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Paizo Games General /pgg/

What kind of underwater adventure have you always wanted to run, but haven't because all Pathfinder's underwater rules suck?

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A kinda creepy exploration themed deep sea adventure based from a massive submarine, a la Jules Verne.

>Ten thousand crits under the sea

Literally anything involving the aboleths, it'd be fun to build a campaign around them but since it would require a lot of underwater combat/exploration it wouldn't be very fun to play.

I want to play in a Ruins of Azlant game! I even already have a baker PC-turned-adventurer ready to go. I'm disappointed that I caught a spoiler for the end of the AP when the page about that artifact from it got posted a few threads back though.

Hey /pgg/ or whatever this thread is called these days, what's a good name for a Sorcerer archetype which has the ability to grant lesser versions of its bloodlines to other people?

>involving the aboleths
They. Throw. ROCKS!

Eldritch Transfuser. Or just Transfuser

That's a good one, lemme go write it up

But I don't want to run any more games. I just want to play in one. I don't even remember what being a player feels like anymore.

>Around The World In 80 Spells

>needing 80 spells to travel around the world

The absolute state of martials

I like the sound of "Transfusionist" personally but I agree that's a really good idea either way.

No silly, it's a race and you're only ALLOWED 80 spells during the whole thing. You're a party of martials but the wizard who is organizing this whole thing for his entertainment provides the spell casting free to all teams with a few rules.

Teleporting 6 feet to the left and claiming that the magic actually took you all the way around the long way to the right doesn't count as actually going around it you know.

>No silly, it's a race and you're only ALLOWED 80 spells during the whole thing. You're a party of martials but the wizard who is organizing this whole thing for his entertainment provides the spell casting free to all teams with a few rules.
Oh my
Yes, this does things to me

Abyssal trench dwellers fighting over the corpse of a leviathan just to eat, not knowing creatures from above are getting ready to invade for (Macguffin) and they need to flee, all the while adapting to life in surface waters while planning to retake their trench home. Obviously using Cerulean Seas.

I feel like Athletics-SoM users (for EX Flight) and Veiled Moon/Elemental Flux initiators will probably have the easiest times, since flight and teleportation (even in short bursts) is too good to pass up.

Alright, I made two archetypes instead of one, because for some reason I'm on a blood kick today. Feedback would be helpful, since I feel like there's more I could add to the Sorcerer but I'm blanking.

Eldritch Transfuser Sorcerer:

Blood Oath Fighter:

The party is currently making their way through a magic-hating empire to get to the refuge of mages. They're level 7 and a Roc has descended on them on the road, which they will fight next session. However, once they reach the mage haven, I'm really not sure what kind of hooks to offer them. Any suggestions for adventure hooks to offer in a secretive mage haven?

I'm glad me and my yiffing buddies all got into Fursona 5! It's be a purr-fect game! :3

Damn, those hips.

You gotta add what the first abilities does. Right now, it says that it gives a lesser bloodline, but it doesn't say what that actually does. Maybe the bloodline arcana? Also, it doesn't mention any "cost" for Constitution the first time that you use it.

>still being this salty.

I wonder what it's like, being so pathetic and without a life, that all you can do is be salty.

See . We can't really evaluate the archetype until we know how it works.

Is it meant to do nothing until you get Awakened Bloodline at 3rd level? That can't be right, can it? You should also add a "first time in 24 hours" or "first time during each infusion" line to the ability of the second paragraph of Awakened Bloodline, otherwise it only functions once per person ever by current wording. Also it's probably for the best that this archetype can't stack with Crossblooded or Mongrel Mage, but I am slightly disappointed it can't stack with the former. What with all the talk of blood infusions I get some probably unintended Bloodborne vibes from this archetype.

>a catfolk that looks like a catfolk and isn't my anime catgirl waifu, damn, must be a furry

I'd say I hope you can get cured of your disease soon, but to my knowledge anime is a terminal disease.

Not that guy, but since Blood of the Beast, Neko Catgirls are canon in Golarion, according to their description.

>but since
They've always been like that.

stop fucking replying.

