/GURPSgen/ GURPS general

The GURPSgen is dead; long live the GURPSgen!

Come hang out, post some memes, as some questions.

GURPS is a 3d6 roll-under system with a modular rules, meant to be stripped down to suit the needs of the game. I'm sure there's a pasta about the subtley of it, but it's really very easy to grasp.

Previous thread: What's your favorite advantage or disadvantage, for its flavor text, mechanical application, or otherwise?

Other urls found in this thread:


>I'm sure there's a pasta about the subtley of it

Oops. Looks like I screwed up the link to the previous thread. New and curious? Want your friends to play? Have a free resource which boils the game down to its essence: GURPS Lite.

Full license: pastebin.com/kRh5LB2c
>you may distribute this PDF file freely under the above restrictions, and post copies of it online.

Best advice I have for getting your friends to play: make pregenerated characters (full basic set optional) and give them a choice between them, use only the rules in Lite, run a one-shot and do something GURPS can do that other games struggle with. Off the top of my head: roleplaying by using disadvantages; tense and detailed social play using reaction rolls; high tension combat.

Advice on getting new folks to play and questions from new people are appreciated.

This pasta: (pastebin.com/Dvp1DqAV)

lel, thanks.

The thread FAQ as per its most recent edit from the last thread. It's just a shitty little pdf and I haven't really cleaned it up at all.

Please, if you have any questions or answers to add, I encourage you to do so and reply here.

Also of note, if you're looking for the GURPS Murder Sim, it can be found here: (web.archive.org/web/20150501072317/https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/40207800/MiscDev/MurderSim2015.exe)

If you want the full source text, it is here: (pastebin.com/J0ER0xvD)

I didn't mean hitting harder, but the redundancy of Determined when aim already exists, it's basically a free +1 hit, was there any record where a character was immediately attacked after using the All-Out attack to make use of its drawback?


>For ranged All-out attacks, only two options are available.
Pic related.

>Was there any record where a character was immediately attacked after using the All-Out attack to make use of its drawback?
>Two characters are shooting at each other. Each has to dodge the other's projectiles.
>A character is shooting at a very speedy enemy who is closing the distance rapidly. The enemy may be intentionally traveling at a speed lower than his top speed in order to bait his opponent into dropping his guard when the enemy has already entered Move and Attack range.
>A character is shooting at enemies, but he fears a surprise attack from the forest next to him, or he fears that one of the people at whom he's shooting will Fast-Draw a shuriken and flick it at him in the space of a single second.

GURPSfags are seriously the most cancerous TTRPGists. Just stop pushing your overcomplicated unplayable piece of shit of a """"""""""""system"""""""""""" in every goddamn thread. Contain yourself to this autistic cesspit.
If I want to play D&D, I play D&D okay? If I want to play OSR, I play OSR. No need to push your Dungeon Fantasy down our throats, you leftist cuck soyboy faggot niggers.
I bet you're system isn't as universal as it claims to be. I'm 100% sure you can't do halfswording in GURPs.
I played both modern and scifi games in Pathfinder and D&D, and they were fine. Universal system my ass.

>I'm 100% sure you can't do halfswording in GURPs.

Don't feed it. Let the brainlet sperg, don't respond, he'll go away.

Ignoring everything else for the moment, all of which is a big deal, Determined and Aim are wildly tactically different in that Aim takes a whole turn where Determined is an integral part of an immediate attack. Aim (of one turn) effectively halves your fire rate.

The other stuff keeps Determined from being a free +1: Only forward movement and no active defenses. You can't dive for cover if a grenade lands near you, backpedal if the floor falls away, resist or avoid the tackle of the guy leaping off the banister at you, or any of a number of other things. Of course, those things are rare so you make a choice and take a chance. Of course, if you are on a flat infinite plain and all your opponents wait to act in order one at a time after you declare you're ready then yes. Determined gives a totally free +1.

Gurps powers question :

What modifier do I want to use to make a failed activation roll for a power also have a risk of catastrophic backlash?

