Age of Sigmar General /aosg/

Reboxed Edition

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straya cunt

Upside down OP is best OP

reboxed and australian apparently

>between Gravesites, Necromancer spam, and Grand Host of Nagash, Deadwalker Cheese actually became even more viable
>3 necromancers + vampire lord + Gravesites + Grand Host = 8-12d3 of regeneration, plus Grand Host triggering on every single Summonable unit in your army on a 5+ to do an extra d3
>meanwhile, all 4 heroes get an additional spell from the new lores to ensure no casting redundancy
>and you even get old Death Save on top of that, with necromancers lurking in the swarm for their 4+ Look Out Sir! save
>plus god knows what all goodies you're actually getting from the Lore of Death, command traits, and artifacts
>while you cackle and shuffle forward ~240 or so zombies across the table, dropping out fresh batches from Gravesites to recombine with your existing hordes to get their numbers back up
>Corpse Carts offer rerolls on Deathly Invocations that go off nearby
What a wonderful day for the shambling dead. Though the stealth-nerf that removes the ability to mash two units of zombies together legitimately fucking sucks, as well as requiring 40+ units to hit max effectiveness instead of 30.

Nice lizards my dude, did you retake any pics?

What is /aosg/ working on?

Didn't you post this last thread?

I need to finish my Longbeards but I am currently battling severe depression and isolation.

Still looking for advice on this list.

Allegiance: Grand Host of Nagash
Wight King with Baleful Tomb Blade (120)
- General
- Mount: Steed
-Ossific Diadem

Necromancer (110)
- Mount: Nightmare
-Terrorghiest (in a can) Mantle

Necromancer (110)
- Mount: Nightmare

Arkhan The Black Mortarch of Sacrament (320)
Necromancer (110)
- Mount: Nightmare

30 x Skeleton Warriors (280)
- Ancient Spear & Shield

10 x Skeleton Warriors (80)
- Ancient Spear & Shield

20 x Grave Guard (160)
- Wight Blades & Crypt Shields

2 x Morghast Archai (220)

2 x Morghast Archai (220)

Mortis Engine (180)

Lords of Sacrament (70)

Total: 1990 / 2000
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 122

>10 skeleton warriors
>Necromancer with a mount

>GW just NOW reboxed the majority of stuff
>only to change the AoS logo and general package design so it doesn’t look garbage


How's this look for a starting up FEC army? Ought I focus more on Flayers over Horrors and Ghouls? Should I try and squeeze in a Terrorgheist?

Allegiance: Flesh Eater Courts
- Delusion: Crusading Army
Crypt Haunter Courtier (120)
- General
- Trait: Dark Wizardry
Crypt Ghast Courtier (80)
Varghulf Courtier (160)
- Artefact: The Grim Garland
Abhorrant Ghoul King (120)
6 x Crypt Horrors (320)
20 x Crypt Ghouls (200)

Total: 1000 / 1000
Allies: 0 / 200
Wounds: 70




Are grave guard 80 for 10 now?

You're asking a guy whose running necromancers on illegal mounts.

Has /aosg/ ever bought models drunk?

Cant he run the vampire counts version and use them as allies?

They don't have a matching key word

Its part of the death grand alliance yes? Does that not mean he can use some of his 400 points of allies to take it?

>Ought I focus more on Flayers over Horrors and Ghouls? Should I try and squeeze in a Terrorgheist?
If I were you I would. But that's just me and Ghouls turned me off the whole faction, but I'd enjoy running an army that's just an Horrors/Flayers and a GKOT

All the LoN can ally with is FEC.

kind of retarded that he cant run it for that reason, considering it has the exact same key words as the normal necromancer.

It doesn't have the deathmages keyword

I used Warscroll Builder and didn't bother checking. Points have stayed the same anyway, so who cares if they're mounted or not at this point.

80/420. I think they always have been.

The 10 skeletons are there because I need battle line and the alternative is going 15 Grave Guard, but picking up 2x5 Dire Wolves/Zombies.

user its ok to be retarded in this day and age.

And I just realized my mistake on the Grave Guard. Blah. The total points should line up fine, but I'll just go to bed and repost this sans typos tomorrow.

Yeah the ghouls are extra squishy but they do work Ilif you can get them into combat. An all horror/flayer list does work, though, for sure. I think an all Flayer list took 2nd in a recent tourney?

