Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1902: Generally Nicer Edition

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It would be really neat if we managed to hit 2000 threads on the 24th.

It's unlikely. Though personally I think it'd be cooler if we managed it on New Year's.

Is there a "don't notice this" perk somewhere? I want people not to ask too many questions about how weird I am.

And more specifically I would love a perk that lets me designate things as the new normal. For instance if I change someone's appearance that no one thinks anything of it.

Archives suggest we might have already.


>Pulling Powers Out Of Her Ass is from Majikoi
thanks user! that is basically a "do whatever the fuck you want" perk isn't it? I don't see any obvious limits to its reach..?
except the energy cost but that's trivial for most jumpers I would think

You're being really obvious here.

We just need extra shitposting when the forum is active.

Oh boy, 2000 threads of pure shitposting. What a grand accomplishment.

>tfw I've been here since 970
Holy fuck.

Reading through the last thread, a post reminded me that you can take your normal body in the Bodymod instead of a template. If you took Physical Fitness in Pokemon before, what would your stats even be?

Whatever your real life stats are.
Your normal body isn't "your normal body plus Physical Fitness".

>I remember being in the 400s

Bullshit. You can't change it, you can't remove it. Hell, you fucking grew up in it/trained to that point if you took an origin. It's just as much a part of your "normal" body as anything else you'd accrue over the course of your life.

I do agree with the other user. If you took the perk, I assume it becomes your normal body, no?

That argument might have a point if there wasn't such a thing as a Drop In origin, or if things like drawbacks or gauntlets couldn't take it away.
Regardless of whether you like it or not, your pre-jumping body is your baseline for constructing your body-mod from, not your "oh but I technically got it before Bodymod" body that you just happened to pick up in Pokemon, that you paid for in cp, that was your second body, that you consciously could have opted not to select.

>Not being here since the early CYOA threads when the 'abandoned island' and 'trapped in a room for years' CYOAs were most of the thread

>That argument might have a point if there wasn't such a thing as a Drop In origin
So take another origin.

>or if things like drawbacks or gauntlets couldn't take it away
This, in the other hand, is completely irrelevant. Drawbacks and gauntlets can do whatever the fuck they want. They have no bearing on any argument not related to the specific rules of gauntlets and drawbacks. We have gauntlets which make you a disembodied spirit or transgendered alien. We have drawbacks which reduce you in many respects to below baseline human or otherwise significantly altered you. They have no bearing on anything at all.

>whether you like it or not
Prove it. Why can't a Drop-In train their body in Pokemon and use that? Why does what you've done for years of one of your lives take precedence over what you've done for years in another? You've lived that either way. Why is your pre-jumping body more valid? Seems like you're just trying to enforce your personal headcanon as law, senpai.

What handgun could I use to aesthetically complement a spear?

A revolver, or a beretta.

Anyone else hate comfyfags that make every new CYOA have to be a pillow fort of cuddles and smiles? Time was you actually went on a goddamn ADVENTURE, dammit. Even if that adventure was having experiments performed on you by the government. God bless those happy few still making CYOAs where stuff actually happens.

Definitely a revolver.

No one expects a spear guy to suddenly pull a revolver on them.

Repeating rifle

I liked the Dragon CYOA

I count the dragon CYOA as one of the adventure types, you're becoming a dragon and going to a world full of dragons. I don't think I have unreasonable expectations for adventure, just something more exciting than "fall asleep in these cushions in front of your fireplace while your waifu pats you on the head".

Urban Unease (which is technically an old school CYOA) and the one where your waifu is terminally ill and you're deciding how to spend your last days together are good examples of creative adventure CYOAs with comfy elements.

What races have you're jumper made and why aren't they this cute?

Have any of you gotten an Einzbern homunculus?

So you're arguing that if I took, say, Kyrptonian in STAS or Injustice as my first jump, then did bodymod, my bodymod stats would be off the charts superhuman, because that's just as much my normal body as my pre-jumping one? And if I went to a gauntlet, I'd keep my Kryptonian body?

