What's Veeky Forumss opinion on The Expanse and Game of Thrones...

What's Veeky Forumss opinion on The Expanse and Game of Thrones, science fiction and fantasy tv shows that are considered very realistic and detailed worlds without usual tropes of those genres.

Both would be good settings in my opinion.

>it's not offtopic if I include the character string "setting" somewhere in my post!

I don't care much for either.

>Game of Thrones
It's shit, and becomes shittier with each season, as the showrunners use less and less book material. I think they simply don't understand the source material.

I enjoyed both shows very much. They do an excellent job of presenting plausible, gritty settings with self-interested humans doing what humans do. They're a nice antidote to the heroic fantasy/scifi of yesteryear, although I wouldn't want every fantasy/scifi story to follow their pattern.

I haven't seen the expanse but I love Game of Thrones. The last few seasons have been getting progressively worse, though. Last season looked amazing, but made no sense logistically. They forgot that Fantasy is really about the journey and not just big fights so people are teleporting all over the place (sometimes in the wrong places) and the forced romance between Jon and Dany is forced. Tyrion has 0 reason to be anywhere near a battlefield, and Davos is basically following Jon Snow around for no reason. I mean, I love Davos, and he's the best friend you could ever have, but after Stannis died he's like "You know what? I'll just pledge my entire loyalty to this corpse boi and hope for the best." Also he's suddenly a happy, jovial, guy, when he had previously been a rather serious man.

I could go on and on about my grievances (How long were they on that frozen fucking lake?), but the point is that I both love and hate this show now and wish the next book would come out some time before George dies. And then the next book.

>very realistic worlds

To be fair, you need to have a comprehensive understanding of theoretical physics, otherwise the nihilistic references will go over your head. And yes, I DO have a GoT tattoo, but only females can see it, and only if their IQ is within 10 points of my own (preferably lower)

>it's realistic because it has rape in it
Honestly don't care about Expanse, but GoT wanking annoys me. The show is alright, good time waste, but that's it.

Outlander is pretty good.

Tired of this gritty grimdark bullshit.

I won't stop posting this tidbit until Veeky Forums stops whining about "muh rape" and "muh grimderp"

Dunc and Egg shit is great.

It's surprising how little his head looks after a haircut

I liked the first 3 or 4 episodes of the expanse because I like hard sci-fi and I think it's under represented, but then I was spoiled on how the series goes and I kind of lost interest. I really want to run a game that is set in space, but fairly hair scifi instead of scifantasy.

I still don't understand GoT. Tried to read the first boom years ago a few times because a friend recommended it, it was fucking dull as shit. It's bizarre to me that is has caught on so much.

>Game of Thrones
>fantasy tv shows that are considered very realistic
>detailed worlds
>without usual tropes of those genres

mfw no face

>The Expanse
Books are better, show isn't that bad.

>Game of Thrones
Books are better until Dance of Dragons, after that both books and show are shit.

The Expanse is good. The syfy quality kinda shows, and Holden's actor can't act for shit, but the show is legit better than the books.

The setting is kinda "bleh" tho. The show is not yet there, but the books took a real deep dive after the second book. Would play a game set between LW and CW, still.

The expanse is great, GoT has gone to shit after the red wedding.

I've read all of the Expanse books and I've greatly enjoyed them. The show is somewhat of a letdown. The only character they seem to have nailed is Amos. The rest of fine, but a little lacklustre. I really like the aesthetic of the ships though, more or less fits with what I thought the various navies would look like.

Didn't really enjoy the GoT books. Nor do I really enjoy the show. Only keep track of it as a conversation point with some of my friends that are diehard fans.

It's hard to use books when fat fuck didn't write anymore

And when you cut out a bunch of important storylines before they even got to that point.

I Just started the latest book and the 30 year time jump while keeping the Roci crew intact is thrashing my sense of continuity
Also Laconia a shiiiiit

What a shame that has absolutely no impact on the TV show in which knights have pretty much been forgotten about and colour has ceased to exist.

GOT is popular so it will get a lot of hate/dislike until it dies out. I like the Expanse even if the whole "Alien biohazard" is the most boring part of it.
Belters did nothing wrong

Based Dunk and Egg poster

Y-yeah! Who even needs a lousy ecosystem in the first place? Not us betalowda, haha

>shows that are considered very realistic
Not game of thrones.

