The man approaches your party and tells you he is requisitioning their services in the immediate interests of the...

The man approaches your party and tells you he is requisitioning their services in the immediate interests of the Empire and it's security. Cooperation will be rewarded, defiance shall not be tolerated.

What do you do?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I burn some witches, what else would I do?

No thank you, each time I was a mercenary for the nobles or the government, they screwed me over and tried to kill me instead of paying.
Well, two can play this game - I shoot first.

But will Sigmar bless my ravaged body?

>party basically chaos warband
is this some sort of sick joke?

but if youre paying then sure

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I call him a lumberfoot.

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>Party is a witch, a lich, an undead knight and a demon bard
Politely decline

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"Why not. Could be fun."

>"Ok guys I've looked at your character sheets and there are some good things and bad things. First of all, you all obviously put work into your backstories. That's good. But your classes are Rogue Evoker Ranger Ranger and Fighter. That's bad. I told you to make a balanced group. Also, why does the rogues inventory box just have 'pistol, loaded' written 20 times? You really expect me to believe you're carrying 20 loaded pistols under your coat?"

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Our decker asks for some of the drugs this dude is on, but our sam dices him for being an arrogant prick; the adept then reminds the sam that he was being an arrogant prick in response. Cue laugh track

>Naive noble kid who dreams of being the next great hero of legend
>Stoic samurai from a far-off land
>Aasimar paladin who's acting as a bodyguard to the noble kid
>Dick-ass wood elf rogue
Sure, what's the pay?

>Sure mate but I want that hat from you as my reward.

We shall aid him. In exchange for his hat.

I look at him and say "You know who I am, right? Ben "the butcher" "zyklon-g" "slayer of skaven" "crusher of chaos" "basher of bastards" Garrison, right?"

>"No, the 20 loaded pistols are strapped to the outside of my coat."

Ask to see some identification.


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>Certainly not!

Feign compliance, summon shard blade, surge bind the imperial host using a double lashing adhering the unit together for 1st lashing and anchoring them to the nearest structure for second lashing, cleave with shard blade and watch there eyes burn out in their sockets.

shall i get vermintide 2? havent played the first 1

>Let me ask you something, what use will your hat be if you lack head? I will get your hat in one way or another.

>It was a hologram

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Seems like a normal corporate deal. I give him the number of our fixer and tell him we get all our jobs vetted through that guy for everyone's safety.
I'm sure he understands. Can't work with random guys you find on the street, who KNOWS what kind of weirdos they are. Also, he should probably work by proxy at the meet if he isn't a proxy already. That tip's free.

I want to know more.

Please elaborate.

Where did he approach from?


I allow him to search us, we have nothing to hide, and the witch hunter is just doing his job.

I tell him to stick his hammer up his ass and fuck off


If his Rosette doesn't have the appropriate codings, we arrest him for impersonating a member of His Most Holy Ordos and begin interrogation.
If it does check out, we ask why he's not gone through the appropriate channels of the Ordo Malleus to request our assistance, as our own Inquisitor breaks cover by showing her Rosette.

Kerillian's player is that guy.


Saltzpyre is a radical witch Hunter he can make expections

kill him to make sure this never happens

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I understand that

but its an incredibly funny thing for the chaos warrior who is getting propositioned to help save the empire, and I think the corsair is gonna get a chuckle out of it too

not that theyd refuse, this sounds like fun (partly because of it being funny) and hes offering rewards, therefore it is worth doing

it wont end well for saltzpyre tho, that much is certain- the skaven may be stopped but it will likely involve a demon or twenty-seven

From where you not expect it.

This man approaches your party and demands you kill for old kruber do you:
b. KILL!
d. All of the above

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blood for the blood god!

I show him my creditals proving me to be a college trained Bright Wizard. Then I get the pyre lit & look for witches.

I introduce my party as THE BLOODY UBERSREIK FIVE... Or, four... Oh, it doesn't matter!


An old ranger trick!

>Spends entire 2 games threatening and badmouthing the bright wizard for being a witch
>in his voicelines for her death he is saddened and broken up

Justify this.

tsundere is best dere


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I inform him that witch hunters don't have unlimited influence the way the Inquisition does, and then me and my band of ogre mercs kill him and take his shit.

>shooting an inquisitor
are you suicidal or just retarded?

He's the true tsundere.
The elf's the cunt, just a cunt.

>*bless that shaking booty
Ftfy, Victor.

The nation calls

Who hates rats more?
Saltzpire or the prophet of sotek?

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Saltzpyre is cool because he's kind of an actor - he's always trying to be dramatic, putting on a performance, etc. I assume when the Bright Wizard died, he'd lose that stage control, so to speak.

He's not an inquisitor, REEEEEEEEEEEE 40kfags who don't know what witch hunters are.

>Around elves watch yourselves.

this is the issue with being so small, easy to miss


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His hat must be a tight fit for that candle not knock it off balance

A tight fit leaves little room for heretical knowledge.

He secretly likes her but doesn't show that side of himself for obvious reasons.

Sorry, just saw some guy with a hat and thought it was an inquisitor
Should've read the thread first I guess.
I'm not big on fantasy, whats the general difference? I know fantasy is less grimdark than 40k, so I take it that witch hunters aren't massive assholes like inquisitors are, right?

