Warhammer 40k General /40kg/

R'icha'rd D'ean Ande'rson edition

>Tau WD previews

>(F) Duncan


>Sega's Megas in Las Vegas:
>Old Black Library Mega:

>Mathhamburger Helper:

*wakes up in your path*

Silly string noises

First for Admech.


Didn't the Tau abandon the idea of Warp Travel after the Medusa V campaign?

I remember it saying the Tau on that world were left to a grim and undisclosed fate as they were there when the Warp Storm shrouded the system.

First for T'-oh...

6th for startide nexus

As usual, your math is off, Magos.

xth for does anyone know about DE vehicle magnetisation? Can I do it with the terrible GW drill bits (2mm)?

What should the Tau god be called?


Nonsense, this formula has been in use for ten thousand years, and perfected by rigorous adherence to it and prayers to the machine spirit.

*fluffs pillow*
Go back to bed old man

You'll probably want a bigger bit for bigger, flatter magnets on your flying base.


>Leave the Tau to me, m'lady

Stupid Necrons. Waking up all over the place and taking all our toasters.


Is there any art of Legienstrasse? Interested in knowing what it's meant to look like.

I hope the Tau are still being “lead” by a holo ghost.

I like the fluff having maximum Ethereal secret shenanigans


>understanding the lore
Pick one.



The Greater Good

A god in every meaningful sense in 40k but not visualized as an anthropomorphic character by the Tau in the manner that the Chaos gods or Gork n Mork are

>nuGW respecting old lore

Oh sweet summer child

Shut up nerd, enjoy the new T'au god, M'ao.

Aren't they culturally atheist? I guess their combined psychic gestalt produces some kind if presence in the warp but it's probably more of an amorphous idea of progress than a god.


Yes, let the M'ao Thought flow!



>"""""M"""""a"""""o' God of home delivery for the Greater Good

They also said the Tau thought big, stompy robots were a stupid, inefficient idea when you could just mount Titan-killing guns to your multi-role heavy fighter/bomber.

Then they started making big, stompy robots anyway.

Do they practice Utilitarianism with alien characteristics?


Soon they'll be making taumarines.


Its almost like they are an empire of different people who have different opinions on things

I read my first ever lore book about two weeks ago. It was the Emperor's Legion Watcher's of the Throne by Dan Abnett.

I really loved the book, Abnett painted such a fantastic picture of life on Terra and how the Imperium runs and it's politics. It was amazing.

Is Dan Abnett generally considered one of the better writers here?

>(I kekked x4 at this)

Yes, they also have an irrational hatred of space sparrows.

I've always considered Stealth Suits to be the T`ao Marine.

gotta keep it copyright friendly


I never thought about it before. But I feel really bad for everyone that believed in communism.

They did clash with Ravens...


Typical of the T'a'u to get it so wrong

>Dan Abnett
Is... is this bait? I don't get it if it is.

Model sales drive lore, user, rarely the other way around. Someone made a big, stompy robot for Tau's 6e Codex and then everyone jumped on the bandwagon. Soon Forgeworld started making variants and GW released new big suits. They did the same to the Wraithknight as well, each iteration increasingly game-breaking.

Old lore got retconned because of models and model sales.

Holy fuck there should be an easier way to paint eyes.

If T'au is copyrightable, L'Mao is as well.

In the 5th Expansion Sphere, the Greater Good believes in YOU.

(Praise M'au)

Can't wait for dark reaper lores.

Abnett at is kind of like the Steven King of 40k. He writes so much fucking shit, that overall he can at least be consistently good (for the most part). He does have some issues here and there but at least he has a good understanding of the setting. While other writers like Goto is the Michael Bay of 40k. If you read any of his books, just turn your brain off and try to enjoy it.


There should be a tiny stamp that fits over a model's nose and stamps the eyes on only available in Frank.

Well, they found reasons why multiple-role heavy fighter-bombers didn't always work.

Namely that being too predictable.


Khorne is the Blood God
Nurgle is the Plague Lord
Slaanesh is the Dark Prince
Tzeentch is the Changer of Ways

What would M'au's title be?

