WIP - Work In Progress

I dont have a good first Image edition

>Citadel Painting Guides:

>Figure painter magazine issues 1-36

>Paint range compatibility chart across manufacturers

>Painting Videos only

>DIY Lightbox

>DIY Spraybooth

>DIY Wet Palette

>How to Moldlines

>Fuckin Magnets how do they work?

>List of mini manufacturers for converting and proxy

>Stripping Paint (yes, the ellipses are part of the URL!)

>Priming With Acrylic Gesso

>Green Stuff Casting

>On the consequences of insufficient ventilation

>WIP's own 10-point painting scale:


>Previous Thread(s):

Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw still no matching from santa user

As said every thread since friday: Sun/Monday

Anyone know where I can find the steps leading up to pic related? I'm thinking about glaze over silver for an army color, but I want to see what paint was used for silver and if any special steps were taken before or after

Here, have a T'au

I turned down my phone brightness when taking a picture of these guys and it looked pretty neet. Any recommendation to mimic this effect on them?
Like just a blackish wash?

Also ignore the coke look still trying to get used to dry brushing.

It's old-school so it was chainmail silver what's called.. Runefang now I believe.

Those are probably just painted with a regular silver color. I doubt they did anything fancy just to show the colors of the various glazes.
Basically just pick how bright you want the final result to be and you are done.
If you want a stronger color I'd recommend using ink instead though. Regular artists ink, not the stuff GW or anybody else sells premixed.

I see your blueberry and raise you a blue knight

Thanks! Haven't seen what artist ink does before but that will give me something to look into. I'm thinking of using one of these to paint my DE

Dip them in wood stain...makes them look extra slimey

Not sure I understand correctly. You turned down the brightness on the screen/edited the photo?
If that's the case I assume you primed white?
It kind of looks like you washed them, so priming grey on the next batch would probably be a good start. If you highlighted them you'll have go a shade darker with that too.

Washing them black is not gonna have the same effect like editing your picture though. You apply a coat of black pigment over the mini. When editing a picture you just multiply the brightness, i.e. the overall color balance and saturation stays the same.

So a straight black wash doesn't sound like a good idea to me, cause it's gonna mess with the color more. As I said before starting darker in the first place is probably a better approach.

You could try using thinned glazes to gradually go darker and see how you like it though and then decide if you like the direction it's going.
A straight undiluted black wash is more unpredictable.

So try a thin glaze, sounds good.

Reposting from last thread. Beastmen killteam coming along nicely. I also found more fire warriors whose going to get some ungor heads.

Also thanks for the in-depth response Jesus where are my manners.

nah in his emails dude said Dec 1. oh well

Painted some Age of Sigmar ghosts.

Also a Conan boardgame Necromancer.

In previous thread santa-user said that he will continue to send matches on sunday and/or monday


Also a Grey Man Ape from Conan.


really like these gloomy blues and purples that still pop

R8 my shitty paint job

Fuck white

Yeah, I love how he turned out. I was a bit hesitant about the colours at first, though.

White is pretty ridiculous user.

Have you tried layering it? Building up from a dark grey to white with thin, multiple coats might smooth it out more.

just go visit lord double thin duncan

I need some help picking a head for the Rocksteady companion tor my Beebork

I'd preferred a pilot cap head but there none in nob size
I also have a lot of bareheaded nobs but they aren't very distinct and I'd prefer to avoid sculpting.



Put some goggles on lower left I think.

why is the worst part of painting minis scraping off moldlines? Like GW models look so good but they're so sharp, I don't think I've stabbed myself with plastic like I just did prepping 64 Chaos Warriors.

Also can I airbrush P3 metallic paints if I use an airbrush flow improver, or do they just not go well through an airbrush

Who else here is /hype/ for secret santa?
Just got home buying plastic crack and chocolate for 150€, most of it for user. Also wanted to add some local, handmade Schnaps, but sadly the cork won't stay on the bottle, so everything would spill out. Tips for safely sealing it very much appreciated

do this then glaze it.

Yeah, just wanted too make sure people know which one i was talking about.

Over eyes or on the helmet?

Very hype, don't really care what I get really, I'm sure i can loot anything non-resin.

If you make a lot of homemade stuff, consider getting a batch of interchangeable flip-tops corks.

Progress on Victoria Miniatures guardsmen. Can't recommend the kits enough, despite resin headaches.

Blood Pact. I did these guys years ago, but this week i stripped them and repainted them.

Im converting a skitarii onager into a stalk tank from the Gaunts Ghosts books.


Just finished my shopping trip as well, some typical Dutch goodies to munch on and some plastic (and resin) crack for the hobby side.
Now all I need is a suitable box.

So apparently GW has discontinued Imperial Primer-- can anyone recommend a good brush-on primer?

Should I finish this "sexy" Miriael Sabathiel for my secret santa? Might just be too cringy, idk.

Shit, should've thought of this. Thanks user, I'll look for it on monday.

Do it, just so some user can post the finished result here and we can all have a laugh/fap/cringe/all of it.

Those are for heavy duty use, there are also cheaper modern versions.

Old flip-tops with rubber seal maintenance last several decades but you also tend to pay for that.

I hope my match like chocolate and liqourice.