So I had an idea for a character.

Basically, they use altered time rate + super speed and annhilate people with a bunch of attacks.

On the last turn, they would set up a foldable wall and hide behind it.

Are there rules for foldable walls? Are there specific DR/HP rules for ultra-tech materials?

Maybe take the Backlash limitation but at x1/5 the normal value (same as adding a secondary effect on an Affliction), or x1/10 if it's also resistable.

As an example, lets make a power that puts a lot of stress on the user's heart. If the user suffered a heart attack every time they used the power, it's worth -300%. If the heart attack could be resisted with an HT roll, it's halved to -150%. If the heart attack only occurred on a critical failure, it's worth -60%. If the heart attack was only possible after a critical failure, but it's still resistable, it's worth -30%.

Now for a question of my own: Are there any RAW ways to handle multiple Slams in a row? Examples include a character bullrushing a crowd or a car being driven through a group of people. I'm looking at making a character that fights with a telekinetically controlled orb, and since throwing it would risk putting it outside my 10-yard range, I was looking at having the orb simply Move into/through people, possibly multiple people at once.

If you're a super, why not use advantages with the Gadget limitation? Just get Crushing Attack (Area of Effect; Takes Extra Time; Wall) and add other modifiers as necessary.

Is there a link to the updated Dungeon Fantasy that was kickstarted?

Well I am, my altered time rate is a belt.

I’m TL 12^ so I wanna know what defenses I can have besides armor.

Any shield can be used as cover. An unfolding shield would take one ready maneuver to activate (about the same time as a force bracelet) and could be placed. You can derive the stats either by copying an ultra-tech shield or using the DR table for different materials.

What page number are those?

UT192 for force bracelet, UT188 for riot shield, B557 for DR of different materials.

At TL12, you should modify those materials to be lighter/stronger than they are in the book. Maybe someone else can chime in on where exactly.

Away from my books at the moment, but IIRC, the Security chapter of UT lists the DR/HP of various doors.


I how are you coming up with those numbers?

As for your large scale slam attack, maybe the area effect enhancement, possibly area + ranged?

Backlash (introduced in Powers under "Nuisance Effects" and re-stated in Power-Ups: Limitations under its own name) basically has you suffer form the effects of an Affliction when you use a power; the limitation is worth as much as the Affliction enhancement is worth, so if Nauseated is worth +30% on Affliction, being nauseated when you use an ability is worth -30%. Additionally, if the Backlash can be resisted with an HT/Will roll, the limitation's value is halved; rolling HT to avoid being sick to you stomach every time you use the ablity is worth -15%.

Afflictions can have "secondary effects" where you pay 1/5th of the enhancements value, and the secondary effect only comes up when the target critically fails for fails by 5+. I applied this directly to Backlash; getting nauseated only on a critical failure is worth -6%, and while that's not a huge discount, you have a very small chance of a minor inconvenience. A resistable secondary effect would apply both the x1/2 and the x1/5 for a total of x1/10 (-3% in our current example).

Why is a fixed Delay an advantage, but Onset is a disadvantage? Aren't they the same thing?

Technically you can't because Slams count as attacks. RAW in a vacuum, trying to use a Move maneuver to go through someone's hex means you either need to evade or they need to let you through; if they don't and you fail your Evasion roll, you stop dead in your tracks. IIRC, there's no free Slam for failing/not trying to evade unless you're dealing with large SM differences.

Maybe houserule "incidental slams" as dealing -1 damage/die. The "attack" maneuver that deals full damage then becomes you actively jostling, using your shoulder, etc. as opposed to just running into/over them. After that, maybe look at overpenetration for hitting multiple targets? For an orb that deals crushing damage, maybe instead just subtract the amount required to knockback whatever you hit? That would put you at -8 damage per target after the first (assuming average ST/HP).

Onset needs to be stacked with other disadvantages that limit its effectiveness. Delay has no such restrictions. For example, you couldn't use Onset to set a trap or a bomb in secret then walk away before it went off.

