Other than Elizabeth Bathory and this babe, what female historical figures can you base villains on?

Other than Elizabeth Bathory and this babe, what female historical figures can you base villains on?

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my mom

Come on, what did you expect?

margaret thatcher

Tzarevna Sophia
Queen Elisabeth

Saint Olga for a fun tyrant



Is anybody on earth stupid enough to believe that?

>Saint Olga
Did nothing wrong.


Seriously, any potentate or ruler is bound to have done some heinous shit.

"Do you want to see my human pig?"

For /pol/ not to be this lazy and obvious with their shilling/thread derailing, and I'm always disappointed

this... cant be real, right?

Angela Merkel


Marie Antoinette was a bit of a cunt, right? Spent the equivalent of millions of modern burgerbux to LARP as a peasant, but without all the stinky parts, and with the sheep dyed pastel colours, while the actual peasants that were her subjects were seriously considering the culinary merits of topsoil, right?

doesnt mean it wouldn't be pants shiting to fight her

It wasn't malicious.

how many scoops tho?

OP specified villains.

Also dat filename


Wu Zetian

This guy's mom.

>this... cant be real, right?
You're probably too young to remember the awkward video of George Bush, Sr. being baffled and amazed by watching a checkout scanner at a supermarket. It was the world's first glance into how sheltered and removed he was from "common people" because he literally had no idea what the clerk was doing or what the beep meant.

To believe what? That she's a villain or that she's just like us?

Is that you, Cersei?

That any one of those photos isn't staged.

>Best Prime Minister britbongs ever had.
Pick one. Unless you're hippie/commie she as the best thing to happen to UK in the last century.
Married a literal retard. Burned some tribals. Her only claim to fame is whoring herself and the state jewish scam-cult and getting canonised for it. And even then, Cat was better at whoring and ruling.

Unfortunately, they're all like that.

Da Ji

Such is the life of rich, no matter how much they try to claim otherwise sooner or later they'll lose all touch with the common man's reality.

>56% Amerilard mongrel thinks Margaret Thatcher was the best

Quelle surprise

This Fräulein is more of your average PC, but you could extrapolate from there to make her a villain.

He was pretty good by their standards. Better than welfarenigger or MAGA jobber.

>dumb as pagan /pol/tard
>thinks Thatcher was anything but an incontinent wale
>thinks Olga did anything wrong
checks out

>nick frost gif
at least it wasn't black mirror shit


This looks like it could be hung up in castle strahd

Who is that babe? Is she the savage Chinese concubine?


Good one.

She bullied a tribe of retards.

Madame Nhu from the Vietnam war could be a good villain.
>I may shock some by saying 'I would beat such provocateurs ten times more if they wore monks robes,' and 'I would clap hands at seeing another monk barbecue show, for one can not be responsible for the madness of others.

>U.S. Defense Secretary McNamara noted that "I saw Madame Nhu as bright, forceful, and beautiful, but also diabolical and scheming—a true sorceress.

She was also rumored to be a serial adulterer who got involved with orgies.

What she did to that concubine is one of the few things that managed to upset me. Real inhuman shit


unironically good inspiration for a necromancer

>>Best Prime Minister britbongs ever had.
My fucking sides literally cease to exist

I heard that a diffrent person of the era actually did that to the concubine and she got blamed for it after centuries of historical telephone.

Go spout that shit in any english coaltown and see what happens amerimutt.

Where the fuck did I save those Jojo's Bizarre Adventure pages where ariaki explains how Elizabeth I was an evil bitch for deposing her sister Mary?

Marie Curie

Fuck coal, they are obsolete and needed to go

"take credit for your husband's work" is most cliche "villainy" you can expect of a woman

Did an entire joke campaign about this bitch

Don't want to break it for you, but she's personally responsible for 2/3 of shit Brits are dealing with in past 30 years. Also, daily reminder she came to power by crying about insanely high unemployment... and then doubled it within a year with her "wise" reforms and "grand" plans. Takes a true genius to achieve that. And no, the unemployment rates never really dropped.

