Warhammer 40kg /40kg/:

Family-friendly edition

give thanks for meme-magic sub-edition

>Sly Marbo and some smug primaris angels.

>Spot where I replace the daily duncan video with some stupid youtube meme xDD.

>FAQs, Errata, and Designer Commentary (up to 1.3):

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in properly converted pdf & epub, fully bookmarked and linked with in-line errata annotations

>Other Megas
>Old Black Library Mega

>WIP Math-hammer doc (Thanks Chart-user!)

Other urls found in this thread:


First for best faction.

Tank Waifu>Your Dudes

I made the mistake of assembling a whole bunch of skitarii before painting them.

>Woman in charge of super heavies
No wonder the AM gets massacred all the time.

rate this meme I just made


not as good as this one

Alright lads, let’s improve this writing even more. Time to write a flawless intro, then we’ll make the whole fight perfectly written
>A rumble sounded in the alien’s throat. Underneath a chitinous exoskeleton, Dante saw its muscle fibres tightening. Used to using its size as a distraction, the Swarm Lord moved in a flash. There was no threatening display, no roar of intimidation; the alien simply threw itself forward to attack- the Swarmlord knew it had the upper hand. Alien limbs threshed around Dante, the giant’s unthinkable speed catching him off-guard. Crystalline veins glittered in the alien blades, generating a shimmering energy field like none Dante had ever seen.
>With a thunderous crack, the Swarmlord’s alien sabres met his Axe Mortalis. He reeled from the blow, momentarily scrambling steadied by a brief blast from his jump pack. His exhausts flared again as another chitinous blade struck in, throwing his body to the right to avoid a return strike. Dante grit his teeth and ignited his jump pack, making a short leap backward as the alien’s swords smashed into the ground before him. The energy field encasing its blade glassed the sand he had occupied moments prior. As the beast pulled its monstrous weapons out of the sand, Dante snapped off a shot with his perdition pistol.
>The roiling jet cut a searing line through the air, connecting with the Swarm Lord’s lower left elbow. The smoldering arm went lim, carrying the smell of charred meat towards Dante in an explosion of steam and ichor. It made no cry of pain. It surged forward, its useless arm trailed along the ground. With a total lack of emotion, it severed the crippled limb, and, with a quick flash of blades, moved to re-engage.
>Dante surged forward, jets on full burn, barely dodging a threshing pair of blades before darting in to strike.

>Tank commander is a woman

So thats what happened to all those baneblades!

just saw this on the 'coming december' post my local geedubs made. Is it a new Sly Marbo? Should I be excited?

Yes it is. Yes you should.

Tell me about your dudes Veeky Forums. Especially tell me about your T'au



Doesn't Marbo have black hair?

Maybe he coloured his hair.

Friendly reminder that the carcharodons are the best chapter ever

>not posting best image

>ifunny watermark

u even trying

hes cool and all, its a shame it would just further show how bad catachan models are by having him there. ig really needs new models for other regiments

>u even trying

honestly, not really

Currently my T'au are what can only be described as whatever the closest thing T'au have to the U.S.'s EPA mixed in with military R&D departments. Using a barren world on the fringe of the Zone of Silence they construct biodomes in order to research new terraforming methods as well as ways to re-introduce life to the worlds affected by the Tyranid invasion. It also turns out that a barren lifeless planet makes the PERFECT firing range for experimental weapons. Pic related is the paint scheme, but I'm considering repainting them to something more like teal with black or grey fatigues.

He became so notorious he had to change his looks to ward off suspicion.

>"There's a muscular, half-naked Gue'la over there."
>"Does he have black hair?"
>"No, brown. And a red bandana."
>"He's not our guy then."
>"You hear beeping?"

That's true. If they ever updated the ig infantry line, I might be tempted to play them again. Nonetheless, you can bet I'm sure as shit getting that model when it gets released. Shame I don't have any other catachan dudes

That's a shitty model.
Marbo should have dark hair too

Paint his hair dark then...

>What is painting.

A white scars successor that decided do the knight thing too, but instead of the holy crusader thing the Templars got going, they do the mounted cavalry thing.

