Something that's been bothering me for a bit

I haven't been to Veeky Forums in a bit so I don't know, but doesn't it feel a bit lame to be able to roll dice when there's no real practical use for it now that quests are banned?

Other urls found in this thread:

It was lame before that, too. Now stop posting meta.


It helps with setting/regiment/whatever creation threads that use random tables ...

Oh here we fucking go again.

Why does it fucking matter? Stop nitpicking and go with the flow

Dice Rolling exists for the Best Reason: To venture forth out into the world on Glorious Crusade!!! Smiting Enemy, Claiming Glory, and by God's Will!
Now somebody roll me 1d3 so we know who we fight with, and what we fight for!

Wouldn't that technically count as a quest though?

Rolled 1 (1d3)

In a surprise twist, we fight the Vatican.

You can still roll dice in qst threads, but guess what! We hardly use that mechanic.

Everybody uses post numbers for that anyways.

>GOD, Gold, and Glory.
No friend, we ARE the vatican. God himself has blessed this Crusade, and our leader is none other than a righteous man of the cloth himself, with the blaze of god in his eyes, and the lord's fury in his soul.

Roll 2d6 for who we're crusading against.

Don't make up bullshit.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that the best online communities practice healthy self awareness and moderation.

That's only usable for decimal increments.

Rolled 16, 16, 10, 4, 7, 10 = 63 (6d20)

we still use them in /5eg/ to generate characters

for instance, check my mystic

Rolled 3, 6 = 9 (2d6)

>The Green Horde, Orcs, Goblins, Ogres, Etc.
>Not of this Earthly Plane.
Well then! We're facing the Green Horde, not naturally present in our God's plan, whether it be from beyond the stars, from the pits of hell itself, or from another plane of existence entirely.

Roll 1d10 for the era.

Rolled 7 (1d10)

Did they happen to arrive in a flying saucer?

It would be awesome if the admins let quests come back to Veeky Forums, or at least allowed a Quest Thread General on Veeky Forums so QMs could drop links to their quests on the board that all the players are on.

What tables are you rolling on?

>The PostModern Era, the year 20XX, just beyond our own.
Well then, if it's a modern Crusade, then it shall be a modern crusade!

My own, loosely based on the FFG 40k Tables

Roll me 1d6 for our Armaments.

Rolled 5 (1d6)

I want to have a looksee at these tables of yours. He's hoping for a railgun.

>doesn't it feel a bit lame to be able to roll dice

>when there's no real practical use for it
There is.

>now that quests are banned?
Stop it.

>It would be awesome if the admins at least allowed a Quest Thread General on Veeky Forums so QMs could drop links to their quests on the board that all the players are on.
This would be awesome.
Hell, it could even incorporate/replace the second sticky.
Any sort of conduit for Veeky Forums players to see what is available on /qst/ would be useful.

At this point, I'm just happy when somebody mentions a quest and there is no screeching, hissing, or flag-waving.

Anons like OP are not helping.

>The enemy's technology is moderately superior to our own.
While we may be shooting blessed bullets, our enemy may have access to laser weaponry, or something of higher caliber just beyond what we currently have.

Final Roll, roll 1d8 for our God-given advantage.

Rolled 8 (1d8)

Aw shit its serious

Fuck off quest fags

>Prophesy of the Living Avatar.
YOU'RE GODDAMN RIGHT IT'S SERIOUS. God given Flesh and Blood form has been prophesied to appear during this war and bring an end to it.
That's all the tables have to say, as for the rest, that's for the thread to fill in the details based on conjecture.

Jesus is coming and he's got a gun?

>Jesus has risen to kick ork ass back to what ever planet they came from
I'd watch the passion 2

I NEED these tables

Grandfather clause.

Which belong in /qst/ with the rest of the questspam.

But they were ejected for a reason.

Those aren't quests, though, or even close to quests. They're literally worldbuilding and setting stuff.

>Which belong in /qst/ with the rest of the questspam.
Opening up more room for shitposting, I see.
While I concede that quests stay in /qst/, those things aren't quests. And if you remove the last creative vestiges of Veeky Forums, you're just opening up the gates for /b/pol/ 3.0: now with fantasy flavor. Remember what they did to /x/! Let not their ilk curdle Veeky Forums beyond the current corruption, and if may, kick them back where they belong: /pol/ and /b/ respectively.