Once two years ago. I was 18 and had only started minipainting a month beforehand. I was shitfaced and bought a whole 60$(a lot at the time) of reaper minis. Still have them tucked away behind my Warhammer stuff. They were good practice but yeesh, the difference is huge.


Would the masks look weird on chaos knights?

My pile of cash for the DoK release. That's what. Working on selling a bunch of shit, and have about $220 ready. Still have a Knight and a bunch of Tzeentch Daemons to move.

GraveGuard: Shields or Great Weapons? How many per unit?

Always model what looks cooler over what's effective. There's no rule of wysiwyg in AoS.

Hey, when I finish my Dispossessed and start a new army, should I go Deathrattle or Flesh Eater Courts?

Just do death soup like everyone else. Lots of room for customization.

Go for another Order army.

Like what?
Non of the non legacy factions appeal to me.
They only other one besides Dispossessed I like are Freeguild and everyone here says I can't play legacy factions and those that do are fucking nigger faggots.

still working on my unimaginatively colored Spirit of Durthu. Still a whole lot to do and it feels like I've completely forgotten how to paint my trees since it's been a long time since I worked on them...

>listening to shitposts


Seriously. Don't come on Veeky Forums if you can't handle people shitting on you for any reason. They're your models. Neckbeards aren't going to stand over you and scowl because you're playing an army without a battletome.

This! Before I started with my Nurgle army I played (and still play) with my beastmen. So aim to have fun and don’t listen to shitposters

[Obligatory Grot suggestion]

Go for the Klan. They're even likely getting a Grot Soup book in the future.

You can take legions only with warscrolls from the book. Regardless of keywords.

How does deathly incantations work with units that have 4+ wounds? Can it only heal models or can it bring models back injured?

why don't people just play games with battle tomes, relics etc only vs armies that have them and against normal lists, just rewrite their armies to be run without them?

You mean without battalions/relics/whatever? I guess that'd be fair. Thats not the only issue though. Tomes are generally more balanced warscroll-wise.

i guess technicly it can bring back injured models too but i don't think it's intended
are there SUMMONABLE units with 4+ wounds?

Wait, so you need to only have models listed in the Nagash battletomb to get the abilities right? So does that mean the Herald can't be a part of it? The Sepulchral Guard?

did I just build them wrong or do the starter set stormcast normally just have huge gaps and seams? Why would they cut the model across the large flat shoulder pad leaving a seam instead of having the pad be its own part? The Darcoath Celestant's thighs seem to have a 1mm gap with his knees (which are molded to the dragon)

It seems to leave out the Herald, the Mourngul, the Necromancer on Nightmare, the Vampire Lord on Abyssal Steed, the Sepulchral Guard and all of Tomb Kings. You gotta use the general Death Alliance instead I guess.

the herald has rules in malign portents that allow him to be used in whatever.

as for the mourngul, expect a forgeworld update that lets you use him, as easy as changing one online pdf and a png in the app, as early as 2020

>have really bad anxiety
>one of the few things that help is assembling figures and painting them
>hear about the AoS competition
>"Oh cool, this should be right up my alley"
>find out about the time limit
>already stressed
>SC! box arrives late
>too much to do at work, no time for hobby stuff
>still manage to get everything assembled and primed last weekend, start laying down flats
>wake up this morning for crunch time since I only have two days to work on them
>in my sleep-deprived and fatigued stupor I have spattered paint all over my figures
I feel nothing but a dull, throbbing pressure behind my eyes and a sense of relief.
It's over, friends.
I tried.

Do AoS books get special edition copies like 40k? If so, I might not be able to hold back with snekaelves

91% isopropyl alcohol and an old toothbrush will remove acrylic paint from models within 5 minutes without harming plastics. Some primers it will remove, but not others.

Sometimes failure is what we need to remind ourselves to slow down and enjoy things.

Trying a list too from the LoN leaks, is it too much slow melee army?

Wight king on steed - 120 - general, Lord of Nagashizzar, Osseous crown
Necromancer - 110
Necromancer - 110
Arkhan - 320
40 skeletons with spears - 280
20 skeletons with swords - 160
10 skeletons with swords - 80
Corpse cart - 80
10 Grave Guard with great weapons - 160
10 Black Knights - 240
Deathmarch battallion - 110
That's 1770 - what do I add?
King and knights charge across the board with extra movement, saves and 6 attacks each. Skeletons and cart hold the line, and necros have extra spells from GH allegiance.

just look at the pre-orders now...

do we have the new nighthaunt warscrolls somewhere?