Where can I find vehicle combat? I'm specifically looking for Spaceship combat.

Spaceships 1, 3, 4, and 7. S1 is the basic system; no map, only abstract facings. Good start though as space combat can be confusing to being with. S3 introduces tactical grid combat. S4 talks about changing combat up to be more cinematic and high-action. Lastly, S7 is about wholly unrealistic space combat, including dogfighting in space a'la Star Wars.

The reply is right actually. One of the things that shows how GURPS is a well designed system is that you can use 2 different methods within it to illustrate something, and you get the same result.
>Pic related, it's the official version which comes out to oh... -30%!
Well done user.

Thank you, just what I needed to know

He can. Use the MA rules for extreme dismemberment, but adapted to slams. Basically; do a slam. If you succeed in knocking them down, you can continue. You then you roll to hit the next person, but they get DR (for the purpose of determining who's knocked down) equal to the HP of the previous person, and so on.

Still new to GURPS. Do you all play combat on a grid or theater of the mind?

I'm coming from DnD where playing on a grid is generally prefered, but I'm thinking of going for theater of the mind for GURPS.

how many points would duke nukem have

wrong pic

It depends on the game. I think I've played in as many (pre-4e) D&D games without a map as I have with one. Just like I've played about as many map-less GURPS games as mapped. Games without a map tend to be more narrative and less minutely tactical than mapped games no matter what system.

Something about 400, which is what, I think, Action recommended for solo heroes.

Does that work for things other than afflictions?

Say if there was a chance of suffering from an attack, or a chance of summoning a hostile demon, etc.

Maybe a resurrection power has a chance they come back as a brain eating zombie, etc.

Could i price them outthe same way, as a chance of some other nonbeneficial power activating when affliction wouldnt be appropriate?

Ive got it in powers, i havent looked at the section for it in limitations. In powers it wasnt super clear how it worked.

What if i only want to have to roll for it on a failed activation (and the worse you failed, the higher the backlash chance)... How would you do that?

Im thinking of the neat backlashes in the buffy magic system and in rolemaster's arcanist mages.

All of them. Infinite Extra Life costs.

Grid, looking to upgrade to 3d terrain, black magic craft style.

When you run Dungeon Fantasy, do you use just the basic set, or do you introduce rules from low-tech?

Anyone else find high DRs to be problematic in low-tech games, especially from layering? How do you deal with this, especially if only some of the characters have high DR and the rest do not?

My GM had a pretty neat solution in that enemies will have two (or more) modes of attack and won't usually use the more powerful one except when attacking the tank. Monster toads would claw and the indestructible tank with enough damage to turn the rest of us into chunky red salsa, and for us it would instead try and grapple with its tongue and slowly drag us in.

Other options include hit locations, attacks that bypass armor anyway, and exploiting the turtle's no-doubt reduced DX and Move.

DF + Low Tech + Powers + Martial Arts.

I usually don't because DR doesn't help you much against numbers, environmental hazards or various afflictions.

Although on occasion I have been known to fuck up and make an enemy too tough to practically kill for the party, but I think I've been getting better about that.

Alternate attacks tthat dont do damage.

So when damage isnt working they switch to afflictions.

Completely up to you. Frankly a lot of the combat options are related to grids, but not all. I've done theater of the mind combat in GURPS and it runs relatively smoothly as long as you don't throw in too many rules.

I usually do theater of the mind, since it requires less prep bullshit and I play online. Mipui is a really nice tool, though, and I might start using maps with it.

>Alternate attacks tthat dont do damage.
For example?

>attacks that bypass armor anyway
What kind of an attack does that?

Thanks. Are you saying that it doesn't help much against numbers because of blunt trauma?

>doesn't help much against numbers because of blunt trauma?
In part, but aside from that, with numbers you can surround the tank, attack from behind (usually less DR and can't defend against), the chance of an enemy getting a critical hit or a lucky hit is high, the enemy can dogpile the tank and pin him between many and stab at weak points, they can keep his party from supporting him, etc.

