A25 Spoiler Discussion

Shitty quality edition

I want us to be perfectly clear boys: even fucking Reddit is having difficulty shilling these choices.


(reposting from last thread)
do you guys think that it gets to MARO that whenever they let garfield design a set it becomes an instant classic and loved by all and remembered fondly ?

>even fucking Reddit is having difficulty shilling these choices.

Geez i wonder why
Oh, that's why.



Let's hope that we get great common slots for pauper and incredible uncommon slots to increase overall set value.

Question: What cards that WoTC can easily print in M25 do you guys want to see? I want Oubliette more than anything.


I'm looking forward to buying more Coalition Relics once they're not $15 anymore.

Gemstone Ritual



Man why’d you break my combo, I was going to use hyperbole and cherrypicking to fallaciously argue the set was garbage for comedic effect.

>a handful of exceptions in a dogshit set


Thank god masturbating is still free.

By guys.

The best card in the set desu

No don’t go user, shitposting is free too

>instead of chainer or chainers edict

Because when you think of torment the first card that comes to mind is this one.

This was actually a decent card


But the that’d give Wizards reasons to make Counterspell Uncommon and then I’d be angrier. So whatever. (((Pauper))) can still play it so I ain’t complaining.

And the one DECENT card that came out of last night’s mess. And even THEN it came in to crunch out Crucible of Worlds and Engineered Explosives.

Crashing this plane, with no survivors

>New art
>New flavor text
Dominaria spoiler?


new stuff guyz

>fucking rare

For what reason?


>For what reason?

because FUCK YOU of course

They did the same thing for Ensaring Bridge.


Legends stuff

this looks like the definition of an uncommon card

Oh shit that's nice

powercreep is a hell of a drug

>Maro when you dumb fucking goi keep asking this question

>not Stangg

I don't get it either, should have been mythic.

It's a rare since forever

lol glad I kept all of my Force of Will stuff, this game is about to fucking crash guys.

good, hate cards for sb shouldn't worth that much (8 bucks was way too much)

not bad but the original legends art is way better.

Not as fun though.

can't agree more user, but it would be considered 'offensive toward religious ppl' or 'politically uncorrect'

heck's caretaker

this is a kids cardgame after all.

>or token
I don't get this. Aren't tokens always exiled when they leave the battlefield? And they can only "excist" on the battlefield so this seems unnessecary. Am I missing something?

It stops any die-triggers too


Just buy the singles guys. I mean holy fucking shit recruiter is going for 60 on tcgplayer lmao.

Nope they go to the graveyard but cease to exist next time state-based actions are checked

I imagine MaRo being like Todd Howard and Garfield like Obsidian when they did Fallout New Vegas
MaRoposting when?

It prevents things like Fecundity from triggering. The creatures never go to the yard, they go straight to exil.


>a collection of memories
Bad ones, from the way these things are going down.

Veeky Forums's faggot janitors with delete it lol

Oh, right. It's a replacement effect. Thnx anons.


I'll have a brief moment when I look at the rare slot of my 10$ booster and I 'member when the cards used to be good. Or I would, but I won't buy any boosters like the last 5 master sets. The nostalgia pandering in this set has been executed so poorly and M25 overall looks really fucking bad.

Commander Masters looking pretty good so far, I just hope they're not stupid enough to MSRP it at 10 dollars per booster

Wtf is this shit?! Are they suddenly blocking europoors now? Can acces older articles but not the new ones.

so far in good rares we have :
- Pact of Negation
- Courser of Kruphix
- Vindicate
- Summoner's Pact
- the 5 filters lands
- Eidolon of the Great Revel
- Rishadan Port
- Magus of the Wheel
- Ruric Thar, the Unbowed
- Eladamri's Call
- Blood Moon
- Thalia, Guardian of Thraben
- Azusa, Lost but Seeking

and in good mythic :
- Jace, the Mind Sculptor
- Phyrexian Obliterator
- Chalice of the Void
- Imperial Recruiter
- Armageddon
- Ensnaring Bridge
- Vendilion Clique
- Animar, Soul of Elements

Desu guyz... it's not that bad so far, not all of them are pricey but they are gud at least

your a Muslim country, mtg is haram.

