/5eg/ 5th Edition General

Encounter Edition

>Unearthed Arcana: Three Subclasses

>5e Trove
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Previously, on /5eg/:
What have been your most memorable and favourite encounters?
DMs, how did you set up encounters your players enjoyed?

well in our new campaign, we fought an aboleth at level 3 and actually killed it, so that was pretty memorable
speaking of which, i'm playing a pugilist in that campaign; i grapple a lot, so i was wondering if i should get prodigy for expertise on athletics (already have 20 str), go for upping con from 16 -> 18 (which ups my ac), or get something like mobile, since the class kinda plays like a monk

Has anyone used the Create Homunculus spell?

So Divine Soul is cool, but what's actually worth grabbing from the Cleric list? Spiritual Weapon?


Healing Word is practically mandatory for picking up allies in the middle of a fight. Even if the HP restored is minimal, it gives them a chance to disengage and get out of danger, or resets their death-saves if they DO go down again. Although I've seen some DMs consider this cheese and give either exhaustion levels or not reset death saving throws.

Reposting, looking for feedback.

Revised Feats, commentary explaining why a feat was changed, or added or removed at the end of the document.


Bless is a really good use of concentration for a low level spell slot.

Sanctuary, which doesn't use concentration, is an extra layer of attack-avoidance if you need to concentrate on something like Twinned Haste. Although casting any spells that effect enemies breaks the Sanctuary effect, so it locks you into support spells. Still a viable option if support is what you want to do.

Also This

Ideas for making a Knowledge Cleric fun/interesting for the rest of the party?

Still up for more suggestions.

>Starting new group
>Gets 3 guys and a girl
>Outline some guidelines that I would prefer people follow
>Start at level 3, no Multiclassing until during the game, play as your own gender, and don't make loners
>If you want to, please discuss with me first, just so we make a coherent group, and doesn't creep off anyone.
>All players submit pictures of girls with girl names on day 1
>Guys, I dont mind, but why didn't you at least ask if you wanted to make female characters?
>All 3 guys: But they are not girls. They are guys.
>mfw they unknowingly made characters that spot on struck my biggest fetish
I don't know where this campaign is going, but it is going to be magical.

Until you realise they only made those characters because those are also their biggest fetish.

>Everybody has the same fetish
That makes it better, user.

Did you feel the need to shitpost in this thread with your made-up fetish story?

>What have been your most memorable and favourite encounters?
Surprisingly enough, it was against a bunch of regular gangsters.
We were investigating a series of disappearances, and uncovered a ring of slave traders.
This lead us to a stealth ambush of a warehouse and the ensuing shoot-out.
Most bad-ass battle ever.

What are some fun feats for a martial to become a little more useful outside of combat? My stats are already good enough, so I want to take something fun.


Not even made up, but I feel like these 3 know each other, so they might be trolling.

Slutbard of Glamour
Trickery Cleric

And the chick made a Paladin that seems straight ripped from the Diablo 3 Crusader, but whatever, at least it isn't the usual lawful retard.

But I feel like I should be taking this campaign a less combat-oriented direction, which is a problem, because I have no idea how to balance any kind of social situations without
1. Making their stats pointless by requiring player roleplay rather than dice rollig
2. Having Magic and expertised persuasion instantly solve most encounters
3. Making a mangled combination of those two, where it will quickly become unclear what they need to succeed.

Would the above party still be fine for a lot of dungeon delving?

I can't find Tome of Foes in the trove, where is it?

Ritual Caster.

Having all the same fetishes makes it worse, user.
You know for a fact that one of those 3 sperglords are going to have their panties in a twist of someone else's interpretation of trap.
You're much better off having separate fetishes so people all have different things to RP about.

Magic Initiate: Fine Familiar (and whatever other utility cantrips you want).

Having a drone buddy/pet is fun for roleplaying.

I'm doing this for my rogue pirate character. A parrot (raven stats) familiar is just perfect.

Kill yourself.

>How do I make a fighter more interesting?
>Take magic :^)
The absolute state of this retarded game

Also looking for feedback on this feat specifically.
Keep in mind that TWF just lets you make an extra attack with the offhand, not as a bonus attack within these rules.

So for instance, a Rogue with two daggers and this feat, as well as a third dagger in his belt, could throw three daggers, or if his bonus thrown dagger hits, close in to melee and get advantage on his shank attempt.

