/tgesg/ - Weekend Elder Scrolls General

Tyrants of Lyg Edition

>Tabletop/P&P RPGs
[UESRPG - P&P RPG] docs.google.com/document/d/1pTgTN2aJUoY95JtquowagfUJLL7tCQYhzJKcCAcbvio/edit?usp=sharing
[Scrollhammer - Tabletop Wargame] 1d4chan.org/wiki/Scrollhammer_2nd_Edition
[TES 5E Conversion] uestrpg.wixsite.com/home
Discussion in #Scrollhammer (irc.thisisnotatrueending.com (port 6667))

>Lore Resources
[The Imperial Library] imperial-library.info/
[/r/teslore] reddit.com/r/teslore/
[UESP/Lore] uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Main_Page
[Pocket Guide to the Lore] docs.google.com/document/d/1AtsWXZKVqB4Q825_SwINY6z4_9NaGknXgeOknOCDuCU/edit
[Elder Lore Podcast] elderlore.wordpress.com/
[How to Become a Lore Buff] forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1112211-how-to-become-a-lore-buff/

>General Rules
This is NOT /tesg/ minus waifus, so behave properly.
Keep the squabbling to a minimum.
No waifus/husbandos

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seeing /tgesg/ dying like this is sad, while shit like wowlore is alive because of shitposting and furfags from Reddit, MMOC and WoW forums ends up there refuting their shit

Are grummites Daedra? I'm a lorefag myself, and I'd propose that they are Daedra, and their reproductive cycle is their 'waters of oblivion'. When one dies, it is born again as a pollywog. Is there evidence that they are /not/ Daedra?

They lay eggs which have been observed to hatch.
My guess is they're more like goblins but local to a plane of Oblivion. Maybe Sheogorath kidnapped a bunch of them millennia ago.

They are a wierd bunch. One "evidence" that they aren't daedra is that they don't drop daedra hearts, but then again not all daedra do in the games. They do drop eggs though.

>Mephala taught our ancestors the ways of secret murder, to be used against our enemies and even against our own in the place of all-out war, certainly "good" for our predecessors as they migrated across Tamriel and came into often-fractious contact with the Nords and Dwemer. We learned meticulous plotting and how to lie, ways to lure and trap our foes, how to manage complexity and predict outcomes. But few ask why this Daedric Prince would champion our people. The gullible fancy us chosen for our superior qualities and the cynical believe us a mere amusement for the Daedra, but these are both woefully simple-minded theories.
>We must keep in mind that the Daedra are incapable of creation. They can only imitate, manipulate, and exaggerate. Some of them do perceive mortals as mere playthings, but I do not suspect this of Mephala. She does nothing without purpose, perceives all of Aurbis as an interconnected system of action and consequence, and employs herself in spinning new threads to influence outcomes.

>To what end?
So why do you think Mephala became a patron for the Chimer/Dunmer?

>Azura's Star can capture Vivec and Almalexia's souls
Wow. Azura really doesn't fuck around, does she?

Have you read Azura and the Box?

It's no wonder the Dwemer disappeared

Decoy plot.

Why does any god become the 'patron' of any people?
Gods don't choose their worshipers, worshipers choose their gods.
The Chimer looked at Mephala and said, 'surely she is one of our stronger better ancestors, surely she is the one we must follow.'

>Gods don't choose their worshipers, worshipers choose their gods.
Not necessarily, the Khajiit wouldn't exist without Azura.

And so the Khajiit are forced to worship her?

1- She's not an ancestor, she's a Daedra
2- They followed Velothi, who said she was a "good" Daedra
3- Mephala helped the Chimer survive the trip to Resdayn and taught them things to help against the Dwemer
4- You missed completely the point of the question

Idea for the next game
>Vivec returns to Tamriel and brings with him an army of Dwemer
>Jyggalag returns with full power and sees vivec as a god, therefore wants to control Tamriel
>Jyggalag has already conquered 5 daedric realms
>Game takes place in black marsh where the player sides with either Clavicus Vile or Umbriel
Yay or Nay?


Nobody said anything about forcing, but she specifically chose to create the Khajiit. There's an implicit gratefulness there from the Khajiit for receiving her blessings.

