EDH/Commander General

Other versions of effects Edition.

Previously: RESOURCES
>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their decks strategy and card choices.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commanders color identity.


>Official search site. Current for all sets.

>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface.

>Thread question(s)
Tomorrow is the art spoilers for Dominaria. How shitty do you expect the art to be for this set? Is there a chance that old weird art might be represented?

Attached: con-116-magister-sphinx.jpg (672x936, 237K)

Well, aren't you a bundle of fucking sunshine.

If I may pick the thread's brain, what counterspells do you have a soft spot for? By the grace of God I managed to talk some sense into some people I play with about how counters aren't much different from other instant-speed removal, and I can now run more comprehensive packages without someone screeching about it.

Reposting since I posted at the death of the last thread:

I have the intense desire to build a deck for each guild.
Decks I have are Zada and Jarad.
Stuff I'm brewing that I wanna make is:
>Temmet tokens
>Ulrich awoo
>Malefgor or Mogis Rakdos punishment
>Mirko Vosk graverobber
>Kraj +1/+1 counters
>Jor Kadeen artificer
>Drakoma control
>Blaxos enchantress
>Arjun the wheel
Does anyone have any experience with the commanders above? I want a couple of different archetypes available and my group is about 50% so I won't have to spend a ton per deck.

I have high hopes for the Birb Cleric that rezes CMC3 or less creatures. Please no digital art stamp like Ramos.

>Thread question
I don't expect much. WotC is so specific about their art direction now that it's just going to look the same as most of the recent sets, with some exceptions like Nils Hamm and Seb McKinnon.

Honestly, I'd be absolutely fucking floored if they brought back awesome old artists like RKF, rk post and Mark Tedin to illustrate some of the legendaries though, that'd rule.

>How shitty do you expect the art to be for this set?
will be a dog shit SJW kikefest like every set wotc makes these days

I've learned to keep expectations low.

The art will be fine except Karn will now have a pot belly.

>that one faggot in my play group who never stops complaining about Magister Sphinx

Surprise, he also hates commander damage.

Of course he does. Out of curiosity, who's his main commander?

>what counterspells do you have a soft spot for?
Supreme Will has been going in a lot of my decks lately. It is so comfortable to have in the list. It's modes are both sub-optimal, but having both on one card is just very nice.

I've been swapping out Impulse or other filter slots for it. The 1 more mana is a bit of a big deal, but it's not big enough to ignore also having some counterspell slot redundancy.

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allright, i'll ask my thread question here since i was too slow to make my thread.
There's so many cool cards out there with out flavortext /edhg/ and alot of times they just can't fit it. What cool flavor text would you write for your favorite flavorless legend?

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>what counterspells do you have a soft spot for?

Expunge, Swan Song, and Delay.

good in the most boring of ways. I rather have someone win the game by copying a fireball 20 times or recurring a jin gitaxias turn 2 than having someone slowly take over the game because they gained incremental amounts of value by drawing cards, ramping through triggers or getting extra tokens every time they play anything.

and this is just my opinion user, I will still play against your boring karametra all creatures deck if I have to

I can respect that

Dragonlord Silumgar, does very little all game and tries to win with Mind Grind or Exsanguinate. BItches constantly, especially when other decks are being proactive.

How do you feel about cards like Essence Scatter and Exclude? Do you feel that each opponent having ready access to their commander justifies such a specific counter?

>Thread question
I have high hopes actually. The set looks great.

Elspeth should return from being dead.

this user gets it

I actually meant Exclude, (Expunge is the Terror with cycling from Urza's Saga). It being a two for one is great, Essence Scatter and Remove Soul are good, but I'd only run them in a deck focused on countering as a primary method of control. My control decks are Esper and Sultai, so I have access to other methods besides countering.

General thoughts?

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its good

Good in casual non-green decks as a ramp source

Considering using it in my Melek deck, for ramping and shuffling, good idea?

It was seven years between Ravnica blocks, and six between Zendikars. We've got at least 2 years.

As long as it has creatures that want to attack, then yes, it would be a good idea.

>5 years between Innistrads

Prefer Dowsing Dagger atm, but Sword has more use outside of ramping.

just by commander election I can see probably your deck would end not balanced against each other. Some of them are just meh, some are potentially broken (in comparison)

thinking about making an only vanilla creatures deck with nothing else but anthem effects and lands. how terrible is this idea?

Depends if you actually want to win or not.

I need some way of representing thing being eternalized in Scarab God.
Is pic related, from RK post, the best/most fashionable way? 5$ for transparent token is a bit much, not even counting shipping to EU

Attached: Zombie token.jpg (1102x1102, 486K)

always seems to fetch its owners plenty of land in my group, but we arent very competitive.

Only if its made to fight against another vainilla commander.

that's some nice AESTHETIC but I wouldn't pay $5 +shipping for just one

They're not meant to be balanced around each other, it's better that they're at different levels honestly.

It may be right around the corner...d-do you...think it may? I...I...I might be hasty in saying this...but...do you think it may be after....Dominaria?!?

Void Shatter makes my soul feel beautiful.

Actually decent in my opinion.

Is that so? If your plan is to have all this decks build and then share them to your group, they will eventually notice some decks are more powerful than others and then either will try to always play the same, or will get mad when the good one wins every time

If she does return, will she gain black because she was cast into the Underworld?

Familiar's Ruse is always a fav

OH baby

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>Familiar's Ruse
how is that a softspot, thats such a powerful card.

I have a riku friend who gains a fuckton of value of returning a creature.

