Pauper General - MtG

Ash Barrens reprinted edition

NOT for pauper EDH discussion


Currently working on:

>Pau Blade
>UB Lingering Squirrels

Probably gonna play monored heroic tonight, unless cards arrive today in the mail for Pau Blade.

Other urls found in this thread:

UG* lingering squirrels fug

Aristocrats. It's not very good, I'm still planning out lists.
Tron. Dinrova Tron specifically. Boring matches, bad matchup, smug players.
Kuldotha/Monarchy Boros hybrid.

One of the only decks I consider ban-worthy in the format. If paper pauper becomes more competitive and more events happen, I seriously hope tron gets a ban. Almost any key piece would be enough. Flicker, Capsize, Rolling Thunder, etc

Got a list for the boros deck?

It's a bog-standard Kuldotha deck, it just isn't running Battle Screech or Rally the Peasants and has actual Kuldotha Rebirth and Ichor Wellspring in it, as well as some Palace Sentinels in the board.

I haven't put a list up. I could if I hop on Tappedout, but it wouldn't be anything exciting.

And this is gonna be a super unpopular opinion, but I always hated banning around a deck's main piece to get rid of it. If they're going to ban tron and I'm not saying that should or should not, but IF they do, they should just shoot down the Tron lands.

>I always hated banning around a deck's main piece to get rid of it
Why do you think? I mean, I'd take either, but it seems much less likely to me that they ban the lands. And, honestly, they're not that broken without ways to abuse the mana, really. I guess with multiple core cards, maybe the lands are the correct target, but can't see WotC doing that

WotC is on so much cocaine they could do anything at any time, I don't think you can predict what they'll do next apart from print lots of bulk. My point though, is to look at something like standard, where energy started by going Marvel -> Emrakul. So they banned Emrakul. Then it turned into Copycat, so they banned the cat. Then it turned into Marvel -> Ulamog and finally they banned Marvel, then it turned into goodstuff, so they banned the fixing. They didn't solve the problem until the final ban where they shot down the workhorse. Or modern, where it's very clear that they banned Bloodbraid in Jund instead of Deathrite, and ultimately the deck stuck around but just turned into something else.

Ultimately, look at the cards you're suggesting. Those are good cards that live at a reasonable, if quite respectable power level. Rolling Thunder does not seriously deserve a ban. Ghostly Flicker is useless on its own, it's just a combo piece. A non-critical one that can be countered/the target can be bolted in response, etc. The least interactive cards in the deck, by virtue of land hate not existing in pauper (and even then modern has trouble dealing with it) are the tron lands. If something has to go, if the deck needs to die, you'll have to go for the throat.

It's a solid set for Pauper, those wierdos that like the MTGO Brainstorm art finally get it, Counterspell with watermark, Lightning Bolt with Watermark, Ash Barrens, Nettle Sentinel, and then some fun Goblins downshifts as well as Relentless Rats (even if they're going to be terrible). It's no MM17/EMA just yet, but then again, we'll only know the full impact tomorrow when the full spoiler hits. Looks good. I'll be drafting to get my hands on those commons/uncommon upshifts.

I don't want to give WotC any of my money by buying sealed product, but I still hope it makes Barrens cheaper for everyone. It'd be nice to be able to have a set for every jank deck and not feel like I need to move a playset from one to the other any time I switch decks

your money goes to the retailer/LCS, not Wizards. Wizards only sell their product to distributors and WPN stores.

When are they going to unban Cloud of Faeries, Empty the Warrens, Frantic Search, Invigorate, and Peregrine Drake?

My LGS is a WPN store.

Never, because they should be banned.

Only one I could remotely see as being close to safe is EtW because of Electrickery, Shrivel, Echoing Decay, Pestilence, Holy Light. Even then it'd degenerate into Warrens or anti-Warrens meta

I think pauper does have land destruction. In like 3 colors. I wouldn't want to lose tron because it makes the format more diverse. No one seems to put slots in their sideboard for it.

so is goblin grenade legal in paper pauper or no?

Nothing's good enough. Spreading Seas, Molten Rain, the 3 mana black LD. It's too slow. If they drew with two pieces and a map (and they always do), and/or Ancient Stirrings, they're going to have Tron by turn 4.

