Weekend Warcraft Lore General

roleplaying as a 30,000 year old sorcerer edition

Discuss the lore and story of the Warcraft franchise and its application in and around traditional games.

>Document compendium: Contains official (ex-canon) DnD 3.x variants and a fan made DnD 5e version! Also contains the official Warcraft Chronicles volumes 1 and 2.

>Previous thread

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void elves

nst for cute draenei

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"My father once told me the world was gonna roll me I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed" -Jaina Produmoore

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Cute draenei are pretty cute.

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>Arthas fucked her and became the Lich King
>Kael'thas was just a beta orbiter and became a demon addicted crack fiend
>Thrall was SPECULATED by fans to love her and lost his shaman powers, hammer, and mantle as warchief
Is Jaina a literal black widow?

I love Draenei, literally built for sex

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Reminder that lightforging turns you into a 10/10 AND with an integral self-destruct.

Naaru cucks go away

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Don't be a sore loser.

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I can’t get enough of those cute little fangs, it adds a level of adorable to these images I can’t quantify.

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>All the Eredar out of work
>TFW Futa Eredar fat-fel cock immigration swarm soon
get em while they lasrt.

Oh god my heart.

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>you'll never have a loving draenei waifu or husbando

What nailing a corrupted eredar would be like?

Extremely pleasurable.

Reminder that she did nothing wrong.

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She disobeyed orders. That's a hanging.

>She disobeyed orders

She never betrayed the law. She is the law.

Didn't Malfurion tell her to let it go

Malfurion is not her superior. In fact, it would be a hard sell to say that Tyrande is her superior. Watchers are an entirely separate entity in NElf culture.

doubt it

t. Cuckfurion
How much happier is Tyrande now that the Gilneans gangbang her nightly?

>yfw Malfurion already has horns

She got in the way of the Illidari's plan of turning a literal third world continent into a bastion against the Burning Legion

This was right after Illidan proved that he was still on the night elves side by using them to save the night elf armies in 'The Brothers Stormrage'
He also apologized for being so edgy there and most night elves accepted he means well

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>She got in the way of the Illidari's plan of turning a literal third world continent into a bastion against the Burning Legion
No, he was set on conquering Outland by means of slavery, fel magic, and mass water poisoning. He cared nothing about it and was dead set only on scrapping together a large enough force of literally insane elves that he could meat grinder his way into killing Kil'jaeden and still live to claim the glory for himself.
He cared about nothing but showing off and proving that HE was the big hero who could do everything, even after leaving a trail of dead Night Elves, Blood Elves, Draenei, and Naga behind him.
The only reason at all that he helps Malfurion and the Night Elves is because he hoped to impress Tyrande by saving her while also getting his brother off his back.
Illidan's entire life is one of constant backstabbing for a 'greater good' where he can claim all the fame ans glory for himself.

Exactly. Illidan is based.

Shut up, Corvas. Just because he looked at you one day doesn't mean he loves you.

Illidan on the right

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Who cares. It's Outland. A literal floating continent in the middle of space on a time limit before it self restricts.
If he wanted to drive that into Argus and prevent the Legion expansion while the Alliance and Horde fight over night elf trees then they should let him.

Sounds like it was a problem that would of solved itself. And wasn't Garrosh from Outland? More problems solved.

*self destructs

But it wasn't self destructing. Aure parts like Hellfire, Netherstorm, and Shadowmoon were in bad shape, but the southwest portion was not only surviving, but recovering.

was that the plan of the Legion when the reopened the portal?

all of outland falls into the Nether, even Nagrand. It's destruction is only a matter of months

If the forsaken quietly kept to themselves instead of developing biological weapons would they be less hated by the living races? Even the horde harbors a strong distrust of the undead.

Yes. If the Forsaken went about their business like regular people they would be fine.

No. It is natural for all living creatures to despise unholy, mindless drones that inhabit the carcasses of their friends and family.

No, the undead are stinky.

Canonically, the answer is no.

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Somehow, the phrase "I never asked for this" always ends up being used when I'm on my undead priest.

Why would it be a valuable foothold if everyone is far south and traversing the maelstrom is a non-issue now?

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Oh great, more retcons. Magatha was the one tauren most in favour of letting the Forsaken join the Horde, but she doesn't even get a mention here.

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When is Baine going to crash Grimtotem's flight plan with no survivors?

this writing style feels so cheap and half the information presented is useless and filled with emotions and repetitive callbacks but I don't know how to criticize it because I not book learned--it's not written how a "chronicle" and info-repository ought to be written

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Doesn't change the fact that canonically, the Alliance kills Forsaken on sight and always has.

because blizzard is full of manchildren.

Baine couldn't crash a car with no steering wheel. He is the blandest motherfucker on Kalimdor, even with eagles on his knees.

What a shame. I propose that we induct him to the JUST FMSU association with priority.

Baine and Anduin are Azeroth's biggest cucks.

>If you kill your enemies they win

>Why would it be a valuable foothold if everyone is far south and traversing the maelstrom is a non-issue now?

i can't believe it's easier to attack the alliance from kalimdor than having a major base in lordaeron if the need arose

When will these people learn? The strong are strongest alone and the weak should fear the strong.

