Warhammer 40000 General - /40kg/

Bullying edition

>Mephrit dynasty and Destroyers

>WHTV Tip of the Day:



>Old Black Library Mega:


>Tau Codex:


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reposting because new thread.
Redpill me on dark angels! what is good? What is bad? What relics stratagems to use?

first for pingas

Thread change repost.
Lucius is better for Corpuscarii, but I prefer Stygies for Fulgurites because those guys really need the guaranteed charges and you can always deploy further away if you know you won't get T1. Also then the rest of my boys get a better bonus, which doesn't hurt, and Admech lacks anti-invuln and anti-tank more than anti-infantry.

Thinking of eventually running 40 Fulgurites and 20 Corpuscarii to sweep aside uppity screens.


I remain slightly depressed at how much more useful everyone else's hq choices are compared to Domini and Enginseers. Is that just 4 18" melta shots at BS2+ or are there more buffs on top of that?

If Tau gets first turn 4 melta shots does almost four wounds to one Aegis bot, if I get first turn he does 5.1 to one Protector bot who's already got off one round of shooting. That's pretty painful given it's untargetable before it jumps out on a monat run.

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I wonder what those Anvil MG42s would look like on Cadian flamer/grenade launcher arms. I want some USCM smart guns. I know Mad Robot makes some, but they're of smaller scale.

New idea:

>Pick whatever dudes/list look coolest to you
>Fuckin buy them
>GW cycle what gets buffed and what gets nerfed often enough that sometimes your dudes will be great, but sometimes they will lose badly
>Doesn't matter because you like your dudes and know that their time will come again, so you stick with them
>Next update rolls around
>Your favourite dudes, by now a fully painted army, is winning games again

Tell me this is not the most zen way to into 40k

A patrician way to play.

Payed off with Thousand Sons for me.

Wow, now I finally know what to use as heavy stubbers for my cultists.

>not owning multiple armies for the past few editions
Best part is all my dudes are good this edition
when were thousand suns bad?

What's the best Imperial mech to serve as sort of hunting hound to an Imperial Knight ? I was thinking about IG Sentinels that run ahead of their master to locate and soften up his prey for him.

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>Your favourite dudes, by now a fully painted army, is winning games again

>instead of winning games because you made a good list and played to its strengths, it was just because it was 'your turn' and your opponent is now bottom of the barrel
This would be the absolute worst feeling in the world. Every victory would be hollow.

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Reposting this shit in the new thread

Our GW store and LGS have problems replacing stock and our group enjoys having the option to impulse and pick up shit we wanna add in person instead of waiting a week or so for it to get here. THAT GUY always fucking comes in and buys the stores out of the most broken units from codex to codex. If it was broken at one point this faggot probably walked in and bought them out of whatever FotM shit. There weren't any razorbacks, death company, or sang guard for weeks. Also other THAT GUY had a shitty busted tau army that was awfully painted during 7th. 8th comes around and he sells it cause they're not good anymore, also continues to buy store out of whatever stupid FotM thing he has decided on that is strong. Also buys a bunch of kits and shit that he never uses and then ends up trading or selling away. He can't stick to an army for longer than a month literally. The faggot also bought our store out of citadel skulls back when they couldn't keep them in stock, then immediately gave them to his buddy cause he decided he didn't have a use for them. I was livid cause I needed them for some GSC display boards. There's this one fag too that my friend group insists on keeping around, he will shit on you for not bringing his view of the most optimal bullshit and it aggravates the shit out of me when I get lectured on why my army, that he has no insight into how it works or plays, is suboptimally built. Also he's an elf fag and tries to start shit for no reason.

When were they good.

Plasma rerolling 1's with 3 damage
4++ invul on ravenwing
pretty much no morale damage
ravenwing apothecary is the best apothecary in the game
3 different armies in one which go well together
Relics a meh probs just go with grand strategist
No Lion yet

other than that if you don't like the lore behind them then just go with something else

before the codex.
Before wraith of magnus the were just a unit, that everyone said was trash.

