Kamigakari Thread

Rolled 1, 3, 6, 3 = 13 (4d6)

Legendary Arms RPG Kamigakari Thread

Previous Thread: Last time:
>Bookanon got his scanner working
>KansaiAnon never became lucid again, send help
>A Touhou storytime is born, With lots of fairy vomit
>Chicken Nugget connoisseur job mentioned, thread confused

Today's question: What kinds of monsters would you, As a player, like to fight against?

Baseline things! And stuff:

Expansions and errata:

Expansion Weapons Pastebin (Incomplete)

A character sheet hosted on Google Sheets (for online play!)::

Mononoke homebrew guide, FAQ, and a quick rules cheatsheet!

/jttrpg/ Discord - Look for games in #on-topic, not #general.

Storytime Imgur

Kamigakari is a JTTRPG focused on episodic storytelling, with simple but tight mechanics.

Its design goal is to start players spread out, getting involved with the episode's peculiarities, and eventually coming together to fight a big bad, A la

tokusatsu shows, magical girl shows, and/or other such shows in that vein.

TL;DR, Its a Monster of the Week Format game with an emphasis in the fluff on high power shenanigans of just about every type.
Remember boys and girls, Japanese schedules suck, so JTTRPGS are optimized toward quick and easy sessions.
That said, they can be adapted for longer ones.

Typo Reports For Kamigakari user
EXP 1:pastebin.com/kAPTscfu

Other urls found in this thread:


>Bookanon got his scanner working

On this topic, i'll see to scanning some stuff on sunday. I'm gonna start with expac 2 since core and 1 are already translated.

Do we have anyone here that understands even the barest bit of japanese?

But seriously though, i hope kansaianon is alright.

For monsters, i like the idea of fighting things that are tailor made to beat you at your own game.

Head on slugging matches against people with similar or identical abilities always seem so interesting, because you have to think a lot more about how to use your abilities, or just leave it to chance. Proving that i am the superior punchy man/magic caster/Detective/whatever is an interesting idea to me.

Now that i think on it, Doppelgangers are something you don't see a whole lot of in TTRPGs, despite the narrative intrigue they always have.

I've been mulling this thought around for a while now, but should we just make our own discord, rather than leaching off the JTTRPG one? It might also make the translation project simpler

Oh yeah, what about ruth user? Any ETA on continuing Isekai user storytime?

If People want a discord server, i've got one set up to use now.

I need to head off to work, but if people want it, i'll throw the link up once i'm back.

Kansainon is fine, he just runs on valve time. Don't hold your breath waiting for him.

I'm kinda interested, but it might slow up these already slow threads even more if we all jumped onto Discord

>Today's question: What kinds of monsters would you, As a player, like to fight against?
OP pic looks like an abso-fucking-lute joy to fight against. It'll let me UNLEASH my FURY upon it, and it will UNLEASH ITS FURY in KIND.

T'ell with Discords, I say we keep the Kamigakari threads. Separate, but together, as they say!

Is there any japenese RPG that isn't a kitchensinky generic experience about fighting supernatural monsters in tokyo using their own powers?

Well, certainly not this one. I don't know any others

Okay, so how is this system not a battle shounen kitchen sink about fighting boss monsters in Tokyo?

Double negative. You asked if there's an RPG that isn't those things, and I said not this one. Because it is.

Oh, my bad. Redpill me on this system, then. I'm trying to skim the PDF and it's really fucking hard to read.

I want to like my animoo RPGs, but this one seems like a discount double cross. (Which is already a bad system.)

Well, for the moment i'll hold off then. Once we get the translation going in full though, it'll probably be easier to do on discord

Ain't that user, but I'll give it a go.

Niftiest thing I find about this game is how it handles the meta-resource (Fate Points, that sorta thing)/combat resource through Spirit Dice, which is rolled at the start of every session, and replenishes as you go. You can either spend it to use Talents (whether it be evens, odds, two of the same number, specific numbers, or even two numbers in sequential order), or [Influence] your dice with it, letting you swap dice you roll with dice in your [Spirit Pool]. There's a few ways to fix up Spirit Dice to particular numbers, but Humans have it easiest.

