
Apparently the new Masters set can be mapped. (people know in what packs the value rares are)

Why did Wizard fuck it up again?

Attached: MTG-Masters-25-Packaging.jpg (730x533, 57K)

Other urls found in this thread:

They are almost identical in mapping too, the only difference I saw was the left most packs. As you can see, The second box starts at the L3 pack, and then goes around, but instead of Mikokoro, you get Jace.

Box 1

L1 Gisela, Blade of Goldnight
L2 Pact of Negation
L3 Fortune Thief
L4 Flash
L5 Mystic Snake
L6 Mikokoro, Center of the Sea
L7 Fetid Heath
L8 Azusa, Lost but Seeking

M1 Bident of Thassa
M2 Hanna, Ships Navigator
M3 Elvish Piper
M4 Izzet Chemister
M5 Triskaidekaphobia
M6 Magus of the Wheel
M7 Twilight Mire
M8 Imperial Recruiter

R1 Reef Worm
R2 Hell's Caretaker
R3 Blue Sun's Zenith
R4 Decree of Justice
R5 Blood Moon
R6 Notion Thief
R7 Tree of Redemption
R8 Plague Wind

Box 2

L1 Fortune Thief
L2 Flash
L3 Mystic Snake
L4 Jace, the Mind Scupltor
L5 Fetid Heath
L6 Azusa, Lost but Seeking
L7 Gisela, Blade of Goldnight
L8 Pact of Negation

Mid and right are the same as Box 1

Also watch

RIP Wizards
Rosewater is getting a gun to shoot up the place right now.

a buddy of mine is saying the same thing happened in ktk but i had never heard about it and i cant find any sources? is this the first time its happened?

They fucked up the moment they decided to not fix their scam of a game


It happens fairly regularly, and yes Khans had mappable fetches. If you never heard about it that's probably because mappers rarely announce their work because the less people in on it the easier it is to abuse.

This is M25 though, where packs are LITERALLY lottery packs with a buy-in rate of $10 USD. Mappable packs are a disaster for this kind of set.

I never said it wasn't? Personally I'd say it's only a disaster for WotC. Re-sellers can map boxes and only open $$ packs and sell the rest, meaning people that buy singles get those cards for cheaper and the only people who get fucked are the stupid consumers that buy lotto packs. It hurt's the lowest common denominator and WotC, but for us it's actually good news.

Not only that but Jace was proved to be seeded

Wizards can’t even jew their customers right

MaRo use a gun? Please, I can't imagine him wielding a firearm in frustration let alone a nerf bat.

it's dead jim

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>on pre-order



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time to get comfy and watch this shit burn

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I don't have a relevant picture to express my enjoyment so have a sexy gobbo

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Pic 100% related.

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just for comparison's sake, what's the usual price of a box ?

200 dollary doos

There's a billion sites which log daily prices

Why make a second thread when the other one is still up?

I believe Masters retail is around $240 and retailers start getting fucked hard at $160. Like, if it sinks under that you are probably losing money by selling it.

Reddit go home.

Are booster boxes from other parts of the world different? Or can they be mapped like the American ones?

It's the same pattern but flipped vertically for countries below the equator


Australians should be the most careful so the boxes don't fall into the sun.

oh shi-

Those fingers nasty bruh

I just looked and didn't see a thread about this.


thanks amigo.

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What am I looking at?

>other stores cracking cases can't replicate this
I don't even dislike Rudy but we do need some visual confirmation from other store owners.

Rudy invested in a ton of shitty "Magic Gift Packs" and now he just throws them at people till they buy one.

non mtg player

whats the implication here? Is there a way to make money off this?

there is only a way to lose money lol

This means packs can be opened by bigger stores to find the good constructed rares only, and have the chaff be in the remaining packs.
Anyone who buys that chaff is fucked 10bux out, this'll also flood the market with the singles of good stuff from the store.
Either this'll keep the price high (for some yes, for others like Recruiter fuck no) or it'll tank hard.
Considering how the pre-order prices fell to 170 to 160 bucks a box instead of 220-240, this set is another failure for Wizards. Of course they did make their money off it already from the LGSes buying, but this means less product will be bought in the future, like how the LGSes who bought IMA a lot and got burned bought fewer A25.

Yes. Basically you can find out which packs have the money cards, crack them for those cards which sell for more of the booster, sell those cards, then sell the rest of the (compartivately) worthless packs for their full price.

In theory.

Now that the cat is out of the bag, far less likely to happen as anybody paying attention won’t buy loose boosters or unsealed boxes. Plus with the flood of “money cards” those cards will lose value faster.

It’s basically a clusterfuck where nobody wins, not even people buying a box to draft.

