ITT we build a world where this is not a meme

ITT we build a world where this is not a meme

inb4 it’s this one

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Moar material

>giza mass autism array
I kek'd

>A Tyrannosaurus Rex

What the fuck am I reading?


>King Wewuz I
I shouldn't laugh this hard.

>3 inches of average penis length

>Christianity = anti-scientific

Woe for the ignorant and stupid.

So a timeline where every single we wuz meme a reality?

It said Christian Dark Ages. Those don't look like Dark Age men. Stay salty godfag

I don't see any "yes, white people are actually space aliens" in there though, or is that part of the fall of KANGZ?

The dark age doesn't actually exist.

Beyond that, I always found the original graph weird. Are they trying to say Christians are the only ones who ever advance science? At the time of the "dark ages," the Islamic world was in its golden age and a capital of scientific and philosophical development. That doesn't matter? It's like some retard wanted to attack Christianity but really, really did not bother to consult a history book first.

Reading that makes me feel drunk.

>Jackie Chan (Holding Infant in Ladder Factory)

Babylon was an attempt to build a space elevator that went horribly wrong, destabilizing the weather pattern for thousand of years and destroying the civilization of Atlantis. Some say an old Maldek nuke went off, though this shouldn't have been possible.

I like this Imagine Dinosaurs are surpassed even elder dragons in terms of power and god like reality warping.

>tfw there could have been not one, but several civilizations that developed prior and since the dinosaur's extinction and there would be no traces whatsoever because even bronze statues would be only vaguely shaped lumps after being exposed to the elements for so long
>Reptiloid Civilizations were maybe actually a thing

We could probably still assess that there are some real weird layers in the ground in some places.

Right now, we can barely consistently do it with stuff that was around hundreds or thousands of years ago and that usually involves a general idea that something may be there and a lot of poring over the scans.
I doubt that after several ice ages scrubbing over it, ground levels rising and dropping in places, continental drift and other shit that happens on the geological time scale we are talking about here, there'd be much left to discover. I mean sure, maybe there's a dinosaur bunker fifty meters under your cellar, but who would ever dig down that far at some random place?

>I can't read
>the post

Bronze is not something found in nature, so even a weirdly shaped lump would indicate a civilization.

At that point the thought experiment veers dangerously towards pseudoscience or even religion. I’ve seen this same type of conversation before on Ancient Aliens and Creationist talk shows.

Plate movement hid all the bronze beneath the crust.

>islamic golden age
This is a myth

How so?


The dark ages were not a myth. Shit really started falling apart after the Empire fell.

Only in the West, which didn’t matter in regards to innovation or philosophy. All that stuff was contained to the East.

Nah. There's a reason it's just called "Late Antiquity" now. The dark ages is an Enlightenment invention.

The Dark Ages are only "dark" in the same sense the dark side of the moon is dark - it's dark as in we know less about that era than we did the eras before and after.

And that's not even true anymore.

The only true dark ages experienced by Europe was during the time of Homer. You want to talk about a dire geopolitical situation? Look at the Mediterranean post-Mycenaean.

the bronze age collapse is fucking scary my dude, everyone basically dropped what they were doing to murder one another for a long ass time

Which as totally acceptable route for making a setting I guess.

I'm not saying "this totally happened", my dude.
It's just that there's a possibility that a civilization existed before us and the thought is fascinating to me.
Maybe they never even made it past the Bronze Age, maybe they went far beyond humanity. Or they probably never existed. But the thought alone is intriguing.
Also, "some weird layers" is a pretty broad concept. They are STILL digging up bombs from WW2 by sheer accident in my country and you'd think those would be easy to find.

You are right, and I apologize for sounding needlessly aggressive towards you. My concern stems from my country's increasingly politicized or even commercialized perception of the past, where such lurid statements can be met with genuine interest, rather than debate and derision.

The Victorians did this

A healthy exercise in source criticism.

>Plate movement hid all the bronze beneath the crust.
Then why can we find dinosaur fossils?

Real 'antidiluvian' civilizations probably exist about 100 meters below the current sea level, but are hominid in origin and likely not much progressed beyond the copper age

I think actually you could easily find bronze statues, if not perfect, in sedimentary deposits, after tens of millions of years.

Yeah, and Galileo wasn't a christian because muh inquistion.
I want /pol/ to leave.

By what parameters? I mean, in some places, notably Britain, the gulf is pretty wide considering at the very least middle-upper commodities and houses - it does seem like an honest to god mad max-like fall of civilization.

(I have read that nowdays they aren't even sure of that, cause some findings of knives/bladed weapons seem to indicate that the quality might be equal or even slightly better. To me it sounds like saying that if in Somalia some warlord has decent guns that means the country is better than Kenya, but waddayaknow)

It's more difficult to say that in Italy or, say, Spain if was a total downfall, while the demographics did plummet. They still had palaces, nice churches, etc.
On the other hand, it does seem that some high-quality shit wasn't built anymore there, so really, it fucking depends.