Well, they gotta survive a trip across half of europe, so they better keep the bottle shut.

The Vallejo polyurethane surface primers work fine with brush (they're designed for airbrush though).

Depends, is it chocolate or dyed milk-fat and is it licorice or black winegums with flavouring?

I'd give it a round or three of duct/plumbers tape over just to make sure the clasp doesn't' hook on anything and loosen,

They even have a video specifically for painting white over black.


How did she take the armor off?


But her armor is merged with her skin!

>Like GW models look so good but they're so sharp, I don't think I've stabbed myself with plastic like I just did prepping 64 Chaos Warriors.

I did that with a Deathshroud Terminator that I didn't realize had a spike directly in the center of a plate I had to press into the top. That was a fun surprise.

Wearing skin is SO last millennium.
Modern indulgent strip down dermal layers until their have raw nerves.

>tfw there's probably some Slaaneshi guys running around having flayed themselves just for the snesation of it

I live in Finland so we got all the proper stuff.

Decided against the veil glow, pai yes the flies, cleaned up some scratches and missed spots; Uncle Morty is ready to play. I hope you put on your super Mario boxers.

What the fuck, how did it go sideways?

How the fuck do you make gold look good
I tried giving it some agrax and then highlighting it with silver but that looks weird

Polyurethane? That doesn't sound very strippable.

Lovely. I've been tempted to get some of these and paint them with Gone with the Blastwaves' colors

It should be, it behaves similar to the normal resin in acrylic paints, only a little tougher, it is considerably more wear resistant.

Very nice user. Those genestealer cultist bits work very well for renegades, I might get some

I was thinking of adding a bottle of beer from a local brewery but don't really trust glass bottle surviving the journey

That's a good idea for a background. Is it a DM screen of some kind?

Most wineshops have some cardboard boxes for shipping bottles, ask them, they aren't terribly expensive.

Thats my plan too, but the first batch turned out pretty poor - I haven't painted anything in a long time. Currently rebasing/touching up/stripping the rest.

I'll just bubble wrap it and fill the box up with those little styrofoam chips. And after that, I'll just hope for the best.

Ok, didn't know if I was supposed to glaze over the nuln oil or not. Thanks!

I fucked up her leg.
To the trash It goes.

You try washing it?

Uh, yeah. Hence "giving it some agrax"

It's the box cover for the Conan Boardgame.

Rate my first try in de highliting.

A good first.

Anyone have any idea how I'd make a good converted Bull Centaur for Chaos Dwarf Blood Bowl team? Citadel parts only please. It needs to be able to fit a 32 mm base like all the other big guys.

>Citadel parts only please
good luck finding a bull in any of the GW ranges.

I guess you could use some of the new AoS beasts, but that's definitely not a bull centaur and horses aren't bulls either.

If you want to build a bull centaur you need a bull. So you'll have to get it elsewhere.

Try adding some perspective, maybe?

FW bull centaurs?

Forgeworld has a Blood Bowl Minotaur, as well as the Bull Centaurs from AoS. Although you won't be able to fit the latter on 32mm bases.

Are these all you are throwing into the ss package?

I´d be honestly dissapointed to open some drawings

>everyone talking about all this stuff they got for the secret santa
Well I guess someone's gonna be disappointed with their gift I guess. I works on a limited budget, so I wasn't able to get much....

Not quite bull, but WHFB Boar riders/chariot boars come with separate head, ideal place to splice on a dwarf torso.

Most are more hyped about giving shit away really, getting stuff is just a bonus.

Im worried about getting a dildo in the mail and my nosy mother opens it.


Mail tampering is a felony

Thank god

>my mother opens it.
If your mother routinely opens mail that isn't addressed to her she's a criminal. Call the popo and have her ass thrown into jail.

Yes, but Im also adding other stuff (such as tools and some greenstuff) and sending a part of It by Amazon, so even If the recipient thinks that my main package made with love sucks, he will be getting more stuff too.

I'm working on something user can colour in if he wants, I need to remember to raid the local wetherspoons and liberate some kids crayons to throw in with it.

This is /wip/ we're talking about, we're far less a hive of scum and villainy than a group of like-minded artists.
The closest thing to a butt-plug or dildo you'll find in your present is probably going to be a miniature holder (GW or other manufacturer).

>Giving an activity to user
That is a great Idea! Mind If I copy It?

seeing other people's "first time" models depresses the fuck out of me as a newbie. i have brain problems but the comparison between my own and other first-timers makes me feel like i'm borderline retarded

this was my first. five models later and i'm still unsure how to highlight properly. fucking oy vey woe is me god fucking shit fuck

Knock yourself out.
Maybe next christmas we'll have enough between us for a collobarative /wip/ chrimbo colour-by-numbers

Secret Santa user explicitly made a point of 10-15$ gifts. If someone really gets mad about not getting something in the 100$ range, he's probably a massive faggot who shouldn't partake anyway. Big expensive gifts are nice and all, but if you only take part in this because you hope for a Battleforce box or something, you'd be in the wrong place anyway.

Its normal, user. Practice makes perfect.

>five models later and i'm still unsure how to highlight properly.

You don't understand the technique or you don't understand the theory? What're you struggling with, we'll help you out.

Even having bad first models is better than having bare ones. Keep going buddy.