WIP - Work In Progress General

Fully sick edition

>Duncan Video:

>Citadel Painting Guides:

>Figure painter magazine issues 1-36

>Paint range compatibility chart across manufacturers

>Painting Videos only

>DIY Lightbox

>DIY Spraybooth

>DIY Wet Palette

>How to Moldlines

>Fuckin Magnets how do they work?

>List of mini manufacturers for converting and proxy

>Stripping Paint (yes, the ellipses are part of the URL!)

>Priming With Acrylic Gesso

>Green Stuff Casting

>On the consequences of insufficient ventilation

>This planet is ours, witch!

>WIP's own 10-point painting scale:

>Heed His words!

>Previous Threads:

Other urls found in this thread:


Does anyone know any good white primers? GWs corax white is kind of shit.

I have no complaints about the Army Painter one, but I prefer priming with grey as a whole.

Do you need to thin down the citadel technical paints such as blood for the blood god or the gem paints?

Generally you dont thin down any of the technical paints. Only base/layer paints really, sometimes shades.

thank you

How do you choose the color for the base?

Asking again, do you prefer the purple or green shade on the skin? Can't decide

Also, any tips what kind of base might fit?

I have failed you /wip/

give it an all over shade in a bucket of this for about an hour, then after brushing it with a toothbrush while running it under flowing water try again except following these instructions


You need to clean up the purple a lot, missed a few edges.

I like the green shading for the skin better, pops more against the purple carapace.
Also I would recommend you shade the entirity of the skin with the shade thined down and then go back over it with the white, will look much nicer.


Post your latest completed paintjob.


Looks delicious. Like taffy

That is one nice color scheme and paintjob. Well done user.

Been practicing my highlights, /wip/. How'd I do?

Jesus Christ.
No, dude. You don't highlight bronze with brigfht yellow/ gold. You do it with silver.

Well part of me practicing my shit is experimenting with color. I like the look of this guy.

I've been very lazy lately

If you're happy, then uh, to each his own, I guess. I personally think it looks bad.

For what its worth your lines look nice but yeah I wouldn't use gold over copper, especially a gold that's so different to the copper.

Definitely shouldn't use yellow.

Thanks apothecary

Started work on my fungoid cave shaman. Gonna paint the rest of the mushrooms various shades of red, white and orange. How's he looking so far? Thoughts on the head mushroom?

Why ask for anyone's opinion if you're just going to ignore it?
It looks like ass.
Piss off.

I was referring to the quality of the highlights, not the choice of colors

I'm not hating on you, I'm all for painting how you like it, but matching colors for highlights is what separates painting highlights from painting very small stripes. Your brushwork is not bad, but those are small stripes, they do not give the effect of "highlighting" as if light is hitting the sharp edges of the model


Does imgur not work only for me?

Well then the paint is too thick, the lines are uneven and you've missed plenty of edges which need highlighting.
It looks like yellow tipex.

Not exactly completed, but the bases will be black marble with stark white streaks so it's close.

I love this, what is it?

How do you choose colours, user? You decide on criteria that help you make that choice.
What's your objective for the base? Visibility, looking like something specific (concrete, wood, etc), something else?

I like the 80's kid theme you got going right there! Purple AND green!

Its a merroid from descent: Journeys in the dark, its one of the runebound games from ffg

Nooooooo. No no no no no. Nope.
Use the same techniques you'd use with normal colours. Just because it's metals doesn't mean you can suddenly take leave of your senses. At the very least, add some fucking red to that gold or something, so it'll look a bit orangey and like you were doing a highlight on that dark copper.
As it is now, it looks *maybe* like you were trying to paint gilding or something. And failed.

But hey, you tried something, that's cool! Just make it work now.

Not sure if EVA-1 or Daily Dose.


Well after the excitement of those metal miniatures yesterday, it's back to the grind. I've done 12 dwarves today and I've got 13 more to go.

Now that
mentions it!

That is a cool conversion. Not too hot on the nose/chin thing but i dig the hat...
What do you field it as?

it's not a conversion, it's a Fungoid cave shaman

Thanks, doc.

