/bgg/ - Board Game General - experts on everything edition

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Alright /bgg/ no one knows more about games than the anons here. Share some of the knowledge you've accumulated; any hidden gem games? How about rules you always see misplayed and have to correct? Got an unbeatable strategy that will make other anons toss out their favorite game for being broken?

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Is Dune public domain?

Is it older or newer than Steamboat Willie, user?

just answer the question, senpai

All the talk about SoA last thread got me interested in the game. Did my research and I think it's going to be a game that I like. I'm wanting to play it with 6 though so I'm debating between snagging both expansions or just buying a second copy of the game and painting the duplicate gangs different colors. Of course, the latter option would give at least two people the same "gang" and abilities, but would doing this break the game or make it unplayable?

>Got an unbeatable strategy that will make other anons toss out their favorite game for being broken?
If you score more points than anyone else in Carcassonne, 60% of the time you win everytime

>Published from 1964 - 77 When published with notice 28 years for first term; now automatic extension of 67 years for second term
>Dune published 1965
2060 user

>Dune will not enter public domain in your lifetime
>dune universe will not be flooded by shitty disney-level abortions in your lifetime

>dune universe will not be flooded by shitty disney-level abortions in your lifetime
Just wait til Disney figures out how much money they can potentially make off the IP

yeah, but i'll be dead by then (or will kill myself when they do), so it's ok

True, Herbert could always sell it to the mouse; but he's been pretty stingy with it so far

No it isn't.

Which is a better "next step" Eurogame after all the light stuff: Concordia or Dogs of War?

I am not skipping straight to Terra Mystica.

Both of those are light. You're not retarded, if you have interest in TM buy Gaia Project and play the solo to learn it well enough to teach it and give your group their masculinity back.

Imperial Settlers but I wouldn't recommend it for anything that's not 2p or 3p

>I am not skipping straight to Terra Mystica
What a pussy. Fine, go to Caverna then. I'm not even suggesting you go to Agricola since it will make you kill yourself

>I'm not even suggesting you go to Agricola since it will make you kill yourself
To be fair, that's a pretty common response to Agricola. It's always self-inflicted starvation too, bad way to go.

Quads have spoken, pussy.

The TM thing was a response to someone at the end of the last thread saying to skip to Terra Mystica when I'd never even mentioned an interest in it.

I actually kind of wanted to get Clans of Caledonia.

Gonna be 3p 90% of the time.

>hey, which of these two games is better as something that's a bit heavier than shit like Ticket to Ride?
>this other game that's completely unrelated to what you said
I know of Terra Mystica only in passing. I'm not going to go buy it just because some user said so. If it's good, at least say why you like it.

Also, thoughts on Clans of Caledonia? Looks like fun but I haven't played it.

>I actually kind of wanted to get Clans of Caledonia.

You totally should though.

>be burgerland holiday monday
>arrange boardgames at local from 11am to 9pm
>local is going to DEMO a game
>turns out I can't go
>turns out the "big DEMO" is Ticket to Ride
>turns out I don't even know what to be mad about

I think I'll just skip straight to depression.

Better not have fucked me on this, you spergs

Alright. Will do.

Also, I'm watching a video about Terra Mystica now and I have to say it looks awful.

...ly fun. It looks awfully fun.

That seems pretty normal. Demos are seldom for the most advanced players, they're to draw in normies and fence-sitters.

> a bit heavier than shit like Ticket to Ride?
>Also, thoughts on Clans of Caledonia? Looks like fun but I haven't played it.
>a bit heavier than Ticket to Ride
This is why we're confused.

Anyway, I've never even heard of this Dogs of War stuff but Concordia is a great game. Especially at 3 when the other game looks like a negotiation game?

>it looks awful
yeah the one downside of Terra Mystica is it look like a dog vomited a couple catan sets onto your table. It's a great game, though. yes I did read the spoiler.

If your gaming group doesn't like it - then kill them and get a better group.

Well, Clans of Caledonia is like Terra Mystica light from what I've heard so go for it

Pick Concordia if you want an optimization puzzle in which you focus on the game and a bit on the other players.

Pick Dogs of War if you want an negotiation filled tug-of-war in which you focus on the other players and a bit on the game.