That read as
>I like how this system handles meta resources
and then it veered off into shit that'd require understanding the system

Makes me less interested in the system, desu. Try harder.

>I like how this system handles meta resources

I'll try it. It's a d6 system. You roll 4d6 and set them aside at the start of the game. These are the Spirit Dice. After every scene, or combat round, if you used any of the dice you reroll the missing dice back up to 4d6.

You can either use the dice by swapping them in on a roll (standard roll is 2d6, swap in a Spirit Die to replace one or the other) or spend them to activate a Talent. Talents require a certain value (1, 5, etc), or dubs, two evens, two odds, or two sequential values.

Humans have an ability to add or subtract 1 from any of their spirit dice one a round so as to have an easier time activating their Talents.

>(Which is already a bad system.)

If you don't like double cross, JTTRPGs probably aren't for you. A lot of them are based around similar systems with key differences. Thats not on the game, thats your personal preference.

Having said that, i've never played double cross, but the strengths of kamigakari are the simplicity of its roll system, its meta resource in spirit die as explained by , Distinctness between each class and the ability to mix and match combinations of them, and its often often fast and hectic pace are its strongest points.

As said in the OP, Japanese games are designed around the japanese schedule, which is next to nothing, so fast and simple gameplay is needed, without taking out the depth of mechanics. In my opinion, kamigakari does this rather well.

I would also argue that its better to experience it by actually playing it than reading the rules. The bare explanations don't really explain how everything works in action, But once people get going i've noticed they go from 0 to 60 in nothing flat.

>Kansainon is fine, he just runs on valve time. Don't hold your breath waiting for him.

Well shit. Hopefully we can bet on ruthanon to storytime something, but if not all we have is my touhou storytime, and that didn't seem to garner much interest to start with.

That is an incredibly buff blonde rat.

Damn straight it is, and it thinks you took its cheddar.

Ooh, I somehow missed the last thread and didn't know about that

>denji, through some stroke of fucking stupidity, tried to abduct one of the fairies

In a stroke of synchronized hilarity, this also happened in Kansainon's game. Your players are alright, touhouanon

Glad you liked it. I've got another part to tell, but its way shorter. I was trying to wait for the next session, but due to planning issues it may need to be postponed till the middle of the week.

If there are false gods, are there true gods?

Supposedly, yeah. Depends on your definition of a true god, i guess.

Of course. The stuff they created/used/etc became shards.

I'd actually forgotten about that tidbit.

I am the dumb.

Well the book doesn't elaborate much on them. You're probably supposed to either not worry about it, or fill in the details yourself. IIRC there's already one user running a campaign involving the gods

It doesn't elaborate on them, but they are mentioned in basically every class entry. I shoulda remembered that.

Still, i think its safe to say that whatever "true gods" did exist are either gone completely or simply not doing anything. Otherwise, i don't think there'd be as much issue with aramitama as there is.

That'd be [Twilight of the Gods], aye. but that's a homebrew-y settin'. Session'll be later today, so I'll get back to y'all tomorrow on it, we need some good storytime, and all that.

Way I see it, they technically's do "exist", in the form of the Shards what Godhunters use, and the [Styles] they employ. 'Course, that ain't really existin', if ya get down to it, but hey, at least they're not completely gone.

"what happened to/were the original gods" could be a campaign-worthy question by itself

>Session'll be later today, so I'll get back to y'all tomorrow on it, we need some good storytime, and all that.

Damn straight we do. Threads super slow, and a good storytime that doesn't rely on a stigmatized setting would really help with that.

as for
>Way I see it, they technically's do "exist", in the form of the Shards what Godhunters use, and the [Styles] they employ. 'Course, that ain't really existin', if ya get down to it, but hey, at least they're not completely gone.