Not quite what you want, but there's a perk in Dodgeball that lets you explain any minor weirdness with an oneliner and no one will question it further. It's called All There in the Backstory.
The new El Goonish Shive jump also has a perk that makes people ignore stuff like you floating.
Nine to Five has a perk that can make people ignore anything, but it has limited uses.

Have you played the Pocky game before?

Bodymod pretty clearly says "if you don't take a body type you can use your normal body as a baseline".
It requires some pretty twisted mental gymnastics to go from that to "my body i got in Pokemon with Physical Fitness applied", despite the fact that "reduced to bodymod" means "no perks".

What i mean to say is that sorry, but i don't think a logical argument will help you here.
user is convinced he's found a loophole to cheese his bodymod body and he's not going to let you "take it away" with your silly common sense approach.

>El Goonish Shive jump
>Perk that lets you summon the Demonic Duck
How do we rules-lawyer/perk-combo this into letting us summon the smug duck?

I should have expected such shit taste from you.

Real Eater?

You monster.

Well, to be honest I never used a gun in my life. My granpa had a rifle and a revolver, and I saw Berettas in movies.

I have yet to see guns in my cases too. Everyone who goes batshit insane just uses knives.

How do I get a gun that scales with me?

It's a bad aesthetic combo to be honest.

>My granpa had a rifle and a revolver, and I saw Berettas in movies.

Did your grandpa runaway in WWII or was he one of the Italians who stayed and fought but missed every other shot

Morning, /jc/. You feel increasingly like one of those horror movie monsters that only moves when I'm not looking. Or asleep.

So I've got the outline for Chrono Cross - three races with 1/3/6 perks (Humans, Demihumans and Oddities - the latter being stuff like Skelly, Poshul, etc.), and four backgrounds being based around Kid, Serge, The Dragoons, and Harle/Lynx respectively. Probably a bunch of general perks that reflect different characters, too.

I have a good list of ideas suggested to me so I have an idea of what to do, but I'm open to suggestions. Mostly for racial perks.

Make your own and tie it through various means (chi / psychic abilities / magic) to your inner reserves of power so that as you grow stronger as does it.

Read up more on your preferred supernatural powers and cobble together a combo from it all.

The Gamer has what you need. 5 of them in one item, I believe.


Nope. You can't take Bodymod unless you've taken Pokemon, and you can't take Pokemon as anything other than a first jump. That's without getting into the fact that that's either an alt-form or an explicit power, though it is part of your natural body. I'll also note that I never told you my qualifications for something to be considered part of the body-mod, I was only responding to your assertion that it didn't count as part of your "normal" form, and thus it didn't get added to the body-mod.

I am the goddamn pocky championship master. Nothing can remove edible candy sticks from my mouth once I've started nibbling.

Hey Ricrod, if we import a shapeshifting weapon or one that has multiple weapon forms into Jumper's Spear would it only level up the first weapon type it is imported into or would it level up each of the forms it can shift to?

>one of the Italians who stayed and fought but missed every other shot

I think he was a teen during that time? What I remember most of him is having a lot of money just to lose it because shitty administration.

>You can't take Bodymod unless you've taken Pokemon
Okay, I'll bite. Where does it say that?

>I think he was a teen during that time? What I remember most of him is having a lot of money just to lose it because shitty administration.

I see, So he was an Italian officer in the army.

Depends of how do you use it? If its constantly shapeshifting then it would level up all those forms. Or if you want, it would level up each of the forms separately.

>officer in the army

Yeah, I think so.

Anyway, I need to go make paperwork for my driver's licence. So see you in some hours.

>Depends of how do you use it?
Alright thanks, for some reason I kept thinking it would only level up the first one.

I have "fixed" everything I can think of or see wrong with Isekai no Seikishi Monogatari (Tenchi Muyo! War on Geminar). I will post it as soon as possible after I wakeup and then put it through text-to-speech for one last relatively cognitive check of things.

Still going to be a shit jump, since you've never made quality once in your life.

alright cool

Stop supporting a shit poster.

It's just DDanon samefagging to give the impression that some people support him. No one actually does.

