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Tau aren't space communists edition


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tau are pretty cool i guess-- if you consume copious amounts of soy


>tau aren't space communists

Yes they are they're the actual incarnation of communism you ignorant Reddit weeb cunt.

>race card

Kill Plebbit.

>Tau aren't space communists

t. commie

>thread isn't even titled right

Get lost, loser.

Why the fuck did they get rid of USR's? It's fucking exhausting looking through rules, now.

Best legion

If we actually get squats before plastic sisters I will smash my entire army with a sledge hammer

Wrong pic

Nobody cares about SoB. They're a faction that exist only to attract virgins

so... people who play 40k?

I don't think the Earth caste rule the Tau Empire. They seem much more like a aristocracy, with etherials being the nobles

Speak for yourself


I always thought the caste system made the Tau more like space hindus rather than space communists.

If you are a virgin and you play WH40k you need to get the fuck out of my hobby. This a successful game for successful people only.

Do you think they have designated shitting planets?

Looking to start collecting 40k.
Wana do space marines, cause basic bitch. Am I better off getting the primaris marines or the vanilla space marines for starting out ?

Who will play him, in the inevitable Biopic?

how familiar are you with assembling and painting miniatures?

It's not though. The Tau practice feudalism mixed with socialist economics.

Peter Dinklage

ebay all the dark imperium stuff for cheap on ebay. Seriously, its like half price compared to buying the stuff by themselves.

Post yfw Custodes Data sheets tomorrow

Is this true? I fucking hope so.

>socialist economics
>its not communism, its just economic communism

what are they teaching in your schools

FW ones?

As expected, redditor made a retarded argument. But the tau don't really looks like communism.
No similarity at all

I collect and build gundams if that's similar ?
and I put together airfix kits when i was like 14, I'm 23 right now.

>Doesn't know the difference between socialism and communism

Americlaps, everybody.

Are you dumb or just trolling?

Any news or rumours about the upcoming necron codex?

>he believes there's a difference

Europoors, everyone

>economic systems are the same thing as government systems

user, are you brain damaged?

you should be pretty experienced then. you can pretty much build and make whatever you like honestly, space marine models aren't super hard. If you just want a place to start, the start collecting box is good

so they are coming out tomorrow?


What have you painted this week?

Soy sauce is delicious, mate. Fuck your /pol/ meme.

Rumours are that they are the biggest overhaul from index to codex rules of any faction so far.

American politicians and media have rendered all political labels meaningless

If you think there's no difference between Socialism and Communism, then surely you agree there's no difference between Capitalism and a Plutocracy, right?

Any new units?

That'd a good start. If that's the case just pick up a Start Collecting box of your choice. If you are choosing between Marines and Primaris, it's really up to you. Marines are better overall and have a wider range but Primaris aren't bad, need less miniatures to start with and their proportions are nice.

Pick up Dark Vengeance or Dark Imperium once you know which you want. Nothing saying you can't mix Primaris with regular marines too.

They need it. even the big scary guns are like strength 5

Only if you're a big faggot.

>want to collect Admech
>they have Cult Mechanicus and Skiitarii sub-faction keywords
Into the trash it goes. I don't play with fucking soup.

Agreed. They could have definitely kept various USRs like Deep Strike, Relentless, poison, etc. and still have their description included with the other “common army rules” right before all the unit entries.

Fuck off back to /pol/

What did he mean by this?

Ignore him. Americans can think only in black and white

>Starts political shitflinging
>Gets proven to be a retard
>g-go back to pol!

Thanks for the win, kiddo.

GW showed off a new plastic Cryptek and said it has new wargear but apart from that I wouldn't expect any. Almost no one has gotten new units apart from Primaris Marines and Codexes that didn't exist last edition like Death Guard and Custodes.

Yeah the easy to build primaris stuff is really cheap also.

If you can find it in a hobby store or online it will help you flush out your army on the cheap.

What's the definition of communism and socialism user.

Nice meme friend :^)
I also don't play Chaos Space Marines because some also have the Daemon keyword!

imo the shit stains ruining these threads as of late are definitely from /int/.