Basically if the party doesn't play it smart against enemies who are superior in number and the tank gets surrounded, it can be game over very quickly, one lucky hit, one grapple that connects and it's all downhill from there.


I've found the reverse. It takes surprisingly little armor in GURPS to run though a normal fire without fear.


DR is more reliable then Active Defenses when you might get swarmed. You can't help getting flanked or even getting someone behind you then having DR 4/2 from just normal chainmail is a huge help, never mind the 8/6 armor of a man with DR 4 plate layered over chain.

It's a real challenge, especially if you have a high DR character with a shield and decent combat skills that lead to good active defenses.

It's logical for all of that to go together, a classic 'knight' archtype, but can make it very, very hard to challenge them with the same foes that might end up fighting people in DR 2 layered cloth armor.

Things I've found that help..

>Have NPCs call out the armor and work together to try and bring a heavily armored person down.

This is like Numbers suggestion above, but make it clear that this guy is getting attacked more because the NPCs see they are well protected and think more of them need to focus on the knight/huscarl/ect. This also helps players understand what is going on in the fight and makes the armored player feel like their choices are reflected in the world.

It also gives you a reason that most NPCs aren't targeting the lightly armored types.

>Heavy crushing weapons.

Large maces, mauls and other weapons can do considerable damage past low TL armor via Blunt Trauma if nothing else, but their high base damage also means they can get though armor more easily in general. Stronger NPCs with these weapons can go one on one more easily with your armored PCs.

>Bodkin arrows

I use these sparingly, because they nerf armor pretty hard, but they have the advantage that your low armor PCs won't be hurt much more then them then your high armor PCs.

Yeah, but it's much worse to get swarmed if you don't have armor then if you do.

Grappling, dragging someone down and pinning them with help from some friends is more anti-armor. It doesn't matter what your DR is when people are wrestling with you, and if they get you on the ground and strip off your armor they can do some stroke of grace.

>It takes surprisingly little armor in GURPS to run though a normal fire without fear.
Sure, but uneven terrain, falls, water, etc. can and will fuck you over. More magical environmental hazards also don't help.

>DR is more reliable then Active Defenses when you might get swarmed
Sure, but it's not going to save you, and in my experience the player with high DR is more likely to be reckless and actually get swarmed, and then brought down quickly. Happened a couple of times with my current group before they learned not to do that.

>Yeah, but it's much worse to get swarmed if you don't have armor then if you do.
You seem to be missing the point. The question isn't "Is high DR better than low DR?" because in GURPS it obviously is. The question was "Is high DR a problem in low-tech?" and the answer is no because there are effective ways to work around that, and superior numbers is one of those situations where armor might help a bit but ultimately wont save you.

No, I get the point. It's just odd to use swarming as a 'anti-armor' example because armor is an anti-swarming measure. A pack of mind controlled children or frail peasants with knives, light clubs and pitchforks can't roll over a knight in heavy mail like they can a unarmored person.

It's not an "anti-armor" example. It's an example of a situation where armor doesn't help much.

These are different things.

What are the rules for fighting against giant creatures? especially ones that can either swallow you whole or grab you, hit location is a concern too

>It takes surprisingly little armor in GURPS to run though a normal fire without fear.
Well, if you are walking on fire, the soles of your feet will probably have only a little DR from your leather boots.

There is also poisonous gas etc.

Maledictions, regular spells, sense-based attacks, clouds, swarms, and skilled mundane physical attacks against unarmored or at least underarmored hit locations.

Combat Writ Large from the Combat issue of Pyramid collects and expands on all the rules for fighting creatures of higher SMs. I'd start there.

>its damage is identical to what it would do in your hands.
I missed the implication of that, but I still think it's a little weird that a magical power that can keep the weapon afloat doesn't have the oomph to keep it ready after the attack no matter the user's skill level with the imbuement. I can live with that, I suppose.