Will do

Why are kickstarter games so fucking annoying to get after the kickstarter ended?

It's frozen dog jizz. Drop your dog's dick and pickup 51st State. (_)(_)====SCHOOL RAID=======D~~~

Because they're not real

This, but unironically. Who tricked you into buying that?

Do not hesitate to include almost all the cards from the HQ expansion for your first game. Especially, the Medic cards are essential.

Posted last thread, got nothing: Hey /bgg/
Been playing Legendary Encounter Aliens with my group. We're pretty efficient at busting out the 4 films, even with reduced drone deck. We moved from 4 player to 3 players one alien player and got our shit wrecked hard. This has happened three games in a row. What gives?

I think a friend of mine had the best analysis for Terra Mystica: "It just has a bit too much complexity within a rigid structure to spoil all the fun you can have for a game of that type."

I wasn't being ironic. Fuck Snowy Shit Pickers, fuck The Cuckolds of Catan, and fuck anyone who fell for the me too product placement campaign they this bottom of the bargain bin mold receptacle.

>Base Arctic Scavengers
Not worth it.
>Arctic Scavengers Big box with expansions

We call such people "brainlets".

Confirmed incorrect.

What do you like

Thanks, that's what I've been reading

Oh please, Terra Mystica is not even that smart. It is borderline MPS. If you at least argued for something like Caylus, however...

This right here.
Though if someone offered me a match base game only, I wouldn't necessarily turn them down. It's not bad, but it is outclassed.

>Oh please, Terra Mystica is not even that smart.
That's why anyone who says "it's too complex" or even "it's too complex for what it's trying to do" is a brainlet.

Dogs of War is the best game CMON has produced. It is sad that it gets overlooked by people.
Modern Art doesn't count since it is a reprint.

Good games.

Such as Trivial Pursuit?

I don't think you got what he meant but it is okay. Please feel free to continue flinging insults ;)

Know what, sure.

Technically they didn't produce it, they just bought the english rights; though since the became CMoN Limited and started trying to be a distribution house instead of just a KS plastic publisher they've gotten some better games out there.

What Euro has the best theming?

What Ameritrash has the most elegant, interesting gameplay?

Candy Land?

Im thinking Gloomhaven solo might be more hassle than its worth, far too much set up and book keeping tonight just to end up losing a scenario

Yeah man, why not?

Just not snowy trash pickers?

Are there ANY good "chess-like" games (meaning not just abstracts, but zero-luck/randomization, perfect-information grid-based two-player abstract strategy games with a number of pieces that have their own moves) that came out in the last 30 years or so?

Obviously this game is perfect and flawless in every conceivable way, like every other Kickstarter by a no-name design studio from eastern Europe.

That looks really pretty and impossible to keep track of.

Hive is extremely close to that, it only misses grid.

I just realized grids can be non-square, actually. So yeah, Hive fits.

Seconding motherfucking Hive

I haven't played Legendary Encounters: Aliens, so my comments may be somewhat off the mark, but at a fundamental level, I don't know exactly what you want us to say.

I mean, you've lost 25% of your team's power, and the enemy has acquired it. That's a minimum power shift of 50% to the alien side. (It's more complex than that, but it's an easy example.) If you were playing a 3 vs 3 game, and it became a 4 vs 2 game, it'd be pretty obvious why you're losing more often then, right?

You made the game harder, and need to adapt to it. I don't exactly know how, because, again, I don't know the game, but the reason seems pretty simple.

Its a great simple game.

Dune the board game? I WANNA PLAY IT

Get Rex. Dune's been OOP for 30 years.

Seems like there's a bunch of extensions. What do they add?

Not that user, but I think they're just new pieces with different abilities. You add the same piece to both sides.

Does Netrunner count as a board game? There's no TCG General for every game that's not Magic the Gathering.

there is an /anrg/ but it's not as popular as other ones, so it comes and goes.

Like I wanna play games that don't take a lot of set-up like board game card games. Or even games I can play alone.

Netrunner wouldn't belong in a /TCG/ anyways. But yeah, feel free to chat about it here if /nrg/ is down, a lot of us play.
I still need to update my aryabhata deck for post rotation.