I'm a commander player and I'm not even touching this shit. The only thing you can blame on us are Doomsday and Prossh

I think a big part of the issue here is that:

A) a lot of these cards were still accessible to most people.

B) We still didn't get a lot of the good cards people NEEDED from each set.


get fucked


I'm in Burgerland and I can't even access the article either.

LSV gets it, he knows the set is shit and is trying to stop you from getting hyped.


It's looking really bad.

And wtf is ruric thar, 4$ vindicate, magus, courser, obliterator, armageddon and animar doing in the good card list? Some of the filters are also bad hits.

>Ruric thar
>a good rare

>nostalgia set
>”hey guys remember that really shit set from a year ago”

Ok, that's it, pre-order canceled.

it's played in legacy elves since years, it can't be THIS bad


It's supposed to be a nostalgia set but virtually all of the cards that could be nostalgic are reprinted with new bland art instead of the iconic MEMORABLE art that we're nostalgic for.

Look at this card. It has so much tension with the fucking Urza's Destiny logo stamped on there jumbo-sized but the artwork is the artwork from the core set printings. So many of the cards are like this and it's retarded. If it has the LOGO of a set it should have the art that matches!


people want to open these booster packs to make their money back, not to get cool cards. hard to blame them when wotc costs masters set boosters at 10 dollars a pop

>Rare from BFZ
BFZ isn't good but STILL

you forgot pendelhaven I actually needed one

I member Zada and all the other great cards from BFZ, hope they print more great hits from one of the worst sets in 10 years

At least put in something that sees some play like Wasteland Strangler, come on.

At common?

We already knew that all black-bordered non standard set will get a reprint

I'd add
>Blue Sun's Zenith
>Living Death
>Protean Hulk
>Nicol Bolas
>Coalition Relic
>Strionic Resonator
to the rare list
Not all people play just modern fgt

This set is definitly one you should just bsinles for, cracking or buying boxes is a bad da in general

>Homelands has a better card representation, both in flavor and power, at the uncommon slot than BfZ


I spat out my beer holy fuck.

What has modern to do with anything I said? Those cards are just bad value wise

it's uncommon, so that's ok

>not Prism Array

They had one job, ONE JOB.

((( maro ))) hard at work

At least it's uncommon
Protean Hulk is 10$
Coalition relic is 12$
Miko is 14$
The rest, except BSZ which I retract, is about 6$

Sorry to disappoint you magic nerds, but the only good card printed in this set is lightning bolt. The only way this set will be good is if you're guaranteed a foil rare in every pack. Otherwise enjoy pulling exclusively mystic snakes and Zadas and raking in those sweet nickels.

there are so many better things they could have chose. Don't be a apologist.

The problem here is that "good" doesn't equate to "value". Nobody wants to pay for a 10 dollar pack to pull the .5 USD Ruric Thar. This problem is only made worse by cards that are currently expensive like Magus will drop like a stone because now there is actual supply unlike before where it was only in the boros precon that nobody bought.

Hell's Caretaker is also 19$ in black border, in time of writing
Not defending Zada, I'm happy it isn't a rare

'Ok guys, what is the most iconic and wanted card in BFZ we could reprint ?'

- Ulamog ?'
- Gideon, Ally of Zendikar?'
- what about Shambling Vent, boss ?'
- the duals double basic maybe!'
- D-Drana, Liberator of Malakir chief ?'

-Mark, i have an idea, what about Zada, Hedron Grinder?'
- i don't remember Mark, i classed the cards by popularity on mcm and this card was the last one who popped up'

>buying packs

I can guarantee you that this printing of hell's caretaker won't be even close to that

You're talking about a Legends rare though. The floor is $10 for them even if they are literally unplayable. Hell's Caretaker from M25 is going to be 5$ or less.

but it IS garbage, and we're only laughing ironically, deep down we're sad that the set is such trash

This morning has been great, we've seen nothing but chaff the whole way through and I've had a great hearty laugh over breakfast and coffee. I'll draft it once or twice to force a deck with nothing but Counterspells, Brainstorms and the ONE Lightning Bolt that the whole table cracked and leave it at that.

That's the point.

Relic and Hulk is only played in EDH, you can expect those to drop. You can really expect all of those rares to drop because they're primarily only expensive due to low supply from a almost and more than a decade of not being printed.

And he's 3 dollars otherwise.

>Increasing meager supply