MtG Drama General

Given the constant controversies afflicting Magic, and no overarching Magic the Gathering general thread rather than a half-dozen threads for specific formats, I figured I'd make a thread for MtG drama.

So, for the latest piece of drama: apparently some shitposting MtG autist has been "harassing" some roastie cosplayer for so long that she's given up the hobby, and this then caused a big blowout on Reddit and Twitter when some MTG eceleb made a Twitter post about it calling him out.

Some leddit autist made an imgur gallery immortalizing some of his shitposts, and I have to say, they'd fit right in here. Shine on, you crazy diamond.

Other urls found in this thread:

...I think I understand now why so many people think Reddit is cancer.

>what can men do against such reckless cuckery?

So you aren't allowed to have a different opinion rom those mods?

while that's true everywhere, even here. You don't often see such active group-think police


These all range from super mild to absolutely harmless and I see people in the subreddit calling the guy alt-right or something. What the flying fuck? I thought he was calling women whores, but even the "MRA" things are just lame puns with that Alpha Investment guy or the Alpha/Beta sets.

Fuck off

It's hard to be invested in this. Roasties will continue to be roasties, white knights will continue muh lady's honour and Wizards won't unravel the noose around Magic's neck. Let them bicker, because all they will have are ruins soon enough.

Come on, now. It's clear that this guy is one of us, in spirit, if not actuality. We ought to stick by him - we're just about the only site that's not totally cucked nowadays. After all, it could be any of us, next.

He sounds like the typical user.

This is pretty much the biggest news of the year. Not at all juvenile and childish. Serious business.

>OP keeps making this thread

Just give up, OP. SJW leddit mods have taken over Veeky Forums and will delete any of this threads the moment he sees them.

>implying they'll let you ruin the narrative /r/magictcg is forcing at the moment

I read that album. Sounds better than 95% of SJWs.

Nobody cares for some retarded wannabe e-celeb. go neck yourself

>implying the OP is one person
We are legion. Whenever a leftist stumbles, a dozen knives from the crowd stab them in the back. Remember Neogaf.

The album makes him seem like an edgy fag who doesn't understand he's not on Veeky Forums. Can we get some actual proof of his harrassment beyond just being a /pol/-tier cuck?

The supposed harassed woman cosplayer's patreon. I bet she's laughing all the way right now from the sudden surge of pity money she received today.

>all info hidden, can't see how much she makes
>can't see how many petreon she has
>she prolly has a ton of people giving her money and decided to hide it so people won't feel she's made enough and keep throwing her money

Well played.

That's why I'm on the fence about this subject. On one hand, I like the MTGHQ guy, I think he's one of us, but on the other hand, guy just doesn't know how to tone it down IRL and play the diplomacy card by pretending to be one of the good guys like the TCC professor/boogie.

Guy is in edgelord mode 24/7, making contrarian youtube videos critisizing wotc all day. Guys like him are a downer and can be quite unbearable. Maybe that's why he's been stuck at low views (7~20k+ usually) for most of his stuff, despite having 200k suscribers.

Honestly a lot of his videos lose a lot because he spends so much time just rambling on how he is controversial or Wizards hates him or some shit. It'd be much better if he spent a lot of time on content people who play Magic might actually find useful, just without the ridiculous SJW filter other creators have. I mean, TCC and the guys at Command Zone are SJWs like shit and you can see it in their Twitter, but most of their videos are politics-free.

>Listen and believe those claiming harassment.


>Veeky Forums didn't listen when this happened to GR
>Veeky Forums didn't listen when this happened to Pathfinder
Nerds never listen.

Thank God GW won't cave to these scum

From what I can remember that guy did like one short video on how he thinks cosplayers are pointless and sent her a tweet, and now her followers and the good brainless peons over at reddit are acting like he's been on a hate campaign against her 24/7 for months and mass flag all his shit.


Of course it will, tabletop gaming has been driving out anybody not left of Stalin, you have to cater to your new demographic senpai.

>implying you didn't see that coming

It's just like what happened to gamergate.

>m-muh women's honor is being sullied!
>let us rally, fellow white knights! time to defend m'lady's honor!
>drown the supposedly wronged lady with money
>witch hunt the guy they falsely accuse of, without checking by themselves if the claims made against him were real just because some e-celeb figurehead says the guy is a bad person


>WotC's MtG division is literally run by a Jew who used to work in Hollywood
There was never any hope, really.

Maro doesn't direct R&D.

He directs a third of it, though, and has been ever since they reorganized to add in Play Design, and renamed their Design and Development teams.

You should check out the WotC's D&D department, 7 out of 9 members of staff left working on 5e are on suicide watch because of the constant fear of being made redundant in a unsustainable industry.

Itt: underage retards.

I hope SJWs come and ruin your hobby too, then you'll know our plight
But by then you'd be given no platform to voice your opinion, because it's [current year] and wrongthink is a crime.

