To the poor wreched races

Elves, Dwarves, Humans, Halflings. Come, let me show you True Beauty


True beauty is being a deformed autist?

It will be when everyone and everything is Horatio.

Must not be that perfect if you have to worry about being overthrown by your own clones.

Uhh... nope: Horatio isn't even on the list.

>endless faggotry

Vastly overrated games

I want to do something like this in a 40k campaign. Some rogue trader quadrillionaire actually manages to find some DAoT goodies that turn him and his crew into an instant superpower, and they decide to found their own little Imperium. Which, thanks to their mass-cloning and genetic engineering, isn't so little anymore...

Cloning, uh, doesn't work out well in 40k

Fuck you, buddy.

>I enjoy puddle-depth gameplay and bland design

>I enjoy puddle-depth gameplay and bland design
I too love TES

>bland design

I can understand thinking the games are a bit shallow in gameplay, but they easily have some of the most interesting and creatively designed fantasy and scifi elements from this decade.

Gaze, mortals. Gaze upon our superior forms.

Let me examine the major factions of their most recent game :

>muh science
>muh trade
>muh hivemind
>muh quarians were not a creative idea in the first place, let's make quarians 2
What appears is that they seem incapable to make a compelling non-cliche faction unless they throw around memes like "they plants" or "incomprehensible orthogonal universe". I find their aliens lack charm and life, they are mostly just small spins on pre-existing cliches, or literally humans with one single characteristic that defines them (ie first 2 of the list).
What I give them credits for is the design of their minor factions which are painfully numerous for a game that only has 9 that you can play.

>I find their aliens lack charm and life
But are they comfy? Do they have soul?

Because those are also buzzwords thrown around by people who have no argument but want to be seen disliking something.

>screaming "buzzword"
Not an argument

Well they are stronger and smarter than regular humans.

>What are Allayi
>What is the Cult of the Eternal End
I'll admit ES2 is probably the worst in the franchise, but it's suffering from the same decay that every series suffers from. Look at Space 1 or Legend if you want good race design.

go back to Jhangara

>But are they comfy?

You tell me.

It's true sometimes they actually have some GREAT ideas that they cherish. Which may be why the ES2 factions are so disappointing, because they're mostly spin-offs of better factions from other titles.

>What I give them credits for is the design of their minor factions

Bhagaba is easily one of the most creative concepts I've seen in years.

I'll give you Sophons, Lumeris, Vaulters, UE, and Cravers (although cravers have an interesting backstory imo, and UE has amazing aesthetic design even if the core concept is rather generic) but Unfallen, Vodyani, Riftborn, and Horatio are all pretty unique, or at least a fair bit more unique than most sci-fi alien civilisation concepts I see.

Nearly every faction in EL is great, but I personally didn't think ES1 had much going for it in that department other than Horatio, the rest were all either almost entirely generic sci fi stock (UE, Hissho, Cravers, Automatons, Sophons, Sheredyn) or generic with a slight twist (Harmony, Pilgrims, and Sowers)