Ask and you shall receive:
Feedback is welcome.

They are game-thread spam and belong in the trash.

A reason that is never agreed upon and seems to change every time it's brought up.
Also, whatever reason is chosen today is usually is riddled with factual errors and massive hyperbole.

>screeching, hissing, or flag-waving.
>Fuck off quest fags
Yeah, like this pointless and inaccurate post.
Good example.

As in, Traditional Games?

>arguing the wrong, aged point.
Stop it.
It doesn't matter why quests were ejected.

>But they were ejected for a reason.
Whatever reason that was, it has nothing to do with connecting Traditional Gamers with quests they may like, but aren't on Veeky Forums.
There is no down side to one thread existing for this.

It sort of matters why quests were ejected, as it's the same process by which Veeky Forums has been shitting itself and lowering in quality over and over again throughout the years. Quest removal is just the latest symptom of this.

>Why does it fucking matter?
>Stop nitpicking
> and go with the flow.
No...I walk up stream because I'm a god damn man god damnit.

Traditional game, you off-board filth. Begone from these lands, there are plenty more boards on Veeky Forums that fit your foul tastes. Remove yourself from premises, like the quests you so readily fall back on. Go on, pretend to be retarded, but we do not like a pied piper for general retardation in our midst; your kin has already done great harm to this land, its inhabitants once warm and peaceful. Fie on't, ah fie! Fie on't, ah fie!

>he says before turning around and posting in the 3 cyoa threads, monster girl general, etc

Other than talking like a sperg he has a point, at least quest threads were fun, now we just have monster girls and "everything is women's fault and traditional games are ruined"

>quest threads were fun

Yeah, it's a shame they got canned for unclear reasons.

You could roll dice long before quests were a thing you retard, you just want to shitpost about them.


>CYOA general
Bah, they should've been carted the same way as quests did. Never participated in any, but from what I see they're pretty much like quests.
>monster girl general
Browsed them only at the beginning for the monster designs. Once the smut hits hard I ollied outta there. Kinda same thing with towergirls, only this time with development hell instead of smut.
like those setting creation threads, maybe?

But tell you what, you do you, stay on this board and see how it festers. I will have my revenge-laugh when Veeky Forums gets shut down from your kind's actions and /qst/ becomes the new Veeky Forums. Though I pray not for this to happen.

That... is factually incorrect.
Quests were here before even the first nazimod.

Why are people who hate quests always so unaware of board history?
And why do they announce sage, despite being clearly against the rules?

In fact, quests were here before the dice system, I think.
Were there any dice in Ruby Quest or Drew the Lich?

Dice came WAY after the first nazimod.

Because half the quests are naruto/monster girl text wall dumps. For every "good" quest there was like 7 bad ones.

The only good quest on /qst/ even now is seeker quest. Reminds me of boone quest a bit, you know back when people actually TRIED to make good content and entertain Veeky Forums. instead of abusing Veeky Forumss popularity and trafic to dump their fanfics

I kinda blame that one to the mods deciding to dump all kinds of quests to Veeky Forums. /a/ quests, which are more like thinly veiled fanfics, got introduced to the fertile ground of questing that was Veeky Forums, and so the cancer spread.

Why are questfags so ignorant of board history? Or the time when Veeky Forums was so infested that it was nothing but quests?

>for every good (x) there are seven bad ones
If that was the case, we need to remove literally all threads from Veeky Forums other than maybe the generals.

That never happened. EVER.

This doesn't really follow, given the questfags in this circumstance were correct about the dice being newer than quests, and there was no point in history where Veeky Forums was only quests.
I can only assume you are from an alternate dimension where these things were correct.

What kind of bearenstein bears did you have in your home plane?

It did in his universe, apparently.

It's called revisionist history and it's commonly performed by people who deem themselves the winners of a conflict.

That has nothing to do with rehashing whether or not quest removal had a suitable reason and you know it.
If you want to be productive and proactive, stop fighting a lost war and start fighting the hopeless one.

look user, we have different motives here.
-I- want to divine secrets of human movement from the decline of a community.
You want some other shit.