>implying anything is off-topic on Veeky Forums

I agree with this.
I like the setting though, if only because it reminds me of Gundam without the mechs.

Fuck yeah Dunk & Egg. Also, I really want to know more about The Laughing Storm and Danelle Lothson.

Also Asshai, The Jade Empire, and Southyros, where King Kong sized Apes live among the other horrible things that make no one want to actually go there.

Fuck ‘em. Third world shitters.

Kowl inyalowda dzhemang, sasa ke?

It's quite clear that though GRRM likes to criticize and play with fantasy tropes, he still very much likes fantasy and is trying to create what he sees as a more "earned" version of those tropes, whether or not you think he succeeds.
The show on the other hand seems to have mistaken this for trying to completely destroy the fantasy genre in a way that seems downright mean-spirited at times. This is very ironic as the show also seems to be careening head first into all the classic fantasy cliches, probably because the show-runners are just that incompetent.

The settings are not what make these compelling, autistic Troper

Been told the Expanse is pretty good and should watch it but haven't gotten around to it yet.
GoT is a pretty okay fantasy setting if you have the weird magic system of "Low magic but only in one place." Because the rest of that world is magical as fuck once you start going East enough.
The setting would be a really cool low magic campaign if you set it in some of the less detailed lands Martin made and then forgot about.

A lot of fantasy cliches exists because they're easy solutions to problems to the genre presents. The reason diving head first into them is because they're lazy writers.

>Because the rest of that world is magical as fuck once you start going East enough.
The more you read about westeros and it's history, the more weird and mystical shit you find.
We see during Dany's time in Esos that though weird and magical shit happens, it is not a vastly greater amount of magical shit than what we see in westeros.
So seeing as GRRM loves unreliable historians and unreliable in universe texts, chances are the mysticality of the east is vastly exaggerated not unlike how it was in real life in the past.

>chances are the mysticality of the east is vastly exaggerated not unlike how it was in real life in the past.
Considering that Melisandre birthed assassin shadow babies, it wouldn't surprise me if the east was indeed as magical as it seems.
There's also dragons and resurrection there.

I would like to remind you that there's an army of ice elves that can bring back the dead, that people who can psychically posses the bodies of animals and/or see the future aren't even that unusual and that there's a hive mind of psychic trees containing the memories of dead people.

There's plenty of weird shit in Westeros and though most of it is relegated to the north (still plenty of implied weird shit in Old Town, The Vale and the Iron Isles), Asshai is probably just a similar hotspot for the supernatural in the east.

>What's Veeky Forumss opinion on The Expanse and Game of Thrones, science fiction and fantasy tv shows that are considered very realistic and detailed worlds without usual tropes of those genres.
>without usual tropes of those genres.

Dunk & Egg is THE SHIT. Makes me want to live more knightly. Good on you, user.

I dunno I kind of like the Expanse show more than the books. The book characters get off a little too easy in my opinion, and I kinda dislike how everyone is constantly cheery in the face of everything except a brief bit in Caliban's War when Holden had to choose between sex and being grouchy. I get the impression the authors watched a little too much Buffy. I liked how the show characters are a little more serious and the first season it was fun watching them go from hating each other to forming a strong bond.

Basically I just really prefer Show!Amos and Show!Holden over their novel counterparts.

Exactly, the Sandsnakes doing what they did on the TV was shit, especially considering the long game the Martell's were playing. Just to kill the for "muh feminism" and turning them into feminist caricatures you replaced a great story with pandering shit. Same with the Tyrell's, they weren't entirely destroyed, and even if they were there are those with Tyrell Blood in Houses Redwyne, Ashford and Hightower who would automatically step up to take it's place. Cersei blowing up the set was awesome, however the fucking payoff has been anything but.

>very realistic


>Biting this hard.

>the show is legit better than the books.
Totally untrue. The books were written like a TV show, so the changes were wholly unnecessary and are almost without exception fucking stupid. Agree about Holden's casting though, wildly off base and he's got zero screen presence. Reminds of the pug eyed streak of piss they have playing Preacher - just doesn't cut it.

Just finished up Persepolis Rising, we soft sci-fi now babyyyyy
Galactic Take a Sharte on Duarte Day when


> I think they simply don't understand the source material.
That the show is getting worse shows that their understanding the source material isn't the problem. The problem is that they can't write an extension of it that is anywhere near in quality.

>The books were written like a TV show

And this is exactly why they work better as a TV show. Like, Wes Chatham's Amos alone makes me forgive everything.

