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Flying edition

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>Mechanics doc (For the making of color pie appropriate cards)

>Color Pie mechanics

>Read this before you post cards for the first time, or as a refresher for returning cardmakers

>Design articles by Wizards

>Primer: NWO and Redflagging

>Q: Can there be a sixth color?
A: pastebin.com/kNAgwj7i

>Q: What's the difference between multicolor and hybrid?
A: pastebin.com/yBnGki1C

>Q: What is precedence?
A: pastebin.com/pGxMLwc7

>Do we really need all these Art Sources?

>/ccg/ sets (completed and in development)


Attached: Primer 3.png (1400x1660, 2.37M)

Attached: Into the Wind.png (375x523, 237K)

The most telegraphed wincon in all of Magic.

Attached: Master Plan.jpg (375x523, 44K)

It's also pretty mediocre if you cast it regularly. Even if you have a lot of ways to not "cast" spells, i don't think its worth it.
Ascend is such a meh mechanic

Speaking of Ascend, I have a slightly similar shitty mechanic.

Attached: Destined Soldier.jpg (375x523, 45K)

Attached: Butterflies in the Sky.png (375x523, 251K)

Attached: Fly Twice as High.png (375x523, 225K)

I don't think this would be good even if it worked with tokens.

>draw two at instant speed if there is a creature with flying on the battlefield

Attached: Early Bird.png (375x523, 215K)

Attached: Turtledove.png (375x523, 176K)

It's actually better because you can more easily acquire it. You just have to play 5-color or run a splash of some off-color duals, among the plethora of other ways to do it. I actually sort of like it.

Attached: Retaliator Angel.jpg (744x1039, 279K)

Attached: Enlightenment.jpg (744x1039, 330K)

Tamiyo emblem on a sorcery is too strong.

Attached: Call for Heroes.jpg (744x1039, 296K)

Not sure about the wording in Eater of Memories.

Attached: Artifact Stuff.png (1025x715, 1.25M)

The way I have it implemented for spells isn't very good though. I also need a better name for the mechanic.

You can just have the eater do all that as an "as ~ enters the battlefield" effect. There's nothing that forces it to be a trigger. I don't like how big the numbers are(mana cost and amount exiled). The other one seems weak.

Attached: Sun Fall.jpg (375x523, 47K)

Oops it's not supposed to be legendary.

Attached: Retaliator Angel.jpg (744x1039, 276K)

Hope I'm not too late

Attached: False Sympathy.jpg (375x523, 37K)

Attached: Treasure Cobra.jpg (375x523, 40K)

Attached: Pax.jpg (375x523, 35K)

What if i were to make Eater cost 3UU and he only exiles ten cards, better?

Do you think Chamiranite would be too strong if his ability just cost X or would he be weak either way.

>looking through my old Eldritch Moon cards
>realize all the escalate cards are WRB and all the emerge cards are UGb
This seems lame. What's some other mechanics that seem woefully under-explored?

no P/T
>You may choose to gain that much life instead
>if it's a land card, draw two cards

I would like suggestions on this card.

I based it around Emperor Crocodile and the likes of Ember Beast.

I'm not sure if I should add red because of the "can't attack or block alone" ability and if then, as a multicolored creature, it should be any stronger.

Other issue I have is with 6 power and trample. By turn four this creature shouldn't have much impediment to play, and it is quite a cheap heavy hitter for a common card.

Attached: blueforestbeast.jpg (750x1046, 311K)

I think it would be better as a 5/5 to stop it from being to strong to early (That's a very easy turn 3 with a mana dork that offsets its weakness) but conditional creatures like that is quite the downside since you can essentially be two for one'd by another creature dying.

Attached: trickery.png (748x523, 613K)

Attached: They Might Be Giants.png (375x523, 283K)

You missed out red on the effect. So if you're trying for the 5/4/3/2/1 effect How about.
>Gain 5 life. Deal 4 damage to each creature. Create a 3/3 beast. Each opponent (randomly?) discards 2 cards. Draw a card.
You can swap them around by preference. I'd prefer WUBRG order but draw 4 is too strong, and reverse wubrg gain 1 life is too weak.
You're paying 5 colors for this. It needs to be raw advantage.