>death guard engage suspected bio-titan, circa M36

Anyone else have a pet that likes to help with your hobby? Many brave soldiers have lost limb and life to the beast, if I drop something there's a window of a few seconds before the furred menace swoops upon them.

All knights are cavalry.

What are you thankful for, Veeky Forums?
This user is greatful for an edition that lets most loltau armies be somewhat competitive.

>Footsloging Crusader squad
Pick one.

Crusaders and Death Riders.

>Fire Warriors may not Fall Back. They also may treat Assault guns as type Pistol, lastly, roll two dice for morale and pick the better result.

Sound good and fluffy?

> MAC-10 with a scope


Sounds really interesting. Though they seem to have an uphill battle to fight with trying to fix Tyranid worlds. Scheme looks nice though the orange is a bit much.

Snake Plissken

So I ran the numbers on offensive powers, since Smite was the talk of the town and all. Compared them based on expected damage taking into account casting values, no deny, and no native modifiers except for innate +1s to cast like GKs.

Turns out, they mostly suck. Not only is Smite available to everyone and allowed to be cast as many times a turn as you want, it's flat out better mathematically than the majority of powers. Only a handful can even begin to compare, and it's usually situational. Some standouts:

>SM: Fury of the Ancients needs to line up 2 units plus target to equal Smite, 3 to exceed. >BA: Blood Boil is a good sidegrade against T3 since it can target.
>SW: Jaws is only good against M4, so Meganobz and Cataphractii.
>GK: Their Smite is shit, but Purge Soul beats it at a +2 advantage in Ld and gets great at +3. Vortex of Doom only needs to collateral 1 unit to exceed Smite, even non-gimped ones.
> IG: Gaze needs to pass through 5 models to match up, Maelstrom sucks balls.
>CSM: Infernal Gaze and Gift of Chaos (vs T3) are both good sidegrades.
>DG: Plague Wind starts beating Smite at 15 models and smashes against 30 man hordes. Curse of the Leper only wins against T3, but Mortarion's aura can improve it massively.
>Daemons: Nurgle's Stream of Corruption is another good sidegrade being way stronger against units of 10+, Cacophonic Choir only wins vs Conscripts (Ld4), Bolt of Change is the single worst power in the game, it's insultingly bad.
>Eldar: Executioner is almost a straight upgrade, you only need to ensure you kill something so target units with 1W models. Mind War is a bit worse than Purge Soul but Eldar can Ld bomb and it has better range.
>Harlies: Mirror of Minds is a neat gimmick and got me to use geometric series, but sucks numerically.
>Ynnari: RIP, Gaze of Ynnead sucks as do they.
>Necrons: If you count the powers of the C'tan, they're all fantastic due to needing no cast and can't be denied.

It’s a protomeme, pretty much. Think snake plisskin

They really want her to look like Charlize Theron

They're color coded according to battlefield role.
HQ's are white, Fast Attack/Elites are blue, Troop and LoW are orange, Heavy Supports are yellow.

What is this Warhammer Community Team?

This chick is actually gonna be the star in the novel "Titanbane", which will be about an IG super-heavy tank regiment killing Chaos Titans

It sounds like it could be kino so I'll give it a read

>Tyranids: Psychic Scream is basically a second Smite
>Orkz: 'Eadbanger is a fun gimmick but the range and targeting make it unusable
>R&H: Warp Flux is an upgrade vs vehicles, but Malefic Lords are kill

In short, in the vast majority of cases you need to jump through hoops to match Smite even without considering its other advantages. I left out a couple of more irrelevant powers, but that's the gist of it. Hopefully daemons or TSons get some better ones.

Not that user, but you happy?

A lot of hack artists seem to trace over photos for faces anymore. The sameface sos, sob, and elder pics that get posted here are like that

Sounds really strong. maybe a little too strong considering almost all weapons are assault 2. Though i guess not being able to Fall back is a good nerf too that. Depends entirely on if melee ever gets off the ground outside of Genestealers and Zerkers.

>mfw people sill use my edit

Wow that's a pretty cool paint scheme.

Oh wait it's absolutely hideous and even a master couldn't make it look good.


how much royalties do you make?