Tron does not make the meta more diverse. Everyone hates playing against tron unless you're balls-out aggro. On the contrary, more midrange decks that would be super fun and interactive would be viable without Tron around.

One thing that'd balance the format is to errata the tronlands to be legendary.

There's no such thing as paper pauper, as far as it having another banlist. That'd be considered Casual.

Even people who insist on non-MTGO legality usually ban Goblin Grenade, Sinkhole, etc

>One thing that'd balance the format is to errata the tronlands to be legendary.
This. I cannot seriously picture why they weren't to begin with. They're honestly the best candidates to have the card type 'Legendary Artifact Land'

>What are Thermokast, Mwonvuli Acid-Moss, Dinrova Horror, Mold Shambler, and now Pillage

But yes, if they want to hit tron they should hit the lands because many decks use the other pieces. I guess they could ban Crusher?

Crusher is absolutely not the issue. Doom Blade kills it, Edict kills it, Harvest Pyre kills it, counters kill it.

3/4 CMC LD is simply not sufficient for nuking 1 of the 12 pieces of their tronlands, not counting maps, stirring, and cantrips that dig for them.

They should print a 2CMC sorcery that reads "Destroy target nonbasic land that cannot produce colored mana." etc

Never happen unless pauper gets a wise council like EDH has that makes its own rulings . But i like the idea

Might if enough people push for it

I'm only arguing that if you're going to ban a deck, don't prune it, chop it at the trunk. Don't pretend like you can reign it in with bannings. You reign a deck in with answers.

The bummer is that if Tronlands were constructed a little differently, they COULD be balanced and reasonable. But, it didn't work out that way.

I hate Tron but recognize that lots of people love it. But I'm inclined to say if the options are keep it the same or ban the lands, then it's best for the format to ban the lands.

format is a bit expensive for me

Compared to what? Penny dreadful?

There's 4 tiered decks for $52 or less. The third best deck overall is $50.

>oubliette 45$
>delver decks hit 125$ on average
>moment of piece is starting to spike

not exactly a budget format

>Midnight Gond is maybe $24
Yeah okay.

The one playable over $10. It can be reprinted, along with literally every pauper legal card, as well.

>Delver $125
Only Izzet, and only because of Snow-Covered lands. Mono U is

ha! nice try, I rather play a more budget format like modern

Can't tell if you're legitimately retarded or just a really lazy troll.

Guess that means it's just another day on Veeky Forums.

It's the same old problem as Mishra's Workshop: Based on what's printed in the future the Urzatron can only get better. So if it's a problem now it will be a worse problem someday in the future.

Makes sense.

To be clear, I have no problem with banning the lands. I just don't see WotC doing it.

I 0-5d my first league ever because my 23 land deck wouldn't give me more than 1 land in a single opening hand the whole league having to mull to five or under at least 7 times.

Played against 3x Goblins, 1x Delver and 1x Elves.

I don't think this cocksucking format is for me. At least in Legacy when you play coin toss it's because you have a ridiculous turn 2 win avaliable.

Post your decklist.

A 5 game sample size is a terrible way to judge literally any format.

It was Mono White Heroic.

You only need one land to play everything but 11 cards in the deck...

Yes but you're not beating Goblins or Elves unless you can play more than one spell a turn.

So 4 out of 5 of your games were bad matchups. That sucks, I feel the same way any time I'm up against Tron.

But mono white heroic is a real deck. Do some casual play and you'll find it's strong against a lot of the tier 1 decks, including Delver and Tron, my dude.

>23 land
>no more than 1 land in an opening hand
Sounds like you got fucked by rng. Mono white heroic runs under 20 lands.

literally one of the cheapest formats, user
cheapest competitive format for sure

>A 5 game sample size is a terrible way to judge literally any format.

Standard what?

You can easily judge standard as a format after 5 games.

Sounds like you're bad at that format, too.

A 2 post sample size is a terrible way to judge literally any poster.