Would also be useful for crit fishing from a Barbarian or Paladin or Champion If you're an idiot and don't use Brute

109 days in the future

If the traps don't have monster dicks, you've all got shit fetishes. Tiny prick traps are 2017. Everyone's into dominant traps with jumbo schlongs now

Huh, it's almost like FIGHTERS are best at FIGHTING.

Go shitpost about how Create Food and Water destroys the entire game somewhere else, elfposter.

Welcome to DnD; magic occupies the majority of utility design-space and anything non-magical is usually met with ridicule.

This doesn't actually work, because you don't have actions to draw enough throwing weapons. So you can do it once, and then you are back to 1, maybe 2 per turn.

>mfw I really want to play 5e but I'm already full on campaigns
>mfw the type of campaign I want is pretty specific anyway

All I want is a free feat and generous rolling stats.

Dom Trap with Monster Dongs

I suppose I also need to note the only time I (or anyone else) should give a shit about action economy is if some fucker is trying to game the system and swap to his shield as a bonus action after using a two handed weapon.

I am well aware my feat list isn't Adventure League legal and to that I say I'm not autistic enough to play Adventure League.

Martial feats are basically all 'just hit things harder and make use of your bonus action better' or 'have this one-time use thing that's otherwise unused' or 'this thing is only useful in very specific situations, so you won't actually have that much more fun with it'.
For the most part, the fun in making a martial comes from multiclassing, whereas ASI is just for stats, and Vuman is just for getting whatever core feat you need (like GWM or Magic Initiate for BB/GFB).

That does sound pretty fun. Which cantrips should i take? I have an extra attack at level five, but something like booming blade or greenflame blade would scale better late, and all the ranged attacks would have a solid +0 from my int for hitting, so not a great idea

Oh yeah, found it. Thanks!

>I hate DnD!
>I'm gonna join a discussion topic about DnD!

The absolute state of your own retardation.

The counterculture contrarians that made the fetish popular in the first place got butthurt that it became popular, so they've tried changing it up.
Fetish hipsters are literally the worst.

I dont know what kind of turboautiats you play with, but people generally dont tell people the size of their characters dicks.

Making traps is a pretty bad breed of autism, but nowhere close to FATAL levels of "here is the exact measurements of my dick" autism.

You can have a giant feminine penis. Just make it smooth. It's not like small dicks are feminine inherently. A lot of them are wrinkly monstrosities - and not in the size department

Honestly, I kinda agree, but I found a hard time justifying a multiclass when I was just so happy with my fighter as he was then.

Don't bother with BB/GFB, it's really not worth the small damage bump. Just take some utility stuff like Minor Illusion or Mage Hand.

I've got an idea for a campaign...

The basic idea would be that everything would play normally for the first month in game time, and then the world ends and they restart at the point they were at the beginning of the month, but with their levels and certain items.

Each month then becomes a race to figure out how to prevent the world from ending before the reset. Do they do things differently than they did before? Do they go down different paths? Do they take different actions? Do they just head in totally opposite direction they went last time and explore new areas?

Do you think a campaign like this would be fun?

And here we see the PathFinder player, attempting to migrate to 5e. Although he hates how min-maxy PF is, he is still incapable of straying from it when attempting to play other games, and can only enjoy roleplaying if it takes the form of rollplaying.

Unfortunately, there is no cure for bad roleplaying or anal DMs who only explicitly allow stated actions in the rules.

I've never played a campaign with a trap in it because I play with normal people (myself obviously not included). I was just chiming in with the true trap patrician taste for the fetish in general

Even though I was joking, it makes me happy the internet is a varied enough place for people to have genuine opinions on this kind of thing.

>Asking for advice on his homebrew
>Forgets to mention the 400 homebrew rules he already has, that is required to make his homebrew actually work
I like your idea, but this is why your kind generally gets a lot of hate. If you make these kinds of changes, you really shouldn't be asking us for advice, because we will nver be able to provide proper feedback without having a PH.d. in whatever messy "updated" rules you use.

No one here gives a fuck about adventurers league, that is only for the absolutely worst autists in the hobby, who can't make friends themselves.

