Attached: shoot coward you are only killing a man.png (400x299, 178K)

Attached: the big o.png (853x480, 526K)

Attached: second generation characters.webm (498x280, 2.49M)

Attached: 20thLvlDruid.jpg (1108x1600, 862K)

Attached: Animal companion attempts bluff.jpg (250x250, 8K)

Attached: DM reuses a character.jpg (472x407, 20K)

Attached: Emergency Disembark.webm (720x480, 2.98M)

Attached: Use STR for sleight of hand checks.jpg (694x456, 77K)

Attached: lvl 1 monk saves the day.webm (720x404, 2.55M)

Attached: Teaching a new player how to cleric.jpg (650x650, 40K)

Burning man looks wild. I want to attend one sometime. I'd love to see a Tabletop themed camp.

Attached: Party on a High Seas campaign runs afoul of the thieves guild.jpg (1280x720, 131K)

I thought that filename might be, "Disadvantage on ranged attack rolls"

I'm of the understanding that it's gotten worse over the years as it's become more well-known.

Attached: Attack of opportunity.webm (560x458, 1022K)

entirely possible. things like that tend to go to shit as the rich start to exploit it. I've heard that the past couple years had more than a few super-rich assholes go.

Attached: finding out the DM thinks that FATAL is a good system.gif (453x344, 1.47M)

Only one person in the history of the world has ever said FATAL was a good system and he's gone now.

One day, in tg's darkest time of need, that hero will return. Just as Mat Ward did.

>Mat Ward
Pic EXTREMELY related.

Attached: incoherent rage.gif (300x100, 100K)

Attached: Murderhobos see a white flag being raised..png (1000x551, 731K)

Attached: minmaxing.jpg (900x582, 235K)

Attached: the players just leapt in without thinking about it.png (800x519, 474K)

Attached: Minor Gellar Field Failure.webm (460x256, 233K)

Needs a better name.

Attached: GURPS.png (540x540, 304K)

Attached: Building from Bits.jpg (720x708, 52K)

Did he crawl backwards through a window?

Attached: DM didnt balance encounter.png (500x471, 212K)

Attached: 1 essence is all you need.jpg (468x302, 84K)

Attached: rolls_dice_behind_screen.gif (720x404, 568K)

You aren't fooling me user, I see you in that other thread.

Attached: reverse pygmalion.jpg (1707x1965, 352K)

Damn, now I cant post the knights fighting and labeling it 'social combat'

Attached: The_Horus_Heresy_Books.jpg (480x360, 35K)

Attached: New commissarial morale restoration techniques.webm (1280x720, 2.4M)


Attached: wild magic mirror image critical fumble.png (1112x1600, 354K)

Attached: Rules lawering 101.jpg (460x634, 51K)

Attached: Tomes of slaanesh.png (852x911, 68K)

Attached: Average Shadowrun game.jpg (661x1024, 192K)

Attached: bard_monk_multiclass (Source is Hentai Kamen).webm (400x222, 1.39M)

Attached: Hunter the Vigil.jpg (385x1028, 170K)

Attached: Chaotic Evil (2).jpg (1548x1210, 577K)

Attached: I am bleeding, making me the victor.jpg (634x669, 58K)

Attached: Skill substitue (Cooking for Taunt).png (983x1585, 1.83M)

Attached: typical player investigation tactics.jpg (500x376, 35K)

Attached: kensai.png (542x1536, 1.12M)

this was the greatest 33 seconds of my life.

Thank you.

you're welcome

Attached: DM homerules condiments giving buffs.gif (500x281, 358K)

Attached: pc misses a plot hook.png (720x3240, 1.73M)

Attached: mornington crescent.jpg (8640x6000, 7.8M)

Attached: Multiclassing.png (75x111, 3K)

>not critical success

You're not wrong

Attached: but for menzoberranzan it was tuesday.png (1205x240, 24K)

Don't even joke about that.

this is the TRUE muscle wizard

>trannynigger warnings in books
Everyone knows trigger bitches can't read.

Attached: Dare you enter my magical realm.jpg (1280x720, 132K)


And that's just 14 months of his work.

It's much more likely he had the camera on a stick.


>implications of implied rape

Attached: 1520815624020.jpg (645x494, 28K)

>that """dialogue"""
anime was a mistake

I went last year for the first time and had a blast, it definitely gets too crowded the closer you get to the actual Burning but everything else was fucking incredible There actually was an rpg themed camp that had giant soccer ball sized d20s but I was way too drunk to be a part of any of it.

If you go I recommend going by yourself and bring a bike, your feet will thank you.

Attached: sorcerer rolls a nat20 on intimidate.gif (250x195, 1003K)

Attached: All_Voidsmen_Party.jpg (738x583, 44K)

Attached: cyberpsychosis.jpg (640x461, 86K)

Attached: tourist season on Cadia.png (1280x668, 1.21M)

That one fucking cannon looking to the left like the hipster asshole it is. Someone is not doing their part.

>Graphic scene of implied rape

It's watching the tourist

Attached: Mooks get a level up.jpg (1041x1600, 527K)

You can't fool me. Nobody watched The Tourist.

Attached: 1505569993363.jpg (544x577, 60K)

Attached: max insight.jpg (1020x850, 254K)

can anyone come up with a better filename on this one?

Attached: PC weapon skill.jpg (640x960, 192K)


Attached: eversor.jpg (906x423, 114K)

Attached: tg wargaming in the future.jpg (1896x1387, 352K)

What is this from?

Also there are far too few Shadowrunners who value style over substance.

sauce please. my weakness is cute and lewd things

Attached: I shall play you the song of my people.jpg (460x1024, 73K)

I miss AT43


That kid has a burning heart of justice.

>character doesn't understand what pole dancing is
Sometimes I wonder just how contrived a setting will be to facilitate fanservice. Not just in anime but it's the main offender.

>noble background fighter

I've been told that the common currencies there are water and bicycle repair kits

AT 43 was not a great idea, except the Therians.


Pompeii grafitii thread?

Attached: MTG thread.png (500x497, 318K)

In what world is this not lawful evil?

just make sure no one steals your bike

Attached: delta green.jpg (379x596, 110K)

Thats probably inevitable. Just try and leave with the same number of bikes you came with.

What is this monstrosity I'm witnessing
What kind of alchemy

Attached: Disbelief.jpg (480x480, 19K)

Attached: Palladium KS.jpg (430x504, 40K)

Attached: pol threads.jpg (1241x1246, 141K)

looks like a poorly stitched together graphic of the major metabolic pathways in the human body

Deoxy-ribonucleic acid and its happy little pals.

Gamble something, I want to say Fish?

It was surprisingly dull, beyond how crazy the bad guy is. And Obama showing up.

Attached: Over the Edge.png (693x619, 269K)

Attached: time_to_get_married-Source-Toaru Ossan no VRMMO Katsudouki.jpg (869x1237, 215K)

Attached: TheJokeCharacterDefeatsTheEncounter.png (724x411, 163K)

Attached: welcome to my magical realm.gif (268x200, 903K)