I wanted Elf Khajiits as a playable option

you could just play Arena
how would he have an army of dwemer? why would vivec even come back?
it's a real shame, yeah
I'd wager they're really lesser Daedra.

>She's not an ancestor, she's a Daedra
"Daedra," as it is accepted by the Velothi people, translates to "Our Stronger, Better Ancestors"
And here's some Dialogue from Morrowind
>The Temple regards the Daedra as powerful ancestor spirits, similar to the Tribunal, but weaker and more capricious. Before the Tribunal, the Daedra were worshipped as gods by the Dunmer, but were undeserving of this veneration, since they harmed their followers as often as they helped them. When they became gods, the Tribunal became the Protectors and High Ancestor Spirits of the Dunmer. The good Daedra became loyal friends of the Tribunal, but the bad Daedra remained foul and treacherous.

>They followed Velothi, who said she was a "good" Daedra
Yes, and? They willingly chose to follow Veloth and learn what they could from the Good Daedra.

>Mephala helped the Chimer survive the trip to Resdayn and taught them things to help against the Dwemer
Mephala didn't literally come down to earth and help the Velothi. The Velothi survived in emulation of her, learning from her example, witnessing and heeding all she had to teach them. Hers the form they must achieve. This is where you see roups like the Morag Tong come into being, students of mephala, to which assassination is the greatest celebrant of life.

That's the worst idea ever. Nay.


Things are looking fairly grim, and it's sad.
But I guess all things wax and wane, if not die completely.

I thought it was cool

>frog posting

Anything in the lore suggest that Azura was Nerevar's lover?
Might explain why Vehk was so jealous of her.

I'm pretty sure Ayem was fucking Nerevar before Vehk came along and MUATRA'd him.

I thought Vehk was a member of his merc outfit years before he decided to bed and wed Ayem.
His marriage to Alma was politically motivated and loveless.
Question is if he had any genuine affection for Vehk, or just craved that herm pucci/peen.

Maybe, but I tend to doubt a Daedra would ever allow such a personal relationship
C0DA, What My Beloved Taught Me, and the 36 Lessons all imply that Nerevar had been been personally acquainted with Vivec prior to Almalexia.
Nerevar seemed to have saw something in the useless gutter-trash that was Vivec, which if I had to guess, was the reason Vivec came to love him. Whether Nerevar felt the same way, who knows. I tend to doubt it, the real Nerevar tends to strike me as the rather impersonal type. The wandering hero motivated by his goals and purpose more than anything else.

The only person Nerevar loved was Dumac period

Is that why he ate his heart?

>Is that why he ate his heart?
He didn't, Dagoth Ur killed Dumac

>Nerevar (Godkiller)
>He is said to have killed Dumac, the Last Dwarven King, and feasted on his heart

>While it's generally thought that the Chimer and Dwemer were at odds, one legend describes Dumac as the champion of Nerevar during the battle, and says Nerevar struck down Dagoth Ur when the latter slew Dumac.

Source: Five Songs of King Wulfharth

Buddy, you do realize the same exact source claims Wulfharth slayed Dumac too, right?

>you do realize the same exact source claims Wulfharth slayed Dumac too, right?

>The Doom Drum:

>Nerevar carried Keening, a dagger made of the sound of the shadow of the moons. His champions were Dumac Dwarfking, who carried a hammer of divine mass, and Alandro Sul, who was the immortal son of Azura and wore the Wraith Mail. They met Lorkhan at the last battle of Red Mountain. Lorkhan had his Heart again, but he had long been from it, and he needed time. Wulfharth met Sul but could not strike him, and he fell from grievous wounds, but not before shouting Sul blind. DAGOTH-UR MET DUMAC AND SLEW HIM, but not before Sunder struck his lord's Heart. Nerevar turned away from Lorkhan and struck down Dagoth-Ur in rage, but he took a mortal wound from Lorkhan in turn. But Nerevar feigned the death that was coming early and so struck Lorkhan with surprise on his side. The Heart had been made solid by Sunder's tuning blow and Keening could now cut it out. And it was cut out and Lorkhan was defeated and the whole ordeal was thought over.

