MtG: M25 spoilers

Yet another mythic we all wanted.

My only hope that has yet to be fulfilled is that the draft environment is ok. At least then I can justify buying a couple of packs for sticking cards in my commander deck

couple of packs?

i like cards
i dont have all the cards
reprint cardpool pls

I'm fine with them printing more garbage Mythics if the Rares make up for them.

And at least Ugin is all but guaranteed given that he's the most recognizable and important/impactful card from Fate Reforged and the entire Tarkir block in general.

Is Ruric Thar the most important and recognizable card from Ravnica?
Want something like Brutal Hordechief instead of Ugin?

Ruric Thar is from Dragon's Maze. Not a single card in that entire set had as much imoact as Ugin.

Well, almost any choice from Dragon's Maze is Scratching Bottom of the Barrel Tier. Ral Zarek and Voice of Resurgente were the best option, but beyond that... there's not a lot to pick from that set. Yeah, he sucks, but at least is not Emmara Tandris.

All the money fags crying because they're going to lose it all.

we all wanted doubling season, not this

Dude Ensnaring Bridge is in the set, there's no hope for draft environments.

>wanting expensive cards
Stop your crying faggot and enjoy your 50 cent mythics.

Glad to know I am not one of those fools who preordered 10 boxes already.

At mythic tho ;;;;;;^^^^}}}}}}}

What if Ugin at Mythic and Tron lands at Uncommon?

Tron lands at rare.

>Tron lands
>In a draft set

Already got Ensnaring Bridge and even Armageddon, might as well turn this draft into a Modern hybrid.

What's wrong with my wording?

Ensnaring Bridge and Armageddon are standalone cards
You need all three Tron lands to make them useful
If they are higher than common, you'll never get all three
And they are too powerful at common

There is a lot of hate so far, though

an allegory for WotC's attitude to good MtG?


Speaking of commons, I'm hoping some nice cards get downgraded to common for pauper.


We already got Relentless Rat at common, we'll probably have more

Literally the worst card from that cycle

Boy, that mirrodin card sure needed a reprint!

as a mythic. it's not like you'll be seeing it every game

I'd argue that the Red one is worse.

You kidding? It's the wincon for BLUESTAFF

Really? Couldnt have given me another shot at black at green instead?

The double watermark is nice at least. And hey, maybe they'll even print the rest of the cycle.

>double watermark
That's the Mirrodin Besieged symbol

I know, I meant as opposed to the original printing only having the Mirran symbol.

That happened already in the other Scars-block cards. Also the Ravnica/Tarkir cards.

why is this mythic

it's not. check the letter on the bottom left corner of the card, it's a fucking R

o thank god, it was mythic on the spoiler site

I mean I actually wanted a reprint of Master but fucking monkeypaw at mythic? And why was the Core Set print sitting at $10 dollars each?

Wolf tribal card.

Yeah. That's the reason. Same with Glimpse the Unthinkable for what is essentially "mill tribal". It doesn't have to be good for some idiot to want it and therefore have it be expensive.

Yeah thank God we can look forward to another .50c rare in our 10 msrp pack. Losing faith that Wotc actually wants to stimulate the market with reprints.

4 More Mythics to go lads
What are they going to be?

Green suns Zenith at mythic. Hokkori dust drinker, Crucible of worlds and Urborg. Only fetches in the set will be Evolving wilds so you can have that sick Azusa draft synergy to fetch 3 tapped basics a turn, powerful and iconic!!

>Losing faith that Wotc actually wants to stimulate the market with reprints.
They've never ever done anything to do this effectively. They SAY they want to do it but they never do what is necessary to have an impact.

The fact you have any faith at all at this point is surprising. The fact that after the first Modern Masters nothing ever improved should have been evidence of that. Don't read into this 25th anniversary hype bullshit. Do you know what they did for the 20th? Reprinted Char. Do you know what they did for the 15th? Reprinted Char. 25 years is just marketing. They're doing nothing special or out of the ordinary.

Comet Storm, Kiki Jiki, Bonfire of the Damned, and Lab Maniac

>Crucible of worlds
this is almost guaranteed with all the land hate

I try not to get excited, one of my close friends actually owns my LGS and he seems convinced that this set is exploding with value. I'm not sure if he's deluding himself into hoping it will sell well or if he genuinely believes that after people go value hunting and walk away with fucking Ruric Thar, BSZ, and some jank mythic like Akroma that they'll actually want to keep opening packs for the shit of it. For my part I told him I'll be drafting it once, and to set aside foils of a few singles of they get traded in for me, because otherwise I'd rather save my money for singles for edh.

The problem is that there's heaps of expensive iconic rares and they're just reprinting garbage. Who in their right mind pays 10 bucks for such shit odds?

Probably, but it'll have the ensaring bridge problem, same issue snappy has. Sudden glut of supply will drive demand higher than supply can actually compensate for, and it'll end being more expensive than before the reprint overall because of the perception during month of release that it's actually obtainable now. I fucking hate Wotc giving """""""""reprints"""""""" at mythic. Such a fucking empty gesture.

Well I hope your friend doesn't get shafted.

Even if they packed every single Rare slot with a $10 card, all the shocks, all the fetches, and a trio of Lili, Jace, Karn, and Ugin it wouldn't fucking matter. They come in 24 pack boxes. Packs are $10 a piece. And availability is limited. Any single one of these factors are enough to make product with this degree of popularity bullshit.

