Does your original setting feature goblins, Veeky Forums?

Does your original setting feature goblins, Veeky Forums?

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Yes, much like Kobolds everybody hates them

Hell Yeah!


Yes I have Mexicans in my campaign setting.

Yes, but it might as well not. There's no purpose for goblins beyond being a level 1-2 cannon fodder.

You can fuck them


This. Mexicans and americans.
Two kind of goblins

and mexican americans are hobgoblins


If you can't fuck your goblins you might as well feed them to dragons since they have no use

Yes and thwy have a really good growth rate, low gestation makes them also repop from death fast. They can survive on almost dirt.

Downside is they also start much lower in physical stats and are almost universally in a bad place. If a person united them, started building them into a civilization where they could learn things and begin building something they can be a real force, usually they are just nooby fodder. When such a person shows up they are dubbed the goblin King.

How does goblin pussy feels like?

They're my setting's Anglos.

What's with the shit /pol/ meme spam?

One setting I made a few years back had goblins as one of the three main races of the setting (the other two being humans and elves)


>wanting half goblin babies
Truly this is the worst of all possible worlds

It's just retarded KotakuInAction tier fucks tring to make games a new battleground for outrage and farming neetbux.

Personally I'm just down to talk about goblins.

The problem is, nobody here really wants to talk about goblins, they just want to masturbate to pictures of short green humans

Man, I wish they wanted to do that. It's vastly superior to /pol/ posting.

>Not the greatest meme of 2017

I don't even get why america specifically, isn't europe also becoming less white?

It's true that both are terrible, but /pol/ threads die faster and aren't full of degenerate images.

>degenerate images.
for someone who claims to not like /pol/ you sure sound like a /pol/fag

It varies wildly from country to country. Some countries are becoming MORE white.

user, they're completely full of degenerate images.
But they're the boring, /pol/ kind of degenerate images. Just look at the fucking OP.

Which is why lewd shit is vastly superior to /pol/ shit.

because of that kind of banter from americans towards europeans and others, when almost half of all americans are "mutts", much more than any other place they tend to throw insults like that towards, which makes it funny and hypocritical

Not really.
It's more tiresome identity wars /pol/ SJW bullshit trying to encroach on my games. Just like they have literally always been doing.

There has been no period in history where politics hasn't been trying to fuck with my games. There's always a /pol/fag wanting to spam memes, religious fucks bitching about satanism, mother's movements to ban dice, and on and on into the past.

If there is anybody who is sick and tired of this kind of joke, it's someone who plays traditional games.

I do, it's a bit too complicated for me to explain because I have to go to work but they're essentially !Not!Romans with a eugenicist caste system, where typical dirty goblins are at the bottom, and shorter slimmer humans with some goblin features are at the top.

Mestizos are having four to five children apiece and immigrating in droves, whereas whites, whose grandparents have already mixed with the natives, are having two children on average and make up a relatively small amount of immigrants. If the trend continues, the southern US will be predominately mestizo, which isn't such a bad thing but it's one of the main reasons /pol/ has been so successful recently. Admittedly, I may be biased, having a full-blooded Latina grandmother myself.

you're projecting a lot of baggage on something that has nothing to do with ttrpgs

You're right, it DOES have nothing to do with ttrpgs. Which is why I am tired of it trying to use traditional games as a tool for their bullshit politics, like they have been trying to do for all of history.

Hell, I'm even mad if traditional games gets collateral damage from their bullshit political scuffles.

more like ttrpgs exist in the same universe as politics which apparently triggers you

Baseline D&D goblins don't have a place as a player race. If you want goblins in your setting, make them more interesting and sophisticated.

I do. I am quite fond of them. You can use them in all kinds of ways.

However, I might be a little weird in that I keep them as a separate family from orcs, and goblins are a little more empathetic to orcs. Orcs are pig men. Goblins and Hobgoblins are the generic small little green men, with hobgoblins being a bit bigger and much smarter. The term "greenskin" refers to goblinoids, not orcs. Is that too weird?

Politics has pretty much universally been the bane of tabletop, yes.

You're all grossly misinformed so allow me to educate you on the subject. It's a /int/ meme made a while ago to banter americans in response of being constantly told some countries aren't or are stopping being white.
When /pol/ discovered it shortly after, they instantly became buttmad, claiming it was a psyop orchestrated by the CIA and/or George Soros in an attempt to divide and conquer them (I shit you not) and sperging out over it. It became since then the de-facto anti-/pol/ meme, since it triggers them by using their own race-driven narrative.

It all looks like /pol/ SJW bullshit to me, user.

I've never been to /pol/. I actually disapprove of most racism, but I can't stand every goblin, witch, halfling, and gnome thread being filled with shortstacks, lolis, and traps. It's just so predictable, and really hampers discussion. inb4 >expecting discussion on a slovak buttermaking board
You are right, though. I completely missed the meme image. lewd shit still suck, though.

Nah, lewd is all right. It reminds me of better times gone by.

I like how Warhammer and Warcraft do goblins, they're distinct as a culture.

Asexual greenskins best greenskins.

You can't just go fap somewhere else you know?

I mean "you can fap somewhere else"

Ah, modern posters. The harsh reality of low quality.


Mate, don't try to tell Veeky Forums about other boards memes, since they don't care. See where anything they don't like is /pol/ or they're buttblasted Americans.

Tight and hot. Goblins have a much higher metabolism than most humanoids, which accounts for their shorter lifespans and frenetic activity. Their average temp would be a high fever for a human.


But you can't argue his logic isn't sound. You need people like that if you want to solve the real problems.