The fluff is tenacious and aggressive fire warriors. Can't think of what else you could do without being silly like giving them WS3+ or something

What do you all think of the apparent crookedness of GW Dice?
Some study resulted that GW dice are more likely to roll 1's than should be mathematically possible (29% rather than the expected 16.6_%).
Would it be a dick move to switch to Casino dice, which are designed to be completely accurate due to law enforcement on gambling?

YOu misunderstand; it's me going along with the "kill everything"

I am just thinking about how Breacher teams can shoot their Assault 2 S6 Ap-2 D:1 in melee combat.

Me too.

Yeah, delightful isn't it?

I just realized something, Tau only have 4 fingers?

Does anyone offer scribes or stuff like that? I want to put together a fluff friendly force of enforces of the Ordo Grammaticus. I planned on using Tempestus Scions and stuff, but I need guys with books and quills and that.

Also, are there any books or anything that have anything to do with the Administratum?

I mean who needs 5 fingers? the pinkie finger seems to be really useless.


Then they're not knights

I wonder if there's any noticeable difference in how their pulse rifles feel in a human's hands, also thanks for the (You)s.

So do oldschool tyranids. Genestealers used to be the excption with their 5 fingered hands and claws made of a thumb and two claws made of two fused fingers each. For some reason, the newer Warrior, and Ravener kits also include the fused claws on their rending claws. The Lictor still has the classic three fingered rending claws.
It's the Simpsons rule, designing less fingers is cheaper.

What should I do whilst I wait for the Dark Angel's codex to drop?

I'm spooked to buy models beforehand incase I don't like their rules.

Share dice at the table

Gue'vesa rules when? I want some cool humans to use in my anti-IG tau army.

Rule of cool.

Buy what you like and will enjoy painting. I doubt there will be any absolute shit entries in the codex. But I guarantee what you really want will be sold out for months if you wait ...

Are you going to continue?

It's not coming back is it?

Dunno if GW will make 'em. Guess you could always run counts as FW Guardsmen?

What's the standard points limit in your games boyes? Also does everyone normally do 1v1s or is my local scene just full of mongs? I always plan for 1v1s and then some fucks try to turn it into a 2v2 boring wait forever for my turn shitfest.

Do we know if Chapter Approved lets chaos build land raiders?

eh pretty easy to make. They're just IG with tau guns

So i just found alot of old metal and plastic necron stuff from my grandfathers basement and i was wondering what all this stuff is also if anyone has a website where i can buy more of the green stick things that go on their guns
>first outta five


those are some fast necrons


Walk into LGS see someone with this on his rhino what do?

Eh it dont want a kit really. Though it cant be that hard to slap a guard sprue and some tau upgrade sprue/guns in a box. Its more rule wise that i want them. Because i dont believe that Gue'Vesa are the same as a fire warrior and you cant ally IG to tau

realy fats necron goning at incredibyl higgh sped

Oh man that bun looks so much like my last one who died two years ago :(

say hello probably because its probs the only night lord player in town and hes a chill af dad

2000 is the usual points cap and yes, typical games are 1 on 1.

tell them it's a sick rhino and compliment the paint job, maybe see if they want a game.



Yeah they should do it considering how easy it is. Anything to add more versatility to the Tau is good

Been out of the loop for a while. Lore wise, anything interesting happen in the new Tyranid Codex?

Updated Necron Destroyer kit with gauss, heavy gauss, tesla, particle and melee options when?


How is it?

how's melee krieggers bros?

also is CA the last we'll hear about TSons? I'm hoping for a codex sometime early next year


Thanks user, 2000pts is what I'm always list building for and everyone at my local store is retarded. Last week one of them suggested that playing a 1v1 using the better table was unfair when they wanted to run a shitty 2v2 after my boy and I already set up.

They wouldn't really even to take the Lasgun away. Just make them start with lasguns and have it say "Any model in this unit can replace their lasgun with a Pulse Rifle or Pulse Carbine." The only part they would need to make is a Tau gun sprue.

I mean people do 2v2's, my shop usually runs a doubles tourney every 3 months or so, it's just not typical because, as you said, it takes FOREVER.

I'm glad GW are finally taking those damn SoB down a peg. They've had it too good for too long.

Bitches need to know their place


It's still not playing the game as it was meant to be played if the both of us use crooked GW dice which roll more 1's than they should, is it?