But CSM Codex is fucking soup.

Trying to decide which colour scheme to go with for my dudes. What does /40kg/ think?

My penis demands this with a fervour unmatched by man or God.

Thousands Sons scans fucking WHEN

>starts political shitflinging
>told to go back to /pol/
>somehow says someone else started it

Different user fucktard.

this is the warhammer thread not talking about your stupid fucking pedantic arguments.

The only thing in here is soy cheetah and plastic army men.

Again fuck off to /pol/

>Scans in the age of digital codexes.

Stop shitting up the thread, faggots.

And new lore?

Reminder that pic related is how to solve the Tyranid problem

don't think it comes out till tomorrow.

somebody was posting pics of the press release copy... but good luck getting scans of that.

I don't miss having to dig through the brb twice a game to remember wtf a usr does specifically or realize ive been playing the game wrong for months because x universal unit type does y when z happens.

Oh or a usr changing that fixes one thing and inadvertently breaks 4 other units


Post your favorite codex and I'll tell you if it's soup or not

Can't decide on whether to be imperial fists, black Templars or crimson fists :(

I saw my FLGS had some, but they didn't have a store copy.

that's not a birb

OP started the commie argument. Look at the reddit image

But user, I thought that’s how to solve every problem in the galaxy.

Communism is literally just an economic theory about how goods should be distributed - it it not inherently a political theory.

Not all dictatorships are communist, but all communist governments must be dictatorships because they wouldn't "work" any other way.

Socialism is just communism with a different name. It was a sneaky move by french pseudo-intellectuals in the '60s and '70s after the Gulag Archipelago came out and they realized they couldnt defend the horrors of communism any more.

Learn your history. Read a book. There's no reason to be this profoundly ignorant about world history in the age of infinite free knowledge.

Black Templars with Gulliman buff


>implying they can adapt fast enough

>tyranids nom a single metro is
>x parasite is now a literal nonissue
Nice problem solver you've got there

Now I wanna play fusion.

Anyone got any ideas for Mutalith stand ins? I can't imagine GW will make anymore for awhile, considering how shit they are at their job.

Leave all the xenos to me.

Fusion was the chronological last in the series, correct?

The red ones can


That is correct.

>tyranids try to consume something who’s infant state requires multiple rockets to kill

Literally any monstrous creature from fantasy?

i'm using the empire gryphon and putting Kario's big book of tzeentch on it's back

>Communism is literally just an economic theory about how goods should be distributed - it it not inherently a political theory
Communism is a political theory. Socialism is the economic only here.

In fact, there's no such thing as "communist economy". Marx(or Engels, Lenin, Trotsky, etc) never spoke about how a communist economy would work.
>Not all dictatorships are communist, but all communist governments must be dictatorships because they wouldn't "work" any other way.
There's no government in communism. The dictatorship is in the socialism phase.
>Socialism is just communism with a different name. It was a sneaky move by french pseudo-intellectuals in the '60s and '70s after the Gulag Archipelago came out and they realized they couldnt defend the horrors of communism any more.
You're the pseudo-intelectual here. Socialism predate even the birth of Marx.
>Learn your history. Read a book
You should start with the Communist Manifesto. It's the basic of the basic

I think they will get more in.

I mean they are just releasing the tsons codex so yeah of coarse they are going to sell out.

Shootin' bolters, painting yellow, being first founding, siege stuff, heavy weapons
Being a knight, choppin', chaplains, crusades, spending money on upgrade kits
Hanging out with inquisition, killing orks, elite 1st company, shootin', power fists

Sweet, love the hat.

But are they red enough?

Normal marines have way more flexibility and are pretty cheap to get started with. If you dont mind some of the heresy era armors you should look at the "Betrayal at Calth" box because its basically an army in a box at a high discount

Fuck off back to /pol/ betamale

>[maximum damage control]

>multiple rockets to kill
Oh noOoOoOoOo wherever will we get rocket equivalents in an army that shoots plasma capable of turning the hardest metals to puddles of mollten slag?

WIP Trygon