What gold is that?, Also I really like the pale blue top knot, swords looking real crisp too despite the lack of lightning effects.

Getting to the point where I'm almost finished (boots, highlighing the axe handle and some misc tidying up left to do). I'm not really that happy with how the shield is looking though, any suggestions?

Boys I'm looking for some inspiration to convert my own Chaos Chosen and an Exalted Champion.
I'd like to have a squad of 5 Chosen with Plasma guns. The exalted Champion would be armed with Power maul + plasma pistol.
Any ideas what kits/bits to use as a basis?

You could put a glow effect on the indented runes on the black bit, same hue as the hair. No idea how though.

Edge highlight the runes with a bright colour maybe?

Thank you. It's Gehenna's Gold base, wash all over with Druchii Violet, then cover any non deep recesses with Balthazar's Gold, the higher you are, the more layers you put. Highest point to be covered in Auric Gold, with the same principle. Then edge highlight on the top with Stormhost Silver.

Blue necronfag here.
Following some advice I've tried to give the hand ball something "more" since it should be the center of the minia.

How bad did I do? Does this "twirl" make sense?

I like it a lot. Is there an opposing swirl on the other side?

Hey WIP, I need advice.
I have lost the will to paint. How do I rekindle my love for painting? To describe my problem, I want to paint, but I dont wont to paint. Please post Duncans to motivate me

What are good colours if I want to base something darker than Zandri Dust (still on the cream side of brown). It's to eventually build up to Rakarth Flesh, Ushabti Bone and Pallid Wych Flesh.

I need the initial colour (brown/cream, darker than zandri) and the mid point between either Zandri/Rakarth and Zandri/Ushabti.

Just dont. Hate-painting is the worst kind painting. Drop the brushes until you feel the love again.

My thanks, magos.

Here are the necrons im working on, for having never painted miniatures before i think they turned out ok.

Yep, always in counterclock rotation.

Thanks btw, should I add something else? like little stars or similar (pic related, maybe a little bit better than pic)?

ADHDaniel the Warrior noticed another goddamn butterfly.

For the darker Steel Legion Drab might work. I use it to base everything from skeletons to soviets. For the lighter I guess Karak Stone?

oh i am laffin

Rubrics are a good start, you can swap out the torsos for anything space mariney (I used the Word Bearer mk4s) and then arms and weapons from the raptor sprue.

Taken advice you guys have gave me and tried applying it. The quality is substantially better even in such a short time span.

first ever mini on left, second on right. Your thoughts?

forgot image, silly me.

aaagh why is it upside down. sorry. First ever model on the right, secon on the left.

Crop the photo even a little bit and it comes out right

Kek i wanted to show the gold pauldrons off and i made a couple of the warriors holding their gauss rifles like their about to cleave something

How do I stop my Tau Ochre scheme from looking so dirty and muddy?

The black always seems to come through but I need the black undercoat because I really like the dark outlines it provides on the joins and visor.

Get something between the Ochre and the black that covers the black, but won't mess with the ochre itself too much.
An orange-y brown for instance, those tend to cover well, and should play nice with the ocre.
Most paints, especially yellows and reds (and Ochre is a yellow for the most part) are translucent to some extent, which is why you're seeing the black through the Ochre.

the short answer is do more, thinner layers, wait for each one to dry before moving on to the next one

Does it ever snow in the summertime there, m8?


First time using greentuff, using it to fill up the massive seams on my land raider. It looks a bit messy at the rear, but it might be unnoticeable when it's all primed.

Just do something else until you really want to do it again. If the problem is what you're working on try switching to another pending project.

Working against your will you will just do a sloppy job and end up regretting it, thus losing the will to keep working even more.

Are there any eldar sprues with some spirit stones on the sprue or that you can easily clip off the model? I saw some on that box of ynnari dudes but I don’t wanna buy a $75 box that I’ll probably never use just for some bits

Yeah, you reckon? Thanks man, I'll check them out. I want to try and make a sandstone/parchment look with said colours.

Well... he ain't the prettiest, but when it comes down to it, there are few more obscure GW models than a fist-bumping Ork in a roborg contraption.

