Triple threat, baby!

The reason science-mages are boring is because they always boil down to "finding ways to recreate current technology with fictional materials". That's literally all "Magitek" is: swap the coal in a steam engine for some glowing rocks, and you're done. Never mind devising machines that could do things our current technology can't. Just make iPhones that run on telepathy and guns that open portals to the elemental plane of bullets. Gosh, aren't we fucking clever?

There is no boring archetypes, only players with not good enough acting skills to portray them.

A great player/actor can make pretty much anything good, while a self-inserting edgy neckbeard will ruin even the most interesting character.

To often mary sue that lack the "crusader" elements that would make fun.

>honorable rogues
13 yo and edgy : the class. Honorables rogue played like Jean Valjean are great. Honorable rogue played as "dark and mysterious" self insert are bad.

>"scientific" mage
Only fail when played by people that are not real life scientist mentality. Unit 731 tendencies mages can be fun as heck. That or think warahmmer 40k adeptus mechanicus.

>lecherous/womanizer bard
Fail because played by people who have no sex appeal/charisma. Had a gay bard in one campaign. Antics were great.

>gentle giant barbarian
This one is hard to make interesting, I agree.

>stoic ranger
Can be great fun is played as some kind of from-the-stick dirty peasant that is basically uneducated for anything interacting in society.

>autistic druid who doesn’t properly understand human social interaction because he was raised by animals
Again, entirely up to the player depiction.

>Dick ass rogue with a heart of a gold.
Honorable rogue played by a twenty something instead of a teen.

>drunk stoic veteran
Add PTSD and some grimdarkness and you are good.

>tiefling trying to be good
Agreed. Players try to impose their own moral code on their character, they don't get into the character enough.

>any drow male
Great mansluts though.


There are no boring archetype per se, only ones that are more difficult to make interesting by players without enough acting skills.

the "scientific" mage is usually more of a "lol so randum" mad scientist than resembling an actual scientist in any way

either that or it turns into the kind of powergaming mindset of a person who read harry potter and the methods of rationality once

Mute characters

Now I want to play a wizard who is refluffed to create spell effects via scientific reactions.

I’m a few dozen pages in and don’t really see the relation

>I am basically a pet animal form druid
>40k larp /pol/adin
>I am just here to metagame guns alchemist
>mad science gnome
>pun skellington

>implying liches being grey isn't the tightest shit
>especially when they're grey because they're less "evil" and more "frog-fucking insane" from centuries of solitude

He was also the last magician.


You better not be throwing shade on my girl Sadayo


>throwing shade
Crazy how mainstream drag queen terminology has become

>honorable rogue
Do you mean a detective?

I think he means someone who looks and acts like your typical sneakthief but holds himself to some random code of Good Conduct.

People forget "Rogue" is one of the most thematically diverse classes in the game.

>honorable rogues
>tiefling trying to be good
Oh dang, I had a character concept that was running with both ideas.

Can you convincingly portray internal conflict and socialized tendancies fighting a positive moral outlook on the world?


>Crazy how mainstream drag queen terminology has become

>Contrarian rogue
>Powerhouse possessing sunglasses but no personality
>Supreme super-soldier with supreme faith
>Pony with magical horn
>Rebellious royalty

>the "scientific" mage is usually more of a "lol so randum" mad scientist than resembling an actual scientist in any way
Clearly, you do not play with any scientists.

There are no boring archetypes, only boring players.

Just because you're religious doesn't mean you're a Cleric. I've played an extremely devout Rogue in the past.

>Human that is actually a conglomerate of small crustaceans in a trenchcoat


Why are paladins boring?

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>Boring classes and Archetypes

>Everything relatable

>Not boring classes and archetypes

>Randumb bullshit presumably

>"scientific" mage
Can't stand this in anything it appears in. What's the point of magic if you're just gonna make it into physics?

Next chance I get, I'm playing a wizard absolutely and completely mired in mysticism and superstition, because he knows the secret laws of the universe and the capricious forces that preside over them, that's why he has to stop and mumble a sentence every time he enters a room (but when he leaves). That's why the campfire has to be arranged a certain way, not because the wood spirits or fire spirits will be angry, but because the smoke will angle wrong and something from a dark dimension could see through. It's why he's veritably clanking like a kitchen with amulets, because you never can be too careful. People disappear in public parks all the time. He's seen where at least half of them go.

Because most people play them as lame Space Marines with no personality beyond "Do your homework, eat your vegetables, and be in bed by 10"

Sociopath princesses a best

Entirely too many lawful stupid sticks in the mud out here.

I think human fighters are boring but that might just be the lingering odor of 3.5/PF talking.

I've never actually played a scientific wizard, but I'm foreverDM so I haven't actually played much of anything. A (D&D) transmutation wizard with a methodical, scientific approach to magic and an obsession with pushing the limits of the school sounds like it would be fun to play.
That or an enchanter psychologist.

Truly the most boring shit that destroys any fantasy setting.

Science mage is bad
Engineer mage is patrician taste


>Engineer mage is patrician taste
my man someone finally gets it

>Jean Valjean
Damn, that's actually pretty good. I need to make a character based off of that.

What's the gif from, user?

>someone who looks and acts like your typical sneakthief but holds himself to some random code of Good Conduct.
So, Robin Hood? Or pretty much any spy protagonist?

>implying bog standard fantasy isn't boring as shit already

You can keep humping a corpse for the sake of nostalgia. I at least want to put a dress on it to spice things up a little.

i play all three of those and im never bored and so are the other party member. screw you.

