Litecoin thread

So, bought at 320$ expecting a 2x but I obviouslee got screwed

Is this coin going to survive? Should I HODL?

Who else screwed up like I did and bought ath?

Been a LTC holder since double digits

Yeah you fucked up buying into the FOMO, never buy the FOMO.

Sell now if you want, by the end of Q1 LTC will be testing ATHs again

>r.eddit, the post


I put them into alts and made up the losses 3x, it's worth just to diversify it into some alts rather than wait.

Hold. Be patient.

it will break ATH again

it always do.

you just have to hold

Everything is okay user.

leave it alone WTF is wrong with all of you. you clearly aren't day trading so why aren't you wrapping your heads around simple shit. buy low sell high. sell your computer for more LTC

>sell your computer for more LTC
Nice logic. You are selling a medium for digital transaction and use that money to buy crypto.

>end of Q1
Yeah, Charlie will break the news after Chinese New year

it will never go up if you all keep selling it


Hold LTC until mid-February and you will see big gains. I guarantee it.

>I guarantee it.
Do you sell suits for a living?

I stupidly made a 10k transfer to coinbase to LTC @270 with the plan to use it to send to binance. It went to ATH and dropped to 250 before my transfer went through. Should have transferred to ETH. I made the loss back on XRP and XLM today but things could have been so much better.

You're fucked, m8.

LTC directionality parallels BTC. It's the same bet, and practically the same coin. Both should converge on a mean someday if BTC is really here to stay. Hold the coin and day trade alts to get your fix. Long term ETH has the most promise from a tech/utility pov. XMR may be the best implementation of the original vision.

I hold all the above , but no XMR.

I'm buying the dip simply on principle. Looks like some strange whale activity going on in the exchanges.

>strange whale activity
Please explain

multiple 1k LTC sell walls been put up and instantly pulled on gdax, seems like someones having fun trying to oscillate the market. The 1.7 billion on OKex LTC/BCH pair.

Usually once that stuff dies down in rubber bands back, pretty safe bet to get in while its below $240.

>multiple 1k LTC sell walls
Are you talking about sell order quantity per $1 increment?

>i'm taking my ball and i'm going home

No, I saw that too. None of those orders went through. They would be put up a few cents above market price and then pulled only to reappear at a different price when price shifted. Looked like bots.

Converted this shit into VEN 2 days ago

RIP...... This coin is dead ask your boy Charlie what he thinks

>i'm going home
Where is home, user? /b? I thought so

pretty much all in @ 220
have 10k in ICX so i dont get bored to death waiting for LTC to moon

the fact he's not excited by the buzz surrounding the announcement means it's nothing. this will be a death blow for litecoin. im cashing out, so long and thanks for the cash

Cut your losses and convert to it ETH

do you know how much money you could've made if you dumped that and put it into alts


>death blow for litecoin
Very likely