I'm all for adapting your tactics and constantly trying to improve on your performance, but there's an undeniable element of imbalance thanks to the scope of what GW try to achieve with the game. Take GK for example, if they were my dudes I'd be constantly working on improving my list but not expecting to be top dog in 8th

that would be dope as hell, they fit pretty well onto the cadian arms, I was short a few and had to convert some of the guys with a few grenade launcher arms

I wouldn't necessarily say everyone's HQs are more useful than Domini and Enginseers. Enginseers providing cheap repairs is great and Domini would be great if they were either cheaper or their re-roll aura was all to hit rolls instead of just the shooting phase. ATM GW is just overly convinced Domini are super durable because of their regen. Granted they can be difficult to kill if you don't focus them down when you get the chance but that's sorta a theme with AdMech multiwound units in general.


ah I assumed corpuscari, so fair enough, yeah stygies is better for fulgrites, although i honestly dont think they are good at all

>Thinking of eventually running 40 Fulgurites and 20 Corpuscarii to sweep aside uppity screens.

right now im running 45 corpuscari and I wipe screens away with ease while my BA shred the big shit

if i get cheeky charges off on my priests, i swap canticles for 2cp to get rerolls in combat aswell

Side bonus:

>Get known as the chill bro who will give you a good fight with a cool army for you to play against
>Exempt from other players' salt when your army inevitably becomes the OP one
>Attract other chill opponents who will give you a good game
>Always able to find a game because everyone enjoys playing against you

I have two scion start collecting boxes, a squad of kasrkins (all special weps minus melta), a squad of stormtroopers (plus the special weapons), a valkyrie, and an armoured sentinel with a plasma cannon.

How should I go about arming my new guys? I'll make a command squad and tempestor of course, but I'm not sure about the other 15 scions and the taurox primes. Should I deepstrike with melta or plasma? Should I equip the tauroxes with anti armour or anti infantry?

So, here's an obvious idea

>Mephit codes
>Take a Bargerlord with Veil of shadows
>Sidle up to some Tesla Immortals (lets say 10)
>Veils within 9" of, lets say an IG blob
>Wave of Command the Immortals
>Spend a CP on that one Mephrit Strategem that gives me extra attacks on an unmodified 6
>Vomit out 20 Tesla, with 5 and 6's counting as 3 hits, and 6's meaning more shots

But... then what? Do I charge? Do I just have them stay there acrueing attention and fire? Do I give the Bargerlord an Orb? A Warscythe?

>Exempt from other players' salt when your army inevitably becomes the OP one

this wouldnt happen, there is always people who will get mad as shit if you get buffed

>2 Fireblades (84 points)
>6 units of 12 fire warriors with Pulse Rifles (504 points)
>2 units of 7 Pathfinders (112 points)
>That gives me 16 markerlights, 72 pulse rifles, and a solid base army for exactly 700 points. I have used all my Troops slots for the Battalion, taken 2 out of 3 HQs, and 2 out of 3 fast choices, leaving elites and heavies free for me to fiddle around with.
I somehow want to call this cheesy, but I can't even point out why. Going all in on 1 Battalion detachment, WITHOUT a commander, and just footsloggers...

T'au is in such a weird spot with this codex. I am almost tempted to tell my local T'au player that his Farsight army is free to grab crisis suits as troops, because fuck those fire warriors man.

So basically 8th. After 20+ years GW still can't fix alpha strike.

plasma spam is the scion way at the moment, meltas are ok but slightly overcosted for single shot now

tauroxes can either go anti armor or maximum dakka, both are good, generally speaking you will need the latter more than the former

Why do your friend group insist on keeping this guy around?