>Red Mountain
>Their sorcerers lifted the mountain and threw it onto Shor, trapping him underneath Red Mountain until the end of time. They slaughtered the sons of Skyrim, but not before King Wulfharth killed King Dumalacath the Dwarf-Orc, and doomed his people

Honestly, the point being made is that nobody knows exactly what went down.

>Honestly, the point being made is that nobody knows exactly what went down.
One thing is clear: Nerevar had strong feelings for Dumac

You just want that fanfic to be canon.

>love tes lore
>games are mediocre
>love tes lore
>tes lore threads die

If you buckaroos embraced C0DA principles more, there would be more to talk about. Suit yourself.

According to some Daggerfall, the champions of Azura were described as her lovers, but in a more metaphysical sense: "The people of the Iliac Bay region believe that Azura bewitches some of her followers to become her "lovers" and "virtual slaves." Choosing Azura's self-serving decision instead of Vehk's advice must've been painful, though. Vivec seem to seriously hate her.

This book also seems to think Almalexia is Akatosh so it's shit

Let's hope TES VI inspires a new
hahaha wave of interest in the lore hahahaha, I can't say it

I'm sure Vehk was the first one of the Tribunal that Nerevar knew

Alright so does anyone here actually think Morrowind combat is legitimately good?

I can understand if you say it's not as terrible as some people say, but do people actually, unironically, and legitimately think it's good?

Also is there a lore explanation for the game mechanics of Morrowind?

>Alright so does anyone here actually think Morrowind combat is legitimately good?

y doe

I like the hit or miss system

Morrowind combat feels like a TTRPG

Hand-to Hand has problems though

>This book also seems to think Almalexia is Akatosh so it's shit
uh.. ok?
The fact that you would call our most comprehensive source into the various gods of Tamriel shit kind of concerns me, user.

The book is merely making the point that Almalexia fills many of the roles attributed to Akatosh as seen in the other religions of Tamriel, because, you know, the Time-God is mysteriously absent from just about every instance of Velothi myth, despite having a very important role in all the other preeminent belief-systems of Tamriel. It's not literally saying Almalexia is Akatosh.
Mind you other sources have noted Almalexia as having appropriated into herself aspects of many other various deities to achieve her apotheosis, all the same.

>Kyne and Mara and Dibella and sixteen Daedric elements: all contributed to the snake-faced queen when she touched the drum. Their sum? A Beauty Cala as none have seen. Cala! Wetness of Kingdom!

I understand the system and how your character will miss your enemy to simulate proficiency.
But I think the system would be better if attacks were simply slower, and miss chances were likewise readjusted to compensate for slower combat instead of the constantly spamming lmb nonsense.

It's been 15 years, does it even matter?
Also take mechanics discussions to /tesg/.

>is there a lore explanation for the game mechanics of morrowind
It's a valid question for this thread.

Obviously everyone in Morrowind is just a fucking spaz

They can spaz so fast that them dodging is invisible?

To address your img; I equated it to boxing. You knock-out your opponent ("sleep" them). When your opponent is unconscious, you can then continue to wail on them and they'll likely die, unable to defend themselves.

How come every game-franchise gets loads of novels but TES is completely left out?

There's two TES novels. They're not talked about a lot because only a few of us have read them.

Are they Good?


Dumac has ill fated short term relationships with Nerevar, Dagoth Ur, and Wulfharth. All three break his heart, the "slaying" is metaphorical. Afraid of being hurt again, Dumac takes his own life.

It has tons of novels in-game.

Nerevar at Red Mountain and The Battle of Red Mountain imply Dumac may have simply disappeared with the rest of the race.

Why does Daggerfall have the best stories?


She's playing around. Kinda boring when you are immortal.

Also she teamed up with Boethiah and Azura when dealing with the Chimer.
Boethiah even taught them the psijic way so they could ascend so as far as i'm concerned those thre chicks are maybe even just other Elves who ascended previously.

>She's playing around. Kinda boring when you are immortal.
>Some of them do perceive mortals as mere playthings, but I do not suspect this of Mephala

>M-maybe Mephala doesn't have divine levels of autism?

