What's a good system for a superheroine game?

What's a good system for a superheroine game?
My players really want to play this

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Or you know maid rpg

I hate to say this, but if they really want to play as Gwenpools, you need to use FATE

Rob Liefeld's B.L.O.O.D.P.O.U.C.H.

Did you just specify "Superheroine" like it's a different genre?

Jesus christ, this world needs to burn.

Lesbian shenanigans most likely

30 year old incredibly handsome men having angst, monologuing in dark rooms and questioning themselves every 15 minutes

Cute girls having fun with super powers and abilities and actually enjoying themselves

First off, Gwenpool & FemThor. Kill Yourself. Kill your players. You faggot

Alright so maid Rpg rather than m&m

Gwenpoole is FUN. Haven't read FemThor yet.

This is some shitty advice right here. The want to play as heroes, not an heroes.

Masks: The New Generation

there is no better system for playing insecure teenage girls with superpowers

Name ONE thing bad with Gwenpool

Uncreative name.

Name one thing good with Gwenpool

Legitimately, this.

Good referential and 4th wall breaking humor unlike deadpoop.
Cameos of other good marvel characters like Miles Morales
Muh dick?

Did you just get turbo-triggered by OP's obviously baiting question?

Jesus christ, I could pinch your bum


>Cute girls having fun with super powers and abilities and actually enjoying themselves

Coulda fooled me, most of what I see are "strong women" character designs that hold up to the challenges they face like the wet piece of tissue paper they cry into five minutes in, and then endless bitching and insecurities about the sexist patriarchy strawmen.

That said I will concede Zatanna, Power Girl, Wonder Woman and the most recent Starfire all do indeed fit your description and are amongst my favourite comic books in recent times.

Factually and objectively incorrect.

>Good referential and 4th wall breaking humor unlike deadpoop.
>Cameos of other good marvel characters like Miles Morales
>Muh dick?

And you forgot the best part

It'd use the same system dipshit

Any superhero system, but give them penalties 5 in-game days per an in-game month

What’s really funny is that outside of superheroes, the opposite is true.


Don’t forget villains are the most important part to make. A good villain will make or break a game.

Run it in the Jermaverse with mutants and masterminds.

Or the one punch man universe.

Or just basically any other universe than Marvel or DC

Red Skull did nothing wrong
Steve Rogers did nothing wrong

I’ll second that one

Neither Gwenpool or Deadpool are funny,

The only difference is that Gwen is sexy, and Deadpool is not.

If you really want a funny superhero comic with good jokes, one punch is the way to go

>the most recent Starfire
Did they rescue her characterization from being a turboslut who only thinks about cocks?

What's wrong with being a turboslut who only thinks about cocks? I LIKED her in Red Hood and the Outlaws.

That said, yes they did. Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti took her under their wing and gave her their classic Harley Quinn/Power Girl treatment and now she's a more fun and well-rounded character. Go read it sometime. The run from the short-lived DC You. It's fun.

Forgot pic

I highly recommend Worlds in Peril if you wanna make it simple and Mutant and Masterminds if you want a more "It takes four hours to make a character"type of game.

There was a great issue where Gwenpool tries to kill Deadpool. It doesn’t go well.
>lemme tell you how this works
>I’ve crossed over with everybody, had multiple specials, hooked up with Death
>video games, action figures, movies
>and lest we forget: the highest-grossing R-rating of all time
>people look at you and mistake you for Gwen Stacy
>and you think you get to kill me

>people look at you and mistake you for Gwen Stacy
I don't read comics anymore... I just assumed that she was some sort of resurrected Gwen Stacy clone.

I've had a lot of fun/some success playing superheroes with the DC RPG.

Case in point! But nah, her name is Gwen but she's not related to Gwen Stacy.

I think the reason they aren’t really funny to me is because they both only rely on meme-humor as opposed to actually being funny.

I’ve laughed more at Superman than either of them and Superman isn’t supposed to be that funny.


FASERIP. Shit's free, and rolling up characters together to see what dumb powers you get is fun.

Superheroine specifically?

Crisis Heroine.