What the fuck are you talking about? There's very few good 'martial' feats. I minmax the shit out of everything I do, but it doesn't change the fact that martial generally turns into "are you using a heavy weapon? GWM", "are you using a shield? You might want to take Shield Master but it doesn't make a difference if you have other bonus actions", "are you using a stick? Polearm Master", "are you a Rogue? Magic Initiate for Booming Blade or Mobile".

I have melee characters that use Warcaster/Booming Blade on melees because I find it fun. I love feats more than anything - but it doesn't change most of them don't do anything special for martials. Martials get 90% of their concepts out of their multiclassing and generally only need one feat to function, and more feats just slow down their ability to do what martials do - hit people or not get hit.

Ignoring action economy is pretty standard, I actually don't know any DMs who do unless they run AL. Which is why I didn't bother to mention it.

>Can't like D&D if you aren't 24/7 fellating the local wizard-main
It is almost like sone people enjoy Fighters, Rogues or Barbarians without magic.

Feats do even less for casters most of the time, unless you're a gish who needs Warcaster.

The real problem here is out of all the feats in the game, only about 4 or 5 are worth actually taking, the rest usually aren't worth losing an ASI over.

OK, I know this has spelled out for you a million times already. But here it goes again since you need reminding every other day.


Only if you warn the players it's not going to be a "normal" game first. You dont have to spoil it but let them know there will be some weirdness.

That doesn't explain what the fuck you were on about with your first post. What I said wasn't wrong. It doesn't matter what the state of magic use feats are, the fact is that there's limited martial feats.
You're the one who pulled a comparison out of nowhere for some stupid ass reason.
He asked for fun martial feats, I told them that there's very few 'fun' martial ones. You generally pick your core and that's about it, except in very niche cases.

I did it once. I had a cool boss fight in mind, but... It was a lot stronger than I had expected, and wiped them turn 1.

I improvised, and has them wake up at the start. But they had their gear, their levels, and their knowledge. They went through it again, thought they could take him this time, but after a close fight, lost anyway.

So I started them over again, and this time, they had taken notes. They just went through the campaign in less than 4 sessions, just doing everything perfectly, and had time left over to consider their battle strategy. They got better equipped for the fight, and a few levels on top, made them absolutely stomp the fight on the third try.

My players absolutely loved it, and thought I was brilliant, despite not actually having any plan for them dying the first time.

Alright here ya go, I added another disclaimer so everyone should be on the same page.

I don't think I've missed anything here?

>I'm going to lock myself out of an entire facet of the game that's so common in the game world that more than half the classes use it, because I'm too butthurt to enjoy the game for what it is.

Nobody is forcing you to play DnD. Are you the kind of person who makes Pokemon ROM hacks because you don't like that Psychic type Pokemon exist?

I haven't had any GMs who ignore action economy for free actions. It's what stops dual hand crossbows from going out of control (I put my crossbow away, reload it even if I don't have to obey the reload property, I put that one down, I reload the first, I fire both, then I put both down and reload both, and now I'm just going to shoot a million times with Sharpshooter). Right now you can't do that because you need an empty hand to reload the ammo part of a crossbow even with CBE letting you ignore reloading, as you still need to obey ammo, and that requires free hands.
Otherwise, you'd get a million ranged attacks with Sharpshooter still hitting more consistently than a melee.

>Hey, see these options in the D&D PHB? If you like these, you shouldn't be playing D&D! :^)
Jesus Christ, are you getting help with that severe autism, or are you just straight up retarded?

Well he's not me, I was just poking fun at you thinking the only way to have fun is to cast spells.

Then again I play a heavily homebrewed 5e that's more freeform like 2e where you basically ask the DM if you can try to do a thing and he says yes or no, and then you roll for it if it's anything extreme.

I never said anything about the only way to have fun being to cast spells. That wasn't me, hence why I also quoted that post.

So, I considered a cool idea. A barbarian/monk who, when he rages, throws his weapons on the ground and starts to fight his targets hand to hand. I know that monk is considered trash and multiclassing these two classes is a bad idea. HOWEVER; is there any way I can make this dream a reality?

>Homebrewer gets passive aggressive when given advise
Like clockwork.

You're both projecting and moving the goal posts. Someone taking magic options when magic is a huge part of the game doesn't make them a bad player, nor does it make the game poorly designed. All of your anger comes from the fact that YOU don't like magic and shitpost on almost every single 5eg thread about how you don;t like magic and about how DnD is a bad game because of magic.

Nobody wants your shitposting here.