To be entirely fair to her, it wasnt her fault that the cunts running the unions decided to fuck their own people.
Not like they were suffering in their union apartments in London on union wage.

Now this just makes me wonder if they filmed this scene another time with just one finger for theaters outside the UK.

Considering she had a pretty prolific science career once Pierre died, I fail to see any validity in your claim.

Thatcher wasn't the best, but her decision were pretty solid and reasonable. More to the point, everyone else is a drunk, faggot, corrupt, pig-shagger or refugee/paki lover.
Olga sold herself and her country to the Christianity, which is the sole reason she's revered, and a sole thing of note about her, aside from stopping the overtaxing that killed her spouse.


>It was the unions, I'm telling you!
Spot a child of bureaucrat with cushy government job. Or simply Amerimutt
Thatcher managed to leave a mess thrice the size ad the one she inherited. And most of it was self-inflicted. I felt a sense of karmatic justice when her mental state went bonkers, just like Reagan.

>her decision were pretty solid and reasonable
>rest of that bullshit post

She's the woman who destroyed a scale to break free from its tyranny

>wait you dont think thatchers satan!?
>you must be a government shill's kid or an american
KIll yourself you fucking retard.

What the fuck was the campaign about then?

Haha how clever, anyone who disagrees with me is a nazi amirite?

>Drag yourself to a Temple after getting rumbled in a cave somewhere hoping to get healed
>Elderly priestess washes your feet and goes on and on about suffering while you beg her for at least a Cure Light Wounds spell.

>Hey, let's just shrug and let the magic invisible hand of free market solve all our problems!
>Didn't work? Well don't blame me, that's just free market
>See ya, I'm done with this bullshit, let someone else deal with consequences!

Not even him, but the only Brits that are happy with Thatcher are those who were rich already before she took over and went richer thanks to that.
Everyone else absolutely hates that hag.

>Considering Thatcher anything else than Chamberlain-tier incompetent hack
>Surprised people give you shit about it
So... you are just baiting?

This. The week she died "ding dong the witch is dead" became the most popular song.

Top of The Pops didn't have the balls to play it.


Who is this semen demon?

Latino here who used to want to move to the UK in his youth(the 90's):
At what point in time did it get filled up with blacks and muslims? I'm basing this purely on the british tv shows I watch out of morbid entertainment and the "what could have been"

oh and football too

>Ruins own economy
>Doubles uneployment in 9 months after taking power
>Triples it by the end of her term
>Indebts the country
>Fucks up health system
>Drags country into a pointless, extremely costly military operation in some retarded, 19th century muscle flexing competition
Truly, a halmark of great prime minister. So yeah, you must be American to ever consider that

No one called you a nazi. We just said that it was a /pol/-like response.

You're the one that's very nervous about being called a nazi.

It was always like that. But the real changing point was late 60s, early 70s.
Brits simply were trying to pretend it's just not happening all the way till the tail end of the 90s.

When did I say I was happy with her?
All I said was that the guys who ran the unions were money grubbing pieces of shit who deliberately ran their union members into the ground and into further suffering in order to further their own power and image.
Scargill wasnt going to suffer, since he lived quite happily in his flat in London paid for by his destitute union members. He didnt give a single solitary fuck about them.

He was an absolute piece of shit.

>"the people who ran the unions were shits too"
Literally learn to read you turboniggers, I never ever said I thought she did any good.
I simply said that the union leaders she was up against were pieces of shit.

2000s. It grew steadily since fifties, but in 2000s UK and Europe were flooded with migrants, all rates nearly doubled and it looks like they're going to grow.

When the BBC started really pushing the "look how inclusive we are" idea.

Also Tony Blair importing pakies in to work and not be part of the Unions tonkeep wages down.