4 Master Plan
4 Street Wraith
4 Pact of Negation
4 Monstrous Carapid
4 Dead Shot Minotaur
2 Jesshian Zombies
4 Nimble Obstructionist
2 Pale Recluse
4 Bant Soujourners
4 Vizier of the Tumbling Sands
Lands 24
4 Mana Confluence
4 City of brass.
2 island
1 plains
2 forest
1 swamp
2 Canyon slough
2 Irrigated Farmland
2 Scattered Groves
2 Sheltered thicket
2 Fetid Pools

You are now playing a bad version of living end. You die so hard to blood moon, counterspells and anything that can kill you before turn 5. Well done.

Copy the zada hedron grinder text for resonance. I don't like the idea of an elf resonance card allowing you to target a single elf 13 times. Also giants are generally a boros tribe so +2/+1 and trample in red might be more appropriate.

Still on vacation, but I finally found some decent WiFi (that isn't blocked) to post an idea I had. Based on how the Chimera of myth has three heads, one of a lion, a goat, and a snake (though it's mostly just a tail). For those who may complain about the Goat being R, IIRC, most Goats, or at least Goat cards, in Magic have actually been R.

And I know the backside of a DFC has no mana cost, but MTG.Design doesn't give me tri-color color indicator choices.

Attached: download.jpg (1488x1039, 298K)

I also wasn't entirely sure on the colors and keywords. I know the Snake has to have Deathtouch and be G or B, but almost everything else is subject to change.

One more whil I'm here.

Attached: Pearly Nautilus.jpg (744x1039, 152K)

5 mana is a bit excessive for a hexproof trick, and making thd enchanted creaturehaed to kill works against the bestow

>You missed out red on the effect.
The "win the game" part is the red effect.

I think this is fair. It's color intensive in colors with little to no ramp, good and cool design. Don't drop it below a mythic for the love of god

Attached: Swarm Breeder.jpg (744x1039, 487K)

Attached: Knight of the Phoenix.jpg (744x1039, 557K)

Attached: mindstye.jpg (744x1039, 299K)

For Dominaria. Pretty sure it's finished though. One more round and I'll keep it in the finished folder.

OK, how about remove Flash and make it 3/3? Card cost 3U, Bestow cost 4U?

Cool idea, but I'm pretty sure Egg isn't a type. I think you'd have to make the 0/1 tokens Insects. You could always just change the ability to
>[...] create a 0/1 black Insect creature token with defender and "When ~ dies, exile this token and create a 2/2 black Insect creature token with flying."

Actually, now that I think about it, this might be a bit weak at rare, but I'd have to do more research to be sure.

Nice. But no Haste?

Attached: 1518656584126.jpg (375x523, 45K)

Decided to rename the mechanic to "transcend". Also, cards will no longer have direct synergy with transcend. They will only indirectly benefit through having color heavy activated abilities.

Attached: Destined Soldier.jpg (375x523, 43K)

Hmm. I'd like this more if the ping was more like Boros Reckoner, where you have more freedom over how the ability triggers and what you target with it.

Make it
>Ultimate power [cost]
and put it first on the card. It would essentially work like Kicker.

Man you've posted these cards a lot. Which is fine, though I think they're both pretty much done now. Although, Jadis does seem out of place now since the card doesn't really have anything B going on anymore.

Interesting idea. Reminds me of a card I made. A ping spell flavored as an arrow volley, it was copied when cast for each Archer you control.

>as though it were mana of any type.
I actually like the idea of WUBRG activated abilities, but I'm not sure about this. Maybe just make it until end of turn?

Attached: 1520695839476.jpg (375x523, 57K)

Attached: Dravog Rareblossom.jpg (744x1039, 294K)

Inspired by a card an user made, Witch of the Wick. I liked the idea of that card, but I didn't like how that card made Candle tokens that didn't actually do anything. So here, there's a tradeoff. You can sac the tokens to ramp yourself a bit, or let them accumulate for the card's ability.

Attached: Lantern Mage.jpg (744x1039, 152K)

>and put it first on the card. It would essentially work like Kicker.
It completely misses the point if you can't pay the colors over two payments.

And another. Might make a cycle for this. Not sure what to do with G though. Maybe just draw X, but what artifacts work in G?

Hmm, point.I guess doing it from the graveyard then is the only feasible way to do it.

Attached: Grave Mage.jpg (744x1039, 163K)

>Hmm. I'd like this more if the ping was more like Boros Reckoner, where you have more freedom over how the ability triggers and what you target with it.