If I hold a sheet up in front of a Beholder's center eye, let's say 20 feet from him, can a caster cast a spell behind the sheet as it's blocking the Beholder's LOS or does the Beholder's LOS penetrate objects?

What part of that came across as passive aggressive to you?

Or did you just not read the homebrew at all and think that's being passive aggressive instead of snarky because I'm a faggot and type like that all the time.

What's a good name for a Tabaxi Artificer?

meant for


You still only have so many actions you can take. If you take the attack action on your turn, you can only attack as many times as you have attacks for. You don't even need two hand crossbows to use CBE, you'd be worse off if you did so, because your bonus attack with a hand crossbow would do less damage from being in the offhand.

Are you sure you know what you're talking about, or furthermore, that they know what they're talking about?

Except that's not actually what I was saying. It is, however, what you were saying, about people who like to take the magic options in the game. Stop strawmanning, stop shitposting.

>Monk is trash
No Monk has trash damage (in an optimised group), everything else about the class is good. Makes for a great secondary martial to support a big damage shitter.

Also not really, the shear ability scores you require to make it work just won't play out. Maybe look at something that can give you similar fluff to the Barbarian's rage, such as a Samurai's Fighting Spirit or even Kensai's Sharpen the Blade

Less cheese and more just near impossible to kill any PC unless you pull some serious bullshit. If the group doesn't mind a slightly more lethal campaign I can see using such rules.

just get tavern brawler
a d4 is an unfortunate damage die, but you still get rage damage and strength damage, so it's not terrible
or play a pugilist

Monk is a great class.

It's actually one of the strongest offensive classes level 1 because flurry of blows is strong, the issue with monk is they're stat hungry. You'll have sub par AC unless you roll stats and get lucky.

But monks are a great all rounder class. They're full of utility options, your damage options are sub par, but that's because you have more options than any other martial does in combat. Although Rogues have you beat in the skill monkey department.

I've come to the realization that even though 'reddit spacing' is an 8pol meme, everyone who uses it in these threads seems to be fucking retarded.

>Monk is trash
[citation needed]

Level 2*

It stays pretty strong as well, because at 5 it goes up to d6. Having 5 attacks where you can do 4d6+12/16 is pretty good. And if you run out of your short rest resource ki you can just go down to 3d6+9/12 because you can use two light weapons as monk weapons which are subject to your martial arts die.

You don't pick monk if you want to be optimal = trash.


man you can rollplay just fine as a martial, you just stay quiet until it's time to shit out damage during a combat.

I should've prefaced this: I don't think monk is trash. It's always been one of my favorite classes. Whenever I bring it up around anyone they tell me how they're the worst class in the game. I don't care too much because I don't care about min-maxing, but everyone LOVES to tell me how monk is trash.

Monk is trash the same way Ranger is, it's just too MAD.

>Fighter gets more ASIs than anything else
>Needs them the least
>Monks and other MAD classes get normal ASIs

Is revised ranger/arcane archer combo any good?

Wait, fighters get more ASIs? Fucking why?

What the fuck is 'optimal'? Whoever can do the highest average damage in a turn with the most bullshit build using the most bullshit options available?
In terms of sheer statistics, a Monk using a quarterstaff barely falls behind anyone, but the difference is that they have the speed to catch lower AC targets that normal martials can't, thus significantly improving their average DPS. But because everyone compares average DPS in an isolated environment on the same enemy, all you see is 'lmao fuck utility, let me jerk off about hitting the same enemy for 5 turns without anything interesting happening'

>worst class in the game
When you can Stunning Strike an entire army and pick off squishies no one else can touch, you're fucking fine. The only builds optimized Monk damage actually loses to are Sharpshooter/GWM builds and Sorc metamagic 'fuck the action economy' multiclassing, and that's only are severe lategame that they consistently lose in average DPS. Most campaigns never get past level 10, and until then Monks are shitting out more damage than 99% of builds, the only exceptions being the cherrypicked turbo autist "I do the most damage of anyone but do fuck all outside of that" builds, used to make Monk seem bad because it focuses on more than just sheer damage.

