Racially pure

>Racially pure
>Martial tradition
>Keep the untergoblins in their place
>Use tactics and strategy to overcome arrogant player-races for whom the deck is stacked
>Preserve their culture from the corruption of "Good" degenerates
>Taut, fit, lean bodies with which to defend the legion and fulfill their duty to reproduce

Are the Hobs /ourguys/?

I dunno. The one in the back is pretty fugly. I need waifus.

But they're ugly.

> female warriors


Bah, the beauty of the Hobgoblin race far exceeds that of the manlings. Such rich and varied colouration, from rust red and sweet orange to shades of goblinoid green. Such sinewy bodies, unlike the frail, smooth forms of the enemy. Hobgoblin features capture both savagery and discipline, chief virtues over the flat, shapeless, ignorantly naive faces of the "Good" races.

All hobgoblins, man, woman or child, are warriors for the survival and dominance of the race. They understand that all things are war - farming is war against famine, construction is war against the elements, birth is war against the end of the species. Where other races submit to death and defeat easily, every Hobgoblin must be ready to fight on all fronts for the legion!

>how to lose the race war in one simple step

>that one hobgoblin who becomes a diplomancer because he views diplomacy as a war of words.

>all species necessarily share the same sexual dimorphisms

>that one hoboglin who becomes a carpenter because armies need tent poles

Pretty certain that's an orc.

Clearly this is a Hobgoblin. Who would post an Orc in a Hobgoblin thread? Come on now.

Hobgoblin culture is exclusively war and conquest. Their idea of entertainment is composing poems about how they warred and conquered. They're the Mongols without rape, Romans without orgies, Soviets without aesthetic. Fun IS degenerate.
They're like the Puritans if the Puritans were all about worldwide conquest. If that's your thing maybe they are.

If they're supposed to evoke the image of soldiers; Why do they stand bowlegged and in random armours and shit instead of an actual modern army?


Come back when you aren't just another monster with the word hob on the begining of your name.

>without rape
okay now you lost me
how are you supposed to be a warrior race without one of the best weapons of war?

>best weapons of war
pic related would like a word with you.

>The best weapon of war

>not knowing I meant /k/

Probably closer to the Spartans or something. Regardless they are like the warrior elite caste of goblin society, of course they care about war.


If you've got females, that means they get pregnant. That is by far the biggest issue.

This, but I'd be cool with it if every time I kicked a pregnant bitch who thought she was hot shit up in the stomach everyone didn't get all squeamish and upset and tell me that I have to leave the nightclub which I was gonna do anyway to collect the other half of cash from the babydaddy.

That plus they were explicitly the Nazis in the XCrawl setting (which was actually a really interesting splat from a lore perspective BTW,) all of which would make them /pol/'s guys... a place where you should stay.


This. Fug nahdzis

Come now, user...let's be honest here, shall we?

No, they're Kebab. They're the dangerous Kebab that actually knows how to fight, and beat off multiple Crusades.

In short, DEUS VULT.

>Taking memes seriously

They are the top 3 Humanoid species yeah.
Rivalling for 1st with the Dwarves, but really Hobs are just lanky goblinoid dwarfs.

Rape isn't a weapon, it is a tool much like burning cities, the goal of rape isn't slaughter it is intimidation. If you commit war rape the goal should be intimidation thus you should go out of your way to rape those whose suffering would most impact the enemy. Ergo if you are in favour of war rape you are a pedophile, and I will not sit here and be lectured to by a pedophile.