>literally murder people for no reason other than "lel it was funny"
>ripped out his own face and then stapled it back on for shits and giggles
>crippled barbara gordon
>fucked Robin's shit up
>nuked metropolis and made superman murder his wife and kid just because he can
>won't work with a nazi
I mean, it totally fits in that he is an insane hypocrite, but it also doesn't work because he consistently does way worse than any nazi ever did for no reason or perceived "higher purpose", just because he wants.
His reasoning is gold, though.
Considering its a comic, one would expect the writer to make him say that nahzees are evil and all that, but instead its his patriotism that makes him turn on his ally. The very society he seeks to ruin just for the fun of it is what he invokes as a reason to not work alongside another mass murdering lunatic.

Joker is surprisingly patriotic for a mass murderer.

It’s rather interesting.

Batroc the Leaper.

You could at least have used the cover from when they dress up as fantasy characters and are forced into a dungeon crawl, Op.

maybe he wanted to write Superheroin?

It's comics mate, constant moral one-upmanship is the new game.

Third for Masks.

Judging by the number of foxgirls that show up on /pfg/: D&D 3.5 PF.

Probably this.

Holy shit that drawing is painful to look at

Well, yeah. Think about it.
Batman is a story about a guy trying to stop murderous performance artists.
Joker is the best in the city. He’s an entertainer at heart. He loves the spotlight, and absolutely nobody works as hard as he does to be seen in a certain way. His gimmick that sets him apart, his meme, is the idea that he doesn’t actually work all that hard, that all this comes naturally, he’s just this wild and crazy guy, but really to pull all this off he has to control every factor.

so of course he would be ok with working with a guy who did Nazi stuff. He thinks it’s just another work.

Of course, this was a guy who wore a zoot suit in the 40s, so he automatically tries to hard. I’m entirely okay with the design of Leto Joker: that’s what trying too hard looks like now.


That art is pretty tumblr tier at least quality is far better.
But yeah story content would probably matter more.

Even if Starfire is a turbo slut. She's hot, she might as well have fun with it. I mean you could probably add more personality than just turboslut however.

What's with the words words words in recent american comics? I miss the days of 3 page fights with barely any speech, letting the art do the talking.

Haven't read that Starfire one, but I'm assuming the whole "Regenerate in the sun" thing was made clear before?

The Joker being unironic American nationalist makes him even more of a villain than the new Steve Rogers could ever be.

No, Gwenpool is a character named Gwen Poole, who got sucked into the marvel universe from wherever she came from, which had Marvel comics in print.

Her superpower is knowing who's everyone's secret identities are because she read their comics. That and also now she can break the fourth wall and step outside the comic boundaries.

Here's your (you)

>murders, tortures, and harms people for fun
>is criminally insane
>is a staunch patriot

That's still villainous. Heck, a true "patriotic american" who's willing to murder the rest of the world and 3/4 of america so America is the only country left is also going to be a villain. It's not edgy to call crazy people who do bad things villainous.

1) Gwen Poole is a moeblob. She is a calculated amalgam of cute crap, and it totals to a saccharine mess
2) Gwen is an Ascended Fangirl I hope using a term from TVTropes doesn't trigger you who starts as an obnoxious antivillain, but slowly becomes the hero through trial and error while making cheap jokes, showing off her legs, and stealing a proper villain's aesthetic. Yes, I am accusing Gwenpool of being a knockoff Harley Quinn.

Undergoes a fairly typical hero's journey up until she gets actual superpowers.

>Holy shit that drawing is painful to look at

You mean that drawing is EXTREME to look at!

Why did anyone think it was a good idea to introduce a new Spider-Man character named Gwen? That would be like introducing a new love interest named Mary Jane who isn't Mary Jane Watson.


Have you read early superhero comics? They were redundant as shit.
The average action panel would show a superhero punching the villain, a big *PUNCH* onomatopoeia, a baloon from the hero reading "I PUNCH THEE, VILLAIN!", another from the villain saying "Oh no, the mighty CAPTAIN HERO has HIT ME!" and a caption saying "...And Captain Hero PUNCHED the EVIL VILLAIN with his MIGHTY FIST!"

As an artist, comic reader and human being, I despise Liefeld as much as a terrible artist and terrible human being can be possibly despised.

Seriously, paper sheets and pencils should file a restrictive order against him.