Only difference between Fantasy Witch Hunters and 40k Inquisitors is that Witch Hunters don't have the firepower available to nuke entire planets, so they have to settle to burning down entire villages because one guy MAYBE is worshiping chaos

Witch Hunters are either ordained by the Church to carry out hunts for Witches (unsanctioned magic users), the taint of Chaos, or other such ne'er-do-wells that stalk the good towns and byways of the Empire... Or they're literally just the average Joe filled with so much conviction and righteous fury, they take justice into their own hands and hunt down evil wherever it may dwell.

The latter is a vigilante, and open to arrest or even execution for pinning accusations on the wrong person. The former is a government agent - important, but still answers to higher officials.

Current party isn't on good terms with authorities, so we'd probably kill him.

This guy has it down pat. Witch hunters ordained by the church are just that, ordained by one specific church. They have no power to command officials, politicians or nobles to do anything.

Shoot him, because the only "Empire" in the setting is the Hobgoblin Empire and he's obviously a very incompetent hobgoblin spy.

Witch Hunters aren't rogues. They wear plate armor as standard issue trappings.

Witch Hunters are just as much an asshole as an Inquisitor. They have similar levels of sway and regional power. Difference would be the strength of the characters, items, magic vs psyker abilities. A Witch Hunter is a simple un-augmented human. There are no fancy tech from the future as this is the middle/late ages. No innate use on shooting psychic mind bullets. Magic takes rituals and time for the uninitiated.

In Pathfinder, this would make them either Inquisitors or Investigators.

That's Ben "the butcher" "zyklon-g" "slayer of skaven" "crusher of chaos" "basher of bastards" "max level rat catcher" "one-man-mousetrap" "squeaker seeker" "the plague's plague" "crawl out of a hole, pay the toll" Garrison to you, buddy.

We're talking about Ben "Middenheim Wind Chime" Garrison? The very same Ben "Mage in a Cage" Garrison?

>No lizardmen vermintide
I just to press X to sacrifice to sotek.

the very same Ben "Musk Monitor" "Vermin Extermin'" "Final Solution to the Greenskin Problem" "Terror of Talabheim" "Grayseer Face-Searer" "Furball Fatwa" "Rat Tail Collector" Garrison.

>no greentide with dwarf and Yvresse elf

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>Justify this.
He likes her.

I nudge that candle a bit and set his hat on fire

Saltz is a cool guy in the end, he's just putting up a stern face because that's his job. But he honestly and wholeheartedly knows the wizard is innocent and he wants to help people to the best of his ability.

Also everyone but the elf is essentially putting out bants. They're all cool with eachoter and in the end, even the elf sorta likes the team.

That elf is such a cunt
And it doesnt get better by being the preferred character for stupid cunts

Yes, perfect, post more.

>even the elf sorta likes the team
doesent she want to do the hand holding with the soldier?

Who calls?

>do as little as possible
where's my pay?

She's a very dirty elf

>Really? Great, I thought we had been black listed after the last incident! Where are we going and who are we shooting?
>Last incident?
>Forget you heard that.

Dats a nice hat ya got dere humie...

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>Party is currently fending off a Skaven invasion in Talabheim
They'd probably rejoice at his intervention to be fair.

>mfw love playing elf

The meme hate makes me stronger

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Saltzpyre loves Sienna.
In the Keep he even has a romantic candle light dinner that he keeps her chained to the wall for.

I'd say they all have their moments.

I'm pretty sure even if she was guilty in the end ol' One-eye wouldn't care. He wanted to take her to Ubersriek so that she got a fair trial, and I'm pretty sure he sees the first game as a "trial by combat" if you will. IMO Saltz is actually the most empathetic character of the five, he's the fucking best.

Also fuck the elf. I know there have been many to say this but I still hasn't been said enough. Fuck Kerellian.

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>Talks about voice lines.

>Misses the Sienna's voice line about how Saltzpyre spoke out at her trial for an alternate punishment instead of death.

He has no intention of ever killing, harming, and probably no intention of re-imprisoning Sienna. She is his most powerful weapon. I'm not fully subscribed to the secret love theory but there are some pretty strong cases for that as well.
Saltz is implied to be a very deep character, because what he says and what he does are often very different. but people with autism might not pick that up.

Honestly it's more like
>Paladin (Ranger if Bounty Hunter)
>Sorcerer (Warlock if Unchained)
>Ranged Fighter (Barbarian if Slayer)
>Ranger (Rogue if Shade)
>Melee Fighter, even Huntsman Kruber wears relatively heavy armor
Statting the Vermintide crew would actually be a pretty interesting idea come to think of it, especially in WFRP.

Vermindtide crew would never work as a WHFRP party because none of them has a small but vicious dog

>Half-Orc Paladin with a hateboner for magic
>Human Fighter, a gladiator who's from the settings Tilea equivalent
>Dragonborn Ranger who's basically an overgrown acid spitting kobold personality-wise
>Tiefling Wizard with a somewhat unhealthy obsession with death
>Halfling (or possibly just really short human) Rogue/Sorcerer, a charming but cheeky little shit
If he can get past the giant lizardman and the weird horned mutant we're probably fine. If not he'd still probably get along with the pally and fighter.

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What are you even talking about? They have Bardin.

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