Season 4 was best season tho. After that it was not great anymore, still entertaining, however.

>GOT is popular so it will get a lot of hate/dislike until it dies out.
I just like hating on GoT haters, that's the best part.

Book Amos is such a boring, generic character. It's obvious they just went "well what if Jayne Cobb was a good guy?".

Show Amos is fucking top tier.

>snow crash adaptation never ever.
>a fire upon the deep adaptation ever ever.
>perdido street station adaptation never ever.
>sanderson books anime adaptaion never ever.
>american gods adaptation sucked.
>modernized star treck styled adaptation of the culture never ever.

I know they would all suck if they happened, but I want them anyway.

GoT used to be great. Now its just a shitpile of fanservice and non-sensical plots and rule of cool.

>Game of Thrones, fantasy tv shows that are considered very realistic and detailed worlds
The fuck? No it isn't, GOT's setting is extremely criticized and quite rightly so, because it's at best average in spite of lacking all the stereotypical complications of most fantasy settings (races, magic, etc).

I really loved the Expanse, probably one of my favorite sci-fi shows, and probably the only decent show made by syfy. Really enjoyed the plot and the "cold war" atmosphere, I wish there were more shows about early human space age with this gritty design.
The only problem for me are the actors, some are good but the main cast is quite "meh" (except the martian pilot, this guy's pretty good).

About Game of Thrones I can't really be unbiased : I'm a huge fan of the book and I have the feeling that the show writers just spent 7 seasons shitting on the source material. And it's becoming more obvious now that the show overtook the novels, the most obvious example is how Littlefinger suddenly became a retard last season because they lack the talent to write such characters.
Unlike the expanse the cast is the only good thing in GoT to me, especially the Lannisters.

>last season
You mean, season 5, right? Because that's when he married Sansa off to the Boltons, because... Reasons? I mean, the showrunners had an excuse for this abortion, and it's this.
>In the medieval times, political marriages were a source of power
Yeah, that's right. And by marrying Sansa to the Boltons, you legitimize and strengthen the Bolton rule.

Tbh I stopped watching after season 3 cause I couldn't bear it anymore.
I just learn what's happening from friends who watch the show and it seems that each season is worse than the last one.

>and it seems that each season is worse than the last one.
I feel like it's generally true, but season 5 is downright the worst. Like, there's nothing redeemable about it.

You're a questfag, aren't you?

They were on the lake for the end of one day, then a whole day, then the battle happened. Someone calculated the logics behinf that episode, the raven, dragons, Gendry running and all that jazz, and it was actually possible for it to happen.

Mars vs Earth scenarios are Americans masturbating about the Revolutionary War and how smarter than the British and Europeans at large are.

In reality, such scenario is unlikely to take place until you get tens of millions of people traveling in space every year. Far more likely is India and Australia, their colony at Olympus Mount and their fifty asteroid habitats going to war with say Egypt, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Indonesia, and their various asteroid habitats all starting over control of geostationary space above the Indian Ocean.

The Expanse is good, Game of Thrones is dog shit. And always has been.

Gum of thrunz is bad cuz... Pohpulor.

Terraforming takes thousands of years, not hundreds.

I, too, watch Isaac Arthur.

For me personally, when it comes to The Expanse (novels), it seems the author was trying to get across the point that, despite various ideological and physical differences, all the characters were human, and it is insanely stupid and pointless to fight over trivial things and miss the big picture.

This is based off the books, mind. I tried watching the show, but couldn't make it through the first episode because of the differences from the source material.

To be fair, Stannis had a way bigger army and was looking to take winterfell, he assumed stannis would off the boltons, give sansa the north since her father declared for her, and she would help littlefinger into power.

However stannis got heavy snows, lost like 600 men, then lost all his horse, then lost 50% of his army, then lost his wife and kid, without all that he would have likely taken winterfell

hardhome is the only redeeming episode, the rest of the season is kinda shit

Your pasta isn't tasty, mind if I gave a go in the kitchen?

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Game of Thrones as a show. The entertainment is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of tax policies most of the plot will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Daenerys anarchistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- her personal philosophy draws heavily from neo communist literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these plots, to realise that they’re not just deep- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Game of Thrones truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Daenerys existential catchphrase “I was raped,” which itself is a cryptic reference to E.L James Fifty Shades of Grey. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as D&D's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Hodor tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

he is literal immortal god emperor