If you don't care about action economy then why are you writing combat rules in the first place? The whole point of a combat feat is to let a player do something they can't usually do. The reason they can't usually do that thing is often down to the restriction on the number of actions they can take per turn. If you just ignore the limitation on actions, bonus actions, reactions and interactions per turn, then your homebrew feats are meaningless.
>Hey, DM, I know I just used my Cunning Action, but can I throw three daggers as a second bonus action?
>Go for it, dude. Who cares about action economy, anyway, amirite?
I'm not saying that your DMing style is bad-wrong-fun, but you should consider that the less you follow the rules, the less need you have for feats in the first place. Asking us for feedback on feats which only work in accordance with your unique mutilation of the official rules, is a waste of time. We can't judge these feats without context. We can't use them in our own games. We can't say whether or not your borderline-freeform players are going to like them.

Im new and i want to try being a dm, I found the free rule books that are 100+ pages, uhm i was wondering if there was a quick start rules sheet? just for a quick 2 hour session to learn the very basics? Or at least a pdf of 30 pages or less?

That's because people are dumb and can only think in black and white, when Monk is a grey class.

You don't pick monk if you want to be FOCUSED. Monk is the most optimal class if you want to do what monk allows you to do. Which is borderline whatever the fuck you want. You can be a reliable damage dealer, you're very durable, impossible to pin down, fast as hell, you can just ignore ranged attacks, falling damage, you can run on water or up walls at 9th, you get Evasion, Stunning strike is both the earliest and most reliable way to Stun a creature and it can absolutely destroy encounters.

And don't forget, you can get flametongue/frostmourne/whateverthefuck on shortswords and other simple weapons monk can use as martial arts weapons.

They would honestly be overpowered if they got more ASI. Don't forget Monks can heavily benefit from Feats too.

Because the fighter is supposed to "customize" their class with feats.

Except really it's just: "Use a two-handed weapon? Take GWM."

Because fighter is only worth playing with feats.

>play as your own gender
You fucked up by not specifying gender and sex.

>all you see is 'lmao fuck utility, let me jerk off about hitting the same enemy for 5 turns without anything interesting happening'
Dude. I like my fighter and all, but I'm not playing him forever, first chance I get I'm playing.
Charlatan Background
>Enter Gnarlag Prosgino Von Biggus, Esq
>Get a "Pimp Cane" with pact feature
>Cover myself in gold and purple clothes
>Usingmy False Identity make it so I'm a respected member of society by day
Fuck bitches get money.

Balance dood. Fighter is literally shit as is when compared to Paladins, the only thing in their favor is that they can stack combat feats earlier.

If the MAD drawbacked classes suddenly had Fighter ASI's you'd see a lot less Fighters because they wouldn't be better at anything.

Okay so I'm now aware I accidentally said Action Economy when I meant Hand Economy, and our entire disagreement is over this.
No nigga, I'm not saying you have infinite actions, I'm saying I don't care about hand economy only letting you withdraw one weapon per turn.

What I wrote even said in big red letters "Hand Economy" and noted you still only have one action, reaction and bonus action.
If a feat, skill, or class feature says you can do a thing with a particular action, you can do a thing with a particular action.

I apologize at the confusion caused by my initial mistype.

Does an Oathbreaker really have to be evil?
What if I was the biggest oath of conquest motherfucker but loose the will to cause all that bloodshed and actually turn good?

>Feats are an optional rule

>you're very durable

Yes, the class that dedicates it's entire life to physical perfection is very durable.

Oh wait, you have a D8 Hit dice and like 12 CON max because you HAVE to put everything into Dex and Wisdom.

Monk is Trash. Rogue does the whole "mobile support fighter" better in almost every respect and actually gets bonus ASIs.

This is not a game for casual little shits to jump into like "monopoly" or "guess who"
If you want to give your players a good session and not steaming shit for 4 hrs then you will read the entire players handbook then the entire dm's handbook then while you're making encounters and settings and scenarios you will work through the entire monster manual.
I recommend that after you've read the first 2 books you start with Lost Mines of Phandelver and read the entire thing a few times before you start your players on session 1.

Paladins can swap oaths, so you'd likely become Devotion. Oathbreaker is literally you deciding to go become a big evil dick who wants nothing but personal gain, there's no way without DM handwaving you're going to spin it as good.

Even Conquest could be Neutral, and mayyyyyybe Good if you roleplayed it well. But Oathbreaker is more or less this editions Anti-Paladin.

If you can't take feats then the idea is for Fighter to have higher stats then other martials, because they get fucked for class features.