And so are normal catfolk, according to the same book so whats your point


A bunch of wizards too busy with their own shit to go and do more mundane stuff
Like groceries
And obtaining expensive magical components
And telling the magic-hating country's emissaries to fuck off
And giving the hag that lives in the swamp over there a personal letter by hand since she warded the whole thing from magical missives after receiving too many of them

I'll start there. They've run away from 3 adventure hooks so far, would be a bit funny if they ran away here too.

>police state run by wizards
>expecting magic to not be regulated
What is wrong with players?


>They've run away from 3 adventure hooks so far
If they try to run away again you can always have some hardcore magic haters raid that place. Would be pretty hard to ignore that

Well so far they've just left settlements that had hooks for longterm adventure.

They left a city with a growing cult.
They left a commune that had been taken over by an aboleth.
They left a town that had a string of murders.

Whenever something comes up they could get involved in, they just leave.

One of your players wants his Elf character to bring his 50 year old daughter along on the adventure as a cohort. Do you allow it?

inb4 incest

>Journey to the Center of the OhgodRovagugjustgotoutshitwhydidwedothat

Why does Paizo never do freaky tieflings in their art like the horrid fiendish mutants they are instead of Annah of the Shadow rip offs and Vogue models with body paint and plastic halloween horns?

Forgot pic.

because shockingly people don't want to be ugly

Because the lowest common denominator wants draenei and anime "demon girls" rather than fucking tieflings. I still roll on the planescape tables for appearance ideas.

because if you actually go for anything fiendish or mutanty that isn't "fetish anime succubus" tier, even if it still looks "human with shit tacked on", players get very confused.

No, since 50 is still a child in elven years.

>Elves age proportionally to humans
Give me a call when you're done being boring.

>Elves age proportionally to humans
That's the case in Golarion, at least.

Okay, why would most elves be 110 by the time they get their first level, but your 50 years old daughter would be a 5th level character?

Tieflings that PC's are supposed to sympathize with have always been pretty boys/girls since 2e. See Planescape. That being said I blame 4e for perpetrating the idea they can only be read Klingons.
>because shockingly people don't want to be ugly
Speak for yourself fucker. Pretty much all of my characters are explicitly unattractive.

Your players are actually the worst and I hate them on principle.

Have you tried asking them to follow the hooks?

child prodigy

>what the first ability does
It's not really intended to do anything, but I guess adding a bonus to skills based on the class skill could work as a starter ability.

>no cost for the first time
That's correct. First time is free, each additional time is a constitution cost.

See above, it's not really supposed to do much until level 3. I didn't catch the other thing, so thanks for that.

As for Crossblooded, you can't really make an archetype that stacks with it. Crossblooded replaces or modifies everything except Eschew Materials.

I haven't said it clearly. One of them made a purely social kind of character and just doesn't want to do anything that might result in combat, and the others just don't give a shit about the NPCs around them.

I'm probably just not being compelling enough to hold their interest.

>I'm probably just not being compelling enough to hold their interest.
Stop blaming yourself and giving everything to the players. YOU'RE a player too, remember that, and you need to make that clear to them.

Yeah, as long as he's not trying to play her like some little elf loli. My character's cohort was his scam artist of an uncle, who had been a running joke OOC for a long time before he ever actually appeared in game. Family members can make great cohorts.

Dig deep enough and you fi

A conversion of the Sea of Fallen Stars, including the Twelfth Seros War, from AD&D.

Like he says, you're a player in the game too and you should be having fun. Consider having a real talk with your players about what you each want from the game and figure out what would be best for everyone. Maybe you'll find that some of your players share similar frustrations.

If you give yourself a negative attitude about your game by putting yourself down like that, you'll probably start to feel burnt out which is death for a campaign, by the way. That's what my experience has been at least.

One of those will get the villagers to come running with the pitchforks and torches most of the time, so it would be unsuitable to present them- a popular PC race- in that way. I'm pretty sure there have been instances of deformed tieflings in APs before, but it's gotta be a smaller portion of the overall total even if the books say hideous deformities are more common.

Fuck, Veeky Forums ate my post before I finished. I meant to say "and you find the Hidden Fun Stuff".

