Age of Sigmar General /aosg/

Plagued Edition

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The KLAD BARAG is finished!

Nice ass


Liberator for scale

Traveling wit da homies

It's magnetized for ease of transport.

First for best Ogor faction, update when?

Just bought an old WHF ogre kindgom "army box" I saw because these i-g models are so damn good

that is fucking amazing. Have any custom rules for it or is it just for displaying??

So I'm just starting AoS, should I shoot for getting a 2000pt army up and running, or build up from 500-1000-1500 etc? Pic related on what I wanna do.

omg I fuking love this thing, user, it's superb!

So I had my first tournament today. Was such great fun. Everything I hoped it would be - great opponents, nice people, varied armies, learned a LOT, and My Dudes seemed appreciated.

Especially fun was winning 2 victories out of the 3, and those victories included almost zero kill points. I basically cranked the goblin cowardice up to 11 and avoided fighting mostly, running away to objectives, staying beyond threat range, and even running around the enemy army on a heroic spider-marathon to cap the Battle For the Pass rear objective in turn 3. Fighting is over-rated in this game it seems.

Also tournaments are rushed and stressful, but worth it.

Pestilens are terryfing against horde armies, but benefit mainly from longer games? Stormcast are just... I mean... 2+ saves re-rolling 1s... WTF? Khorne are scary but predicatable?

What are your recent tournament experiences anons?

I've recenelty built up from nothing, since July. My advice is pick an army, and then pick your first 1000 point army. Don't even think about 2000 yet unless you don't give a shit about painting well. Whatever time you think it'll take, times it by 3.

Share your list with us user

Was only 1000pts tournament. Spiderfang mainly: 1 general, 1 arachnarok, 10 spider riders, with 2x20 moonclan grots, 3 fanatics. [940pts]

Just hope this play-style can become a proper thing with a battletome and goblin allegiance abilities etc., e.g. retreating being incentivized somehow.

Oh boi, this model is so fuckin huge. Have you ever tried to play with mono-spiderfang?

Have considered it but it loses the 'feel' of what I love about goblins, the mobs of little cowards. The spidr riders are way to pricey and often targeted, so need protecting by something non-spiderfang I reckon. They need chaff-screen or artillary support (or something else I've not thought of). They are too pricey to sit on objecties when you could have the little moonclan dudes.

But yeah the Arachnarok is a beast. So, so reliable. Wound sponge, always deals out pain to any unit type around it. zaps things, buffs things, all-round MPV most games. Will defo build a 2nd one for the 2000pt army.

The spider riders are less reliable... unless you have the luxury of setting up a great charge sequence on an isolated (or chaff-screened) enemy tanky unit.

How are kroxigors?
I wanna ally some cool lizarddudes with my highborne elves

Hm alright. I plan on doing Lords of the Lodge and maxing out on Hearthguard Berzerkers for that double pile in. How's this look for an 1000pt list? Should I drop the Magmadroth in such a low point game?

Allegiance: Fyreslayers
Auric Runefather (80)
- General
- Trait: Exemplar of the Ancestor
Auric Runeson on Magmadroth (240)
- Ancestral War-axe
- Artefact: Obsidian Coronet

20 x Vulkite Berzerkers (240)
- War-Picks & Slingshields
20 x Vulkite Berzerkers (240)
- War-Picks & Slingshields
10 x Hearthguard Berzerkers (200)
- Poleaxes

Total: 1000 / 1000

No custom rules. When playing It the closest rules I can use it for are either the drakesworn templar or spirit of durthu, but it would be a proxy for anything, i just wanted to make a giant dwarven steam mech more than anything.

thanks user

I can't really give fyreslayer advise (i'm the spider guy above ^), but from what I've seen of them its all about the infantry, tons of little naked dwarfs that appear at the back of the board and wreck-face.

There was a recent tournament (I think Blood n Glory) where they did well, and you can watch the battles on Twitch if you subscribe - even signing up for a month is worth it for $10 if you're planning to invest a lot of time and dollars in an army. The vids give loads of great advice etc.

It kinda reminds me of one of the bosses in WoW wrath of the lich king, the ancient robot temple place.

Great work!

I gotcha. Maybe I'll check it out. And cool army man, I love spoders.

That's awesome user!

They're great aren't they! (but not in the battleshock phase...)

Is that the darksouls girl/spider?

One of our resident shitposters on Facebook

And the reason he hates 7 feet tall supermen becomes apparent

Admins locked that thread before I could reply.