Thats all pretty much correct, at least in how the setting portrays itself. Shards act as evidence to the existence of gods, and a conduit for their power, but it doesn't say a whole lot for the gods themselves current state of affairs.

It really would. Thats not a bad idea, actually.

Have any of you done something cool or fun outside of combat with a talent?

My player used her divine spirit talent and her electric element and used em like a defibrillator

In Kansainon's game we had what he's since dubbed a "canon filler" episode, when we decided to ignore the plot and go Mario-Karting. Kansainon allowed us to use our talents as power-ups as long as we could vaguely justify it. Copious amounts of bullying happened, culminating in Ito using 99 Regalia to Gate of Babylon the race track and forcing everyone else off.

He still lost.

That's cool! Tell me more about the power-ups!

I'm not sure who used what talents here but - Jagasaki tried to skip part of the track but it didn't work too well, Shizune blasted other racers with Grand Spell Invocation to stun/slow them, Gurei and Freki were freezing and melting the track behind making life a shiftstorm for anyone trailing at the back, and Akira's "kart" has a mode transformation and speed boost built into it.

I don't understand the shards. What exactly is this?

Shards are a chunk of nondescript magic that's the source of your PC's power. The type of shard determines what powers you get

They're the remains of very very old artifacts, like swords or armour or what have you. The kind of item the shard used to be determines what kind of powers you can get.

I don't have access to the other PCs sheets but I did some double checking so I can be more descriptive. Ito was previously mentioned, Shizune cast a [shock] GSI to lightning bolt all the other racers, Jagasaki has [Wind] element magic and used it to fly his kart around obstacles, Akira was using Shadow Breach and Spirit Burn for some gotta-go-fast. Ren's player lost power mid-game so unfortunately no shenanigans from him. Various NPCs were taking part as well but I have no idea what their stat blocks are,

In one game where I play a Hanyou with Gold Find, he initially was just going to be a bakeneko.

The GM took that thread and ran with it, hard. First, when I decided it'd be fun to pump luck every single opportunity I got, it was decided that he was -maneki neko- and not just bakeneko, and that Gold Find manifested as residual luck leaking into reality, turning something into Gold.

Then, the GM showed that he wasn't just -Maneki Neko-, but that he was a full blown inheritor of the Divine Beast Byakko's power.

Basically Gold Find - one admittedly really strong racial - turned into a major element of his backstory, and it was pretty neato.

Currently he's sitting at World Influence Level 4, and 11 luck. He also has 1 Intelligence, due to being a dumb kitty.

People say this system can do most anime. But can it do Keijo?

>Turned out to be byakko

Neat, but a bit overblown for that low a level. Byakko's a big deal, y'know?

I mean, i don't see why not. Just refluff everything into Tit and ass based antics and BOOM.

For example, stuff like gate of bootylon would be legion, due to its focus on variety, Main character girl would probably be arc slayer. Ranged attacks would be like the teacher that hit the chalk with her ass to use as a projectile.

Its not inconceivable, you just gotta be imaginative with the descriptions.

Yeah it's a bit low a level, but it's more like... he -could- be. The byakko's power isn't there yet due to someone else currently holding the power, and due to spirit shenanigans he's probably not going to be getting it for a while. Still, it's basically like he's next in line for it.

thats a pretty neat idea. But man, your GM really ran with the traits on that one. He just fucking ran and ran and ran, and i don't see an end of it in sight. He's like forest gump.

>Arc Slayer
Ass Slayer?

I can imagine you'd have to remove some things unless there was a great explanation for it. Maybe Digital Sorc or Elder Mage, I guess?


That poor girl's spine.

Nah, just come up with some stupid shit that explains it away.

Sometime tonight i'll get to scanning. If we can't find someone to help translate, i'll just sit on the scans for a while, and scan the whole book to post as a PDF.

Do you think a norse themed Aramitama seems out of place in Japan?

Have you watched anime?