What would be the best antediluvian waifu?

A proto-Asian from Mu or Lemuria? An Aryan cutie from Hyperboria or Ultima Thule? An olive-skinned Atlantean beauty? A spooky red-haired sorceress from Hy-Brasil?

>Not being a Finn
>Not falling in love with a Korean qt at the height of the Finno-Korean hyper war
>Not fleeing your post and attempting to live a life far from the conflicts and pain of civilization
>yfw when you and your waifu survive, and your kids are the heirs of humanity

>Fall of Roman civilization
>Muslims hoard knowledge but only use a fraction of it much like the Mechanicus in 40k
>Europeans no stuck with roman tech no one knows how to repair or build
>Barbarians at the gate, demanding tribute, trade, and women.
Pretty fucking bleak.

I think the debate is not whether things got bad right after Rome fell, but whether what is called the dark ages were a period of stagnation caused by superstition and religion. The first point is absolutely true, while the second point is difficult to justify without ignoring the accomplishments of medieval civilization.

Keep in mind that the Lemurians weren't proto-Asians; they were more like a darker, spookier looking version of Dravidians.

Pic related is a Indian person with the Lemurian phenotype.

this. Certainly, the scale of civilization got smaller in between the fall of Rome and the proto-empires of the age of exploration and shit, but in a general sense across - I won't even say all of society, I'll keep it to just European history - technology and social development stayed essentially apace. Worth noting is that the Roman Empire lasted a thousand fucking years after the fall of Rome, and "Byzantine Empire" is a modern term not used in their time.

I wouldn't say religion was a cause of it, but rather was able to grow as it has because of it. People still were asking questions and wanted answers. The answers were all destroyed. So until they could find out why, people settled with "God did it"

Isn't this unironically world history in Werewolf: the Apocalypse?

big if true

Yep, the werelizards very ancient ancestors who might have been those lizard folk from exalted used to rule the world, then i think the Wyrm sent the meteorite.

>scale of civilization got smaller
This. Western Europe was decentralized in the power vacuum after Rome. No one built huge buildings because no one was taxing a continent worth of people and having a single dictator waste all the money on Coliseum 2: Electric Romaboo. It was not because they forgot you could stack rocks on each other.

Didn't they forget how to make concrete for a long time?

The Finno-Korean Hyperwar is the best meme to ever emerge from the annals of Veeky Forumstory.

Excellent refutation of the citations.

what was maldek though? was it like atlantis or mu?

So you're why there was an ancient half-white race on some of the Japanese islands?

dinotopia my dude. makes you think where he got the info from.

we still find dino bones from 100 millions years ago. Surely we would have found something from civilizations in between!

The bones we find were in choice spots that preserved them. Most are ground into dust. What we have is a mere fraction of what really existed, and even then there are holes which we fill with speculation.

Christianity led the the questioning of everything, and the introduction to the scientific method.

sure catholicism as an institution has been a complete faggot in the course, but it led to science itself. it could be forgived for the few small shortcomings.

if you don't believe me, watch this.

literally, every atheist friend i've had has turned to me to find a solution to this. almost to the point where they would say, "THESE PEOPLE NEED JESUS."

>The Finno-Korean Hyperwar is the best meme to ever emerge from the annals of Veeky Forumstory.
I kinda want to set a campaign during the hyper war

I don’t like how this is a thing and then these very people, these rapists, pedophiles, drug addicts, cult members, adulterers and drunks have the gall to moralize on the common man on TV or in the paper.

I remember a long time ago seeing a similar fake wikipedia war summary in the same style, but it was for I think a war with Satan and his demons or something along those lines, anyone have that?

>Casualties and losses
>Jackie Chan [disputed]

My sides have trascended the material plane

It is true that a lot of major Christian thinkers diverged from established theology in a lot of ways as their philosophy evolved and developed with their studies.

That was a big loss but hey, the romans themselves weren’t always techno wizards. They had numerous labor saving methods but why use them when you can chuck another slave at the problem?

>Specifically deny core tenents of islam
>still a muslim.
No. Galileo's case isn't the same, he was tried for mocking the pope and disseminating unproven hypothesis as if it were true. He was an all 'round ass and got what he deserved.
The thinkers listed there have Arab names, and might have been Muslims at one point but clearly did not remain so for long. Even if they still considered themselves Muslims, no other Muslim would have recognised them as such. So they weren't, really.
The Islamic golden age is a myth.

Mainly because the best concrete (as in, better than most of the stuff we use today) uses volcanic ash, which wasn't hard for the roman empire to get, but kind of a bugger without access to it.