> As for the second part, a Lighten Weapon imbuement could work, but it's really not necessary as Extra Effort (Rapid Recovery) already removes U form the Parry stat for one attack and using imbuements every single turn to attack with a ‡ weapon is wholly impractical; instead
Totally misse that extra effort option. Glad it exist, I hate coming up with new spells.

>see if your GM will let you target yourself with Vehicle (Mount) imbuements from Pyramid #3/71 and just buff your own ST
I'll have to check the article but damn I didn't knew it even existed.
Pyramid is very nice but I think SJ could make some kind of master list of articles. I would NEVER guess there would be an article about imbuements in a Pyramid named "SPACESHIPS".

I thought Monster Hunters would cover it, thanks.

Is there a reason why GURPS doesn't have a lot of homebrews for more settings? other than few famous franchises it's quite lacking

Poison gas.
Electrical weapons that stun.
Attacks to ensnare the enemy, such as a net.
Grappling and restraining.
DR bypassing magic attacks.
Telepathic assaults.
Mind control.

If everything is just hp damage all the time, combat is boring. Your DR monkey is forcing you to mix it up and make the game more interesting.

Ive noticed this as well. And 3e gurps is the opposite.

No clue why. Im hoping dfrpg is sufficiently successful that they change this. Theres a lot of genres i really want presets for.

I feel that there are no weebs among this community, only they are autistic enough to make and publish something like that.

What do abs have to do with anything. Do you mean fan products?

I was talking about official products.

Like , gurps 3e had :
Dungeon fantasy
Infinite worlds
Transhuman space
Star trek
Space atlas
Monster hunters
World of darkness
Castle falkenstein
Blue planet
Con x
Cultic myth
Hyborian age
Various historical
Camelot (3 flavors)

And others.

This time around there's far fewer.

Banestorm, dungeon fantasy, infinite worlds, and monster hunters being the main ones. There's a low of stuff you end up needing to diy from scratch or use an out of print book for. Many of those things, i would happily buy if they were done up as a preset like dungeon fantasy.

I'd happily pay for generic gurps presets of:
Space opera
Age of sail
Iron age
Magitech fantasy
Urban Fantasy Cyberpunk

Gimme an $85 boxed set of each, ill buy them.

Half of those were licensed from other people, which SJ games are reluctant to do at the moment due to low profit margins and extra work dealing with people outside the company.

I understand that THS was a bit of a flop relative to the effort they put in, so that probably put them off a bit and certainly changed their focus from 'well-defined setting' to 'well-defined game, vague setting' like you see in DF, MH, AtE and Action.

Still, for 4th edition they have done Madness Dossier, Banestorm, Infinite Worlds, Discworld, Mars Attacks, Age of Gold, Solar Patrol, Alchemical Baroque, Lands Out of Time, Vorkosigan Saga, Prime Directive, multiple micro-settings in various genre books (Zombies, Horror, Fantasy, etc.), a bunch of small historical books (Hot Spots, Crusades, SEALs in Vietnam) and updates to THS, RoS and Traveller.

Df, mh, ate, and action are in the vain I'm hoping for, just for genres they haven't really done much with yet to my knowledge.

All of those have 4e publications? That's a lot more than i thought.

Since you're more familiar with the 4e offerings than me:

>is there a good tianxia/wuxia genre or setting book?
>What about something for action heavy Sci fi? (star wars, andromeda, firefly, dark matter, or farscape?)
>How about urban fantasy cyberpunk (same genre as shadowrun)

What supplement covers pirates, ship battle and boarding?

You could grab swashbuxklers for 3e. It would still do the job in 4e

Does it contain anything that isn't in the 4e DF swashbucklers?

Unfamiliar with df swashbucklers.

Its got a historical slant and is a setting book with mechanics though, so probably?

I think its in thr trove , for you to check.

DF Swashbucklers is all about high-skill D&D-style fantasy warriors. It has no information relevant to a historical, realistic, or overtly nautical game. The only link between the two is the name and the propensity for using light one-handed blades.

