Warhammer 40k General /40kg/

Distinct Factions edition

>No-surprise Necron previews

>WHTV Tip of the Day:
[YouTube] WHTV Tip of the Day - Drybrush Black Templars Power Armour. (embed)



>Old Black Library Mega:


>Tau Codex:


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All Aeldari are cockknockers

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What a word

The great and noble Aun'Va demands you tell us about your dudes

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In the Grim Darkness of the 41st Millennium there is only...

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Dubz and your Adepticon whishlist comes true.

>Hrud codex
>More Space Marine Primaris models.

I'm currently working on a Martian desert-themed T'au army. Fluff behind them is that they're a cadre stationed on a remote colony pretty far removed from the control of the Empire, mining the heavy metals and shit that are on the planet. Lots of dust storms filled with abrasive sand so they wear a lot of headscarves, ponchos, and capes to help keep it out. Being located on a desert world, they rely heavily on vehicles, and all of the troops are transported with Devilfish. The hostile life on the planet mostly consists of aggressive crab monsters (that I'm going to kitbash a couple things to put together), but there is also a small Imperial Guard force on the planet.

Currently working on the first batch of Fire Warriors, greenstuffing all of their cloaks and shit will take a while but when they're done I'm going to post some pics of them

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>Emperor's Children Codex
>Asdrubael Vect model and rules
>Plastic Custodes with Melta Spears
>New Xenos Faction

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blueberry pucci

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>Plastic Sisters

Sounds cool user! Is the Guard force gue'vesa or are they at war with each other?

>Plastic sisters
>Emperor's Children codex
>New assorted flavors of space elf models

>Full plastic sisters line
>Tau relegated to background NPC on the same level as demiurge or vespids
>Fires of Cyraxus releasing within the next two months
>WIP Sanguinius model
>Exodites codex
>My mother ressurecting
>I actually finish painting my armies
>Jesus returns and turns out to be Big E


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Hidden charges on your order

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>Plastic sisters
>Generic Tactical/Assault marines and their analogues going down by 1-2 ppm across the board.
>TURBO WISHLIST MODE: Tacticals and CSM squads gain a new rule to bring them out of their generic too-expensive line troop hole.

>More space marines shit


They make 40k a good game.

>Plastic Sisters
>Living Rogal Dorn and model
>EC Codex and new line of models
>Kimi WDC 2018

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Slutty cosplay girls

Breachers with Carbines

Not even finished painting my first ranger, let alone coming up with any fluff ideas whatsoever. May try my hand at something on the coach this weekend

The Indoxus Gamma 84th regiment. Immediately after the founding festival they were taken to nine different systems for minor engagements before being called to join a crusade to drive Chaos forces from the subsector. Their early experiences in such a variety of combat environments - from death worlds to hive cities to zero-g combat - gave them an edge in the writhing landscapes terraformed by Tzeentchian cults. The acclaim they received from the leading Inquisitor Lord has led to the training regime being adopted for future regiments from their homeworld.

After their previous company commander was assassinated by ork snipers in a poorly prepared ambush, their leadership was transferred to Jessal Caitah. At 26 standard Terran years of age, he is considered inexperienced & irresponsible. To put the minds of the more archaic commanders - many of whom are into their second century - at rest, he is scrutinised by the ever-present hovering skull of his predecessor

Sweet, i could go to Jesus for some Lobster Rolls and Root beer.

We all could stop by the Vermont hall to pick up some cheddar while we're there.

Maybe one or more of us could even touch a truck.


The world of J'karra'li had some of the highest resource consumption rates in the Empire despite their small population, until their neighbouring planet received an encrypted transmission detailing that they'd been ferrying resources to the Enclaves & most of their Ethereal caste had been assassinated in false-flag operations designed to look like the work of Imperial agents. These neighbours launched a clandestine war alone to prevent morale loss & possible spread of rebellion amongst the broader Empire.

While the loyalists were beaten back, this was at the cost of every settlement they had & obviously that shit wasn't going to stay hidden from the Empire for long. Now essentially homeless, they are making their way to the Enclaves with ships that keep breaking down conveniently near hostile alien worlds

Still stuck in 4th ed

My Eldar recognition scheme works like this: Shoot them all except for the clowns, you'll only make them mad.

nice try CGI Tarkin but we all know you're a phony

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>>Jesus returns and turns out to be Big E
Now that's the power of positivity

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Is there a reason for the Tarkin thing or is it just because of that one image edit?

because they made a not-so-convincing CGI recreation of him after he died.
like Aun'Va.

Welp, could be worse - could be Carrie Fisher

I spent 500€ on 40k goods today. It was a good day.

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What was your haul user

Or the tupac hologram
fortunately, Peter Cushing happens to look like Aun'va

A pair of FW russes, some DKoK doods, a boatnought, a rhino, a predator, a box of death company marines, and some waacfag resin doors for the rhino and predator.

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My dudes kill the shit out of Tau with multiple simultaneus deepstrikes. Then we rape the females with chainswords.