>buy a box
>open the first few packs
>check it with the catalogue of mapped boxes to find out which standard box arrangement this is
>Crack open all the chase rare packs with rares of value >= $10, sell all the ones with lower value for RRP.

What it means is:
Investors can get much higher return per box, as they'll be selling packs for a minimum of $10 each, discounting the first few, and always getting the full potential of a chase rare, rather than accidentally selling them off sealed
>Chase rare prices drop relatively speaking
>Buyers of boxes and packs plummet though, due to fears of intentional undervaluing of boxes, or of mapping sold packs
>End result is that the people who can afford to map their boxes make tonnes of money, everyone else suffers, people looking to buy singles might get them a bit cheaper.
>Confidence lowered in wizards

Of particular note is that really chase cards like Jace are seeded exceptionally rarely, and is seemingly bundled with a load of useless trees, so the expected return of a pack might be much lower than expected, due to lower proportions of chase cards.

Nice, we're inching closer to the 140 mark with every passing week.

The set isn’t mappable you retards it’s just the cuts aren’t randomized as much, you still can’t map it go ahead and try

Is there a MTG news site that isn't just a bunch of WOTC shills?

Yes, it's called Veeky Forums

>where nobody wins
Well technically the winners are people who find out in advance and dont get scammed by shit stores and online booster sales.
Hell even drafting is suspect.

Its like cheating, its very important that everyone learn common cheating methods so that they can be on the lookout for people who cheat.

Do you think the boxes could ever drop as low as 100? What would collectively happen if it dropped that Fucking badly

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>What would collectively happen if it dropped that Fucking badly
Jace prices drop more than expected. Imperial Recruiter at 20 dollars. Who knows.

>All they had to do was replace the tree with Lili.

and actually randomize the cards too, I guess, that would have been nice....

somebody inside WOTC is sabotaging them hard to dump their value before his masters buy it from Hasbro

Every day, this conspiracy becomes more believable...

Will this be looked back at as the worst era of MTG ever?

Like, even Legends is looked back on with fondness nowadays. Homelands is something of a "So bad it's good" b-movie of a set now. The stuff happening these days is just sad...

Legends has so super OP shit for EDH though. This new stuff has little to nothing.

More like "Oh yeah, that's the era Fatal Push came from." than anything else. It doesn't even have the strong lore/flavor that Kamigawa had.

Masques era will always be the worst era of Magic in my heart. Absolute shit cards, absolutely horrible art, fucking Gerrard on every single card in both artwork and flavor text, and a standard format where there is exactly one viable deck and that deck's mirror involves no skill and is solved entirely by coinflip. Nothing can beat that. Every card in Dominaria could be just a photo of MaRo's withered old man penis and I'd still think that was a better block than Masques-Nemesis-Prophecy.

However, it is a pretty shitty time right now to be a Magic player, I ain't gonna lie about that.

>Masques era will always be the worst era of Magic in my heart.
Alright, you got me. That was a pretty bad era...

They got to him:

I think they have evidence of what he did in Tijuana in 2009.

Maro put a gun to our boys head.

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trips confirmed

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Tree with Lili means there's only one green mythic and three black mythics (not including multicolor). And they wanted to have two of each color.

>Mark Rosewater killed Chris

no wonder his sig is so fucking expensive.


Mexico Rudy coming soon

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I kek'd
Seems he just got super (un)lucky

While not identical at all, there seemed to be a rather large number of identical cards between boxes and the prior box(es).
So it's randomized, but not as well as it should be, it would seem. Or something else going on at some point or another.

It looks a lot like the RTR randomization. You have the same tracks through boxes and a couple pack substitutions but that's it. I'm betting this set is map-able, and the tracks are figured out pretty quick.

Credit voucher is the best card (in foil) from masques. God bless credit voucher

How is it good news for us? Unless you buy a full box. The people working at you local game store will get the good stuff before you can.

Nut that user but that exactly right, they will open the singles and sell them. This will flood the market with the money cards lowering the prices for smart people that don’t crack packs to get cards.

Desolator had almost an exact same box as box 1.

They are mapped.

>YFW wotc is kill

Attached: Fuura.jpg (440x330, 32K)

>>YFW wotc is kill
So you don't really care I assume?

Delete Doomsday, put in a green mythic that isn't ass. Problem solved.

I'm very optimistic about it

That doesn't look like a very optimistic face to me. It looks moderately happy; the face you make after getting out from work

Her defining trait is being optimistic about everything

I didn't watch that show

All the better to grip the bedsheets with user

You're missing out, one of the rare instances of intelligent dark humor in comedy anime. Also quite artsy at times.
A good show

I tend to avoid pure comedy anime made after the 90s since modern anime humor tends to be too mundane and sitcom-ey for me.

I like weird artsy shit, and looking through screenshots this seems to be the sort of thing I'd like