I appreciate the sentiment, but I am already a slow novice painter. I've been watching almost every Duncan video and the figures look great, but literally every single piece is marred. I do not have time to repaint everything, since I am a slow painter to begin with. Shaky hands, you see.

Former Warhammer fantasy battle dark elf player here, is AoS worth getting into? From what I have heard it lacks the tactical depth of fantasy, I am curious to hear from people actually paying it. Is it possible to keep using my old army. Have a lot of cold one knights, a couple of hydra and a dread lord on black dragon, in addition to a core of dark shards, spearmen and corsairs.
Any advice for listbuilding etc.?

again, isopropyl alcohol to the affect models and areas. You can get it in the first aid section of grocery stores.


No idea, but your post reminded me I have 9001 DElves laying around. How shitstomped would this list be in a casual meta? I am incapable of figuring out how the fuck Dark Elves are supposed to work in Sigmar (they aren't, I assume)

Dreadlord On Black Dragon (320)
- Lance of Spite & Shield
Sorceress (80)
Sorceress (80)

5 x Drakespawn Knights (160)
5 x Drakespawn Knights (160)
40 x Darkshards (400)
20 x Dreadspears (200)
20 x Dreadspears (200)

War Hydra (200)
War Hydra (200)

Total: 2000 / 2000
Guess I'm stuck with the Order allegiance kek

to avoid people recasting. stormcasts are the marines of AoS, if someone could get them for cheap when the game started, it could be a huge problem for GW.

well now I've got to fill the gaps with some vallejo putty or kneadatite. It is kind of annoying and I hope the actual multipart stormcast boxes come together more cleanly than that.

Run Anvilgard from Firestorm, engage with Dreadspears, flank with Hydras and Drakespawn Knights for a chance to instant-kill any unit you're in melee with

So no. I am both sad and relieved.

I've always wanted to run Anvilgard. It seems so broken in theory.

just on paper

you only kill every third unit you are able to surround, it's not that good
even with fast units

if you think that gaps in models is the stuff to be annoyed when it goes to stuff coming from GW, I see a bleak future in front of you my friend.

>if you think that gaps in models is the stuff to be annoyed when it goes to stuff coming from GW, I see a bleak future in front of you my friend.
in all the years I've been building GW models it has never been that bad. These gaps are like priviteer press levels of bad. If anything, most of their newer kits fit together really seamlessly I've found, with little or no smoothing or gap filling needed even on smooth surfaces like skin (like the necromunda kits and even the bloodreaver kit)

Don't worry, there will always be another time.

what if someone can't remember a happy day? Well never mind.

So what do you guys think the light elf redesing is going to be? the dark elf got the half snake chicks, so I guess the light elfs will end up with lion centaurs right?

>what if someone can't remember a happy day?

Next Aelves are Deep Aelves user so no true"light aelves"

Big Morathi tits right in my face

it depends what you consider depth. List building is really nuanced, but lists come together quickly. There aren't individual stupid upgrades because those were actually pointless and didn't affect the game in a major way, but people saw it as removing depth. If you don't play with objectives it will result in a big blob in the middle of the table, but that is true of any wargame. Play with objectives.

>80pts for this dude

Seems good. Easy access to mystic shield and magic missile

Lord-Ordinator, trying to get him to look a little more like a engineer instead of a frontline fighter.
No clue what to do with the right arm though. Leave it empty, signaling a cannon to get ready? Holding a book? I'd appreciate any suggestion.


Grot Battletome When?

Yeah, see him as a better version of the existing shaman, for same cost, but losing the zappy spell, and gaining toughness via the -1 to hit him and 5+ mortal wound save.

He can spam mystic shield whilst your other shaman zaps heroes and tanky stuff with his long rage AOE spell.

Hero-sniping is a big issue for Moonclan (both receiving and being able to deliver it), so wizards are needed, maybe in addition to artillery.

Soon I hope! My gut tells me its next after the deathsoup book, so maybe 2 months away.

Good ! Isn't that Valoris' head ?

We already know the next thing are DoK, dude.

>next after the deathsoup book


DoK first
Deep elves second

Then you MAYBE can have your turn (but i think is gonna be more death or chaos)



It would be untraditional if a year pass without any Stormcast chamber open.

A book would suit him, or some form of parchment


yes its snake elfs next, but after that. the schedule seems to be 1 per month.

Rumour said two new Aelf armies.

Its stormcast blood angels
