Filename thread, continued

>yousa reading the file name in meesa voice



I accidentally shut down my computer while posting ahegao
should I post more?





mandatory maybe as per Veeky Forums meme law


mandatory request for a second utterance of the query


FUCK no.
















As a blue collar worker, this picture is saved on my phone, so I may show it to idiots who think they are too cool for eye protection.

sauce? this is golden











What kind of witchcraft is this?




Understanding Veeky Forums's thumbnail algorithm and carefully crafting an image so that the pixels that appear look different than the full size image.




two pictures are interlaced and transparency leveled such that the algorithm that generates the thumbnail picks up one, but when looking at the picture full size your eyes see the other.

The way morrowind was meant to be played.




Morrowind has so many mods, part conversions and such age that any screenshot is an archaeological exercise to determine what the fuck it was recorded in.


I need some more rogue trader pics pls









You get how filename threads work, right?

why is there a guy from htf



Hey, you wants Rogue Trader images, you gets Rogue Trader images.

i'm at a loss for words





>imperial guard regiment vs chaos lord of khorne

Got a laugh at the one guy shooting the revolver, pulling the trigger like crazy without pulling the hammer back between shots


you haven't had to do that for 140 years, double action revolvers were invented in 1877.

>t. /k/ revolver autist

Needs a better name

I thought liking skub was just a meme

What kind of savage would actually use it?


dude, skub is great for everything, what kind of heretic refuses to use something so useful!

>trolling this hard
No one's going to believe you're that retarded. Skub has countless valid uses that are so obvious I'm not even going to bother listing any.

needs a better name

dude, no one ever checks my digits. thanks :D

Are you telling me you posted so much ahegao your computer ahegao'd and shut down?

>posting ahegao on pc
>getting hot in here?
>a-user kun....I

They're called animals, user. And if you ever went outside you might see some other than on htf.

Monstergirl worldbuilding threads.jpg



3 Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri

Or whatever the exact name is.

I have no idea who that is.

You sweet summer child.

Do you have a pic of an actual injury for when they say "Naw mate that wont happen to me."?

You double bastard.

You know what, it's late, I've got nothing better to do, why not totally dissect a filename joke? I'll explain it to you, user.

Spoilers, so that others may be spared.

The face in that image is of Jar-Jar Binks, a character from the Star Wars prequels.
He speaks in a very high-pitched voice (note quite as high as Elmo, for instance, but in the same general range) , and in a pidgin dialect that many found very aggravating. An aspect of this dialect was that all pronouns were simply the word in English with a "-sa" tacked onto the end, except that instead of "I", he always used "Me". So "Me-sa don't think thissa gonna be a good idea!"

Mesa Enchantress, on the other hand, is a magic card depicting an enchantress who lived on high mesas.

Someone realized the card name is also a phonetic rendition of Jar Jar declaring himself an Enchantress, and edited in the face to inflict mental anguish on those who do remember the sound of his voice.

Oh. Never saw Star Wars, not a sci-fi person.

Given that you're not a sci-fi person, you'll likely miss the nuance, but generally Star Wars is considered a "Space Opera" and not a "sci-fi" story.

This is because,(and this may sound somewhat silly) Star Wars mostly just happens to take place in space. By which I mean there is little discussion or inspection of the effects of technology, or of how alien beings may have different morals/senses/cultures than us. It is just a story about heroes, villains, and adventure that uses space ships, ray guns, and The Force instead of horses, bows, and magic.

So depending on what exactly it is about Sci Fi you dislike, you may enjoy Star Wars despite your general distaste.

Though maybe not, as well. The original trilogy are becoming quite dated in appearance, the prequels are widely understood to be very flawed products, and the new movies are very mixed, as well as being very controversial, given the cultural inertia that the franchise has built.

i gots halfaway thens iya giveen ups

sauce on the game?