I thought that would make it too strong.

Well, it's only 3 CMC and this is 5 CMC. But I could be wrong, see what other people say about it.

I think flash makes it very potent. Flash it in, block favorably so it kills something, deal some damage to your opponent, attack with a flying 4/4 next turn. Also I think even just 1 more toughness with that kind of ability makes a pretty big difference.

Here's another transcend card. No idea how strong it is.

Attached: Enlightened Chameleon.jpg (375x523, 51K)

Producing mana like this is a red effect.

Way overcomplicated. How about
>WUB: ~ gets +1/+1 and gains flying until end of turn, and up to one target creature an opponent controls gets -1/-1 until end of turn. Transcend.

Creative and interesting but no fucking idea about the power level.

I know. But I really like the idea of a cycle of cards like this.

Attached: Amber Mage.jpg (744x1039, 186K)

Using the half mana as a place holder. Is this effect understandable? It's basically mana that can be spent twice(twin mana).

Attached: Bellows Holder.jpg (375x523, 48K)

Last two.

Attached: download (1).jpg (1488x1039, 297K)


I don't get it.

It means that if you spend one red twin mana on a cost, you get one red normal mana afterwards.

How about using a simpler formula, like "Add R. If you use this mana, add another R."? Different user here.

(To your mana pool is omitted because Dominaria)

Using the new wording is funky. I have to admit though, I like the "they" change. Anything that saves space and makes sense is fine by me. I'm honestly surprised we haven't seen more people in here gloating over it.

It begs the question "how is this different from adding RR to your mana pool" since presumably twin mana would also empty from the pool as normal, so you'd still have the same window in which to spend it.

Treasure kinda screws this up, since it's functionally better and you can basically do all these cards using it by just saccing artifacts, or Treasure, and it becomes far less parasitic.

Attached: Daring Escape.png (375x523, 254K)

And even then, it's useless because of how mana ability works. Just use the classic RR and you're fine.

Anyway, here's a couple of cards definetively NOT good on some players. Looking for Red and Black artworks, can't find anthing good here.

Attached: BannedInPauper.jpg (750x1046, 350K)

Extremely undercosted. Removal+bounce or burn/bounce? For 2?
Might wanna make it target creature you control.

Hm yeah, Backlash agrees with you. I'll make it "creature you control".

Loving the Dollar Hate

Attached: Devils on Both Shoulders.png (375x523, 293K)

Interesting idea. Though I feel like some people would go all the eay with this just on turn 2, even if it's just to fill a graveyard with Flashback.

Attached: flight.jpg (1875x523, 337K)

Because you're not suppose to be able to spend both R on the same cost.

Attached: Giant Decapod.png (744x1039, 741K)

Hello, hope y'all are having a good day : )

Typically blue is the color that gets flying support anthems, not white.

Seems playable. Probable powerhouse in limited.

Black gets flying because demons, but it basically never interacts with flying in any meaningful way outside of that.

Meh. Cracking skulls for 8 with flying seems a little overbearing for limited, even in the rare slot.

Of all the cards, this one is the one that most points out why this "Flying matters" design space is poor when trying to bleed it into all colors. Keep it to W/U, where it belongs.

Attached: Mysterious Outsiders.png (375x523, 223K)

Attached: Crucius, Returned.jpg (744x1039, 266K)

Not really, but eh, them's the breaks.

Well, I gotta say that this really feels more WU to me. The first part especially, even if it's "replacing" the creature, still feels W because W gets exile effects that replace what's removed. I guess if it were a Mythic it might be okay in monoU, but I feel like we're looking at a gold card here. Also feels a lot like a Legendary. I'm not too sure on the cost, but I will say the card itself is pretty cool overall.

No idea how to cost this, or even if I worded it right. Just popped into my head.

Attached: Bauble Hawker.png (375x523, 261K)

I think a better wording for something like that would be;
Whenever an artifact is put into your graveyard from the battlefield, if it was sacrificed, you may exile it. If you do, return up to one target artifact card from your graveyard to your hand.

This is a bit more in line with how MTG traditionally works. Replacement effects get very weird and should be avoided if your ability can just be a trigger.

>Whenever you sacrifice an artifact, you may exile it. If you do, return target artifact card from your gravey to your hand.
I think.

Goes nicely in a BR Hollow One deck I suppose.