I would look at either the 3e Swashbucklers book and the Pirates & Swashbucklers issue of Pyramid (mostly the 3e book).

Swashbucklers 3e has a section on Caribbean pirates and a section on French Musketeers. It has a naval combat section that is pretty abstract to represent boarding ships. The majority of the content is background information for historical purposes; in fact if it overlaps with any 4e book greatly at all, it's mostly Martial Arts, as there are a ton of high tier techniques that have been rebalanced in Martial Arts 4e.


Finally got back to playing after a few weeks hiatus due to plague and dentistry; the party explore the ruins of the Ancient Dwarven Dungeon, in the aftermath of their tragic clash with the Demon

>Deloth Ainur is dead, no longer possessed by demonic host, but her life snuffed out in the onslaught
>A short respite is held, but the place is as a tomb, no danger imminent
>Magic crackles in the air still, but tamed, focused around the massive crystal housing some kind of energy
>The party checks arms, then sets about skulking the depths

>Storerooms to the side seem to hold a trove of valuables and effects from some noble origins. Statuary, flatware, furniture and rugs
>The dwarves rummage through looking for loot and plunder, the wizard types move on to investigate a dark sigil warding a door up ahead
>The door is marked with a massive bas relief of an open book radiating beams of the sun, in the old Dwarven method. A bloody ring of caked rusty red is scratched with profane writing, swirling round the door handles and locks
>The mages have a bad feeling about this

>Meanwhile, the Dwarves have uncovered some odd felt wrapped packages and uncovered a cache of silver swords! The mage blades of High Lord Jadeite new dark wizard servitors!
>Syviis and Roderick check the thaumatological markers and deduce the door seal can be broken with [blood of a man-wizard]. The elf grabs one of the newly acquired swords, and scrapes the blood mark with the rubyred bloodstone worked into the pommel. It breaks the magic seal, and the crimson runs like water, disappearing

>Inside, a chranal house of bodies lie in state, dead some weeks. Victims of violence most foul, butchered to pieces.
>Their blood marked a massive circle of power on the floor binding some massive demonic spirit, but the trap on the door broke loose without issue, harmlessly freeing the captive
>The party investigates: these rooms beyond housed records, store rooms and inventories. But the contents are all but missing, ransacked and in a shambles.
>Scraps if writing reveal Dwarven work dating back hundreds of years, this being some sort of armory or forge built to combat a great evil the Empire succumbed to
>And in a side room, Gray uncovers a lead lined stone coffee housing a melon-sized red stone. Waves of heat felt on the skin when exposed to it's inner light, some furious power contained within

>The dwarves are beside themselves in reverence and wonder; they quickly shut up the container and chatter between themselves. They quickly deduce the device's name and taboo history; a Hell Storm Device. The fabled wrath of the AllFather spirit in corporeal form!
>Everyone agrees it shouldn't be trifled with at the moment, at least until the instruction manual is found

>They press on, find not much else evidence about to scrape together, when Syviis decides she should commune with the elemental bound here for more answers

>The shaman stops, presses through the ancient rituals of the Elves, cleanses her mind ego and spirit, and channels her power through the staff of Life and Death
>Instantly, the power reaches for her and the storm swirls around her. Light pours out from behind her eyes and it speaks to her mind
>The ancient spirit here is Quicksilver itself; the blood of the Earth

>In a few scant moments, the elemental elf is bombarded with a thousand years if history
>The Dwarven Empire fought against the darkness, spirits of elemental evil, and here they sought to harness the power of the land in commune.
>Entwining the power of the earth to their great knights, the symbiotic paladins grew their crystal companions and the nacent life was nurtured by Quicksilver
>In the end, the dwarves fell, but the Earth mind lived on here, tied perpetually to the workings in her body
>Then, more recently, came Jadeite the Blasphemer