They're alright, and they give you a look at some stuff you'd generally never see in the games. But then they fuck off to some magical floating castle, which is extremely uninteresting.

A Dark Elf man killed his wife after catching her making love with another man.

When the magistrate asked him why he killed her instead of her lover, the man replied, "I considered it better to kill one woman than a different man every week."

"This orchard has sentimental value to me," said Mojhad, the Khajiit, to his friend, Hasillid. "Under that tree, for example, is where I first made love. And that tree, is where her mother stood, watching us."

"She watched you while you made love to her daughter?" said Hasillid, clearly impressed. "Didn't she say anything?"


I would also add Daggerfall and ESO. ESO has a lot of shitty things that are added for gameplay/vanity reasons (like Dunmer without red eyes, pink-skinned Altmer etc.) but the lore itself is more or less OK. Daggerfall is very hard to play, but has lots of cool tidbits.

I am very happy for your criticism, made me think! I would always look at this book as some bullshit written by unreliable narrator, but it made me want to delve deeper.

Dunmer like backstabbing?

>find khajiit interesting
>find argonians interesting
>both are claimed by furries and scalies

>(like Dunmer without red eyes, pink-skinned Altmer etc.)
>this is a Redguard in ESO


finally I can play as a redguard and not be ooga booga go back to yokuda

And this is a Redguard in Skyrim

Wasn't she Imperial?

>We were indeed people of colour and other folks of similar appearance.

can you post picture of pink-skinned Altmer?

Dunmer were a dissapointment all around in eso. Dunmer were always my favorite race because of how strange and alien they were while having such an interesting culture. In eso we got soy elves with shitty oriental architecture and absolutely autistic looking armor who were barely distinguishable from the altmer in the way they act. Badass mushroom/volcano elves turned into just stereotypical gay court life elves.

Just type in "Almer ESO" in google search. And it's not just skins of characters- there are some pink-skinned ones on loading screen arts as well.

>Dunmer like backstabbing?

Who in the Elder Scrolls universe doesn't like backstabbing?

>Nords will backstab you and boast about it to seem honourable.

>Bretons will find a way to backstab them selves to godhood again... Hjalti allready did it.

>Imperials consider it part of their culture.

>Wood Elves will backstab and eat you.

>Khajeet will certainly backstab you for a bottle of skooma.

>Argonians are too wierd but will still backstab you if they can gain power or expand Black Marsh.

>Altmer suck at backstabbing somehow. Not for lack of trying tho.

Her parents are Redguards, though in Skyrim mechanic children and elders are just separate beings. Still, lore-wise she's a Redguard.

Well, Dunmer are at least exceptionally good at it

Well Hjalti had to learn from example how to backstab his way to godhood.

When did the Argonians do anything?

Also 80% of them are thieves, bandits, smugglers or other assorted criminals.

The only reason they don't get shat on are:

>Simpathy for being enslaved by the Dunmer.

>Each of them talking ultra polite to the point of making it eriee.

I wouldn't really consider that backstabbing since nobody really trusted them beforehand. If they were to rob or assassinate somebody that considered them an ally then sure but just robbing somebody is different.

Any nice lore about grahls?

>tfw this is Zenimax's idea of Dunmer atire
You're being disingenuous. Of course every race is going to have their ways of backstabbing, just like every race is going to have their ways of upholding honor.
The Velothi culture however is literally founded in the marvel of three gods, two of which remarkably place heavy involvement to notion of betrayal, trickery, and stabbing your enemies in the back.

They basically just got turned into evil-looking high elves with strangly soft soy faces.

No, she's a Battle-born not a Redguard.

The are more like your run-of-the-mill fantasy dark-elves which is even worse.

I hope ESO is Bethesda's way of separating the wheat from the chaff so people who are actually talented can work on the next TES.


Compare shit like that with this. It makes me so sad.

Well, don't I have egg on my face?



Mothships, yeah or neigh?

>Daggerfall is very hard to play
It really isn't.



>making a fantasy world
>basically making an altered Earth with some magic sprinkled in
>tfw i want my world to be interesting but it'll never be as funky as morrowind

What else are you gonna fly to the moon in?