Sure, but I don't think he has much influence in decisions like putting in the tranny Khan or the planeswalker symbol on gay flags or whatever. Not that he necessarily opposes that (he and Forysthe always seemed very sympathetic to progressivism), but I don't think decisions such as those are heavily influcenced by him.

If I donate $5 to your patreon will you stop posting on Veeky Forums for today?

But user, can't you see? Post that on Twitter and you'll get ledditors complaining about "harassment".

Is there a hobby on Veeky Forums that hasn't been ruined though? your in a thread for a game that lost over 40% of its playerbase in

He is an outrageous faggot though.

What about you grow a brain and stop shitting up Veeky Forums with your stupid whining.
I can see that this is not really Veeky Forums stuff and you faggots need to take this shit somewhere else.

Like said, 40k. GW might be money-grubbing assholes, but they seem to have been trying to unfuck their shit ever since they got the new CEO, and they've shown no signs of kneeling to the SJWs.

TCC and wedge are snakes.

when RDB got dogpiled on by the mtg-inquisition for not being overly emotioal about that "rapecharge dude" they pointed fingers at him and threw him under the bus.
and now they're plaing innocent again.

Complaining about SJW politics fucking up our games is more Veeky Forums than calling things "not Veeky Forums" is.

Wait all that drama because of those few shitposts? I thought he touched her in a no-no place or something.
Wtf is this game turning into

Sooo how is force of will?

god damn reddit is a fucking shithole.
imagine an entire site where NEET transsexuals, and socialists spend all day moderating those boards because they have nothing better to do with their lives.

and how they run those boards is EXACLTY how they would run a government. amazing that they cant see how much damage they do to their own cause.

there are entire communities on reddit dedicated to white knighting for attention whores. remember the camwhore infestation back in 07-08? all the beta males that would defend them? its that.

Yeah, I came into this thread expecting some fun scandal, like the real story about what happened with LSV and Gaby. Instead it's this shit.

I've been playing Magic for nearly ten years now and I have never heard of half the people talked about in this thread or give a shit about them. I am going to continue doing so and enjoying my hobby and I'm pretty certain by this time next year nothing will have gotten any worse and no one will remember this.

They're already saying they're gonna remove the boobplates from Sisters of Battle in future revisions, and the Sisters Repentia are wearing clothes in the future.
Wouldn't surprise me if there's vagina marines soon as well.

The question is if WOTC has already realized that the virgin neckbeards are their main source of income.
If they side with the trannies, they might actually get more fucked than they already are.

Whining about a boogeyman is not Veeky Forums, it's just shitposting.

>I've been playing Magic for nearly ten years now and I have never heard of half the people talked about in this thread or give a shit about them. I am going to continue doing so and enjoying my hobby and I'm pretty certain by this time next year nothing will have gotten any worse and no one will remember this.

I swear to god I've seen this exact same comment in the /wodg/ threads.

>they do it for FREE

Good. I hope they burn to the ground.

Let some other company take over the physical card game king mantle.

I hate everything that they've done to the game since the last 2-3 years.

>yfw they don't do it for free and some of them literally pay to mod

>I hate everything that they've done to the game since the last 2-3 years.
It's been going on longer than that. Standard and Modern is just a game of tapping all creatures.

TCC Literally plays a snake deck.

aaaand another case of wedge sabotaging other content creators

>rapecharge dude
That was so retarded
That guy payed for what he did and yet got punished again

Wait, isn't "@TolarianCollege" the person who ran a ponzi scheme and scammed tons of money from reddit?

aaaaaand of course wedge is the victim in all of this, again.

you can't make this up.

How can anyone like TCC professor guy, really.

I dislike the tone he uses. He talks like he's talking to babies/kids, and I feel like he's putting on a nice guy mask all the time whenever he's on camera. You know, those forced fake niceness as to not offend anyone, unless it's against those people that your fans (read: cuck patreons who give you $ to produce the most boring product videos) dislike, like what is happening right now.

Can't bite the hand that feeds you, y'know.

Guy reminds me a lot of boogie.

>Guy reminds me a lot of boogie.
I don't think anybody can top boogie's patheticness desu

He's either faking that nice guy persona super hard, or is on a spectrum.

p sure he's just on the spectrum. half the people who play this game are

Who's that top tier waifu nigger? I've never seen him

>half the people
at least

He's the professor guy

>starts off as a small time youtuber to rake in some $ making boring MTG videos because being an English major professor isn't paying the bills
>reddit eats up his shit, praises him all day long
>sees a rise in popularity/views
>makes a sob video about him fighting depression (it's ALWAYS depression), him being a broke ass college professor who's about to be laid off, asks people to give him patreon $
>it works, guy gets $20k a month to just push out the occasional inoffensive videos that panders to the lowest denominator (70% of his videos are literally opening booster boxes/products and evaluating how much value he got, then doing the same thing again after a pro tour)
>guy is getting so much $, he now hides how much he's receiving on patreon every month

Guy got lucky and hit the jackpot from sucking reddit's dick, literally.