OR just maybe if you want to know whats on /qst/ go there and look.

no see the tradition now is for those shitthreads belong in /qst/

>150 QMs running quests all at the same time
Yeah, that surely happened.

Quest threads at their height were as bad for Veeky Forums as Nazimod was.

Not really comparable, given that the nazimod deleted threads, and didn't simply send the dead threads off the board.
And it's hard to say they made it that much worse, given that immediately after they left the elections occurred and we got a confirmed wave of shitposters who have yet to quell.

>For every "good" quest there was like 7 bad ones.
Just like threads on Veeky Forums or. I presume, other boards.

>The only good quest on /qst/ even now is seeker quest.
Seeker Quest is the best, true.
But there are other good quests, they are just not universal.
Written Quests can be good too.
For example, Thug Quest is well written but skew far too into /k/ for my tastes.
Peasant Lord quest is good when it happens.
Others I could mention are, in fact, Fan Fic, but good what they are.

Get your first page nostalgia glasses off, grandma. Even then, at the peak of its age, quests have never fully taken the front page, much less the entire board. You're grasping at straws trying to justify your smugness, and it is a hollow pride you're feeling.

>What kind of bearenstein bears did you have in your home plane?

Winner of Best Follow-Up Question on Veeky Forums Right Now!

I'm still waiting on an answer, sadly. Maybe he drifted back to his home dimension.

If you are , then cool. I can dig it.

If you are , then you are lying and you are not welcome in my kitchen.

Look user, part of picking apart this mystery is recognizing that the reasons for quests leaving are constantly changing from person to person.

The reason for quests leaving is that a bunch of people bugged the mods so much that the mods kicked quests off of Veeky Forums. That's the sum total reason for it. They existed even during RubyQuest, and they will find something else that offends their sensibilities and kick that off too - like the Mage Guild Threads and the WH40K loadout threads.

Look, that's a stronger theory than most, but I gotta remain impartial here.
Also, I gotta fluff that up into like five paragraphs.

All the whining took place back when /qa/ was an unlisted board, so most of it went unopposed.

I've not actually done much research into /qa/'s involvement, I've mostly been working with Veeky Forums as a resource.
Hm. Archive diving that is going to be a slog.

All I ever used dice rolling for was generation threads and D&D stat discussion. Quest threads were cancer and /qst/ is a bigger shithole than /vp/

But that's all there is too it. A bunch of whiny crybabies literally whined at the mods for years until the mods got rid of the thing they were whining about. There's nothing more to the story. It's not a theory, it's what the whiny crybabies themselves stated.

It's how everythign else that has gotten kicked off of Veeky Forums has been kicked off of Veeky Forums. Some whiny crybabies false flag, complain to the mods for months or years, and then whatever it is catches a permabanning.

That's all.

I didn't call it a hypothesis, now, did I?

I have bad news for you.

Look, that dimension shift happened a long time ago.
This is a much more recent example of one. They might have a THIRD type of bearenstein bears.

Like... baronstane?

>that's a stronger theory
>It's not a theory
>I didn't call it a hypothesis, now, did I?
u wot mate?

The ones that were actually half-way decent were fun in a corny kinda way, it was the other 98% everything else that ruined quests.

Dumb joke, don't worry about it.

Those are quests.

it is my hope that one day mods will crack when everything is reported and labled as /qst/ content

>the rare barenstein bares universe
Never get any love.

This post has been reported and labled as /qst/ content

Did you know that announcing your reports is a /qst/ content?
Ten years iso-/qst/!

I think we should just delete Veeky Forums and /qst/ instead.

Fuck off namefag, nobody cares.

I didn't say *I* reported it.

And yes I did.

And it was also just a joke.

People who hate quests care a lot.

>dimension shift
No, you just have terrible memory.

Caucausian man /Noncaucasian man seems like a bit of a waste. Heretics/Foreigners would probably be a more productive frameing

>>the rare barenstein bares universe
>Never get any love.

>Dice came WAY after the first nazimod.

I started running my quest in March 2010 on Veeky Forums using the board dice feature.