Probably a game where all the land-races realize they're surrounded by like 70% water and barely covering the surface, and an almighty, united Sahuagin empire marches onto the land to enslave everyone, surprisingly outnumbering and outmatching the surface dwellers due to their natural resilience and breeding space.

They spend so much time making builds that they think they can get away with anything, while forgetting that the world they play in has rules to try an maintain the status quo.

The others aren't nearly as big.


I laughed half-heartedly because this is so true in my case.

The same player too, every time.

>One of those will get the villagers to come running with the pitchforks and torches most of the time
There really isn't anywhere in the default setting where this happens outside of like Ustalav, where they pretty much attack anyone who isn't Ustalavi anyway.

It's like a DC 10ish check to know something is tiefling anyway.

Arguably the half-finished statement made it even funnier.


starting a starfinder game from level 1 as a soldier. And I want to go sharpshooter. Would /pgg/ go an longarms or sniper? If I went assault rifles I think I'd focus on supressive fire and assist damage, but I'm not sure how viable they are.

Lngarms are the way to go, dude. ther's more versatility of design in the longarms section, and sniper rifles generally have "unwieldy" attached.

Also, get the best heavy armor you can - those mod slots are valuable as hell.

What kind of wizard police do you use?

If the situation ever comes up in my game, I would use House Karanok first. Then Harpers, Cultists of the Shattered Peak, Jordain Viziers, Magehouds, etc.

Snipers as niche and should be something you carry around to, well, snipe unless you know you can line up shots always while longarms provide more versatility since they aren't unwieldy most of the time and probably are easier to find and purchase.

thanks, I'll take a look. As for the armour, should I get some at char creation? Or get cheaper armour and get heavy later? (I chose android as race, so I have an upgrade slot)

At character creation you have very little cash, so you'll want to pick up decent light armor and mostly just hide behind cover for now. Start picking up heavy armor when you have more credits, or when you can loot it off corpses.

It usually doesn't come down to that, actually. It's more OOC complaining that they can't just roll the dice to solve every problem with a skill check rather than magic.

What classes are there that grant Grab and/or constrict, I know Tetori gives both, Feral Gnasher gives grab and Wild Shape can depending on form, what else is there?

Why doesn't /pfg/ do a more "honest" app process where you post your app only when you're 100% satisfied with it, and the GM comes out and says "Yeah, sorry, you're not making the cut. I'm not too hot about your character"?

I mean, it's hurt feelings, but feelings will be hurt sooner or later when the apps are picked anyway.

Strangler brawler, but it isn't the best.

Rangers/Hunters/Druids with this spell

May as well just be "Yeah sorry, I don't personally know you. You aren't making the cut."

Because then the DM can't go "eh, your app sucks in a vacuum but I need to fill this time slot awkwardly, sorry. Water under the bridge?"

How'd you guys like a high school anime take on another urban AP?

Maybe anime Hell's Rebels?

Is that art by InCase? if not do you know the sauce?

because you may like an app and it may not fit the timeslot with the rest of the people or 100000 other variables that go into forming a party.

>anime hells rebels

We had that.


e-hentai org/g/1179443/92318c8c57/

already a thing

We did? What happened to it?

Thanks man!

eventually fell apart.

Fuck off and kill yourself, 2hu.

That's right, 2hu killed it.

Poor quality bait, neither of those fit 2hu's style or writing.

It's still going. Switched to Strike! from Pathfinder a while ago though.

How, was he too ridiculously optimised and complaining about useless partners?

Who are the PCs?

Wasn't he playing a psychochomp halfling that literally was too good for their own being in their backstory?

But like, in a weird, douchy way?

something with travelling NPCs the party must protect while ensuring they can reach the destination within a critical alloted time

A doggirl maid, a catgirl noble, a D.Va expy, and a rakshasa.

He got booted out of the game.

Why does everything have to be anime? Why can't we have some good old swords and sorcery fantasy. Hell I'd take something victorian or gothic like Pathfinder Dark Souls/Bloodborne just to wash the constant weebwank out of /pfg/. Also we had that and minmaxy weebs killed it as they do with most games they get into.

where do you think you are