I'm Really Sick of LTC

Hey /biz, poorfag here. I bought LTC at $370. I'm seriously thinking about selling all my stash and move on to ICX. Is this the right thing to do?

no hold the ltc and buy ICX with your fiat trash paper

You are better off just hodling. Stop being a bronze handed fag.

It's been rebounding today

Up to you if you want to risk. You only need to 2x on something you get all your money back.

What would Tommy Wiseau do?

Why would you be in a coin that Charlie Lee left at all time high? He's not stupid and surely you don't believe that charity bullshit.

>selling as the upward correction begins

i sure hope you guys dont do this

u better hodl, it will go above 370 again very soon. buy some icx with ur fiat

oh hai gun bahrraooh

>What would Tommy Wiseau do?
They said his stash is like "a bottomless pit". He isn't going to do anything.
>Charlie Lee
I'm still buying his "big unexpected surprise"

>buy some icx with ur fiat
it is close to its ATH. Should I wait for the dip?

why would Charlie not want to be in LTC for this "big surprise?" Again don't try to sell me on Charlie Lee doing thing out of the goodness of his heart.

>upward correction
I don't think that is going upward, user,

>Charlie Lee doing thing out of the goodness of his heart
To be fair, I trust him more than Roger Ver. But yeah, you are right, he isn't Buddha

It's not some pure altruism. The dude reasoned that, in a market place full of sleazy shit bags, honesty and transparency, and lack of personal profit from his words will be king. He did it for himself and for Litecoin in the long run. What is so hard for you faggots to understand about this? I bet you all thought Hillary would win, too.

>I bet you all thought Hillary would win,
MAGA-user, /pol veteran here

You've got a $1.1 Billion 24-hr trading volume, and a $1.1 Billion increase in market cap. Use your heads retards. Shit is going to moon. Normies got paid and are dumping it into the coins on normie base that gained the most over 2017. Expect continued re-ups throughout the next two weeks as they see gains to their investment. And, this is all assuming no big announcement that would send this shit mooning.

Same. I made $4k betting on Trump while retards thought muh pussy tape was a death knell. Being a major /pol/tard assisted greatly in my moves.

I'm not sure why you would buy at $370, but all I can say is I exited last night with a 3% profit. Pathetic, but certainly better than your massive loss.

I bought at 32 so im not desperate and kinda watch this from the distance, i really think that the point of decentralization is to not give a shit about what the original devs do, since everyone can come up with something new.

HOWEVER, what he did is nothing else than a dick move, he knew he would crash it and fuck up everyone like op who bought ath ruining many people life savings, he chose ATH to full his pockets not any other reason.

He even could have distributed half between holders and sell the other half, so people could buy his shit, but no, he got his profit and walked away which honestly is fine in my book, but still a huge dick move.

Hell i would even fear for my personal security if i did that. Also consider that doing this on a regulated market other than crypto the way he did it is most probably prison worthy.

this photo made me laugh out loud OP because I can relate.

I bought LTC at $280 in december and when it was at $350 I didnt sell it because im an idiot. I was a bagholder for a few weeks before I sold it because it was making me suicidal being such a pile of steaming dogshit.

I did just what youre suggesting. Sold the LTC for ICX and within a couple of days I had a net profit instead of a net loss.

Just sell the LTC for ICX bro. Even if theres a small chance LTC will moon and you will say "Fuck man I missed out on the LTC moon at the last second".... ICX WILL MOON so it doesn't really matter.

you need to hold now. Or sell the bags and make LTC go past 300 finally

Hodling is a meme for a reason

Retard, you have to go back

He sold his coins over several weeks before he even announced he had, and even told people over a week beforehand to be careful about buying into the massive bull run, in fact he said people should not be surprised if it dropped 90% of value, and to make sure whatever you invest you are willing to lose. How much more open and properly could he have done it? The shit was the perfect way to do it, IMO. The only people who lost anything were weak hands and faggots who had no business being involved in the first place. Good riddance

If everybody is starting to say they are a bear it's time to buy

How new are you? You want to sell LTC when BTC is mooning?

Do it, do it now. Just market sell that shit you fucking dumbass

Yea this, it's purely psychological. If he never claimed he sold of his Litecoins the price would have not even budged.


I've been into the same situation. Bought some ATH and kept holding it because I refused to sell it at a loss.

Holded it for weeks until I finally saw a good altcoin that I was 100% sure that was goin to moon. Immediately made the flip and basically recovered everything in 1 hour.

It's up to you. Be ready for a good opportunity and make the flip. Also LTC is just a stone in your portfolio, if you leave it behind please make yourself a favour and never look back again.

Yep and only reason it mooned so hard is when normies saw the cheapest coin on coinbase and bought it. Just wait until any other coin gets added thats cheaper. LTC is never moving again.