Norse mythology gets used pretty often. I would argue that place doesn't matter to much to a god, especially one of a society of vikings that traveled and pillaged.

Girls can actually bend that way, especially at that age.

And considering they practice on a daily basis to be able to do that stuff, its not terribly far-fetched for them to be that limber.

Doppelgangers are incredibly difficult for a GM to run for two reasons.

One, they read minds. The problem is that they do this constantly, and it's a will save. If a player fails a will save, per RAW, they are aware something has happened to force a will save upon them. You have to A) do it in such a place in such a way they can't spot the sole user of the power easily (very difficult at best) and B) have to actually know the player and character well enough to have an idea of what they're thinking at critical moments in the doppelganger's presence.

The second problem is that if a doppelganger is doing it's job right, THEY'LL NEVER KNOW IT. Bluff checks, diplomacy checks, sense motive checks, and perception checks are an issue that the GM has tyo be VERY good at coping with, and he has to have the ultimate poker face. I've spent a long time perfecting my player's perception of me as a gamemaster, and I still have difficulties running doppelgangers, because the best run doppelganger is practically undetectable. The Thing with a human intellect and no desire to absorb everyone in the world is a terrifying concept if you think about it. It can literally be anyone, at any time, and probability has been, around you, all the time.

The best way to introduce doppelgangers is by showing them how terrifying an illusionist is. Illusionists are quite possibly the weakest of wizards, but when done correctly, using judicious amounts of unreliable narrator and great care in forethought, an illusionist can fuck your player's understanding of how the world works to a terrifying degree. If you can terrify them with an illusionist, you are ready for doppelgangers.

Okay, why'd you lapse into 3.5 there? What does that have to do with anything?

Like, an enemy doppelganger doesn't necessarily need to be a trickster. It can just be a newly formed obstacle designed after the characters. They can even form in front of them, if you want to get rid of the confusion.

Having doppelgangers as an enemy and having them as a sentient force are entirely separate things.

I'd like to see more small speedy enemies that rely on avoidance rather than just being walking HP bags.

Small fast enemies can provide a way different challenge to most other enemies, and its neat to think up ways to deal with that.

Gonna bump with some images so we can get this out.


Aah, bugger-all, I shoulda mentioned earlier that we didn't have a session this time, due to some GM-side problems.

Aw damnit.

Well that just sucks.

Well, do you have anything else to contribute in its stead?

We're a bit dead right now, so anything helps





Finally, here is the first part of hopefully many soon to be translated pages.

I believe some of this is on factions, which was already translated, but for neatness' sake i left them in

This goes from page 4, the first page past the table of contents, to page 19 which has the second part of the additional rules.

What was on page 17? Just some art?

Basically, yeah. It was just a page saying "Hey here's the next section" sorta like the ones in the core PDF

By the power of Google Translate, the first section of additional rules is apparently called "Lets do GM" (GMをやってみよう). This must be the ERP section.

Laughed harder than i shoulda at that.

I'm surprised you could put that in so fast

I use the "draw symbol" input. Fuck drawing the whole section, though.

fair enough. I'm terrible with that though, so it takes me ages.

Either way, i've done my immediate job, so i need sleep. I'll check back in after while.

>Fuck drawing the whole section, though.
Ha, I lied, I did the next sentence.
GM は楽しい役割ですが, シナリオを準備したり各プレイヤーへ対応したりするため, プレイヤーよりも少しだけ労力が必要となります。
GM is a fun role, but to prepare the scenario and correspond to each player, a little more effort is required than the player.

Google Translate is working surprisingly well. I'm going to see if Adobe Acrobat can OCR this properly.