Baine is
Anduin was but the entirety of Legion was basically him learning that peace is good, but when they hit you, you knock them to the ground.

Just ask that troll shaman whose Soul has been slammed so far in the ground the Loa can't get it back.

Still not sure how a deer man fucked that.

except places like stonard, hammerfall and other the grom'gol camp already exist and can be used as good staging grounds.

Also the pregnancies added on a couple pounds.

True, she did give birth to seven kids.

I bet she looked like a bombshell before.

Why should he, High Chieftain of the Tauren, need to go around picking fights? It's not like he has anything to prove. Let the enemies come to him - he had no problem smacking voidboys left and right, or punching the Darkness itself in the face. Of all the Horde leaders, he held out longest on the Broken Shore.

So how big is the gap between the Third War and BFA? About 20 years now?

Xth for Draenei are dumb and added nothing to the game and people will defend them because they didn’t masturbate before coming to Veeky Forums

>didn’t masturbate before coming to Veeky Forums
Good sir, Veeky Forums gave me my fetish for Elves. /v/ and a bit of /aco/ gave me the one for Draenei.

Wrong. The retcons to the eredar that allowed for the draenei are legitimately entertaining and the story of the Eredar civil war has been one of the more interesting parts of the Burning Legion conflict.

He also had no problem defending the genocidal retard who fucking murdered his father.

Cairne was the one who demanded it be to the death.

He had plenty of problem with that until his dad's ghost showed up to reassure him. Also technically, Garrosh was the murder WEAPON. Magatha was the poisoner.


Got a source where Cairne demanded it be to the death and not Garrosh?

He's talking out of his ass. It went down like this:
>Twilight's Hammer orcs perform a false flag attack on a bunch of night elf and tauren druids, Hamuul is left for dead and is the only survivor
>Cairne confronts Garrosh about it
>Garrosh says he doesn't know who did it, but if he did he'd give them a FUCKING MEDAL
>Fuck you Garrosh, if you're gonna be like this then I challenge you for a wrassling match for your job
>Oh yeah? Fox only, no survivor, Final Destination!
>Fine! GOD you're an idiot!
>*muffled Magatha giggling in the distance*

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In other words that poster's head is the size of Garrosh's.

I like the cut of your jib, user.

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But Garrosh is the one who wants it to be to the death, that's what "the old rules" means. Cairne just said it out loud to be sure that's what he meant.

I wasn't the user, you're replying to I'm just providing the actual source so you guys can debate it. I think it's a bit of both, Cairne agreed to fighting to the death too

Did Magatha poison Garrosh's weapon because she didn't have confidence that he would be able to kill Cairne by force of arms alone?

I don't think her motivation is ever made clear, I'd have to properly read through the book to find out

Well, if that's the reason she did that, she was absolutely right, as all Garrosh managed to land was a light cut, after having his ass handed for most of the fight.

>Death Knights can summon Val'kyr waifus
>Warlocks can summon Shivarra Waifus
Where were you when the other classes were BTFO?

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It's cause he knows if he says not to the death, Garrosh will accuse him of cowardice, and that's not something that will sit well with the orcs.

I like being able to summon food and to fold space to different locations.

>Death Knight casts Anti-magic zone or summons a skeletal mage
>Warlock summons a Felhunter, Observer or any Demon Warlock

It was also to curry favour with Garrosh, to get him to support her coup in Thunder Bluff after Cairne's death.

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I'm just saiyan'.

I just realized something. I've pointed out before that the old Drogbar art was very bear-like, and that they were probably meant to be Blizzard's take on Bugbears. That they were probably intended to be Goblinoids.

Well, Ive been looking through concept artist pages, and only just now saw the filename here.

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>Death Knight can't enjoy said waifu because there's nothing left in his heart and soul except for hatred, sorrow, and a never ending desire to practice his rotations. Canonically
>Warlocks had to sacrifice their dicks because everyone knows that uncontained fel just shrivels you up like steroids.

Which on the other hand was a miscalculation on her part, as Garrosh was pissed off to no end that he will never learn which one of them would have won in a honorable combat.

Yeah, and then they get cucked by chad-Warriors/Paladins.

There is no such thing in Warcraft.

>implying DK's and Undead can't into love when canonically they can
>implying Warlocks wouldn't get even bigger, more powerful dicks due to Fel Mutations with even more addictive Fel laced semen

No no, it did work. Garrosh bought the "blessing" line hook line and sinker, up until smarter characters spelled things out for him.

Yeah, which is why he didn't helped Magatha in the coup.
That being said, not realizing that a small cut never would be able to fell Cairne that effectively shows that Garrosh is simply retarded. Must be something about being a Hellscream from Warsong Clan.

Are there Goblins? Are there Goblin relatives? Then there are Goblinoids. Blizzard steals a ton of ideas from anything. Drogbar is just a twist on "Bugbear".

Fel shrivels one up good. Why do you think the green orcs are so mood swingy? Because they're junk is small
Why do you think Kil'Jaeden is so butthurt? Because Velen and friends are the only "eredar" with properly working dicks.

And canonically the undead can only really "fake" love. There's a book about it in the Order Hall version of Archerus.

so, the Forsaken were willing to ally themselves with Alliance, but the humans slaughtered them directly without even listening to them?

Look at all these "Drogbar" concept art file names!

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