Then isn't it a wonderful thing that I have such a
long life to learn and improve?

>I have "fixed" everything I can think of or see wrong with Isekai no Seikishi Monogatari (Tenchi Muyo! War on Geminar).

Did you actually fix anything?, because what I saw from the last thread you were ignoring everything others suggested to you

Invalid since valeria replaced it. Remember no matter what you make she could do better.

Reminder that if you're going to be a saltshaker, at least be genuine about it. Don't go after someone you don't actually hate because they're an "acceptable target" and you just want attention.

Especially if you've got middle-child syndrome and are only used to getting attention by acting out. That wouldn't fly in face-to-face interaction, you'd get punched in the face.

I'm amazed anyone is trying to defend DDanon at all. You do realise how much he's tried to mess with and harm the community for his own amusement, right?

Shut up DDanon. We drove you out for good reason, no one wants you here you fucking disgusting cunt.

Why did someone just upload 44 jumps, some of which we already have uploaded to the drive?

DDanon is the guy who was pushing his corruption of champions jump at one time. He likes to stir shit.

Some guy called Mario Leon apparently. Maybe it was an accident?

>implying it's not a general reminder

Would you be reacting the same way if it were Red or Worm or Digger who posted right before me?

Fuckin mario leon.

Of course not. But don't even pretend that you're not giving this 'general reminder' for a specific reason. No one ever gives reminders like that unless they want to start something.

You flushed everything out so it's no longer a five page, fluffless, Mib teir jump? That was fast.

Oh, you're the guy from last thread who was on about "spitechain," weren't you?

It's Gramps Hassan acceptable for summoning outside of F/GO?

>You flushed everything out
Some of it.
>so it's no longer a five page
The template I had for that was from before I lost my computer and then transfered things. The formatting makes it smaller than it is because it is dependent on the size of the file window when pdf'd. It's horribly obtuse and should be fixed though is actually 8 pages that point aside.
Most of everything was there before.
>Mib teir jump?
I literally don't know who that is. I don't follow your guy's bullshit. I do me and leave. In the words of lord and saviour Starkiller from Soul Calibur 4, "I don't care about your situation". Alas I need my sleep. Goodnight.

If you don't care, can you just leave for good? I know you're actually just here to make people upset but would you mind doing it elsewhere if you don't care?

The top of the supplement, user.

I really want a Gintama jump. I would do it, but I'm still watching the anime and I haven't even started the unaimated manga chapters nor the specials or movies.

The Ghost Busters jump really hates drop ins for some reason.

When was the last time the jump list was updated?

Uh, September? Earlier?

Probably because it was partially lifted from an existing non-jump CYOA and because the guy who made it is legit retarded.

>the guy who made it is legit retarded
The guy who made the CYOA or the jump?

The jump. It was Bancho who made it.

the latter, no idea about the other guy

>implying Red isn't an acceptable target
Considering the thread and even Valeria joined in on the shitposting, I do indeed find it amusing that you think their reaction would be any different. The only jumpmaker who seems to matter anymore is Val.

You couldn't be anymore transparent DDanon.

Do you use FRIENDSHIP, /jc/?


No u

Too tired to bother

Would anyone mind doing a drawback analysis on Touken Ranbu?

Why would you do that?

Because it's nice to know what isn't a trap option.

>drawback analysis
It's one of the saddest parts of SB yet.

>Anyway, I need to go make paperwork for my driver's licence. So see you in some hours.
Good luck with that then.

At the end does Hajime still have a normal human lifespan? If so I cannot help but feel sad for his harem and kids.

Is taking demiservant a trap option? I mean you're literally fusing yourself with another person, your personality will be completely changed

Fuse yourself with the JUMPER

Mash's personality didn't really seem all that off to me. I think it depends on the Servant you fuse with.

Would anybody be interested in using something like very simplified GURPS rules for a Jumpchain game?

Do it user and I would be so grateful I would suck your dick without hesitation

Say NuBee.

Engine + Need For Speed quirk marriage. Would I be able to not only run but move really fast? Like matrix dodging.