I would have posted an image of that jackass burning his army.

We almost made it 2 hours without someone starting this again.

If people are going to try and spread Facebook tier memes here, they deserve to be outted

regardless, its still one of the best creations i've ever seen, SO good!

How much time/money did that beauty take to make?

It wasn't cheap. Outside of some of the bits I already owned, I needed the arkanaut frigate, the knight-warden, and the cannon kits. So about $262. Then a few new paints I had to buy.

D-did you buy MSRP

>SC shills now trying to intimidate the critics into silence by posting their real names and faces.

Isn't this going too far?

Back to Facebook, manlet

I buy from my lgs when I can. Luckily he does 10% off. And the models were not bought at the same time. I collected what I needed over several months

Indeed, this is Veeky Forums not some snowflake safespace. go to tga for that shit.

If you can’t handle the bants, you are free to return to your normie echo chamber

I reported those posts of the picture and name of that guy. It's totally over the line.

Definitive proof that this is facebook cancer that needs immediate chemo

Yeah I'd hate 7 foot supermen if I didn't know how to tie my tie appropiately either.

You guys are fucking psychotic. Posting people's names and faces and advocating they be harassed is super fucked up.

They aren't advocating for them to be harrassed, honestly.

Posting people's names and faces IS ASKING for them to be harassed.

Imagine being so butt-blasted over some memes making fun of SC that you literally start cyber harassing people.

Disgusting and horrifying.

This literally can’t happen if someone can seperate their Internet shitposting from their public image.

>harasses something that people like
>wonders he gets harassed back

all you had to do was not shitpost

Yeah this must be built from like 10 models that are now unusable.

Retardless, great work user!

The definition of not being able to handle the bants

Stormcast shills are Hillary-supporters at this point. They want their feelings protected even if it means dox tactics.

Really shows the magnitude of their butthurt, as well as their lack of empathy and general social worthlessness.

Was it autism?

do you, dare I say, require a safe space?

Interesting that the pro-stormcast folks REEEing about site rules and whining for memes to be reported,... resort to outting (alleged) meme-makers and justifying breaking site rules.

I'd say get cancer, but you already have it.

Aaaaanyway back to the actual AOS stuff...

Its not exactly doxxing when he connects himself to here via his own shitposting on the biggest public AOS page on Facebook.

I'm not that guy and I'm not the meme poster.

I was on your side about the memes being abnoxious but now I think you've gone too far. It's just a game with plastic toys.

Jokes aside. I can get this box with 50% discount and maybe a second one also with 50% discount. Is it possible to build a 1000pts pure-greenskinz list that will not get auto-tabled on turn 1? I wanted to get orc boyz anyway to use them in shadespire so I'm literally getting free models with this. I also like generic gobbos so I'm ready to get some mantic goblins or war machines to use them as gitmob allies if needed

non ironjawz/bonesplitterz orcs are in a bad spot right now, desu.

he shared that same pic on here?

The sole anti-SC guy is now surely subdued, guys! It's just 1 meme-merchant, surely, right? riiiiight?

>Stormcast shills are Hillary-supporters
Suddenly everything is clicking into place for me.

Yeah, I know. I heard that greenskinz are literally the worst army right now but I hoped that with some gitmob ranged support they could be a viable option

Liked and followed fellow facebook fan!

holy FUCK i want to get into destruction this holiday season, but can't decide between Ironjawz and BCR.

BCR has the better models but Ironjawz are less shit. Any experienced Destruction players in here?

how insecure do you have to be to panic when your public opinion on plastic toy soldiers is revealed

Which do you like more? They can ally with each other just fine and actually work really well together.

400 points of brutes helps BCR and a thundertusk is pretty good artillery for Ironjawz

>f-fuckin chads and their gold armor, f-f-free guild for life
>I wont raise my wifes son to be a dirty stormkike player
>there's nothing wrong with being 5'5
>s-seraphon for life, please dont take my toy dinosaurs away
the absolute state of non-battletome players

Which of the starter sets is best for getting into this game? I can see 3 different tiers.

depends what army you want to start with, the boxed sets are good if you like stormcast or khorne, otherwise the start collecting box for your preferred faction is the best place.

Yeah it's meant to be a centerpiece more than anything. I hope one day a model will get released that I can use this for, until then it's a proxy model that I have wanted to build for a long time. The KO came along and give me the right parts to sell the look, rather than just make it look like another imperial Knight conversion

The fuck is wrong with you people. Can't tell which side is worse.

