Critical Role C2 Ep8: Bun in the Oven Edition

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Really game wise nothing to talk about till it gets going as they are in between missions. Guess we can speculate how much time they will miss when they have the kid. People are panicking they will be written of the show as if nannies don't exist

Her water is probably going to break as she gets up/down on those benches they sit on

This truly is the best timeline, sucks mothership is gone though.

I'm shocked Travis could fuck someone without breaking them with his biceps, or accidentally shove them through the wall with a thrust powered by his epic glutes.

>I've made a huge mistake

I mean Laura seems to work out so with enough practice and care they can probably get the job done

user the stream starts in 20 minutes, we have one thread filling up to 1000 replies ONCE A WEEK and then a bunch of falseflags.

We have 1 thread a week copypasta friend

you will never have post session sex with laura as she whispers sweet nothings in your ear in her shin-chan voice

>IC flirting between Jester and Fjord
>Nott dropping hints of them being together
Even if The Traveler and Fjord's patron try to keep them apart, those two will break the world for each other. Mark my words.

>be Taliesin in C1
>constantly hit on Marisha
>rub my face in her armpits
>touch her until she starts visibly sweating
>watch her muffle her heavy breathing while Cuck Mercer is expositioning
>life is good

>C2 get seated next to fucking Laura Bailey
>can't do shit because her husband isn't a cuck and can easily break my goth head in half
>end up gaming through the session with an erection so fierce it fucks with my cheating dice mojo
life isnt fair

These are my favorite types of posts, salty fags who reee at other people's fun and the dumbasses who think boards are of only one opinion.

lets be serious here, laura is gonna be out at least 2 months once it pops. Travis will also be out for most of that time

Yeah idk how the show will be watchable without either

Reminder that Laura is best girl and plays Best Girl

Dammit. Maybe they'll have Mary and Will or other guests on.

skype is a thing..they have done it before.

In terms of in-game events, they probably get paid for their troubles, maybe get a bump to level 4 and then get back on the road for more shenanigans.

As for the baby announcement, congrats to them both, and I agree that they will need to get Laura some more pillows or support for her as she gets closer to term, because sitting on hard wood benches is terrible. If they miss any games it'll probably only be for 1 or 2 weeks to give her time to rest and recover. After that they probably can get a nanny to watch over the kid for the 5-7 hours they spend at the game.

Also, you think Travis and Laura are ones who will do breast milk for a few months before weaning the kid over to formula? If so, there might be a minor wardrobe malfunction shortly after the kid's birth from Laura's body saying it's time to feed the newborn.




I think Travis will miss a session, and afterwards he will come back, and Laura will be back within a month

Mostly I think so because they both love playing, and it wouldn't be hard to hire a nanny for 6hrs once a week, and in all likelyhood they could bring the kid to the studio and the crew would help.

What are pumps and they have a break? Alex


What did I tell you guys?

i am honestly impressed with you guys, i saw prediction of Laura pregnant since January here

Look who's talking hypocrite.

Do you have any other cast predictions ?

what's your CR food?

>5 guys
>god tier brownie from firehouse
>minute maid lemonade

Nobody will die because critical role is a shitty scripted show, especially Marisha.

Dude, the viewers here and on twitch notice that kind of shit. It's like when Laura lost her card for the seed she got from Pelor. Travis went to chat and then told her it's right here, thank chat.

I don't usually watch (Just listen) and apparently it's been even more apparent the past couple weeks.

I read something on reddit about Sam strategically placing himself in front of her so viewers didnt see her tummy

I mean she is due in July, so she would be 3-4months alone by then.

Usually dinner. Tonight its Chicken Fried Steak with a huge salad

Prediction time
>epic tragic moment makes Laura cry
>water breaks
>baby is named after dead PC

Whatever I make and 120 proof whiskey

I spend a lot of time around women. It's subtle, but you can tell.

>i got some mozzarella sticks and buffalo wings. My body is ready.

Yeah, I know those are things, and I suspect they'll use said things. But it's still a very small chance of happening.

It'll all depend upon how smoothly the pregnancy goes and the actual labor. If it's a "normal" pregnancy that probably means a 2-4 day hospital visit + post-op recovery, then roughly another week or two to get adjusted to the new (read: no) sleep schedule they'll get while the kid adjusts to a "healthy for a baby" sleep cycle.

I guess it was her increase for sweets that gave us some hints? I don't know.

