Power level thread

who can beat it

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We've been over this. Your minimum entry requirement to claim to be actually "powerful" is:

- Ability to swipe entire Galaxies (such as the Milky Way)
- Ability to swipe abstract concepts (such as Tai Chi)
- Ability to swipe entire historical events (such as the American Revolution)

Keep in mind that Carmen Sandiego is explicitly half-assing all of this. If you're not on that level, don't even bother showing up.

Insert sword of ____

Demonbane now fuck off

Is there a even character that’s close to being as perfect as Cell? Let alone be him. And I'm not talking about Perfect Cell. I'm not talking about Super Perfect either. Hell, I'm not even talking about SSGSS Golden Cell. I’m also not talking about SSGSS Golden Cell who fused with 9001 SSGSS Golden Cell Jrs & obtained Beerus & Whis' DNA. I'm definitely NOT Talking about SSGSS Golden Cell who fused with 9001 SSGSS Golden Cell Jrs & obtained Beerus, Whis, Champa & Vados' DNA after absorbing enough Spiral Power & Getter Rays to use SSGSS Golden Tengen Toppa Getter Emperor. I'm talking about SSGSS Golden Cell who fused with an infinite number of SSGSS Golden Cell Jrs, wished himself immortal with the Super Dragon Balls & obtained Beerus, Whis, Champa, Vados, Zeno, Madara Uchiha & Ultimate Kars' DNA to obtain Requiem versions of every Stand (including but not limited to Gold Experience Requiem, Made in Heaven Requiem, The World Over Heaven Requiem & D4C Requiem) after absorbing enough Spiral Power & Getter Rays to use SSGSS Golden Tengen Toppa Getter Emperor as he pilots Elder Demonbane with Cosmic Armor, Power Cosmic (all of it), and Omega effect, the Anti-Life Equation also flowing through his veins (because that's apparently how it works), while he does 101 Push-ups, 101 Sit-ups, 101 Squats, 11 km run per day as a park ranger for over 4 months inside the sun after ingesting Kryptonian DNA (to somehow obtain infinite power from a finite source) after consuming Popeye's Spinach while riding the writer's cock to battle.

Look its not a matter of demonstrated power, not always. See what you really gotta look out for is the ones that you can't comprehend or understand, but the signs can be there. Look at what others do and it can point to unfathomable abilities and strength.

I'm not saying he's ultra-powerful or anything like that, but people have been looking for Waldo for nearly 40 years now and I'm starting to get worried that nobody knows why.

Can this be an unknown armies type thread? I like to imagine it could be.

Where on the scale would Mauraders be? I mean, when you're so vulger reality throws it's hands up and just goes "fuck it!" that says something I feel.

Technically Altair can accomplish all that by making a copy of Carmen Sandiego using Mimic Factor and then ordering the copy to do it for her. Whats more, she has an ability that is literally reworded as 'undoing a plot twist', so she can actually UNSTEAL something Carmen Sandiego has stolen as long as the theft was grand enough in scope as to be shocking... which is Carmen's entire MO.

Other shown powers include reverse cause and effect so your own attack damages you even though it hit her, making fictional things real, and feeding off of the belief in her own power such that unless you can convince a large enough audience that you have, in fact, defeated her bullshit will happen that will prove that you didn't. Like, they came up with a plan to beat her that WORKED and annihilated her entirely but because it was so sudden the audience didn't accept it and she got out of jail free because not enough people were satisfied with that ending.

The way you have to think about any encounter with Altair is that you are in a story and she has been written as the protagonist. And she knows it. This is true even when she is in a story where she is presented as the antagonist.

The whole thing of "who wins a crossover? The guy the writer wants to win." That's her officially stated personal power, and the exact mechanisms of enabling that victory are entirely superficial. Like a player who has already rolled and confirmed a critical hit, who only has to decide how they choose to describe it.


That... would actually be a hella fun fight to see. Altair's ultimate goal is to break our reality, so it makes sense that if someone like Bart existed the universe would send her to intervene.

That said, while the universe could certainly protect Bart from a lot of Altair's attacks, I have trouble imagining a scenario even by holistic standards of 'everything goes perfectly your way in the most unlikely way possible' that would give Bart the chance to actually kill Altair. And Altair can always choose to just leave the universe if she feels too threatened.

I think it might be a stalemate.

No reality warping edition

The culture ship Mistake Not My Current State Of Joshing Gentle Peevishness For The Awesome And Terrible Majesty Of The Towering Seas Of Ire That Are Themselves The Mere Milquetoast Shallows Fringing My Vast Oceans Of Wrath

>And he descended upon Arda in power and majesty greater than any other of the Valar, as a mountain that wades in the sea and has its head above the clouds and is clad in ice and crowned with smoke and fire; and the light of the eyes of Melkor was like a flame that withers with heat and pierces with a deadly cold.

Nobody can beat the Hyper Weapon. Not the Hyper Weapon. Can't beat the Hyper Weapon, man. Nope.

To be honest, I think Bart would be able to outmaneuver Altair pretty easily, given that we know Bart is something of a "Nerd," so he probably has experience with hardcore gaming to give him an edge over Altair. Technology differences are a bitch.

Altair has an obvious physical advantage, height strength and speed, but the technology and gadgetry Bart could bring to the table.

Take the Season 2, Episode 7 "Bart vs. Thanksgiving" and you'll see he's capable of surviving even against superior odds. Tenacity, not power level alone, would win Bart that fight.

Lady of Pain

Literally anyone because she's a meme, and a shitty one at that.

Her power is in being the protagonist, this is why only an author can defeat her. You need someone that is able to close her story in a unfavorable term for her: ie, most horror author. Or you could go the anime way and give her something she wants more than destroying reality.

Weaklings, all of you. Educate yourself about real power levels.

This is a much more interesting matchup than whatever bullshit those other anons were talking about.

But honestly, I really want to see Altaïr win just so he can skateboard around the ancient world.


Is Altaïr the name of the person in OP's pic?

Because I honestly believed they were talking about Altaïr from Assasin's Creed the entire time. I stopped playing after Brotherhood and just watched the series take the shark on a magical carpet ride through space.

Featherine Augustus Aurora should be on her level then. She straights up writes the plot of reality


The issue with this, is that recreators is fucking shlock.