How many women do you see play magic? For real. Its like %10 max in my city

How many women do you see play magic? For real. Its like %10 max in my city.

Wow, it's like you're psychic!

Its almost like politics have somehow seeped into this game... Wonder how.

*cough wizards

>acts like an asshole
>gets called out on it

>calls out woman for attention whoring
>gets called sexist
>defends himself.

Yea fuck him.

Who is more pathetic?
>a grown man acting like your typical edgy 14 yo
>hundreds of people crying on twitter to ban him from every plastform, because "muh feelings"

Former in quality. Latter in quantity.

He might be a bit too passionate for his own good, but I think his heart is in the right place. He should cool down with the sperging though

Politics aside, I stopped visiting his channel when the clickbait got amped up to eleven.

Culture runs downstream from politics.


WoTC politics are why I stopped being as interested. A friend of mine who still plays regularly said that they're trying to get 50% representation in judges. Is this true?

>trying to get 50% representation in judges
The only way they're going to acomplish that is by fireing all judges

all i know is that they try to be inclusive and diverse in their artworks, pic related.
I mean, they can do what they want with the universe they've created, but this looks lke blatant demagogy.

Heard about this, but it died down quick.
Probably once they Realise

any relation with lemonparty ?

Obvious black lady is obvious.

women (male) count as women for gender equality statistics, and M:tG community has good number of those

Wizards of the Coast has already been overtaken by social justice warriors.
There is no hope.
Continuing to invest in their products is a mistake.
Pirate everything.
Starve the beast.

tranny elves have been a thing since 1st edition, Elminster had his share of "living as a woman". this is nothing new

I have no idea about pen and paper rpgs but does that mean I can play as an attack helicopter? That sounds fucking amazing.


Newsflash, Wizards of the Coast was a left-wing company from its founding.

>Wizards of the Coast was a left-wing company from its founding

"left-wing" doesn't mean the same thing it did back in the 90s. Weakness and self-victimization were not virtues.



What did he mean by this?

I really don't understand the whole following around cosplayers. What kind of grown man follows the life of an average looking woman who plays dress-up and sends her money through the internet? Absolutely ridiculous.

This scenario with MtG is ridiculous when applied to other industries. Imagine the same blow-up imaging Overwatch, japanese animes, D&D, etc... You wouldn't have the company in question release statements concerning the average looking women playing dress-up.

>implying people wouldn't like to see some hot man cosplays

>TCC Professor
>WotC's bitch
You can call him a lot of things, but a WotC shill is not one of them. He has always defaulted in favor of the consumer.

SJWs are a minor problem compared to all of the bullshit WotC has done.
>shitty Standard meta, especially when Aether Revolt came around
>reduction of card power, especially at commons
>no longer doing FNM promos

Cosplayers don't have anything to do with mtg and giving them money so they dress up as scantily clad cards is stupid

"Nobody cares about cosplayers."
He's not wrong. The only thing I care about cosplayers is are they hot enough to go into the fap folder or not.

It reminds them of the hentai they watch, but it's 3D.

Almost as easy for a girl to take money from nerds as it is for an inflammatory neckbeard to get views from /pol/acks who don't actually play the game.

He couldn't be more pandering if he tried. He's a smart guy, he knows his audience and he's pandering for the views so he can make money solely off of his hobby.

Mtg cosplay is rare and with so little women playing, WotC cares about every single high profile one. If a neckbeard edgelord scared off one of them they will probably ban him, just out of spite if nothing else. I'm not really sure how to feel about this. MTG really could use more girls and less neckbeard edgelords. It's unfair to him, but still.

>with so little women playing
According to Maros research we're having 35% female players

Sure, but it's a lie.

>Muh Pol boogeyman

this again?

Show me any gamestore proof of that ratio.

1/20 at my local hoby shop roughly. Are they just playing online and at kitchen tables?

The ride never ends

It's not a boogeyman if it's accurate. He frequently rants and raves about SJWs and the regressive left in a manner that is indicative of a regular /pol/ack.