Its weird they didn't go the EC and WE route and let FSE take crisis suits as troops like they did last edition

So one melta coldstar with a few markerlight friends is going to toast one bot and maybe dent another one, although I can probably fix any spillover. Bot is 110, Coldstar + Friends is probably closing in on twice that but then I need to shoot the Coldstar to death with something which uses more points of dakka. Painful trsde for me but survivable unless there's more than three of them or he has enough command points to burn to make my boops sad for a turn when I can't Elim Volley to counter it.

Both types are pretty good in my experience. Ran 20 fulgurites twice, in one game they got shot and meleed off the board by about 2k of dakka space marines balled up around Chapter Master and LT rerolls and in the other they got shot at by 1800 of Dark Eldar and still managed to kill a Pain Engine, three Grotesques and tie 2/3 of his army up in his deployment long enough for me to kill him by inches. Really want to see what happens if I do get T1.

I figure that Admech has one decent anti-tonk gun at range and I can bring three or four of them tops, so I needed something to kill stuff like Primarchs, Plaguebursts and Leviathan Dreads that shrug off neutron shots with invulns and Feel No Pain.

Personally I just throw in a Dominus with Prime Hermeticon. Full rerolls in melee, reroll ones at range, makes my 60 dudes hit like 76.

Enginseers are good and cheap. I'd give the Dominus a points drop by ten or so and/or another wound to make the regen worthwhile and let the Enginseer take stuff like gamma pistols and macrostubbers just for variety. Also, genric Archmagos please IA14.

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Yeah... Especially given just how overpriced crisis units are now. A unit of 3 clocks in at 200 points easily, for less wounds and firepower than fire warriors, that costs 70. If you want crisis suits as your troops, be my guest.

I'd say Deathwing and Nephilim is a lot of point investment for little return unless you know how to use them, but that's it. Also don't take Assault Marines and your preferred Troop choice is Scouts. If you're playing with casual friends that aren't assholes any unit should be fine.

No experience with Primaris personally but I heard we have the best shooty ones thanks to Grim Resolve and their plasma guys shine as Dark Angels.

Your good relics are the cape, sword and eye depending on the HQ you pick. Stratagems depend on your unit selection but you'll love the +1D plasma one or Deathwing Assault if you run a Deathwing unit.

GW seems to mostly be trying to avoid letting specific subfactions take non-troops as troops. IIRC the only reason WEs got zerkers as troops was because people threw a massive bitch fit and GW errata'd it.

Need some advice, Veeky Forums. I'm getting a little bit of 40k money tomorrow, so I have enough for one box.

I can get either:
>Rhino (I have a garbage rhino that is super beat up, and I want to get a proper one)
>Dreadnought (For my thousand sons, it'll be a counts-as helbrute because daemon engines tend to clash hard with TSons aesthetic)
>ruins bases (for my tzaangors, so I can actually paint the fucks)

Why do I never see anons suggesting meeting up for games? Or at least working out if it's logistically viable?

>I know, implying any of us play

Since 8th drop no one has defeated my SoB. Unless I bring super retarded list like SoB melee.
I have over 20 Repentians and I will use them as such some times ok

Why on Earth would I want to meet any of you.

Does anyone know any good articles or can teach me a bit about target priority in 8th edition?

I've got a 1500 point tournament this weekend, and while I've been doing well with my army I feel i could improve, especially when it comes to prioritizing attack vs objectives.

prime hermeticon is legit, however my list is an amalgamation of soupybullshit to get me near infinite CP

>cadian brigade with company commander warlord for grand strategist and free kurovs aquilla

>BA batallion with a jump librarian wielding the veritas vitae for an extra dice rolled to regain CP

in deployment i spend 10CP and i roll 14 dice to get CP back, I used to be rolling 18 dice, however 4 dice for the 2CP spent on death company upgrades is actually pre-deployment, so I can't get CP back for them

To suck each other off obviously

AdMech characters feel like they're in a weird place with wargear, with enginseers having no choices, dominus only having the ranged weapon choices, and Alphas having a decent selection that is 90% useless.