It's simple. You just use the leftover parts to build MORE made creations!

Well that guy obviously didn't have a problem with people knowing his opinion.

The disturbing thing is that these SC shills have sunk to a new low on this site serving up names and faces for harassment.

Could make it an Order version of the Idol of Gork. Can't legally proxy but could be fun for narrative etc.

The ones that aren't facebook transplants on vacation from reddit

Such as

Frankenstein conversions are the best conversions

>have sunk to a new low on this site serving up names and faces for harassment.
Upboat my friend, don't let these bad apples ruin the reputation of reddit

Bump? Also who is a better general, Footfather or Magfather?

You wouldn't want your face and name posted on here. Or I assume you wouldn't because you didn't. Prove me wrong?

I'm not dumb enough to shitpost with my name attached to it for exactly this reason

So far the spirit of durthu is the closest order warscroll I think, but for narrative the idol of gork, replacing keywords with duardin would be a good use for it, it being essentially and idol to grungni. Of course using it would be scenario driven

I hear footfather actually. Most people buying the magmadroth kit say the runesmiter is better in the droth, and the father is better on foot. That's what I hear at least

Is that what this place is now?

We go scour facebook for names and faces of people who don't like what we like so that we can post them here?

I won't do it. Decent people wouldn't.

Someone who is physically incapable of separating real life from the internet deserves everything the embarrassment that results from their own words

First conversion for my Dorfs is a simple one - just gotta cover a Steamtank with Dwarf stuff, and if I can find a model that fits, have a Dwarf popping out of the hole at the top.

>/pol/ shit posters
>decent people
This is nothing but karma

Mr. Jones, I have solid information that the jews have designed SCE to leach flouride directly into the bloodstream of young children. They produce them in a factory on the dark side of flat earth


So if anyone remembers me posting progress pics of me and my girlfriends first ever game,
we've had a few more games and I wanted to see if anyone felt the same about a few units

Treelord Ancient is overcosted, has little enough impact that im comfortable ignoring it all game.

Spirit Hosts becoming unusable garbage the moment they get a -1 to hit is not fun

Terrorgheist is OP as fuck, the shriek attack where you roll 3d6 and add it up, then do a mortal wound for each point above the target units bravery is so fucking good.

Comfortably do 3 - 4 mortal wounds to dryads, sisters of the thorn, etc.

You see the dwarf popping out of the shoulder piece on the klad barag? He's the endrin engineer guy from the arkanaut frigate. That might work. I used a gyrocopter pilot head because I didn't want to use a KO helmet.

The memes were annoying because they derailed these threads from interesting game discussion. The dox brigade are worse, just look what they did to this edition. It started so well, then the angst-patrol showed up and pissed all over some pleasant and original content.

I trend to just read these threads up until the shitshow starts nowadays.

This it true.

Too bad that guy isn't the memeposter.

Memeposter is smarter.

>Treelord Ancient is overcosted, has little enough impact that im comfortable ignoring it all game.
I wouldn't say that as with the sylvaneth battletome he has some good spells and can be unbelievably hard to kill

>Spirit Hosts becoming unusable garbage the moment they get a -1 to hit is not fun
They're still rend ignoring, 3 wound tarpits

>Terrorgheist is OP as fuck, the shriek attack where you roll 3d6 and add it up, then do a mortal wound for each point above the target units bravery is so fucking good.

Now its roll D6 +a declining number based on health (6, 5, 4, etc) versus bravery.

See you in an hour!

>dox brigade

fucking FACEBOOK

was I using an old warscroll?

also with the treelord ancient, we were playing with the battletome spells + artifacts and he still just didnt have enough "oomph" for his points cost.

Just keep in mind that he's a big honkin support piece thats very difficult to remove and quite mobile rather than a meat grinder like a normal treelord or durthu.

Awakening the wood only gets better as the game goes on as you start to turn the table into "it aint me" land. Imagine its napalm falling on the NVA and you aren't far off.

Anyone else fascinated by this war going on? I feel like I'm watching some irrelevant and obscure yet socially interesting ... thing happening.

The double thread thing yesterday was clearly a big score for the meme-folk. The triggering was intense.

Then today this... triggering big-league on the other side.

What might tomorrow hold? Will the anti-meme-folk get the double-turn?

tomorrow all non-battletome players go back to /whfb/ and stay there.