Right but it still gets posted by people actually wanting to talk about blacks and Mexicans and using "goblins" in the OP to do that on unrelated boards.

This. It works as excellent /pol/ repellent, because the /pol/tards who shit up other boards are usually r/The_Donald migrants who didn't leave after the election.

Not really, it's used by /pol/ to start /pol/ shitpost threads. As per

Anything that causes /pol/ to spam more /pol/ bullshit is the opposite of anti-/pol/, period.

We only wish they were that obvious here. Here they're just self proclaimed experts who say they're not politically involved while telling you they're political stance in the same fucking sentence, as if it has some bearing.

I want NO PART of this culture war. It's all shit that should go on /pol/. Whether you are pro or against /pol/, it should be done ON /pol/.

It's become increasingly common on both Veeky Forums and /co/ but I find it takes less here because you have to be kind of involved in the community to get a lot of the discussion, and that's why it's hitting stuff like text boxes in D&D books and art on MtG cards because that's the most visible stuff. D&D 5e has an influx due to critical role and adventure zone and shit like that too.

Whereas on /co/ it spreads like crazy because there are tons of normies from the MCU films and /tv/ productions, and also cartoons require a lot less involvement than comics. The difference between like the bait threads on /co/ and a shelf thread or storytime, where the people involved have to actually be reading and/or buying comics, is fucking astronomical. But on Veeky Forums everyone has to be a little bit autistic to be playing Veeky Forums games in the first place, so most threads remain unchanged.

Yes. Orcs keep them as pets / emergency ranged weapons.

>they instantly became buttmad, claiming it was a psyop orchestrated by the CIA and/or George Soros in an attempt to divide and conquer them (I shit you not) and sperging out over it.
what a glorious tme it was

meanwhile, Veeky Forums is playing with their dolls in a corner, and if anyone tries to tell them about who won the contest, they try to punch them.

>want clever goblins that are technologically advanced within the setting, have gunpowder and culture
>but also want animal goblins that are essentially chimps with taloned feet and bat heads

What do?

You know, fa/tg/uys, you like telling yourselves that the /pol/ is coming for you by making "stealth /pol/ threads". Here's a solution
>Stop talking about /pol/ on these threads
If you guys are right about the big bad wolf, then these thread are ultimately successful because in the end they always end up with atleast 300 post of the same anons talking shit about other boards(not only /pol/ even)
>B-but how can we do this?
It's a stealth thread? That means it got a "cover". Well, why not talk about the original theme? Let's talk about goblins

I like my goblins as little shits full of curiosity and mischief. They are at the same the most cowards and the most courageous of all races, they'll invade a lich's lair full heartedly but would flee as soon as they spotted any kind of danger for their lives. They live in subterranean towns but some groups have built villages with trash and junk of the other races like humans and dwarves

Yes. Why would I care about site metadrama?

I should try to get into paint.
making Veeky Forums goblins would be fun

Mercury poisoning.
On a goddamn societal scale.
It happens all the time to tinkerers before they nailed down that it was MERCURY that was making them go absolutely plumfuck bonkers.


how about "fuck no"
the bullshittery with /pollacks invading should be called out for the faggotry it is. They approach every thread they make with endless bad faith argumentation, there's no reason to take they high ground at this point because it just makes you look tone deaf.
tell them to fuck off. Call OP a faggot. Pretending like there's some gem to salvage here is like claiming if you wrestle with pigs enough you might just learn something.



400000000 years on photoshop.

>not the most forced meme if the 21st century
Seriously, it's not even funny anymore. I can appreciate people poking fun at Americans because I can take a joke but this is arrow-in-the-knee-tier beating a dead horse. The only reason anyone would post it is to farm (You)s, and it's wildly off-topic even for Veeky Forums.


Most forced still comes in at shitpost frog. At least, so far.

So you secretly like /pol/ threads? I mean, I really hope you're not thinking that calling people faggots enough will eventually brake their feelings and they'll go away

>He's realizing why people of other countries dislike forced and shit meme about them
la creatura...

this is justice

>Does your original setting feature goblins, Veeky Forums?
Multiple types in fact

Hell yes. Goblins and Dwarves are tied for my favorite fantasy races.

I also play a lot of Goblins. My personal favorite being the bard Salvador Miguel Francesco Diego Avila Quavé III (also known by his stage name Shindig the Spiffy.)

Go back to La Oscuridad my mutt friend

For what? Being exactly the same kind of faggot as Americans who make jokes about other countries? Doesn't that make you no less petty than them?

I fail to see how this is not /pol/ bullshit.

Americans are a very stupid people. They'll fall for any mutt trolling.

>Well, you see, you can't kill me, or you will become just like me!
This is how you sound.

/pol/ needs to fuck off.

it's not their fault, it's their mutt genes addling their minds

This post straight up should be in /pol/ by the rules.

It's /int/, some /pol/acks just copied them.


No, they're talking about political bullshit. That's /pol/.
They are /pol/spamming on Veeky Forums because of identity wars bullshit.

/Pol/ is for politics. Or it should be anyway

>hurr huur I'm being a faggot and no one can stop me
This is how you sound. Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

t. angry mutt


Please stop memespamming, /pol/. This board wants no part of your identity war bullshit.

>americans relentlessly shit on every other nationality on earth based on shitty stereotypes that sometimes have been around for over a century
>when they get shat on it's "beating a dead horse"
ye ok

Not identity wars. The only purpose of the mutt meme is to make burgers angry


Actually, when they get shit on it's /pol/.
Just like when they shit on you it's /pol/.
All of you fucks need to go back to /pol/ to have your bantz while we talk about goddamn Veeky Forums things.