No other predictions. Going to retire batting 1.000

Water, she's only been drinking water for several months.

First of the month, so I ordered pizza.

>Marisha is pregnant next but the baby isn't Matt's or Taliesin's
>Orion is the next guest appearance
>One-shot with Grog and Arkhan

Normally I just have snack food (chips, popcorn, etc.) with a drink. Sometimes I'll get a pizza made between the breaks, but that's only for the 4-5 hour games.

What if they name the baby Keyleth?

The big first clue is their neck getting thicker. Its something you may notice and they cant hide

t. Worked in an office thats 70% married females

Marisha's character won't die because she's sucking the DM's dick.

>Baby is named after dead PC
Oh god no!

Imagine if Nott dies due to Caleb using a fire spell


That's the first thing I thought of when I saw the tweet.
Though it's only 4-5 hours a week, shouldn't be that big of a deal.
I hope.

spicy korean noodles and black coffee (not at the same time though)

>Orion is the next guest appearance

please no

It'll never happen, but please... no

More likely due to Marisha being an idiot.

Holy shit, Laura's having the kid.

>T-Willy bout to be a daddy
this is the best timeline.

Affirmative action in action.

>Laura wearing a "Mama Bear" shirt


The two biggest hints are what she was drinking (water or tea, as pointed out) and a change in wardrobe to SLIGHTLY baggier clothing. She normally rocks a t-shirt + pants, but for the past month or so it's been looser-fitting shirts + sweatpants.

There's probably subtler hints that someone else could point out (that whole, "body glowing" thing).

Dat Mama Bear shirt

>caring this much about a celebrity e-podcast.

Watching you soyboys cry gives me a erection.

tfw you'll never deposit your seed into laura

>tfw you'll never watch Travis deposit his seed into Laura

>Sam's shilling for D&D Beyond
They don't deserve this man promoting their product.

Mercer CONFIRMED as furry

I think he's just a really, really nice guy.

what's it like hanging out with people you dislike because you're so cold and lonely otherwise

confirmed furry apologist

Is that why Marisha was a druid? That way they could role play her taking the knot behind closed doors?

Nice to see Matt's mostly recovered. A bit nasal/flem sounding, but considering he was coughing non-stop a few days ago, that's a huge improvement.

This, listen to his Fireside Chat. Its clear he bends over backwards to be nice


So the guest nigger didn't get killed last episode?

Why am I not surprise, in Matt's world minorities and the women can do no wrong, whereas the men (baring the PC) are pussified faggots.

Is Laura's shirt meant to be a bounce off of the MEGA MILK shirt?

Didn't we think Marisha was the pregnant one last episode?

it's meant to show that she's pregnant.

Haha no

laura cosplay as mega milk with engorged pregnant tiddy WHEN

She will be soon, baby fever is going to take that table by storm

No but we did have a funny conversation that she'd die while bearing the child because she's such a stick.

>Thinking Matt would ever not use a condom when pity fucking her

Faggot detected.

I doubt it; mama bear is not an uncommon phrase thrown around for soon-to-be moms who want to focus on a loving enviornment.

I suspect Laura's love for Trinket is also why she picked the shirt up.

>Record Scratch
>Freeze Frame
Now you might be curious as to how I wound up in this situation.

>tfw Travis will never depist his seed into you

>Ivan Van Norman horror show

Sign me up

>mfw the campaign's going to be delayed due to the baby

I have a weird ritual of making pasta whenever I watch CR.

>Those baby bumps

>Showing off that baby bump

Holy crap that's pretty developed, even if it's not due until July.

Travis' beer belly...

Can someone give me a quick rundown of why everyone hates Marisha? I usually watch with CR in the background so I never noticed anything more than her fucking annoying RP

that's 4 months from now..she's 5 months Pregnant

Who's willing to bet that Travis isn't the father?

>internet names the child Baby McBabyface

Her fucking annoying RP is what annoys me the most.

Also the fact that she's the only one in a table of voice actors who isn't doing any voice acting for her character?

>Travis pushes out his belly and shows it to offset his wife
Good man.


>Laura: completely sarcastic
>Travis: Yeah no send me those names


More like "Hitler Did Nothing Wrong".

i realise that, i meant on top of the mom thing. mainly the thick black font on white front and coloured sleeves

shut your whore mouth
they are the IRL OTP

and he is all that is man