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>Veeky Forums
>no Dwarf Fortress thread
I'm disappoint

>DWARF FORTRESS 0.44.01 (November 22, 2017)

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Has DF finally gotten that huge update? I heard there was gonna be magic and sending dwarves outside your fort and shit!

Not yet. Hopefully the next major version somewhere in 2019.
>sending outside to retrieve shit

Elf genocide when?

I imagine it will be even slower now? No optimization anywhere?

masterwork mod is for you then, and i don't think it will slow down at all, it didn't after the previous update after all

Is masterwork faster?

> Stopped people from being enough to satisfy a need to see great beasts

DF bugs are always great.

I hear the adventure mode is great?

It is.
> Started game
> Stole silver mace
> Traveled for fucking days to get over a mountain (no fast travel over mountains)
> Found a ton of free stuff somewhere
> Killed by a roc

Great game

I recently started trying to reclaim all the fortresses in my world and get them operational. Honestly I don't understand how they lasted long enough to have large ruins when they literally all have a wide open door to the caverns. No wonder ruins are always full of cave trolls and forgotten beasts

I will steal all the artifacts I can get my grubby little hands on and build a huge museum. Then eventually I'll find an artifact display case and put an artifact in it, and the world will be amazed.

overall yes, it is, i'd wait until it updates with the new version of course

First layer is not that dangerous. The only reason I don't live there is because it's too deep.

With a functional military, nothing there is a real threat.

Necromancy already exists and you can edit the raws to do a few other spells. Given DF though it's probably buggy and wacky.

Hard to make a functional military when there are no trees for smelting charcoal

OK, this might be an issue, although you can buy enough for weapons and helmets.

And even more reasons to dive into caverns.

True. Usually what u do. For some reason before everyone died in the ruins they made a ton of bone crafts and gold furniture

There are pedestals now

Well, I don't think worldgen forts are properly simulated.

Or they make books out of ancient evil creatures

I know this isn't exactly on-topic, but I thought this might be a good thread to ask this on. Do you guys have any ideas on how one could do Dwarf Fortress-style Dwarves in a D&D format?

They are all lawful stupid fighters, probably.

>>Killed by roc

He fought the roc and roc won.

Well, they're literally dependent on alcohol, but tracking alcohol consumption would just be boring bookkeeping. There's the cave adaptation thing to worry about, though I can't see that being a problem that would come up a lot. You could have a look in the raws to see what their standard values and ethics are, that might be more fruitful.

There's a couple things that make Dwarves Dwarves: Strange Moods, Cave Adaptation, Alcohol Dependency, Martial Trances, and Steel/Adamantine.

Of those, the easiest to translate into D&D is probably just to give 'em Martial Trances. When surrounded by enemies, they get extra attacks. Or something along those lines.
Give 'em superior smithing and artifacts and whatnot as well, I guess, but that's not necessarily something that would come up for a PC.
Alcohol and cave adaption are flaws and honestly only suitable for some editions of D&D. You can probably just leave them to fluff, I guess, unless you really want full nausea for dwarves leaving dungeons.

I could give them advantages to attack rolls they can trigger once per long rest, some proficiencies and maybe Sunlight Sensitivity if they spend too much time underground which gradually wears off after they've spent enough time above-ground.

I wondered into an area and found tons of loot on the ground. Mainly armor clothes and weapons. Not long after a roc flew in and ripped me to pieces. Turns out I wondered into it's lair on my way to a fortress

Quick question, how long did it take you to "master" DF?

>I could give them advantages to attack rolls they can trigger once per long rest
Nah, that won't serve the same mechanical purpose. It's basically D&D Rage mechanics (although Enrage is the actual version of that, I guess).

You need to have it trigger on being flanked or something, since that's the entire balancing aspect of it. Also, give a bonus to AC or disadvantage to attacks targeting them. The parry/block bonus is pretty big.

You're a funny man.


Sounds like it roc'd your world

Just take regular dwarves, turn them up to 11, and give them moderate autism

Define "moderate"

>boring bookkeeping.
track it for players and use a table like
Single dwarf npcs
1-7: Good for a long time.
8: Needs some within the week
9: Needs some within the day
10: Insane from deprivation

group of dwaves, effects other than the first and last entry are cumulative, i.e. rolling a 19 would need to roll 1d4 for the above 2 entries as well.
1-10: All are good for a long time
11-13: 1d4 of them need some within the week
13-16: 1d4 of them need some within the day
17-19: 1d4 of them are insane
20: All of them are insane

Nah, D&D dwarves already have that covered. You just don't get to see it that often because they aren't the main focus like DF, but I heard a story where one was so stubborn he literally caused a pit trap to wink out of existence because he didn't want to fall.

Pic related is how they're generally supposed to be on paper (along with all the other DF races). Although of course on execution it tends to change radically from player to player.

Other notable features include strange moods where dwarves are compelled to create a masterwork or go literally insane. Martial trances which is basically a legendary fighter for free boon that can trigger whenever dwarves are outnumbered. Rising up as angry ghosts if they die but aren't properly honored via burial or a by having a memorial slab built for them. Having a pretty fucked justice system where someone might randomly get the shit kicked out of them and possibly killed in the streets if the mayor's retarded mandates aren't fulfilled. And basically living in a communist utopia.
They are also of course fond of drink and industry.

> My first game on new version
> Noticed no humans on map

Humans weren't removed from the game, were they?

Of course not.

Does the bug with diagonal water flow resetting water pressure still exist?

Tonight, on "Pathfinding unfriendly fortress layouts"

How is that pathfinding unfriendly?

From my understanding, loops and extra distances are not recommended.

Maybe I'm wrong.

Wait a second, why doesn't my water level rise? I used hatch cover above the hole to prevent overflow from the river, but when spring came and I opened the hatch, water didn't rise.

If i recall correctly irl water can't flow upwards either

It can, assuming he's done it right. That would be by making an inverted siphon.

Dwarf Fortress uses a modified A* search algorithm (a nice demo) (confirmation), which quickly calculates a decent path between points. The A* method takes point A and tries to quickly calculate a decent path to reach point B. This path is not always the quickest path. In fact, in a game with as complicated and ever changing environments as Dwarf Fortress, pathing probably rarely chooses the quickest path. The purpose and utility of the algorithm is to find a useful path without using a lot of processing space, balancing speed and computability.
Pathing to raw materials uses the so-called Manhattan metric: meaning, the material is checked by distance from the dwarf's current position, rather than by an actual search. Thus, when constructing things, the valid materials list will be ordered from nearest to farthest; this, however, ignores any walls or obstacles in the way. An important part of fortress design is to be as open as possible, as more doorways will result in quicker paths (and thus better performance) as well as avoiding the hurdles of cross-map walks to find something the metric says is a short distance away. Workshops automatically path to the nearest valid raw materials; building things allows you to choose what to grab.

>MFW DF thread on Veeky Forums after so long.

We have an entire board for video games /v/eddit

how dare you! dwarf fortress is a game that is proudly supported by Veeky Forums!

Speaking of, 44.02 is out.
>Other bug fixes/tweaks: Stopped returning pet dogs from petitioning for sanctuary like rescued prisoners

Mate, it isn't gonna get updated anymore.

/v/ is fucking trash, at least the DF general on Veeky Forums is a nice place
also DF is possibly the single most Veeky Forums-related vidya apart from stuff based on Veeky Forums material

Get ye gone, newfaggot


Not to stop people from liking what I don't like, but doesn't DF belong in /vr/ these days?

Why would it?

It's pretty good.

Masterwork is a bloated piece of shit and it's not even being updated anymore.