She's not even a spiderman character, other than a couple of cameos. Got her own comic series and everything.

Not only is she "a spiderman character," she *is* Spiderman just as much as Miles Morales.

so you mean superheros and magical girls.

She's "a spiderman character" so far as that she's a comic book character in the marvel superhero comic book universe, but she's not "a Spider-Man character" meaning a character in a Spider-Man comic book series.

It's like saying she's a Hawkeye character because she showed up in a Hawkeye comic. Doesn't really make much sense.

From what I've heard, Liefield is pretty bro-tier. His art sucks though.

Yeah, I've seen him at cons, he's a chill dude, terrible art aside.

Seriously if you want to shamelessly plug for the 90s era stripper look, Jim Lee is an infinitely better artist to quote. Pic related.

Well, this one doesn't seem to know how waists, breasts and booties work either

I knew someone would say that? But it's appealing to the male gaze, and was pretty much one of the cornerstones of Jim Lee's popularity.

I love it. It's hot.

I can understand it, but as a male who likes pinups and sexy comic-book girls, I find these 'styles' definitely unattractive. They're not exaggerations, they just don't make any sense anatomically.

Then again, I'm pastapizzamandolinarian and we are spoiled with artists like Crepax or Manara

I like that he's totally ok with people re-using and re-imagining his original (or """original""") characters. Unlike certain more talented authors.

Great stuff like the modern versions of Glory, Prophet, or even Deadpool would've never happened without Liefeld, and I'm grateful for that at least.

I have to agree that current deadpool isn't really funny, which sucks because I honestly enjoyed the older comics. It was probably around the 2013 series that grew stale for me, and the current run isn't much better.

Okay THIS one doesn't parse by me; the fact that Manara is GOAT but Jim Lee isn't your style. Both of them employ a rather stylised, sexualised anatomy and Manara has that thing he does with a woman's lips like she's alway ready to give head. Don't get me wrong I love Manara too, but what's the distinction for you?

Marvel Comics.
And that's not a passing /pol/ meme either, they've been shit since at least 2006.

...I think you've got Gwenpool mixed up with Spider-Gwen. Spider-Gwen IS an alternate-universe Gwen Stacy who became Spider-Man. Gwenpool is a completely different character in a completely different series.

Give me the button, I will gladly hurl the earth into the fucking sun.

They were never ever like that

I am in fact referring to the Gwen Stacy who watched Peter Parker die and was inspired to become Spider-Man, not the Gwen Poole who fell into a comic book and is slowly learning that acting like a twee motherfucker causes genuine harm to other people.

I really don't understand how you can compare the two things.
That picture from Jim Lee has a waist almost literally as narrow as her calves, not to mention completely flat - not like 'unrealistic expectations for female bodies' flat, I mean 'there'd be no room for her internal organs even if they were dried up' flat. Compare it to her absurd chest or dislocated shoulders or head. Also, how exactly do these boobs work? I'm not saying they shouldn't be that big or that firm or that high up, I'm saying there's a gap between them underneath that makes absolutely no sense, nor anatomically nor in terms of actual volumes. That thong suggests her groin has been excavated with a spoon up to the pubic arch of her skeleton, her legs and asscheeks are in a position that doesn't make sense perspective-wise, and she has ballerina feet with stubby Hobbit toes.
That's not just anatomically wrong, it's just incompetence about basic perspective and body proportions and volumes.

Manara draws blowjob mouths a lot, but aside from that, he's not just competent, he's extremely skilled, has a great trait and masterful colours.

I mean just look at this shit. This is some good shit.

Okay, I'm lost. I seem to have missed the point where this conversation switched from Gwenpool to Spider-Gwen:

>Seriously if you want to shamelessly plug for the 90s era stripper look, Jim Lee is an infinitely better artist to quote
>Jim Lee
>not J. Scott Campbell

Meanwhile, Jae Lee somehow went from being the second-worst artist after Liefeld to an amazing artist.

Odd. I just checked my old Green Lanterns and it definitely has those eventful but unspoken parts. It's mostly Bronze age, with a bit of modern though.
Apart from that I have a lot of Franco-Belgian comics, and those always had a bit more "savoir vivre" about them in that regard.