>The Finno-Korean Hyperwar is the best meme to ever emerge from the annals of Veeky Forumstory
Pretty sure that meme existed before Veeky Forums became real.

Brainlet status confirmed

THAT is the part of the graph that makes you sceptic?

There is no way Atlantis was ever more advanced than the Centaurians at their peak!

We find very little when you consider the millions of years of dinosaurs living and dying.

what's with giordano bruno, then?
or socrates?

>dinosaur dark age

these people need singing lessons more than they need jesus

Overall you do see a reduction in production and conditions. Samples of lake sediment from Spain for example show high levels of pollution during the Roman period consistent with more smelting, but this then drops off dramatically following the collapse of the Roman Empire and doesn't recover until the early Industrial Revolution. Numbers of shipwrecks decline in the Mediterranean, indicating a falloff in trade.

Militarily Europe in 1500 would have struggled against Rome at its height. That changes completely with the Industrial Revolution of course, but the Dark Ages very much were a thing, it's just that they didn't mean things went backwards. The knowledge was still there, just things slowed a lot and high end states, which could co-ordinate large scale projects and administer large regions, were replaced with low-end states where power was concentrated in the hands of regional lords; the barons and so on.

>Militarily Europe in 1500 would have struggled against Rome at its height
Yes and no
Military tech improved a lot, basic firearms, improved armor, and weapons, cannons and tactics would have probably given them the edge
The problem is that Rome was united and a military juggernaut, unless the clash was finished fast, Rome takes all the progress of the last 1000 years and steamrolls everyone
Europe in 1500 was divided, unless the whole continent allies against Rome they really aren't winning
Also the arab invasions of northern Africa, and Iberia were a nightmare, for European society as they destroyed commerce in the sea, and forced the ERE on the defensive until they died
Also worth a mention is the 4th crusade, and the black plague
The black plague especially, since it was followed by the Renaissance it was horrifying memory for Europeans and in the later centuries it was seen as:
Middle ages = black plague
Post middle ages = renaissance

Bruno was openly teaching Heresy and Socrates pretty much has sole responsibility for creating Alcibiades.

'Ware the Sea Peoples

You forgot the Hungarian created both of them.

Post your face when absolute state of Artificial Interlligence research find computers hate atheists.

>Artificial Interlligence
As the war on autism rages the machines grew more complex, more destructive, more... retarded.

Autistic meme machines.

>Citing a screen cap of a Veeky Forums post

Shit posting ain't dead. God bless

Oooooooooooh I pick that one

And we still don't know exactly how to make it iirc, but they still had mortar and knew what concrete was, they just couldnt get the good Roman stuff. The majority of the concrete we use wont last as long as the Roman stuff either, mostly due to the climates it's in, but also because we use a different recipe.

I'll have you know that I've cited several Veeky Forums posts throughout my undergraduate studies.

Simply by the number of scientists forced into silence, excommunicated, and or murdered. Yes.

Fuck, it's still slowing down basic grade school education in most countries.

>>No TRUE muslim

Guys like Avicenna were hugely influential and were read and commented on for centuries after their deaths. But someone accused them of being apostates so I guess that proves that no intellectual achievements were ever made in the Islamic world.

>2500 Swiss Mercenaries
Best part.

It's more like

>Of course there were intellectual in the Islamic world, they just were killed because of it.

Or in simpler words, they were intellectual despite Islam, not thanks to it.

The Dark Age is a meme invented by the early renaissance men so they could justify their masturbatory self praise. The church was largely responsible for preserving shit like basic literacy, and the proliferation of practical technologies through Europe like the mill. The renaissance man himself might not even have come to exist if not for the church, both the catholic and the orthodox, from whom a lot of their knowledge and sources came from.

I'm not even a godfag, this shit is basic high school history.

A study in Special Education, perhaps?
Jokies aside, I bet there is a lot of studies about Veeky Forums posting.

Given the annoying fedorafags on the internet, I can see why something would dislike them.

>>they were just killed because of it

Most weren’t though? Next, are you gonna claim that nothing worth mentioning ever came out of Ancient Greece because Socrates was put to death?

This is basically 40k and I'm not even joking, it has previous ages with much better tech, ancient wars of ridiculous magnitude and central characters with joke names

>Ancient Greece had lots of philosophers, one of which was condemned to death, but everyone else was known and famous and respected
>Ancent Islam condemned for apostasy basically every good philosoper or intellectual they got
>these are the same things.

>Third Neanderthal Genocide
I died

The Church was almost the sole patron of the sciences in Europe after the Roman collapse until the Enlightenment. Christian monasteries were basically the reason literacy didn't become a lost art.

Stop believing propaganda.