Warcraft Lore and RPG Discussion

Defiant Defias Edition

Discuss the lore and story of the Warcraft franchise and its application in and around traditional games.

>Document compendium: Contains official (ex-canon) DnD 3.x variants and a fan made DnD 5e version! Also contains the official Warcraft Chronicles volumes 1 and 2.

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First for sweet elven boobs.

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Our girl got a promotion

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>ywn help a repentant Vanessa reintegrate into society so she can have a normal life

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You can by playing a rogue

Everyone from the warfront (note the crown on Danaths head)

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>note the crown on Danaths head
this is not a crown, just a tiara

Don't forget that as a rogue PC in Legion, you beat Vanessa's ass in a 1v1 for her seat among the top council of the Uncrowned. You beat her ass (because her specialty is poisons and alchemy, not necessarily combat), and with the alternative being death, Vanessa becomes your lackey/prison bitch.

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when will Danath be punished for usurping the throne from the rightful king?

Any Alliance Rogue who doth not present his or her prison bitch to the High King for inspection shall be hanged by the neck until death. Light wills it!

>tfw when I'll be roleplaying in classic and I get to be a simple merchant that travels around the old world.

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His father and brother are dead. He IS the rightful king.

A goblin merchant?

This is your newest race.

Say something nice about it.

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They repeatedly say humans have a great and interesting affinity to magic. All elves have is much more time spent on studying and creating it.

But goblins won't be playable in classic.

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>Goblin-sized foxfolk
What's their race's cultural identity/gimmick?

What Wild God created this?

I will say I find them cute. A bit out of style with the rest of the game in my opinion, but I can still say there can be growth. They are food/slave labor/sextoys from the desert snake people and are tryign to get themselves free, no? How are their voices, if they have any?

In The Sundering, it's mentioned that they (or their ancestors) were running around Kalimdor during the War of the Ancients. Never named but described as "foxes with sly — yet gnomish — visages."

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I wonder if his uncle visited him.

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Uncle and cousin.

Diversity is our strength.

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Wait, then who's his father and where has that guy been this whole time?

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>not counting as dead for purposes of succession

But wouldn't their tales go through cloak models?
Plus that face is too long for a healm
Bliz can't be bothered with re-sizing things for Goblings and Gnomes you really think they're going to pay special attention for third small race? (Dwarves are their own category)

High elves are really out of place there.

I wonder if Khadgar will try to bail out from buying drinks, given it's his turn.

Khadgar worked with A'dal, who is much more benevolent and helpful than alt-Light Xe'ra, who actually enforces her will on others.
>A'dal doesn't hide about Naaru life cycle involving Dark Naaru and chance for Void God
>Xe'ra wanted to execute Alleria when she used Void powers to save Turalyon from a demon, and it took Turalyon (her husband) and Lothraxion (Nathrezim who worked on the Void back when he was in Legion) to convince her to only imprison her (for a hundred years or so before she sent her core for Illidindu)

He said that before he and Turalyon actually get to know each other, you idiot. At that time, the only person Khadgar was friendly with was Lothar, after whole thing with Medivh.

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She is trying her best, using red and as little clothing possible to make it fashionable but still a bit barbaric to fit in.

Probably dead. Danath is an old man. Unless Danath gets busy producing heirs or Isiden Perenolde appears out of nowhere, the only human royal family that won't be extinct in a generation will be the Wrynns.

Well, the Proudmoores might be okay. Jaina's in her forties, but being a mage seems to keep you young and vital longer than normal. So kids aren't off the shelf for her. The Greymanes and Menethils are likely write-offs at this point though.

Probably died before the second war.
>4 replies to previous thread

>(for a hundred years or so before she sent her core for Illidindu)
We don't know that. Maybe she was imprisoned just for a couple of weeks. Turalyon says with visible irritation that she is still under guard, when we first met him on Argus.

Sooooo... if mixing Void with Light results in fel, why didn't pic related resulted in fiery green explosion?

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because WoW physics doesn't make any fucking sense. In the Xhul'horac fight in HFC it's void and fel that explode together

>if mixing Void with Light results in fel, why didn't pic related resulted in fiery green explosion?
Oh, fuck. If so, what would their next child be like?

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Back when armor used to be cool, and it's all pre-raid...

>Turalyon and Alleria have a kid that's pure fel

The guys tried to make some sort of bizarro science but made the rules not work, it bothers the hell out of some of my rpg players. It's better to leave them vague if you don't know wtf you are doing.