>Exempt from other players' salt when your army inevitably becomes the OP one
There's a couple of people that I know who think they're this guy. They've got two or three armies, and they nearly always play whichever one is most powerful at the moment. Then whenever some cheese becomes obvious, they buy a bunch of them and start playing them and then act as if they're not FOTM because they had some crisis suits from years ago they don't use.

And in a more mild example, when an army is obviously powerful or busted, the people who play that army seem to play a lot more. Like, I know people that have had IG armies for 10+ years, and I never saw them get so many games in as last year, and they're back to their usual schedules now.

Nigga have you even been paying attention to the forgebane news

>when an army is obviously powerful or busted, the people who play that army seem to play a lot more.
this one, I'd say, makes perfect sense. It feels better winning games than it does showing up only to lose. I've basically benched my drukhari in favour of my Sons and Guard, just because my guard can win(and I love my baneblade), while my Sons lose, but they've got such shenanigans available that it's fun as fuck.

is there any store that still sell Kasrkin models?

>He doesn't have 15 40k armies and ends up never playing because he can't decide which of his dudes to run

Lol amateurs

Of course, I'm not saying they're bad people. We play for fun, and of course winning can be fun. But they're not exempt from salt when they're playing busted shit just because they (sometimes) played it when it wasn't busted.

If you mean the Armiger then that's what inspired me to come up with the idea in the first place. I wanted them to be the hounds originally but I'm considering giving them a different role and downscaling a step for the hounds.

I'd agree, the prospect of seeing time and effort aside for a game becomes much more easy to justify when you have at least some chance of winning. I think that's less about abusing cheese and more just about not being disheartened, as you suggested

would taking valkyries instead of chimeras to act as dedicated transports work?

imperial knight would be the lord, armiger would be the houndmaster, and sentinels would be the hounds

No idea, he's known the group longer than me apparently. He's still an enormous faggot. Here's a bonus story.

>friends play a 2v2 and I agree to play with some iron wolves
>bring bjorn, a leviathan, my xiphon, 2 predators, and 2 long fang squads
>not only is he an elf fag but a slaneesh fag and the emperors children is his favorite legion
>not only that but he always insists that fulgrim is the best primarch only to be told lolfuckno
>he brings a bunch of noise marines, sonic dread, and some other stuff that I cant remember
>he tries to insist during the game that a patrol detachment gives +1 cp
>I kill all but a dev squad worth of my buddies iron warriors
>nids approaching the retards fortified position full of the noise marines that can mulch them
>he starts whining that we're gonna lose cause he's gonna get charged by some big bugs
>my predators, and my leviathan are equipped pretty well enough to handle all of it if he is wiped
>still complaining
>he's ignoring me calling all my shots and kills a squad that I was shooting at
>I start ignoring his whines and go straight for the biggest bugs
>he complains even more when a patriarch charges my predator
>"I interrupt with my predator"
>first as a joke, then when he started actually yelling I threw the dice and missed
>1 cp left
>still complaining
>"I'm command point rerolling one of those... and it misses"
>nearly kill the tyranid forces, he's taken a lot of casualties, and store closes in 5 minutes
>I look over to other side of table and say, "we'll say its a draw then"
>this faggot actually complains about me fucking around in a friendly game while I'm walking my shit to my car
>yelling about how he'll never play with me again

its what cool people do. more points, but looks better and chimeras are kind of poopy

Depends. For shit like crusaders and Orgryn? Yes
For everyone else? Just take Taurox or the flying shoe box.
Chimera was made intentionally bad by GW

AdMech walkers could work too. Lance Dragoons or ironstriders.

chimeras with dual heavy flamers and track guards are one of the best transports. I have 8 in my steel legion and they are always a threat that the enemy has to focus them down.