We just had this thread, faggot. Anything that could be established by arguing has already been established. Get lost with your shitty e-celeb drama.

pretty sure it's self-reported

Mate for fuck's sake how many times are you going to make this thread? What new shit is going to be added to the discussion at this point? Stop fucking spamming.

You're right. It's not /pol/, it's reddit. Specifically it's overreactive redditors for KiA, political infiltrators from r/T_D, and losers from r/incel. /pol/ probably hates them as much as we do, it's just that /pol/ usually keeps to themselves in their shitty board rather than go around all boards exaggerating the power of SJWs.

>Are they just playing online and at kitchen tables?
Probably. Hobbyshop MtG players are some of the worst people that go to the one near me.

If this triggers you, I agree there is no hope for you.

He's just drowning in pussy, ain't he?

>anecdotes are more reliable than a statement from an official representative of the company

Even if WotC has tinkered with the numbers to get the best possible percentage of female players, they still have more accurate numbers than any anecdotal evidence brought up here. I trust what Mark Rosewater says more than I trust the statements of "but muh lgs" that are posted here.

Maro based those numbers off of a twitter poll though, which lead to Jeremy doing the only semi-intelligent form of satire he's ever done (the unusally high quality hasn't stopped him from deleting it though it seems) where he put up his own twitter poll asking people if Mark Rosewater has ever sexually violated them. The poll received 70% yes's.

what else are you going to do?
complain about energy decks or talk about monster girls in fantasy?

>Maro based those numbers off of a twitter poll though


; ; i feel violated when I play against storm

52% of magic players are women according to the latest twitter polls.

Yes, both of those are better than this.

>a twitter poll
the most legitimate platform for collecting data

Have you ever considered that maybe YOUR shitty views are at fault and not everyone else's?

>pandering to SJW women
>drowning in pussy

I guarantee he'd get more pussy standing up to those SJWs than he would by joining the "toxic masculinity" crowd.

>pic related, how SJW women see the men helping them in their crusade

>it's just that /pol/ usually keeps to themselves in their shitty board rather than go around all boards exaggerating the power of SJWs.

Go to any thread on /v/. Jeremy seems more like these idiots, than actual /pol/ and /v/ is flooded with them.

This means that 52% of the people in this thread should be cute women
I demand to see your feet!

>people are singling him out as a straight white male member of the alt-right
>he immediately complains about identity politics
he should get a pr agent.
he's doing himself no favors with this rant.

>I have no arguments against him
>Oh I know, I'll insult his sex life

>he's doing himself no favors with this rant.
I think that's actually what his fanbase wants
Why else would he have agreed to get interviewed by Kotaku
He's stirring up shit to become more popular

"Nice guy" is a word for the guy who bitches and whines about not getting pussy even though he's a "nice guy."

It's a term for incels, user.

The only girl I've seen playing magic was a 10 year old girl at the last pre release.

Poor girl. The first set she gets to expirience is shit

No, they're not playing at all.

We got one fatty who plays commander horribly

She had fun from observation. Even with a neckbeard rushing her on her turns.

So a guy then?

sometimes there is a girl at FNM

That video in specific is correct. WOTC has invested immensely in womans depictions and flying them to events. This had virtually zero effect on women in mtg numbers.

The complaint women have about MTG has nothing to do with female art or not. No girl quit or started MTG because a pro tour had a female commentator.

It's basically not an effective way to improve female participation but they pretend it does.

That seems pretty likely from the fact he was bitching how women find it easier to take cash from retards.

After reading mtg related Twitter for the first time I can't help noticing that there is a huge number of traps in the magic comunity

Yup, local joint has token 12 y/o. She is daughter of one regular. Does pretty good at constructed and doesn't totally suck at limited either (seen her make Top 4 out of 20+ people once).

>Maros research

I have 3 out of maybe 50 players total playing in our LGS. It's the highest number I ever seen desu.