>Squat every army except Space Marines.
Please based god-emperor.


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Custodes become god tier and we get The Emperor as the Lord Of War

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>Not plastic sisters.
Seriously, after playing witchhunters since 3rd ed I finaly pulled the gun last week and spent 200$-ish in bitz for converted plastic sisters.

I guess we will know in 5 hours

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Not fucking fair! Our glorious warlord should've risen up again! Fuck you!

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plastic warp spiders

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I wanna hold hands with an Eldar GF...

>generic power armor inquisitor kit
>updated havocs
>alien mercenary codex
>no named characters

>Tau relegated to background NPC
>Fires of Cyraxus

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Squats reveal, plastic sisters, Tempestus Scion codex, and Corsair and Exodites

>The largest presentation ever, compared even to 8th eb and the cicatrix maledictum.

Female Primaris that cawl found in the back of his sock drawer.
Sisters of battle and sisters of silence ger eaten by nids


> more primaris
Y tho, they'll just be monopose variants of the exact same models. Either that or some bizarre new starcraft unit (inb4 hur blizz stole first) with three identical poses for £80

Moar orkz

Never going to happen. Look at the state of necromunda. The only half decent (emphasis on half) rules geedubs have put out have either been reformatted re-issues of old games or incredibly simplistic limited board games with hardly any design space.

Think bigger
>Female primarchs

No, no sisters I want more monopose Primaris that's only effective on the table situationally

you are like little baby. Watch this.
>Emperor of mankind was trans this whole time

y'all motherfuckers in the wrong thread

let's just save this thread for when the next one hits the bump limit

No, that's not how it works. Everyone stays in the thread until it gets to like Page 9 and then they make a new one.

so just link this one when the other one hits page 9

I made the other thread because the guy who made this thread didnt link it at all

We did the same thing only a few days ago & it worked out just fine. There's no rigid rules on 'how it works' senpai

My dudes are the Iron Harbingers. They're a renegade space marine chapter from the primaris founding who, having "grown up" and trained on Mars under the Adeptus Mechanicus, decided to renounce the imperial creed, and worship the Omissiah. When they were unsurprisingly accused of heresy, they decided to go rogue. Officially, no one in the Mechanicus supports them, but somehow they receive a steady flow of reinforcements, gear, and augmetics, and they even got their hands on a battle barge. They're fleet based, and prefer mechanised warfare. Their primarch is unknown.

so, do they still fight for the imperium, or is the admech literally supporting renegade marines?

Supposedly huge Adepticon announcement 2 days before my annual bonus gets paid.

Better not be TOO good....

hey goy, i heard you wanted brand new SPACE MARINES

Sisters of battle

At least my cash will be safe.

Probably something for the Space Yiffs. Covers both Space Marines and special snowflake wolf fuckers.

Hell yeah

The numbers have spoken!

I'm confused on the Custodes Vexilla guy. It says he's armed with a Spear or Sword and Shield, but the picture shows him holding the Vexilla. How do you arm the guy?

good that i play AoS then.
Gib me my Deepkin

All my dreams are finally coming true

>playing Age of Smegmar
>not real Fantasy
I hope you have fun but it's just not for me.

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Alpha Legion Loyalist Codex

>Warhammer total war
>dead Warhammer Fantasy site
That hurt more than it should.
Newer generation will only have AoS. I feel sad for them

The strongest dubs will make this the truest truth.

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fucking this

You have to rape them with chainswords cause you have no dongs.

Full plastic sisters line
Return to "Fantasy in Space" theme, perhaps with a new faction
Prices brought down to industry standards
Praetorian guard models
GRC for ork codex

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I've been getting involved in a fantasy campaign(8th ed) with a few people from my LGS. We constantly have more who want to dust off the old models and join.
It's heartening to see there's still some community left out there for it.
And Total Warhammer did great to revive interest in it. Sad the world is broken and gone.
But it will live on in our hearts. Like Cadia.

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What are these fucking dubs?

We're gonna have a really fun year, 8th ed. is the best!

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Seconding for more fantasy in space.
Give more chapters unique unit options to differentiate them well beyond color scheme.
They don't all have to be Space Wolf-tier snowflakes, but SOMETHING that they can call wholly unique that makes playing them more interesting and fun.

Current Forgebane gainz:
3 Knights
30 Skits
15 Lychguard
10 Immortals
6 Wraiths
3 Cryptec

paying 130 eurobucks, current rrp ~510€
need moar


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i played WHFB 16 years ago as VC.
Tbh i don't miss it much, hated number of models needed and those fucking movement trays

>that moment when satan wants nuns with guns

OK Satan

Of course it'd be fucking nines.


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tabletop marines whom reflect lore marines

this dub chain is unsettling

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The announcement tonight is almost entirely age of sigmar- so dont hold your breath.

They will show deepkin and AoS 2nd edition for the first time! As well as whole new nighthaunt army

nice source citing retard