There's only three expansions...and if you get the pocket version two of them are included. Each new piece moves differently and adds more things to consider and look out for

I've actually never played it. I just don't wanna play MTG anymore. Something about the constant upkeep drives me nuts. I just wanna lpay a game with my gf.

Base game comes with bee, ants, spider, cockroache and grasshopper.

That being saod, the one i bought also came with the two first expension, ladybug and mosquito

The pillbug is the only one i had to buy separately

This is the carbon version, but there also a color one. Also each version can also be bought in pocket edition ( smaller tiles)

Anyone have suggestions for storing Gloomhaven? Still working my way through the manual and trying to determine which Planos to buy.

Netrunner is an excellent couples game. Definitely recommend picking up a copy of the revised core set and playing a few games to see if it's a good match for you.
Also Strip Netrunner works quite well.

>Strip Netrunner works quite well.

Won a game of Eldritch Horror!

What's the worth of the expansions? Any that add significance or are they all just more stuff?

Agenda points scored = garments removed

>strip netrunner
Ok, I’m intrigued. How do you play this?

Forsaken Lore comes highly recommended. Adds more of everything and seriously increases the replay value.

Basically , though we've also had triggering significant traps or eating a scorched earth counting for a garment, balancing that with the runner stealing agendas counting for (agenda points + 1).

But you can just play agenda points for simplicity's sake.

Can someone post that games for couples image?

I'm single but I do have a friend I'd love to play some games with. And also with some luck maybe we will be a couple soon.

>update never because shit keeps getting in the way

Cool. I already have the ones boxed here.

I hate King of Tokyo though. Even though I love kaiju movies.

Can someone please recommend me some heavier games to try based on this?

>>update never because shit keeps getting in the way

You're not fooling anyone user. We all know you're just waiting for Comic Sans v2.0 to drop.

Istanbul is a nice cruiserweight upgrade from a few of those. Still haven't gotten a chance to test it myself but friends keep telling me Raiders of the North Sea is the upgrade from LoW/Stone Age that's been missing (Yedo being unappealing to them). Everyone will tell you Kemet so I won't; maybe Castles of Burgundy

I spent the weekend on the couch due to an emergency root canal on Fri

Cool. One of my best friends loves Istanbul (but she lives on the other side of the continent so we haven't had the chance to play it together yet). I'll definitely check it out, along with Raiders of the North Sea, Kemet, and Castles of Burgundy.

You might look at 'Dark Moon' or 'Deception: Murder in Hong Kong' as an alternative to 'The Resistance' for social deduction. For Neuroshima Hex - you could go the 'light war-game' route and look at Heroes of Normandie if you like the 'small unit' level of action. If you're looking for 'large scale campaign' game - check out Mare Nostrum.

Please try before buying, nothing is worse than a saltier user who bought something they hate without even 5 min testing

I will. I said "check it out" for a reason.

30 years no? I'm going to say Abalone *again* even though it's STILL outside your stupid "range".

>I spent the weekend on the couch due to an emergency root canal on Fri

Are you feeling any better? (I did the 'retro-futaba' image last thread.)

> friends keep telling me Raiders of the North Sea is the upgrade from LoW/Stone Age

Not that user, but I'll have to check that one out too.

This is the first time I posted this. I only said last 30 years because people keep making shitty chess knockoffs and I wondered if there were any that were good.

Fairy Tale > Sushi Go in all respects

especially getting in the panties

Yeah it wasn't my first, though I had to wait a day and a half to get it drilled; dentist buddy was out of town meeting tax attny. The minute they pull that ugly little crab leg out you feel immensely better. The tylenol 3 w/codene helps too.

As for Raiders, it was up for kennerspiel last year, and is apparently one of the good KS options (though Renegade has it now IIRC). I just keep looking for a worker placement that's got something different and the place one/take one for 2 actions looks so cool to me. There's an user who played it once and said was okay, but didn't go into too much depth.

The problem with Fairy Tale is that the theme is literally pasted on. One could replace it with Sci-Fi, historical, Game of Thrones, or any one of a large number of generic themes and have zero impact on the game play and appeal (or lack there of).