There was a cool fantasy landscapes thread on here a few days ago, I really liked it

how do you play an interesting wizard? I can't for the life of me get inspired to play one. Ever.

Can't pinpoint a source, so I was hoping a random user would know it. No such luck.


All wizard types can be interesting. I can help. Do you have any kind of basis to start with? Race/background/playstyle/school?
If not that's okay

That’s silly. Science is all about not knowing things. If you aren’t dealing with things you don’t understand (yet), you’re probably not doing any useful work.

What’s wrong with good tieflings?


Not a real answer.

Bro what if my character invented firearms?
Here's this homebrew I can use

>making a character backstory
>end up as rogue tiefling with a heart of gold trying to be good
what does his mean

>the only real answer

>pyromaniac, any class
Chaotic stupidity aside, they always end up being one-note and boring to roleplay with.

The entire dichotomy of magic vs science is a 20th century invention. Pre-modern occultists saw themselves as scientists, and to a degree pre-modern scientists saw themselves as occultists. This idea that "magic" was somehow a binary opposite of "science" is pure historical revisionism.

Anyone who uses 'primarily ___ element', period, but fire is the most common one.

More like someone who is just your typical edgy rogue but gives anime-tier speeches about "honor".

Cryomancers are cool, though

cyromancy is cool*
____mancers are literally just generic wizards, made even more generic by having just shaved down their choice of spell selection


I get the feeling this is a different flavor of "Sociopath" than what the original user was talking about.

Like, the swashbuckling "Stab the Chancellor for his betrayal" kind of sociopath, not the "I want to lock my loyal bodyguard in a dungeon and ride his dick until he dies of dehydration, then resurrect him and do it again. Oops, the maid sneered at him when he walked by, time to have her quietly murdered," kind of sociopath.

>Making yourself less of a generalist makes you more generic

I'm sorry, what?

I don't think you understand tibalt, at all.

Not him, but my general problem with specialized casters like pyromancers or whatever is they wind up acting more like X-Men than proper wizards. Not that this is a problem, but it's usually not a thematic element I enjoy.

Yes, a wizard who has filed off all of his variety and interesting utility and has become nothing more than a hammer who slaps nails is boring as fuck
>I cast ICEball
Wow fucking neat


From a thematic standpoint, it is more interesting than your run-of-the-mill bookworm wizard that is a master of all magic.

You could even roleplay such a wizard as being so inept that he can only really grasp one school of magic properly. A Guybrush of wizards, so to speak.

When all you have is a hammer, supposedly everything looks like a nail. It takes a wizard to look at a hammer and see a file cabinet, a vehicle, a finely crafted artistic statue and lunch.

That's a very narrow view of what a wizard is. If pic related is all that a wizard can (or should) be to you, you need to broaden your horizons.

No, I was talking about the second one, too.

>Anything from Pathfinder
>Any magic-using class that doesn't have to scrape and grovel to a higher power for their magic

Dandelion in The witcher books was a pretty good Lecherous bard. Gets so tired of boinking random peasant woman he tries to perma boink a duchess but she gets bored of him.

>LG Paladin
>Tiefling trying to be good, with added special snowflake power of being the first Tiefling to become a full-fledged paladin of his order.
>old stoic war veteran with PTSD

i got the deluxe bundle right now baby and am loving it, with the bonus being that when he was an edgy 14 year old he cut off his tail to "prove" to the paladin order's recruiter he wasn't going to let his ancestry dictate who he is. fight me Veeky Forums

Terramancers rock!

>broaden horizons
>rather than this friendly astronomer wizard who probably knows mostly divination spells, you should play a physical god who can sleep for 8 hours after he's done watching the stars and then raise an army of undead while turning into a dragon

wow, so much more engaging when a character doesn't have any sort of theme, focus, or limits

Far more fun when the princess never stops being sweet and kind, but also acquires a backbone; will to say no to people rather than be used as a chess piece; and the drive to solve her own problems rather than purely relying upon others.

But you know, since when did we ever see a player who did that?

Boring honorable paladins are very fun because they're boring and honorable. But only if you play them in a party of otherwise amoral or silly people, where your stiff-as-a-board righteousness and silly wholesome captain planet behavior makes you a comedic foil to their antics.

I wish Paladin tielfings would work the same way praying does for demons in Highschool DxD.
>Trying to smite an enemy?
You smite yourself!
>Pray for a favour from the Gods for an advantage against your foes.
God blesses your enemies.
>Pay a tithe to your church
Rest of your gold falls out of your purse and rolls away.

Basically if Sheograth and Loki had a naughty night of shenanigans and merged into one being. That would be funny.

But those are my favorites!

I even taught history :-(

>I hate thing/the average thing player is bad
>this clearly means thing is entirely bad.
Grow up. just because you're not creative enough to make it interesting does not mean the trope is bad.

as long as you fine with this

wow user, way to use your logical fallacies there

>>"scientific" mage
I like the DIY version of that. You know, grassroots stuff. People working on shit in their basement or garage. If you've read China Mieville's Kraken, the space-folding store clerk who uses origami principles and higher geometry and imaginary numbers is a decent example of what I'm thinking of.

I think you misread the post you quoted, because that is exactly what it said. That if your definition of a wizard is an all powerful god, then you need to broaden that definition.

ITT: Good character archetypes that are fun when not stripped down to their barest components.

Ugh-tier reply

>Boring classes
Ms. Kawakami's

All of them are whiny bitches and none of them are Hellboy.