Well, considering you play 23 lands in mono white heroic, I can make some assumptions about your Standard win rate. (^:

Junk Tortured Existence
anything that beats me reeee

I love tortex. Post list

I'm trying to wrap my head around Mono Red Stax from the previous thread
Golgari Aristocrats
Mono W Soldiers

My dudes I need advice: I'm considering dropping my Soldiers for Mono W Heroic. How linear is it? I know Soldiers might not be the most complex deck, but I do enjoy the Skyfisher shenanigans. I'm willing to sacrifice SOME complexity for performance, but I don't want a complete autopilot of a deck. What do?

Heroic is going to be super linear. It's a good deck, but there's very little decision making.

My rec would be to just spend $50 on another deck for the complexity side. UB control is cheap, TortEx is cheap, etc

Are there any non-linear decks that don't run blue?

The first decks that comes to mind are BG TortEx and Kuldotha Boros.

Shame, I do like Mono W. Thanks though.

I'm pretty satisfied with my Soldiers:
> Icatian Javeliners/ Thraben Inspector/ Loyal Cathar /land drop resets with Kor Skyfisher
> 2 cards in hand, removal and Squadron Hawk? Fetch for 2 instead of 3 Squawks for maximum mindgames.
> Raise the Alarm before Unified Strike
> Re-equiping Bonesplitters
> A single Mana Tithe

I'd say I'm doing quite well without blue. What would a deck have to do for you to consider it non-linear?

Why is it called Kuldotha?

I consider a deck non-linear when you have multiple lines of play. Like an aggro or burn deck is going to have one, maybe two, very rarely three lines of play on any given turn.

It's a sort of value deck that wants to make tokens, and abuse bounce effects to maximize etb effects. Why it's called Kuldotha specifically, I don't entirely get, but it sounds better than Boros Bounce, or Boros Tokens.

Rat tribal needs more support in pauper.

Which is probably the dumbest thing I've ever said, but fuck it, I love rats.

I love the Misers. They're a build-your-own Jin-Gitaxias.

This guy needs downshifted and while I'm asking let's get a 2 or 3 drop with the same effect for more consistency. Monoblack "no hand for you."

I went looking for other cards with that effect.

Other than Jin Git and Cursed Rack, the Misers are the only ones that effect the opponent. Blue has some that affect yourself as a tradeoff for a beatier creature.

This should seriously be a more utilized mechanic.

I really want to learn the game but too shy to go into my store without knowing everything. Is there any way to emulate the current game to see if theres a deck I'd like to play?

I think I might have played you the other day- on MtGO? What’s your soldier list?

Xmage or MtGO.

metacucks and brainlets have to pay more because they only use the cards everyone else is using the most


What are you using for blue for the Lingering Squirrels deck? I was thinking of squirrel spam with Essence Warden and the ramp elves just to use my custom squirrel tokens at an event.

Is it just me or does frenzied goblin seem strictly better than heelcutter in the tribal list?

heelcutter is bigger but cost more everyturn you could be playing goblins
frenzied can get in early damage and cost less to activate, thou he is weaker

one can activate impact tremors, but thats the only reason for heel over frienz

I don't think that was me, I only own this in paper. Still, here's the list:

4 War Falcon
4 Thraben Inspector
3 Doomed Trveller
3 Icatian Javelineers
2 Gideon Lawkeeper

4 Squadron Hawk
4 Kor Skyfisher
3 Loyal Cathar

2 Raise the Alarm
2 Unified Strike
4 Journey to Nowhere
1 Mana Tithe
4 Bonesplitter

1 Secluded Steppe
19 Plains

* * *
4 Standard Bearer
4 Dust to Dust
4 Veteran Armorer
3 Prismatic Strands
1 Unmake

I don't run the soldier lords, only amorer in SB, and you probably could make the argument that I should. I've yet to test them, because I like what I have now and am not sure what I would cut.

The Archetype is also known as Kitty.
i.e. Boros Kitty, Jeskai Kitty. Named after the guy credited as inventing it.
It's dumb, but I think it's cute.

In the perfect system, all lands would have this rule

creature package is constantly changing

Horobi's Whisper UB control. There's another splice card with a splice cost of bouncing a blue creature you control. Has potential to be silly, despite being a strict downgrade to the pile of good UB decks.

UR Delver has literally fucking everything. Its like Chun in SF 3rd Strike.

Online, BTE Sligh and Angler Delver. Paper, WB Mimic and Burn.