Gate keeper.

Who is the God of the Humans?

The Sparrow

It's just so hard to get them straight even in photoshop. It's a miracle people can paint them on the mini.

Despite the fact that previously the titans lacked any real defence against the Tau fighters and needed heavy screening of Navy fighters and ground based AA to protect them.

M'au is the Greater Good.

Wew. Nice hands.

Gate Keeper of the People.

Sounds like it was more that, even defenseless against them, the Tau just couldn't kill them fast enough before their ground forces were decimated

Our lord and savior Jesus Christ silly.

Maybe they should have tried sixty Fusion Blasters...

Dan Abnett and Watchers of the Throne are both great but... is this bait? It says right there in your pic that Chris Wright wrote it.

How hard is it to kill a titan?

>Despite the fact that previously the titans lacked any real defence against the Tau fighters

Titans can shoot down aircraft in the lore actually.

It's not just the Imperium.

They've dealt with Ork titans too, and some of those are capable of shooting down aircraft much quicker and nimbler than the Tau's.

> needed heavy screening of Navy fighters and ground based AA to protect them

Which is where the Tigershark as the sole means of anti-warengine work falls through.

If you have just one sole method of doing something, it's going to eventually become easy to hard counter, which goes against Tau strategic thinking.

Keeper of the Red Book.

M'au is the god of ends justifying the means

Most of the Imperial Guard general staff have been fueling his birth for millenia.

You know marines do use stealth and even camoflage for some chapters right?

Well, Yarrick's Fortress of Arrogance once defeated a Gargant on Golgotha, but then got destroyed by a Stompa.

Even then, it was implied the only reason the Gargant didn't win is because it was badly mauled after having defeated an Imperial Titan.

The Greater God

Plot armour is variable and the gift of the chaos God of the Dice.

They call themselves marines, at least, the cowards.

Red Scorpions plz go.

Never understood why the civilians hate America so much. I mean we're just bombing our enemies and taking everything for ourselves.

With the blessings of the God-Emperor, there is no foe that cannot be bested.

I actually believe this. That short story about the Big E burning the last christian church and ending with the bell tolling was pretty spooky.

>Mao used communist propaganda to remove power from political opponents and set himself up as a diety.
>Ethereal M'au limits the power of other castes by sending detractors to the 5th Sphere where they will doubtlessly die, even using forbidden tech to do so.

This is making an insane amount of sense

No user all groups of people with something in common are a single monolithic entity.

Just roll 2 6s and they roll an 1 and you can wound a titan with a stick.

That is the first Chinese Girl I've ever seen that had blonde hair naturally on the far right.

You pretty much need another titan in order to kill a titan, or multiple smaller vehicles that have titan-killer (a.k.a. Macro weapons, formerly known as D-weapons). The Tau didnt have enough big guns to take out titans (even warhounds) before the fire caste lines would be breached by the titans and causing havoc in their back lines. Look up the stats of a warhound titan and you will see that they are supremely powerful.

in the current edition, they have 35 wounds, 3+ armor save, 4++ void shield save (that can be used to save against mortal wounds) among other things. The Tau had to create their own 'titan' warsuit in order to try to fight against the smallest titan in the imperium.

I'm almost certain something said the emperor created religion and claimed to be Yahweh. I mean he's basically the same thing.

Probably a Northern Chinese one. They are like that since they mate with slavs and can be tall as fuck.

Thought that was a russian.

>30 lucky sticks in the toe joint and the titan falls over and dies

>Tau encounter a titan
>Have to engineer their own titans from scratch the have a chance
>Dark Eldar encounter a titan
>Lol, let's just send in some more of our civilian pleasure barges

Really makes you think.

>you will never see the tau get blown the fuck out by a titan

I don't know. Ask Sly Marbo.

>Titans can shoot down aircraft in the lore actually.

You got a source?

What exactly are they using, those big guns aren't exactly ideal for AA.

How do you pin a mini if the legs are too small?

They slowly lumber their arms around and a plane accidently clips one.