Alright, I've finished bludgeoning my way through Page 18 with GTrans. It's mostly GM advice and suggesting that you do a round-robin campaign where you switch GMs after every two or three scenarios to prevent burnout. However, there is this additional rule:

Additional rule: Remuneration to GM
Each time a person serves as GM of a round-robin campaign, their PC also gains [experience] and [money]. At [Session end], the GM sets "〇〇 (〇〇 is the handle/name of the GM)" in the item of "Player name" on the [Record sheet] (Go book p 262) and "GM" in the item of [Character name]. After that, enter the value (described below) that can be earned by acting as GM in the items of [experience value] and [money held]. Next time, when other players serve as GM, you can improve your PC with the [experience] and [money] described on that record sheet. [Experience value] and [money] that GM can acquire are as follows.
◎ Experience gained by GM
It is called "SUPPORT." = Average value of [experience value] PC acquired.
Example: The average [experience value] acquired by the PCs is 136, GM acquires 136 [experience].
◎ Money gained by GM
= PCs have defeated [boss] [LV] x 1200 G
Example: The PCs defeat a [boss] whose [LV] is 3, GM acquires 3600 G of [money].

I've tried page 19, but I'm having difficulty interpreting what's come out of the translator.

Regardless of PC · NPC, [profile] of camouflage is based on [target value: 14]. Also, even if the data of Kamigakari is successful in [Action: Identification [Intelligence]], only partial data is known (→ see Core p156. [Identification]). In addition to each item that is found in [Identification], the [Title] of [Race] and [Main] will be known (The acquired "Talent" etc is unknown). Unless otherwise specified, each item of Kamigakari is as follows.

◎ Contents of Kamigakari
Classification: by [race]
World Interference LV (LV): current value
Size: 2
Intelligence: cunning
Sense: normal
Conversation: possible
Reaction: Sometimes
Profile recognition: 14
Weakness: None
Movement: walking

I think this is meant to be for seeing through your cover.

Whoo, we're getting somewhere. And man that sure is some wall-of-text style writing.

A while back I ran some of the raw text from the talent spreadsheet through google translate to see how they came out. It's surprisingly intelligible, with the only difficulty I had being working out what Kamigakari-user had localised. Machine translation seems like it's plenty doable

Man, i was hoping for a lot more from the additional rules.

Still, the idea of a round robin campaign and incentive to do it isn't a bad thing.

>And man that sure is some wall-of-text style writing.

It can be, but a lot of it is exposition and such. Information on the world, factions, shit like that. If it wasn't a wall of text, i'm not sure it would actually tell you anything.

Oh, I was more thinking I'm used to RPG books like Savage Worlds which break up the writing with the odd illustration here and there. That's ten-ish pages of nothing but text so it's very dense.

Yeah, but its mostly an expo dump. Once you get into the stuff a bit further in which actually has rules, like the styles as an example, its parsed down some.

wait i thought japanese was written vertically

thanks for scanning user.

No problem

Thats dependant on a lot of factors. In the case of a book like this, its easier to format horizontally than it is vertically.

Japanese is a weird written language thats all about circumstance, so there's no real one way to go about it.

can we get some spider husbando and spider boyfriends? I need them for reasons.

Ill see what i can find after a while. At work currently

After a lot of nothing from me, here's something: A new kamigacompendium, for all the non-weapon items. Enjoy! pastebin.com/HzRenMqf

Oh, fucking sweet. I'll see to it that gets in the next OP then.

Is the weapons one still incomplete?

Okay, so small issue with that. Veeky Forums isn't able to post images right now. I can barely post at all, half the time. Once its up, i'll see about putting up some stuff for ya, but till then i can't do much.

Okay, so since Kamigakari user's pastebin is functionally defunct, I'm gonna port over all the Official expansion translations to the homebrewanon one, so we can actually put stuff into them as we go.

Would now be a good time for the discord server?

Veeky Forums doesn't seem to like my laptop, so I'll resort to phoneposting.

Currently, weapons and Arms System Additional Effects are complete, according to our current information, but not Godforged Regalia.


Cool. The item one is complete though, right?

Yeah, it is indeed complete. Damn, I really hope this is just some minor Veeky Forums server hiccup happening, or I'd be unable to do my usual thing!

Indeed. I'm sure it will get sorted, but when is the question