No, a gnome merchant.

Child of Light and Shadow

inb4 Illidan is their son that traveled back in time

Blizz should add High Elves for the Alliance except give them in two flavors. Ones that are light forged and the ranger tattooed wild high elves from WC2.

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Will she wear ? Just curious.

Enough with the fucking elves
There are hundreds of other races they could add

Monsters don't have any rights, and they definitely can't be kings of anything.

>Blizz should add High Elves for the Alliance except give them in two flavors.
Listen, I like high elves. I always was an Alliance player. But even I think that void elves are much more interesting.

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Because they make shit up as time goes on.

report for nudity

>Lightforged Elves
Well now you're just fucking shitposting.

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Are these really the warfront characters? Why the vanilla armour then? Looks super fishy.

If the right customer comes along!

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Chronicles vol 3 is already ret conned before it comes out

How roleplaying community greeted void elves?

I appreciate your dedication to the fine art of pornography.

Who cares? The "roleplaying community" are circlejerking faggots to a man.

They were all found in BfA files, none of them existed prior to BfA alpha
It's possible they might update the footmans armor but I doubt it

>Who cares?
Just curious.

Thank you. Any requests before my two day leave of absence?

A merchant true to my heart them. Also I never saw that image and I already love it. It feels like these old fantasy books with the warm background and style.


Thoughts on this concept?

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Oh hey, you're that user who shits on Chronicles. Got any actual evidence this time, or is your argument still "Legion made it not canon cause it did"?

Is that a repurposed map of Outland?

It looks like Pandaria's map and Draenor's had a baby.

I hate them with a passion. Almost makes me want to play Horde when I see how many people ate this crap.

Its an old image alright! One of the fan art pieces submitted when Blizzard used to have the old website and put them up. Same guy drew western loli's in 90s art style iirc.

Not the map, the expansion concept.

bad fanfic tier

Those names are lame. I thought I was looking at a map of Draenor for a second.

People have been saying that about every official expansion since Cataclysm.

Horde have Blood Elves, the second most bland and insufferable elf type in the setting. Go join them whenever you like.
>But fel eyes
>But red spiky armor
>Don't like Horde they smell
Eat shit and die.

I didnt even remenber that! I am borrowing the image for later !spelljammer campaigns with Azeroth in it, thanks. Also someone made western lolies? That sounds a little risky, even with gnomes.

so you are no better a writer than those at Blizzard?

Never did a race need to be made playable more than this one.



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Calia has basically given up her crown, which pisses me off to no end. Because Light forbid someone be able to tell Sylvanas to fuck off. I'd love it if Lordaeron patriots in the Forsaken tried to put Calia on the throne.

Smile, Sister.

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>Horde gets cute little foxes
>Alliance gets savage snake people
I like being blue sometimes

Never has wishlisting been so rampant and obnoxious

As much as I like snek, I actually liked Vulpera and I am liking the race a lot from what I saw, I am not feeling them as an playable race.

Why would they? She abandoned them. Plus, I doubt they're eager to serve a Menethil

>Lordaeron patriots in the Forsaken
There are no Lordaeron patriots in the Forsaken. There are Lordaeron undead like Alonsus Faol but being Forsaken is defined by service to Sylvanas.

Yeah I think this is him but I'm entirely sure what he does, it was only a few comics though. (Colin Walbridge)

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Neither of those is true.

>You could have prevented this

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If I were a Forsaken, I don't know that I'd have much love for the Menethil family or have any desire to see them restored to the throne even if I hated Sylvanas.

>this denial

Give me your hair.

Odd, that comic smells of french.
Being normally a troll player in any warcraft related game, that image hurts.

Blizzard's fault for giving them the best racials in the game.

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What happened to her cool blue gloves and belt? This is almost as massive an outrage as adding pines to Arathi.

she gave it away in Cataclysm

What is Void Storage for again?

Very Moebius. I like it.

Not really anything post-appearance tab but you can still use it as an extra bank. Seems more vestigial than anything though. Dat transmog discount tho.

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How do you feel about Tauren?

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not entirely sure*
I think they're french canadian? Not sure.

storing your retarded boots of Aggramar

They were cool in WC3. Turned too shit because of bland MMO mechanics that don't portray their race in any unique fashion.

Give it.

Honestly, it bothers me a bit that Void Elves and Blood Elves don't share hairstyle and facial hair customizations. Feels pretty arbitrary.

Useful for storing RP sets of lower armor class that can be equipped but not transmogged.