Still needs a bit more work methinks... maybe paint the gun-tip a different colour to break-up the red mass.

>painting Descent miniatures
Ma nigga!

Got any tips for converting a Tech-Priest Dominus? I've already got one that's torso-flipped, I was hoping for some more good ideas.

Twirl looks great!

>don't have the cash for another overly expensive hobby
>feel as though I won't be able to paint for shit
>watch WH model painting on youtube because it's strangely satisfying

You can start with some starter set or some models off ebay/colors from amazon. You'd pay less than a videogame.

It's been months since I've had the time to actually complete anything. Took these photos in September according to my phone. Got a chance this week to maybe do some work on the GUO but also have some busts in the post I'm dying to try out.

If I was you I would just get single character models I like and only the exact needed paints and just do that. I wasn't sure whether to start either so I tried some assassins and really enjoyed it.

I just finished the paintjob on my command squad Razorback. I think it came out pretty well, but what does /wip/ think?
It was my first time working with white/light grey, and my first time doing two-color weathering.

Has anyone ever done a Clone Trooper / Stormtrooper paint scheme? I've always heard that White is a motherfucker, but I never really had issues back when I was doing skeletons en masse. However, now I have a whole mess of GCPS Marines that have finally gotten off of my backlog and onto my table. I was thinking of doing 'em up as Clone Troopers since I really do like the look and it seems like a nice way to not just make 'em green.

Can I not just use the same old basic of priming white, hitting with a wash, and then drybrushing white instead of bone?


Not sure if trolling....

Nibba, I played the Kangz back in WHFB. Hundreds of the bastards. And the assembly line process was just spray primer white, slap on Devlan Mud, and then drybrush with Bleached Bone. I'm just asking if for something like Clone Troopers you could get away with the same process except swapping the Bleached Bone for something even paler like Ulthuan Grey and White Scar.

It'll look like shit. You gotta layer instead of drybrush.

Yes, which is why I am asking how recommendations on the best way to paint white GCPS ala Clone Troopers. I am used to the old factory line for dealing with skeletons, and I was curious the best way to achieve a white army without an eternity of layering.

I'm simply looking for advice from people that might have made the mistakes of playing white Marines or something similiar.

Well.... you could try buying an airbrush, priming very light gray and highlighting with white. All your non-white will have to be done by hand though... and if you slip...

Christ, it's really that much of a pain in the dick? How the fuck do poor White Scars players survive this shit?


Looks cute, user
The vision blocks on the cupola could use some kind of gloss, and the exhausts look a lot better when drilled
The weathering around the cupola hatches is heavy, and that's fine, but the parts of the tank that would be scuffed during opening (cupola hatch hinges, flat armour where the hatch would sit fully opened, areas where casings from the cannons would land, a slight ring around where the barrels of the cannons sit above to indicate the heat from the shot) need extra weathering to make them fit in
The exhausts being spotless kind of is at odds with the rest of the tank - unless you're using clean burning promethium, of course
The rotary cannons look lovely, but is it meant to be rusted or brass? Might just be the light, but it looks more rusted than anyhting
The two scrolls on the fenders need some calligraphy on them
I'd say the little non-hatch beside the cupola looks too dark in comparison to the rest of the model
This is all stuff that doesn't need done of course, I just think it might look better with them

That's a cancerous tutorial, do this instead youtube.com/watch?v=it6sAE-YBDc

thank you for the advice
I think a lot of what you suggest would be beyond my painting ability
the barrels are meant to be brass, yeah

Oh, dank. So what I was guessing earlier is actually pretty much exactly right? Prime it white, then hit it with ulthuan, devlan mud, and white scar.

Except do a recess shade, not a wash and edge highlight it rather than drybrushing. Also if you're going for clones you can use a thinned down black wash, or a grey wash made from grey paint + medium instead of a brown one.

I meant to ask you, how was the resin from the third parties? Was one easier to work with, was the detail crisper on one or the other? I don't really trust what people on youtube say about this kind fo shite

Awesome, thanks. Does GW has a grey wash, or just use thinned Nuln Oil?