I was thinking of using them to get infantry/elites up close and go nuts in rapid fire range plus First Rank Fire, Second Rank Fire.
leman russ only then? or a few hellhounds tagging along just for fun?

anyone? They're all for my thousand sons army.

You ever think kharne just gets kinna tired? Like hes so busy frothing and raging all the time, that he sort of dozes off in the middle of combat while his brain is on autopilot and fights while sleepwalking?

You ever think like maybe he allows himself to be captured and sedated long enough for people to bring him to some other place so he can kill new and interesting things?

Whats Kharne do when hes on a planet and hes run out of shit to kill? Does ever just squat down on knees and take breather, like, "whew" huffing and puffing, like, "Oh man, I gotta ease up on the bran!"

Here is an actual list of this guys favorite armies too in no order.

>grey knights
>emperors children

He tried to make a space wolf successor army during 7th that consisted of shit tons of wulfen and TWC. You wanna know their story? They were supposed to be an ultramarines successor that worked with the inquisition to stabilize the space wolf geneseed or some shit like that. They never got painted, and then when they were nerfed into the ground in 8th he tried to pawn them off to me and I told him to go fuck himself.

steel legion noob here. how would you structure a decent list while trying to maximize flyers? I have an almost sexual obsession with flyers

I've been saying that we should set up games via skype or something with maps that are voted on by /40kg/ so even the sorry fucks among us that live in the middle of the Antarctic can play

I met up with GGA once in 7th edition. It was a good game and he's a cool dude. The only reason I don't go play with him more is I rarely have the time to play in the first place and there's a GW that's 7 minutes away versus the one where he plays which is over an hour away. A couple of the guys that go there also browse and post here and they are cool too. I should hit up that shop more. I've also heard of a few people from here going to a different non-GW shop that's also an hour away. I've been meaning to go there, but I'm a little intimidated because I don't know anyone there. I made vague plans with an user here to meet up there after Adepticon.

>he tries to insist during the game that a patrol detachment gives +1 cp
Absolutely classic that guy, but it really should give +1 cp. And the suggested detachments should be a rule, not just left for everyone else to enforce.

Fucking GW, we need more sexualize male and female models.
The Custodes release was a joke. Where are the proper male model? Instead we get this bois in power armour like a bunch of women

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pretty sure khorne empowers him during combat, and the space marine augmentations let them keep fighting and moving for days, and basically turbo-nap mid fight.

I agree, no real reason for it not to since there's nothing really to spam about them.

My big fancy 3.5k list has 12CP plus Kurov's Aquila, which should be plenty, but I haven't really gone into the Guard soup thing yet. Only non-Admech and stuff there is a Marauder Destroyer, three Cyclops Bombs and a Company Commander, although I might also go for a psyker to cloak the plane with -1 To Hit.
Don't really mind about CP in 2k games, although Admech like spamming Rangers so I might run double Battalion there for a mostly infantry list. Can fit in two Neutronagers, 25 Rangers with some snipers, some dakkabots and Destroyers and then 40 Priests in, which seems like a good balance. Could also drop my melee reroll Dominus and the Destroyers to take four Dragoons, which seems like a decent plan.

Rhino is good for dusty boys. Buy a predator or vindi and magnetize for maximum value.

GW did them made to order a while ago. Sorry you missed that user.

I don't know if recasters do them

Anyone care if I use normal bikers as scout bikers?

I'm not sure whether he wants to fight me or rape me

I will autisticall screech about it until you leave the store.

Just kidding I don't care

fuck did they really do kasrkins on one of those made to orders? i saw the one for some old space marines and what not, but never a kasrkin one

user half the fun is fighting before the struggle snuggle.

As long as you don't also have normal bikers that look the same. And if you do, make sure one is colored differently than the other. Then I know the unit with blue bases are scouts. Something like that.

It was the first one they did. The price of Kasrkin on ebay has dropped a lot, at least in the UK it has.