Jimmy Wong, he does some Commander stuff.

A thanks, I'm not into commander so I never looked at it I guess

>and I feel like he's putting on a nice guy mask all the time whenever he's on camera. You know, those forced fake niceness as to not offend anyone, unless it's against those people that your fans (read: cuck patreons who give you $ to produce the most boring product videos) dislike, like what is happening right now

I feel the same way. unfortunately there isn't any real evidence proving it.
just some stories about him using his good guy image to sabotage people he doesn't like

Why the fuck am I working
I could have just started an autistic channel and play all day

I honestly have nothing against the Professor while a MTG youtuber. His content is good - not pro player good, but if you're a casual wanting to get into the game, get supplies, get into a format with a budget deck, whatever, his videos are didatic and accessible, and his persona is likeable enough.

My problem with him is when he attempts to go beyond Magic. People who create content for a given product really should make an effort to, AT THE VERY LEAST, separate their opinions on other matters from their content creation. Brian the individual can have whatever politics he chooses, but if he wants to express them, he should do it in a venue separate and not associated with TCC.

>looking at the one who made it and not the thousands who didn't

The thousands who didn't are the reason you are on the wageslave grind.

also, whenever he does stuff like pic related it always feels really deliberate and dishonest

You can't expect him to speak against the reddit hivemind, though. They're literally the ones who writes his paycheck. If he dares to express a different opinion especially in politics, he can kiss goodbye to his easy patreon bux and force himself to take on more hours as an underpaid professor.

That's why he's all in on the harassment claim right now and won't let any contrary evidence to sway his opinion. That's the narrative /r/magictcg has decided and you can be damn sure he will double down and listen to what his boss tells him to think.

Reminds of the the time people were pissed by him hosting those stupid women who didn't even understand the most fundamental rules of the game

Because it really is.
But normies love him and will believe everything he says. What's worse is people who think more likes on a tweet = the person is right

E-celeb worship was a mistake.

Between Games Workshop and WOTC, who's worse overall?

I think that was ages ago. Notice how he haven't been putting that sort of video for quite a while now.

Gotta listen to what his paycheck boss reddit says

Wait until you learn how his family is actually wealthy.

speaking of /r/magictcg, that place is genuinely scary.

those people -mods included- act like religious zealots out for fresh witch-blood as soon as someone points with the finger.

they constantly talk about "purging" , false-flagging and dogpiling on people they deem problematic, ALL in the name of making the community a friendly, open and welcoming space.

You made this thread twice yesterday. How many times are you going to make it today?

This isn't reddit m8.

Liberalism is a cancerous cult. Wow who would've known.

I'm jealous. No kidding.

>Whenever a leftist stumbles, a dozen knives from the crowd stab them in the back

We are Legion, we do not forgive, we do not forget! Praise Kek! Shadilay, brother!

This desu. Reminds me of old /b/tard days.

Bonus points for using hellboy comics

Yes, we know you are a stupid faggot with bad b.o

The internet was a mistake.

Protip: this is every non-user forum and it has fuck all to do with whatever the specific ideology is.

So, where's the alternative MTG subreddit?

Go read up on the October Revolution and how the Bolsheviks worked. It's literally 98% of the same rhetoric the SJWs use nowadays. It's terrifying, I wonder how many would round up the "alt-right" and supposed "micro-rapists" to gulags or straight up execute them, if they could get away with it.

>OMG guise can you believe what reddit did? not that I go there or anything haha look at this reddit guy though and how much he's /ourguy/ really don't you think?
Please die.

It's just the pure hypocrisy that gets me.

these guys are some of the most vile people I've ever seen, yet they successfully claim the moral highground and are seen as the good guys by the majority of people.

>I dislike the tone he uses.
He's parodying educational videos that they used to show in schools.

>E-celeb worship was a mistake.

I'm utterly baffled that the wider community tolerate Wedge after what she did to SBMTG.

Check out their replies to questions on the 40k Facebook page and you'll soon change your opinion.

what did he do?

No, I mean he literally scammed reddit by telling them to buy $2 items at $20 on puca trade.

I dunno, going by those titles, you have mostly really stupid questions, some maybe interesting discussion about saving money, bitching at WotC, self promotion, weird fetishes and only that one about 100% of the artists being male as actual SJW bitching.
Liliana's pregnancy and poly-amorous relationship posts are as harmless as me wanting a clique of faeries to seize my dick.

>questions a literal 8-year-old can answer
>sjw bullshittery
>"I'm done with wotc, I will only play draft modern and legacy"
God, I can feel the cancer growing in my brain.

That screenshot gave me cancer

Wedge, the Professor and a bunch of other ecelebs cartel members told SBMTG to make a app/website on his own dime and they'll advertise it on their channels, they didn't, he lost a bunch of money. Then Wedge and the Professor turned on a bunch of other ecelebs and started attacking them and ending the career of somebody that wasn't even involved.