Nice. Though shouldn't he be an artifact creature? Oh, and the name reads better without the comma. Just "Crucius Returned."

Attached: 1515950854215.jpg (750x523, 153K)

i'd love this shit for EDH

Eliza of the Keep
Legendary Creature - Human Wizard
Whenever another creature card is put into a graveyard from anywhere, you may pay UBR. If you do, exile that card and create a token that's a copy of it, except it's a black Zombie in addition to its other colors and types.
T: ~ deals 3 damage to target creature or player. That player or that creature's controller discards a card, then puts the top card of his or her library into his or her graveyard.

Eh, ping is too much. How about this instead?

Do people build decks around that card?

Attached: Eliza of the Keep.jpg (744x1039, 206K)

Demigod isn't a type.

Still on vacation, so I'm doing well.

Eh, I don't like the idea of U being able to freely turn things into tokens. Makes it too easy to hard remove them combined with all of U's flicker and bounce. Maybe use some sort of marking counter?

Yeah I waffled pretty hard between "if" and "whenever" here; I think I'll change it and go with the second suggestion; it feel like it works and is a bit more succinct. Thanks mangs.


Not bad; seems like it'd be fun to play with. Seems fair too.

Attached: Perparation.png (375x523, 204K)

Damn is dead as fuck today.

So, a few weeks ago we were talking about the annoying problem of a lack of a decent U/B evergreen keyword. Back then I did try to come up with some stuff with not that satisfying results.
Anyway, I'm here with another round, tell me what you think.

Attached: UB Evergreen ONE.jpg (375x523, 43K)

Attached: UB Evergreen TWO.jpg (375x523, 46K)

Attached: UB Evergreen THREE.jpg (375x523, 50K)

I think that it would be cooler if it created 0/1 (I mean they are butterfly), but it was an instant and didn't care about your nontoken creature having flying.
Basically it would be a sort of fog you could also "exploit" with mass pumps.

Why not reducing the cost by 3 since that's the CMC of the card itself and it's already three colors?
It's a cool card anyway.

Too strong and the may is really unnecessary.

Well designed cards. Simple but interesting.

Slightly better than Skulk but not really that great overall. I guess since UB being the opposite of G, having a mechanic thats opposite of a G mechanic (basically) makes some sense, but I'm pretty sure that's what they were trying with Skulk.

The thing I don't like about this is your creatures with it are always going to get +1/+1 on each of your turns at least once. It's too predictable. For something like this, you want more of a Prowess or Landfall frequency.

I think I did this or something similar once, but it turned out to be a touch too narrow.

Good efforts. I'm one of the people who has considered making a UB evergreen one of my ongoing design challenges. I haven't been successful, but I keep at it. So should you. I'll toss up a few of mine for fun. None of them are terribly good. Cunning is "not!Vigilance" and while it has some differences in play, nobody seemed convinced it was worth it.

>Hawker and Preparation
Thanks. So you think the wording on Hawker is alright? I'm still up in the air on it myself, but it was tentatively changed to match the earlier suggestion.

Attached: Essence Sage.png (375x523, 256K)

>UB mechanic 2/?
I liked this one, and I don't recall why people didn't. I guess because telegraphing things isn't very appealing. I thought it made for a nice "fixed" Suspend and felt kinda UB, but I'm sure someone will remind me why it was a bad idea.

Attached: Foretold Expulsion.png (375x523, 253K)

This one was bad because it was okay for Draft, bad for Constructed, and great for EDH, or at least as I recall.

Attached: Oracle of Woe.png (375x523, 227K)

>Slightly better than Skulk but not really that great overall. I guess since UB being the opposite of G, having a mechanic thats opposite of a G mechanic (basically) makes some sense, but I'm pretty sure that's what they were trying with Skulk.
Yeah, I agree with pretty much all of this. I'm never been a fan of skulk from the moment they revealed it. Aside from the fact that unblockable is a pretty non-interactive ability, it had the problem of working worse the stronger the creature you would get, which is a really feel bad thing to do. "Stealth" solve the second part of the issue, but not the first.

>The thing I don't like about this is your creatures with it are always going to get +1/+1 on each of your turns at least once. It's too predictable. For something like this, you want more of a Prowess or Landfall frequency.
But it won't get the obligatory +1/+1 during your opponent's turns, making them stronger on the offense than the defense, which is pretty fitting for UB in my opinion.