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You can't rape the willing


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If i wasnt taking blood angels i wouldnt be running the CP farm soup, however BA scale basically infinitely with the amount of CP you have, I'm basically funneling 10+ CP into them in the first turn, 6-8CP into them every turn after that until they die, and thats only on 2 captains

I'm extremely tempted to soup in something for my BA. Even just Ultramarine scouts.

link user?

I detest people who just places a ton of generic models, and then claim they have some sort of special weapon.

>Someone drops in 3 units of guardsmen
>3 has normal lasguns, the last has meltas
>I shoot the melta unit as they deepstrike in Ithaca everything, ends up dealing 4 wounds too much
>turns out the other 2 square ALSO has 4 meltas
>Could have wiped another unit, but the faggot told me nothing despite me saying I obviously target the unit with Meltas
If you do this, you getting shoot your lasguns the models are equipped with. If you can't be arsed to ensure your models has the right load out, you are responsible for ensuring your opponent is aware of this. If you don't, fuck you, you get to use the represented weapon, and nothing else, I don't give a shit how many points you used on it.

I do not require perfect WYSIWYG, I just require basic human communication skills from you. If you can't even do that, I will literally pack up and find a less shit player to play against.

I don't know what you're asking me to link.

black templar scouts that has a flat 75% chance deny key psychic abilities for 2cp is fucking insane my dude

my bad, link to the website that the Kasrkins are being sold?

thats the GW site user, thye arnt selling karskins anymore, it was a limited thing

you can get resin karskin upgrades from forgeworld

Oh, miscommunication. Just for the Ultramarines CP relic. Guard with Kurov would also be nice. Just want to get that CP farm set up, you know.

alright, thanks user

ah i see, the UM warlord trait you mean, fair enough, guard with kurov and GS warlord trait are just the optimal way to do it right now, i wouldnt really take UM for somehting i can get for cheaper elsewhere

If I'm not playing WYSIWYG, and I try to make sure even if it's not perfect it's at least distinguishable, I always at least give a rundown during deployment. Hell, even with WYSIWYG I usually just mention stuff like special weapons.

I don't think those are Kasrkin upgrades. Its more just gubbins for your infantry.

I suppose the hostile environment kits could be kasrkin

My headcannon is he sleepfights most of the time and everything is muscle memory he only wakes for powerful foes.

Yeah, Kurov's is better, I just don't know if I want to go down that path.

are you refering to the cadian hostile enviroment kits? i only see plas and melta gun guys, did they used to sell ones with hotshot lasguns?

A) What is the most important thing in his army?
B) What is the most important thing in your army?
C) What is the most dangerous thing(s) to your most important thing?

Target C, then A. If C is in deep strike then kill A before C arrives.

How do I build a Farsight Bomb? Will Farsight and 6 flamer crisis do the trick? Is Farsight even worth fielding or should I run a flavoured Coldstar?


That does get annoying. Even if people tell you ahead of time, it's kind of annoying to see a squad of 5 Bolter guys but then find out the sergeant and 1 guy have a Combi-Plasma and Plasma Gun. Shit like that is easy to forget in a 2000 point game with lots of units. There needs to be some difference visually. I also get bothered when a lot of stuff is not WYSIWYG. Like when half or more of the army has all proxied guns and units, it's a mess and takes me out of the game. The only time I'm okay with such a huge amount of proxy stuff is when the person is trying to see how certain units perform on the table top before buying them.

The times I use it are usually when I have extra sponsons on my Russes, but I don't take them, so I just tell people it's un-upgraded. Or the time I took a Guard Veteran squad and gave them 3 Plasma Guns and a Heavy Flamer. I used a normal Flamer model, but it was the only Flamer weapon in my army so I told him it was a Heavy Flamer. He literally bitched about it every time I used it. "OH I FORGOT IT WAS A HEAVY FLAMER, UGGHHH, YOU NEED TO GET A HEAVY FLAMER MODEL" Like come on, that's not a huge leap.