>He bent Quicksilver to his will, broke apart her essence, and bound it to the infernal silver blades forged of hellfire and rage
>Arming his disciples with them, they fuel dark magics with divine power. The fires of the heart of the Earth turned against her children in a cruel mockery
>Quicksilver weeps, and longs to be whole again
>Syviis implores: How do we save you old spirit? Break your prison?
>No, this would slay her, the scaffolds of life shattered by the dark rituals. Only once the silver is returned to her whole again can she step free and return to the Earth

>Quicksilver implores them now: Go out and do as my Sister, the Witch Queen instructed. Receiver the Artifacts of mortal magic, rebuilt the Ansible of Spirits, and heal the sounds of the Earth

Here are some links that just might enrich the Mega. Mosey on over to snip dot li.

Anybody here playing solo?

>A parting gift, the mighty spirit communes with Suthri, Bomrek and Syviis. She in parts to them her knowledge of herself, and they in turn may now seek out her body, knowing the location of the nearest piece.
>They test this knowledge, and the three share an uneasy look; they confirm they each saw a dark vision of butchery, a Silver Blade wielded by a dark vizier's hand, hewing meat from bone someplace nearby in the town of Academ

>The silver swords they already carry are quickly added back to the body of Quicksilver; the profane metals but in away, the Essence restored to the Goddess
>Bomrek scooping up the Ruby bloodstones, can't be wasting any of them, for sure!

Then, just as they consider what next to do a ripple of power flows through the rooms. A popping of the eardrums signals a shift in the air.... And up the hall from nowhere come striking in a guard of silversword wizards headed by a profane master! Bedecked in black robes and scarred visages, they have appeared unbidden from the Darkness!


RIP SJGames.

Ah, yes. Their grave will be right next to those of record labels, movie theaters, WotC, and Paizo.

All I all, a good groove to get back to. Kind of a drawn out bit of exposition on my part(I'm very guilty of world building with whispers on Roll20) but I think the pacing is nice an alive

Now if only I could get this stuff all added to the WordPress AAR I have! That's barely at the end of chapter 1, where Ulm joined the group on the first trek to Glardenfen ruins! Crazy to think that was over a year ago now

Just because SJGames has Munchkin doesn't mean they can keep making a loss on GURPS forever, you know.

Rolled 6, 1, 5 = 12 (3d6)

How the fuck are you supposed to defeat a dragon in dungeon fantasy?

Depends on the character types. Barbarians can regularly deal significant damage with AOA (Strong), and with some spells to keep them alive, they make (somewhat) short work of the dragon. Knights, Scouts, and Swashbucklers can go for eyes or weak points, with Knights tanking until they get an opportunity and Swashbucklers making opportunities through excessive speed and foppery. Bards, Clerics, Druids, and Wizards have tons of tricks up those sleeves, though the dragon's SM makes casting insta-win spells difficult; they're better off buffing warriors or messing with the dragon. Martial Artists have Kung-Fu bullshit. Thieves are honestly screwed, but they should be taking the choicest loot from he horde, not fighting like the hired help--I mean treasured adventuring companions.

Gratuitous use of environmental hazards

Seriously, dude. GURPS isn't exactly making them a ton of money as is. They might choose to terminate it eventually, which would be a shame. Use what you need, buy what you use.

I'm already the owner of the DFRPG box (backed it during the Kickstarter), but I didn't shell out the extra money for the pdf's. I didn't upload those files; I found those links on another chan and I decided to post them here. I tell every gamer I know about DF. Most of them buy what they use, too.

No rpg makes a lot of money.

Link to those files? I'm a poor user, I'll buy it when I have money

Long live SJGames.

Links are literally in this thread, but I am just uploading them to the main OP trove for completeness sake.

I'm a literal retard, thanks

I plan on buying it as soon as I get some extra cash, physical editions are always better and I love the look of the dungeon fantasy box

Anyone run any Shadowrun campaigms with GURPS? How dod you handle essence? Seperate stat or just a narrative system


>I actually hate magic, but I really like the Incantation rules

I'm confused.