It's insane how a few months ago he was 50 or so bucks, and is now going for 130ish again.

Nice pull user. Although I'd say Azusa is better for EDH than Jace is.

Did some googling and found that the easiest choices are cutting up some eternalized tokens or Maalfeld Twins, as it has the correct typeline of just Zombie. Only problem with Maalfeld cutting is that it looks fucking ugly and no way as elegant as pic related

Attached: Scarab God tokens.jpg (4032x3024, 1.15M)

>If I may pick the thread's brain, what counterspells do you have a soft spot for?

No one ever expects it in white.

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Describe your deck with an image. Filename allowed too

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Beautiful playmat, friend. I'm excited to play with azusa as well, she just came in today for me.

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my friend who plays scarab used these blank eternalize tokens and slides them under the creature like an aura. if you want i can make you something.

if you have low cmc creatures and need ramp it is a really good option.
>Tomorrow is the art spoilers for Dominaria. How shitty do you expect the art to be for this set? Is there a chance that old weird art might be represented?
i made this karn proxy for my edh decks and i'm hoping they will show the real one so i can use that instead.

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Wonder if it'll be worth it

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I think it might be pretty soon, but after we get new phyrexia first

>if you want i can make you something.
I'm all up for it.

The eternal masters art is better

That's gonna look so fucking cool in foil

I don't really like C-shaped cards

Is that the new Karn?

>he doesn't know how to textbook press

abzan enchantress

yay or nay?

When will they stop shoe-horning Jace into every fucking blue spell

I traded him to my brother for his 2nd mana crypt, a damn good night

When characters stop being effective marketing methods.

Very good in land hungry colors.

When jace stops being blue. Are you mad that bolas is on deep anal?

Is dominaria actually going to be a box worth buying? I usually go for singles

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Dude, I've tried this shit before.

You cannot unfuck a foil after it starts to curl.

I want to see the full set first, but it looks very promising. Might be the first box I've bought since Khans.

it's the scryfall mockup that i shoved art into

Attached: dom-XKARN-karn-scion-of-urza.jpg (672x936, 88K)

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If you want to try to guess its goblin based.

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I'm a little salty that mtg operates on the premise that WE are the planeswalkers, but i keep seeing these tired overdone inner circle characters. Planeswalkers did so much harm to the game and to the lore by essentially turning mtg into a soap opera. You aren't going to get odyssey stories that lead into onslaught with akorma and phage and ixidor, you'll just get "the gang goes to a new plane" with the twist of "and this person is now a planeswalker too!"

Is this a thing I can do?

>some fuckoff huge creature swings at me
>block with my creature
>blink said creature somehow
>no damage occurs


As long as the attacking creature doesn't have trample, yes, no damage goes to you.

Yeah, that was implied just for the sake of the example. I would obviously eat shit if it had trample.

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So to make this deck work i need
>all the ramp
>mana doublers
>lots of token producers
>X spells as finishers
Am i missing anything? I've never built a deck like this before (only have Xenagod and OG Drana) so I'd appreciate any and all help

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What is your incentive for playing black?

Ghalta or Xenagod

i was thinking of making special sleeves or inserts. they would be blue plasic to make the creature look like they are made of sapphire, tack on the zombie type to the right of the typing, and have a ETERNALIZED covering the mana cost.

it would be neat, but i dont think there is a big enough market for such a thing.

The creatures still have the same mana cost though, that's why Grey Merchant is a nasty guy

That's pretty nice mang. I wish I had more Crypts. I only pulled one in an Eternal Masters draft and I can't justify $90 when I can just run Mind Stone in it's place.

don't forget your paradox engine

Ez mode

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I'm most offended that they expect us to believe these nu-walkers know ancient, powerful spells like Mystical Tutor or Gifts Ungiven (I know there are more reprints like this, but drawing a blank right now)

From what I've read of the story, Jace can't even cast a fucking Flight spell when it's one of the most basic blue spells in existence. There's no consistent idea of what constitutes a blue mage's spellbook, or a white mage's spellbook, etc etc

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You will want to run cards that have strange or potentially crippling additional costs, such as Cathartic Reunion. The conspired copy does not carry the additional costs, meaning you can skimp around to get some very powerful effects for cheap. I would also recommend some cantrips if you run tutors that place the target on your library - you can cast the cantrip to grab the first target before the second tutor resolves, then tutor whatever else to the top.

Should be easy if you think about it.

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He's an illusionist with no form of proper arcane training outside of Allhammeret's "tutelage," which mostly concerned mental manipulation. I'll remind you that Gideon managed to slay an Eldrazi Sire almost 200 times his size.

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Except he can fly. Sometimes. He did it in Agents of Artifice, which is the best source. Since then it's been intermittently forgotten and remembered (most recent status: remembered). It's almost like the writers aren't very competent or at least don't communicate with each other very well. I guess you could also try to excuse it by the character's brain having more holes than swiss cheese for a while there.

>He's an illusionist with
Telepath. "Mind Mage" is his first and foremost discipline.

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loot spells. any loot spell turns into card advantage when conspired and RG can use more draw. also use stuff like revive to recycle other cards twice as many times. and dont forget gutteral reponse, pyroblast, REM, and whatnot. you dont need those pesky blue players stopping your fun.

Gishath actually, but you basically got it.

Important things would be that the card is black, mechanic-vise, but the creature is sapphire, asthetic-vise.
Maybe mess around with Invocation frameliket TheProxyGuy at twitter does

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