How to taxfree cash out coins ? Taxfree BTC cash out would be best.

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you start by getting better taste in women

then you go fuck yourself

Tax free?

Good fucking luck bro.

IRS always wins.

>inb4 bitflur niggers

Use salt to get a loan out

That's the whole meme, user - you can't, and you fell for it. Enjoy your virtual coins.

Sell it for at or below the price you bought it at.
I am sure you can find someone on localbitcoins who would pay you through paypal if you are selling it at below market prices.

are you australian?

you don't faggot, you get a btc card and spend it on that.

I don’t understand the whol allure for selling BTC through PayPal?? Can someone explain pls

i am. So if you have any info, cough up

Simple, just don't pay taxes. Claim it as an LLC

literally gay. Go suck a dick, you know you want to

Fellow aussie that could use some tax dodging advice.

This pic makes me cum a river every time I see It. I would even give to here 5% of my REQ to be able to fuck her

Leave the country and never return (not that you could if you did this)

>For not liking some minger
Lmao you can go to any bar on any given day and fuck better for free
Look at that rat face

Either you're ugly as fuck, or you just have bad taste

you're going to have a hard time cashing out significant sums without raising attention from your bank and the ATO. i've made a quite a large amount from crypto and eventually when i do cash out i'm just gunna pay the tax and fuck them off for good. it's bullshit but that's how it is.

If you got more of the girl we might have something to talk about

just blew a really good load thank you user

why are women the worst?


Real men evade.

Already pay enough through my salary.

I want to ram my face inside her buttcheeks and eat out her ass.

faggot, why is the state entitled to your money? he did nothing and doesnt even understand how cryptocurrencies work, but somehow magically we all have to be slaves once more, fuck that

>escaping the tax man
You know they got Al Capone on tax charges right? Not murder or bootlegging. Fucking tax.


theres plenty of ways to fuck the ATO off mate especially if you have british ancestors

go see an offshore corp lawyer. expensive but it will be the best investment you ever make

>live in Japan
>don't know one on Veeky Forums know shit about protocol over here

c o n f u s i o n

>'muh al capone' screams the modern day serf

>Purchase eBay gift card with btc
then buy cash from eBay
Is this a good strategy?

I'm a burger living in Japan. What do we do.

German in Japan. Help

I saw some guy who bought blankets off alibaba with bitcoin and resold them on eBay. Pretty smart but I still laughed

Also a fellow Japfag
We japantiem

Australian here, if you don't already know how to dodge tax, then you're a normalfag and I won't tell you. Kill yourself.

>people actually get girls like that sending them nudes
Fuck me, I'm a 7/10 looks wise, smart, funny, but my dick hasn't been touched by someone other than myself in a year, and I haven't talked to a girl in a sexual way in longer than that.

I just moved here. I heard it's a flat 55% on crypto gains when cashing out. That would be really bad and I don't think it's true given how you can already pay in shops with your meme coins (e.g Bic camera). I wonder if a trade between altcoins is a taxable event already like in kuckistan (Germany). Does anybody know?

You be default you are a resident of new zealand so can apply for a permanent residency. This will allow you to open a bank account and then dump all your coins there. Thus you skip tax till about april this year.


You are welcome. Do it sooner rather than later as in April.this loop will be closed

Thats my btc addy. Do your research and send me something as thanks later for saving you a first year 50% capital gains tax. Oh but dont worry every year after is only 35%


>bic camera
Do you guys use coincheck or bitflyer?

Go on Craigslist
Click on For Sale section
Check box that says "cryptocurrency ok"
Buy car, living room set, video games anything that comes up that you might want or need
You just cashed out.
That's how you cash out.
This is how Cryptocurrency was designed and intended to work. Not as an investment vehicle for newfags.

Get into this PnD backed by whales. Guaranteed profits.

discord dot gg/hTTEEt2

Currently stuck with kekflyer. It's terrible. You pay a premium on every purchase and on the actual exchange are not very useful pairs to trade. I switched to zaif to buy my coins with JPY.

>i'm just gunna pay the tax
>fuck them off for good
pick one

Aren't you considered an Australian tax resident unless you actually leave the country though? (and capital gains considered realised when you leave) Or does this loophole go through that?
Also here's hoping NZ doesn't introduce CGT like Labor wants to.

use salt you retards