Merkel telling the entire nigger and arab hordes that they were welcome in EU and the moment they came across the border they could go where they want and for some reason descend on ol' Blighty like a plague. And given the perpetual shit hole that Africa is and the recent American Freedoming of the Middle East there has been no shortage.

You do know British economy is in never-ending slumber precisely due to Thatcher's pants-on-head retarded policies... right? She literally caused the biggest spike of unemployment and economican uncertainity since fucking Great Depression as "healing measure".
Didn't work. At all. Turns out when you laid off millions of people, they have no money left for even most basic consumption, so entire economy tanks within weeks. Shocking, right?

every italian female above teh age of 13. evey southern france female above teh age of 13. Queen Victoria, Queen Elisabeth the First. Katrin *spit*The Great. .Julia Augusta, although she does fall under the every italian female thing.

>When did I say I was happy with her?
>All I said was that the guys who ran the unions were money grubbing pieces of shit who deliberately ran their union members into the ground and into further suffering in order to further their own power and image.
>Scargill wasnt going to suffer, since he lived quite happily in his flat in London paid for by his destitute union members. He didnt give a single solitary fuck about them.
>He was an absolute piece of shit.
... and that has any relevance to Thatcher... how? Aside childish "look, there were other rotten eggs in the basket"? The main difference between them was that Thatcher was a PM and Scargill a (supposed) union leader that betrayed own union. Kind of different caliber, don't you think?


It's a shame, gonna blog a little while now.
I guess I was always something of a britaboo, the tv was our portal to the outside world(as it happened in every third world country) and while most people around me liked the US better it always seemed so loud and chaotic to me, I liked Britain better. It had this comfy friendly neighbor feel to it and they used the metric system and played football like us too, full of polite white people which is always a plus, lots of beer too. Always wanted to go there but life got in the way.

It breaks my heart to see what it is now.

there were no members of the unions that were not rotten. Conspiracy and Protection of Property Act was a mistake Britain pays till this day.

Artemisia of Caria.

Eva Green's portrayal of her in 300 was significantly toned down in terms of villainy.

>Pokemon Go to the polls
Oh god, it actually happened.

>Other than Elizabeth Bathory and this babe, what female historical figures can you base villains on?
>thread immediately devolves into /pol/ and /r9k/

I miss having quest threads on Veeky Forums.

Imagine living it.

And know that even raising the subject makes you a racist.

But we are leaving the EU. It's probably to late now. But for the first time in years there is the potential for real hope

what was that one called about that dude with a harem? jerry quest ? plus the classic gigantess quest. I miss those. no cucking or soy sipping happened in those manly days of old.

>that one called about that dude with a harem?
that describes like one third of all quests ever

Not two scoops though

Not disputing but this crap starter way before Thatcher. Unemployment ever grows thanks to foreign migrants and the lack of unqualified jobs. Union leaders and clerks still are crooks banking on the public unrest and exacerbating the taxes with their membership payments. Coal industry was ruined by their persistent leeching on it, absolute refusal to budge and constant incitement of riots and strikes. Welfare is a blight that draws vermin. Britain would've been feeding all the shit states of Europe and refugees now if it wasn't for Thatcher, shared the Euro currency, and both would've been shakier for it.
The major controversial point of her career that I find was a grave mistake is privatisation, but even then some say it led to improvements in pricing and service quality.

Funny how the bongs are ignoring Sad Pablo

it was jimmy quest now, I understand the other harem one was maid quest. jimmy was a beast. that sceen with the werechick in the rain. T_T .

>queen E the 1st
Ass blasted spic detected

I miss the days before /a/ dropped it's carcinogenic septic tank on us and necessitated a containment board.

Leopold 2 maybe, even thought he brought back a lot of cash in belgium, he did some nasty things in Congo.

Sad Santiago would be a better name

Hope for what, you stupid /pol/tard? Fucking the economy even further? Still having to import Pakis and Indians, because you cut off EU members out of your employment market?