>I think I did this or something similar once, but it turned out to be a touch too narrow.
I'll trust your word on that one. But did you consider that it trigger also when you return a creature you control to your hand or when you sac somebody?

Yeah, I also was thinking about that one. But at the end of the day is way too similar to Vigilance, I agree with the other.
Also it's kinda a white mechanic in virtue of Masako the Humorless. Speaking of old off-color mechanics, I think both Provoke and the Gustcloak ability could have worked for UB.

>But it won't get the obligatory +1/+1 during your opponent's turns, making them stronger on the offense than the defense, which is pretty fitting for UB in my opinion.
I've never really seen UB as "aggressive" in terms of creatures; I always saw it as a "biding its time" combo, where you set yourself up for a big blowout. That's just me though, maybe.
>But did you consider that it trigger also when you return a creature you control to your hand or when you sac somebody?
Yes, but again, consider how much space Prowess covers, by comparison. It covers all the removal spells, Auras, artifacts, etc. It's not something that's reliable as clockwork like drawing, but happens enough to plan around. Only certain decks will have enough removal to make that work, or sac enough creatures, or both. So it's still a touch narrow overall, and really it favors B over U heavily, which is another reason it isn't the best idea.
Yeah, maybe, but every so often WotC re-establishes it as white, so we'll never see it. Provoke... eh. U maybe but not really B.

Another card based on a character mentioned in flavor text. Associated with Swamps and the Nightstalkers (a creature type basically non-existent outside of Portal Second Age).


Hmm, seems OK. Maybe even common?

Meh, just slightly better Skulk.

Eh, I'd like it more if it didn't specify first, second, and third. Not in love with it though.


Never liked this idea. Just a weird version of Vigilance.

Exile the card... from where?

Disgusting in singleton. Besides, Wizards tends to design the other way around, penalties for casting a card with the same name as a card in a graveyard, at least for B.

Attached: Tojira, Swamp Queen.jpg (744x1039, 171K)

>I've never really seen UB as "aggressive" in terms of creatures; I always saw it as a "biding its time" combo, where you set yourself up for a big blowout. That's just me though, maybe.
I guess the UB color identity is not very well established. They tried to make it the mill combination, but mill sucks.
>Only certain decks will have enough removal to make that work, or sac enough creatures, or both. So it's still a touch narrow overall, and really it favors B over U heavily, which is another reason it isn't the best idea.
It also trigger when a creature is returned to hand which is something U does pretty often both on the other and on its own.
What if instead triggered on any non-land permanent instead of just creatures?
Or what if instead of giving a boring +1/+1 just made the creature unblockable this turn?

It's really just suspend 1 but less clunky. It's ok, but I'm not too charmed. I mean, part of the fun of suspend come from coordinating different spells far out in the future. With suspend 1 it's usually pretty banal when you should use it and when not.

I don't like it at all. I mean it's ok on individual cards, but I would want it as a set mechanic, let alone an evergreen one.

I'll post my anime shit here and nobody will stop me.

Attached: Usagi.jpg (375x523, 43K)

>Eh, I'd like it more if it didn't specify first, second, and third. Not in love with it though.
I added that limitation to prevent weird interactions (e.g. Yaw's Bargain / Enter the Infinite) in which your 1/1 explode into 27/27 or something.
But maybe it wasn't really necessary.

Seems fine. My only issue is that all mono B, swamp matter EDH decks play the same, not that is the fault of your card.

Attached: Dominator.jpg (375x523, 43K)

Huh, I was worried about it popping up too often in draft, but I guess with the drawback it's fine? I won't complain.
>Exile the card... from where?
Ah, yeah maybe that's the problem. From your hand. Ha. How did I not notice that? Is it redeemable now?
Hm. I miss the old Nightmare mechanics that cared about Swamps. It's one reason I liked Lili of the Dark Realms a lot. This seems fine to me, but the card itself not having some kind of keyword like Menace or something makes it feel a bit lackluster.

Yeah I dunno how you'd fix/save Curiosity. Cards after the first maybe but that's super narrow. Also naming it that is probably not a good idea due to the spell of the same name.
I like that it's less complex. Suspend gave you too much to keep track of, in my opinion. This is more like Rebound, so it's easier to keep in mind.
Yeah, and they have never made an ability word evergreen to boot. Probably never will either.

Attached: Misakas clone.jpg (375x523, 54K)

I miss y'all.