>ash barrens at uncommon

It begins

Commander council is not wise as in their banlist does not make for a well rounded, good competitive meta. The banlist is created from a fairly narrow pool of experiences and as a result degenerate shit is allowed (flashhulk, foodchain) while less competitive shit seems to be banned on the basis of feeling bad.

Are edicts not commonly played anymore?

>bte slight
tell me more

Hareruya started uploading som pauper content

Not in a TortEx deck. No way to recur them and your dig cards don't grab them.

One card I'm LOVING in my autistic Death Spark TortEx deck is Abyssal Gatekeeper. Had a hard lock at LGS yesterday with Spore Frog, Gatekeeper, returning Sanitarium Skeleton every turn to TortEx twice. Life was good

Literally who?

jap cfb

Channer Firebarr

My meta is mostly affinity, burn, and elves. One guy plays tron, one guy plays UB control, one guy plays Inside Out, one guy plays U delver, one guy plays skred Delver.

What deck is best?

I currently have

>TortEx jank
>mono-red heroic
>mono-red stax
>UB control
>Pau Blade (obviously not good in this meta)
>jund midrange (also not good in meta)

I have Delver/counters/cantrips but really don't want to play Mono U delver or Skred Devler.

I'm totally willing to buy a new deck.

I’d throw together some Pestilence/Evincar’s Justice pile, splashing white for Burn hate. Tons of sweepers and sac effects.

So is this edict better now or is the flashback on chainers really that good?

Edict has always been legal.

That makes sense. Interesting...

Chainer's is better in ALMOST every deck. Diabolic is nice as a 1-of in Mystical Teachings decks, though. Pauper games often go so long the flashback is worth it, especially in any deck that mills itself (Thought Scour, Satyr Wayfinder, etc)

Playable in BG tortex?

So M25 hasn't produced a single worthwhile card for pauper

Considering it's only printed as an uncommon, probably not.

>ash barrens reprint
I'd take this over a new card any day.

Accumulated Knowledge, Arbor Elf, Auramancer, Diabolic Edict, Epic Confrontation, Hordling Outburst, Nettle Sentinel, Nihil Spellbomb, Pillage, Plummet, Savannah Lions, Vessel of Nascency, Unearth, Simian Spirit Guide

This is the list I've been playing. Bonded Construct is something off-meta for the list, usually you'd have another Fireblast and another Bushwhacker. Heelcutter #3 is also a flex slot.

>pauper needs new cards not reprints of widely available cards
Yeah, no. It needs Gush, Chainer's Edict, Battle Screech, etc

>Ash barrens is over-rated
Ah, my mistake, didn't realize you were actually retarded.

>Bunch of sub $2 cards
Yeah. It's pauper.
>pauper needs new cards not reprints
This sets is only reprints, the rarity downgrades are probably incidental due to limited balancing.

go fuck yourself, you meme-brained cunt

>Accumulated Knowledge
>Arbor Elf
>Diabolic Edict
>Epic Confrontation
>Nettle Sentinel
>Nihil Spellbomb
>Vessel of Nascency
>Simian Spirit Guide

Bunch of sub $2 cards (even Nettle Sentinel is 3$); pauper needs new cards not reprints of widely available cards. The least they could do is reprint Oubliette to shut up /jerepol/ about pauper not being a budget format

>Savannah Lions

>Hordling Outburst
Doesn't have a home in any decks, but I give you this one; oh and Ash Barrens which is pretty over-rated.



holy shit

Frenzied Goblin, Jackal Pup, Hordeling Outburst, possibly Sky Hussar.

Loyal Sentry and Ghostly Flicker is a possible thing.

>sky hussar

You actually reposted to call me a meme-brained cunt. Good for you.
Reprinting a bunch of staples, which can bring a decks price down from 50 to 40, will do more to the format as an entry point to mtg than reprinting oubliette.


I know multiple people that would enter Pauper, OR buy multiple decks and support it more if the tiered decks were $25-40 instead of $50-100

Most of those were already in pauper. I think he was lamenting better cards not getting reprinted or downshifted.

Pillage, Hoardling Outburst, and Savannah Lions are still good additions to pauper though.