I'm not being anti-business by saying they're behaving like fuckers. They deserve to make money. But the pendulum is so fucking far towards anti-consumer and they're being rewarded for it because players are addicts.

It matters for a little while. The bloodghast reprint in Iconic made it like a 4$ card for a while, and I got a restoration angel playset for like 2 bucks. But I agree. Fatal Push did more to bring down goyf's price more than any reprint ever did.

What I'm hoping for (but will not happen): Doubling Season, Land Tax, Cavern of Souls, Crucible of Worlds.

>It matters for a little while.
That's like saying feeding starving population for a month then having some number of them go back to starving is a good policy.

Telling new players that the reason why they can't have "the good shit" is because they weren't playing X years ago is probably the worst thing you can tell anybody with a brain. Anybody with any scrap of intelligence will see that any situation like that and especially one that involves cardboard will not stay in your community for long. You can't tell players that Standard is a good starting point but they can't have a roadmap to advance to more complex formats because there isn't any way out of Standard that doesn't cost you hundreds of dollars for a single deck.

I suppose that's the strategy. Sucker them in with the entry level stuff and not care if you lose them in the long term because you're busy suckering the next generation.

This masters is going exactly as Iconic, with just 4-5 chase cards and full bulk rares and mythics. Up to now, there is no value in the uncommon slot

>there is no value in the uncommon slot
bolt i guess? more value in the common slot with rats

All of these would be mythics.

I fucking knew Chalice would be mythic. Guaranteed IF Crucible gets reprinted its a mythic

Aren't alot of the iconic cards bulk cards in the first place? :^)

I agree. The only way it can have an effect is at the rare level and lower, not fucking upshifting chase cards to mythic.

Well, yeah, they asked for mythics.

>Print a bunch of Land Destruction
>Print the card that makes the strategy viable at Mythic
They wouldn't be that retarded, right?

But user land destruction isn't fun for everyone. Have this big green creature you can turn sideways instead.

Are you implying pulling a double mythic in draft isnt skill?

Is this what Rudy teaches his viewers? If you increase supply then the price will increase?

and they believe him...

not him, but if you increase demand a lot, and increase the supply only by a fraction, the price goes up.

But it doesn't increase the demand.
This is the problem.

You could easily print these as rares with regards to the draft environment imo. They don't do enough in limited.
But we know they won't.

Wizards could really just solve the problem of people crying about "muh values" by selling this shit at 3 and a bit euromonies or 4 dollars.

Man am I glad I didn't preorder

you could increase the demand by hyping a card. I'm not talking about this specific scenario, just that you could increase the price with the increase in supply if the demand gets risen more.

Thank fuck they're booting this shit.
Masters sets never make anybody happy. They're too expensive at 10 dollars a pack and people just cry about what's in them. I hope they just forget about them.

The Zendikar fetches would like a word with you.

I can't be the only one who loves it when cards are reprinted cuz it means that you can buy the original printing for cheaper, right?

They make store owners very happy.

Not really. Iconic master and MM2 made most of them cry.

Increasing supply did not increase their price. Supply increased while demand increased more and it outpaced the supplyz If it weren't for the reprint they would cost more than they do now.

MM2 sold decently

t. store owner


Yeah because it's still so hard to find that set and Eternal... and Iconic..

They cost more now than they did pre-reprint. I agree that 9/10 times reprinting these cards will crash price but shit like Karn, Lili, and Snappy, along with the fetches cost more than they did pre-reprint. There is evidence to support that even with the wild popularity of the cards demand would not have caused them to go as high as they are had there not been renewed interest in modern from their very first reprints.

I don't know man, right now I'm on green numbers opening MM3. That set was great

>booting this shit
Where did you hear that?

My vote would have been on Blood Baron of Vizkopa or Ætherling for DGM

>Not Boseiju

Blood Baron was just in Iconic.

guess the expensive rares will be meme lands
get ready for Nykthos, Boseiju and Ancient Tomb

the deku tree is too good for a set.

It's not the supply causing the price increase though, you mongoloid idiot. You're using a non sequitur and acting like that's a causal relationship.

>it's raining today because it is 2/28. Coincidentally, water molecules are forming rain clouds in the sky.

Nykthos would be nice

All of those are good lands in need of a reprint. Maybe not Nykthos since it's still only 8$, but it's still a good card and better to get from a pack than fucking Bident or Prossh.

It doesn't mean that the reprint CAUSED a price increase. It CAN'T.

Fetches become more expensive as Modern gets more players and the relative pricing of them all depends on which color decks are being played the most. Tarmogoyf's price has gone way down over the past year primarily because of Fatal Push but if FP were never printed and instead Goyf became the most played creature in Modern, he could have been more expensive than pre-MM2017.

I understand, i just remember him being played far more than Ruric

>A reprint can't both introduce supply into the market, but also increase demand to a point that the sudden increase of supply is outstripped by renewed interest causing the cards to at first depress but then experience rapid gains back to previous value before surpassing it.

You act as if retards who crack a Misty rainforest won't just decide to say fuck it and purchase their play set as an entry point into modern can be adequately supplemented by a fucking Masters product. Get real. The cards were slowly increasing in price, but the masters sets ultimately depress prices short term and raise prices long term.

>but the masters sets ultimately depress prices short term and raise prices long term.
Insanity. Admit that you are a Rudy follower.


I would be a-ok with those. Is Hall on the same set as Boseiju? That could use a reprint.

no i'm not, The statement was, prices can't increase with supply, i just said it can, not that i can because the supply increased.

Both from Champs, yes

You want "a couple packs"