$100 for cardboard... how do you play mtg for cheap and not rely on uncommon sand commons...

$100 for cardboard... how do you play mtg for cheap and not rely on uncommon sand commons? I just wanna play with fun mythic fares even the ones rotated out of standard are still expensive...


I know you don't necessarily want to, but Pauper does have really strong decks and average around $30. You can also see of your lgs has a dollar rare bin and sift through that. You can search gatherer for budget options to replace expensive cards you want. You can print your own proxies and play at the kitchen table with whatever you want. You can play online with cockatrice or xmage for free.


Why the fuck are dual land cards so fucking expensive?

They're not even that god at all. And the better ones arent expensive at all.

What the fuck?

No fuck you, OP is correct. Anyone with half a brain sees how fucked up the market of mtg is.


Because they have a basic land type printed on them you chucklefuck

That fucking bullshit.

You have to be absolutely stupid to blow money on new mtg cards.

If the price is too high use a proxy , it's not like you would like to play your 100$ card anyways.

Anything short of the early editions isnt worth a fuck in the long run

But they come tapped and arent even that useful.

Why are Ravnica lands so cheap then? they give you two mana

they can search out dual lands like blood crypt and thin the deck out, making you more likely to draw something that isn't a land and keep momentum in exchange for 2 life on turn one. Later in the game it continues to help remove land from the deck and put it out.
the ravnica lands have the mana, and can be played after tapping the land you return for it, but they don't interact with your deck in ay way, which means you just replace a card in your hand and maintain the same odds of just drawing another land. This isn't something you want later in your game. (unless you play landfall, but even then you'd want the OP post lands instead, because they get two landfall effects in one turn for 2 life)

It costs that much because that's the super shiny megarare collector's version of that card, not the Actually Play With It version.

Tons of people play with expositions, masterpieces, judge promos, restless promos, all that stuff. It's so you can show off.

The crux here is that they come in tapped conditionally. You can just pay life and have them come in untapped. That combined with them being fetchable basically makes you able to get almost any colour you want with a fetch by running the appropriate shocks. And in a format where you win or lose by turn 4 or 5, getting the right untapped land a turn earlier than you otherwise would've is definitely worth the little bit of life you're paying. You do realise competitive games aren't 20 turn grind fests, right?


They can come in untapped if you care to have a read there.

Judging by the rest of your post I'd say you're new as fuck though.

Lurk moar.

Yea but why can't wotc make two versions? One for collectors that limited printed and one for the players that they reintroduce as much as they can to reduce barriers to entry.

I mean what do you think a 100 dollar bill is



It all fun for you until no more new players, then your $50+ fetches are gonna be worth shit since no one cares for it anymore.

Cockatrice, Lackey, or whatever other free online simulators exist.

Or just play a cheaper game.

bruh look at the OP again. that's a shockland.

Magic players are the lowest of the low in ccg players. Brainless slaves to the hasbro cock. They will pay 100 dollars for cardboard because they are incapable of learning a different and better game. (And will claim they don't need to because magic has all these amazing game modes XDDD)

>a different and better game.
Like what? I'm actually curious, since i thought of getting into magic but it seems to be in decline right now.

Literally name a better TCG thats free. Since I play eternal formats I don't have to put more money into this game, so that's the budget you have to compete with.

And before you get too deep into insulting me instead of providing a better free game, I will remind you that magic didn't always use to be this expensive, and I got into it decades ago, so I didn't have to pay much for my eternal cards.

Netrunner is my go to but it's very different to magic.

>Dude I got into it decades ago so get fucked
There's no point. If you got everything at a time when it wasn't expensive then what am I suppossed to say? Good for you I guess? Considering the majority of people didn't do that it doesn't matter.

Name one card game that is legitimately better, cheaper, is as widespread, as popular and has as many tournaments (both local and larger) as magic. If such a mythical card game existed, I would literally play that instead.

>Netrunner but it's very different to magic
and that's what's keeping me from enjoying playing it
see, i played a bit of both digitally; jinteki.net for netrunner and early days of mtg duels and i can say that, compared to Netrunner, understanding and getting into Magic is easy since the win condition is easy.
in Magic all you gotta do is punch your opponent's face. you can use cards to undo his cards, you can just turtle up and then fling a fireball, but the main thing you're always aiming for is his face. in Netrunner, however, you win by either putting recources into agenda cards, or by stealing said agenda cards inbetween the corp's turns.
call me weak minded casual, but i cannot understand the meta of Netrunner, while i can kinda understand it in MtG and play kinda okay-ish with a deck i make myself.

It's actually fabric. Paper would dissolve in water.