Character Art Thread

last thread

Requesting art of people doing magic rituals or meditating with floating weapons.

















requesting pale faced, noble looking effeminate men. think griffith from berserk

Before nobody else finds anything.

Maybe, pretty androgynous.





that's somewhat horrifying

I need elderly ladies, either with or without undead- I'm not talking pretty necromancer's, I'm talking the type only your grandfather would want to sleep with.

Strike that, does anyone have ladylike, victorian-era half-orcs.

I need thieves!!!
Especially highwaymen


I need a male human looking character with a rash on his face. Doesn't have to be all over his face, ideally just on one side.

Anything else like this, just with the face covered/obscured or turned away from the viewer? I've been looking for a picture of a male polearm (naginata or glaive, specifically, but I'll make do with whatever) user in armor very similar to that for a while.

Can I request a few fighters in leather armor? Preferably human.

requesting a young male human priest or druid
that seems to have gone batshit insane
but is still a good person





Any request?

I'm looking for an orc carrying a keg.

A knight in plate armor with a glaive if you don't mind me being specific.







Requesting birdfolk art.

Any dragonborn? Preferably clerics or in heavy armor.





Any advice for drawing dwarf bards?
Examples would be appreciated.


The drawthread might be a better place to ask. That said, my suggestion would be to keep dwarven practicality in mind. See this jerk? In combat, he's got his hands full of something that can't be used as a weapon or a shield. The proper dwarven choice would be a drum, so you're prepared with mallets to beat enemies down. Otherwise, forego a physical instrument and go with song, so your hands are free to use a real weapon.

I'm pretty sure this guy is a dwarven bard. At least, I have memory of the artist labeling him as such.

I agree with everything said and will add that a skald archetype might be a good place to start from. Or perhaps he (or she, I suppose.) bangs sword or mace on shield.

Human noblewoman, but something out of early - high middle ages, not Renaissance.


That's artwork of Eva Green.
Also, something like this, it can be fantastical too.

Requesting harem/slave girls.









I humbly request not people, but weapons. Big rectangular razor-looking swords and cleavers that look like they where made to fight with. Failing either of those just solid black swords will do, I've made a Shade Fanatic gnome Hexblade whose come partly under the control of a post second collapse artefact

Looking for pictures of 'modern' swordsmen, the more grizzled the better. You know, a guy in an armoured jacket instead of a cuirass or something.

Paying the picture tax.

Additional taxes.




Well atleast he have a body to bury, instead of a pile of manure to plant flowers in.



I need pictures of knights with an emphasis of style over realism.




i need this one for my next character.
He got the tsundere nobel vibe.


Holy shit, it's like a fish and a barbed wire fence had a baby.






Can I get some a barbarians with animal pelts on their back?Tiger, Bear, Wolf, any kind of hunter, etc.
Need some for my character who got whisked away as a youngster by fey and kept as a "pet" along with animals like bears and wolves in a magical inescapable forest, until he got out and learned over hundred years had passed when he was away



Any chance y'all could post some images for teenage/young adult dudes that would fit in a fantasy school setting?
Searching for male art is impossible.



This is perfect.
The artstyle is a tad too different from what else I got, a bit too real.
This too. Thanks!

