Thank You Veeky Forums

I started 2018 the right way. I just wanna say thank you to all the anons on this board, even the pajeets, for steering me into crypto, for making me laugh even when losing money but most of all, for potentially changing my life for the better.

Today I reached 6 figures. I started in July 2017 with 3k. I never had this much money, I'm a NEET who lives with his parents. I'm happy with the possibilities this will open up for me in the future.

We're all gonna make it anons.

>100k eurobucks

Wow you can now afford a used gallardo now. Grats user!

It took you 6 months to make 100k when you started out with 3k?

Still, Godspeed user, you did well

Boomer logic indicates you didn't make it.
Huh. Sucks for you.
at least i have a mortage

>6 figures
>thinks he can brag
>not even a million

kys user, seriously eurofag

I made some bad trades during the btc bullrun, lost 2 btc there and took a lot of time to recover.

Still, this is only the beginning. With this much capital I can make interesting investments now.

Not bragging you fucking burger. Can't you even read your own language? I'm thankful to Veeky Forums.

Never forget the hell you came from. I sure as fuck won't.

What sort of bad trades, would be helpful if you could go into details

Congratz OP !

100k is my goal, just passed 20k today

we are all gonna make it

>be in crypto since June
>manage to 5x my money
>still less than $250

Poor birb :(

What portfolio tracker is this bros?

>start with $30
>now at $600 and rising
thx req
thx icx
thx xrp
thx pajeet pnd groups

I'll try to remember as accurately as possible. My biggest mistake was losing 2 btc day trading during the november bull run, using leverage and lost it all in a blip. Almost had to start from scratch.

Another was investing in AVALON (that fucking ICO who didn't fly), my first ICO. Had my eth stuck there for a whole month. All the shit I sold to invest eth into the ICO basically tripled and I bought back in to have much less of the coins I had before.

These were the most aggravating ones that I'll never forget.

That's delta but I recommend coinstats if you don't want to use blockfolio.

Good advice. I'll try my best.

yow dude what portfolio ?


Congrats but tha'ts quite slow especially with 3k.

I know. I'm not bragging myself as a genius investor.

I'm just really happy I came across crypto and Veeky Forums and I'm much more prepared now to not make stupid mistakes. Hopefully I can pump it to 1mil by EOY.

What app is that


I started half a month ago with 2k€ and am now at 4k€. This makes me hopeful for the future.

I have 3k now, how would I get to the same level as OP but faster?

Yeah he did well. I started with 3k in July as well and I'm at 60k.
Looking back, what I did wrong was to buy one coin and hold for like 3 months. There were so many opportunity that I missed because I had all the money in that coin. I finally rebalanced in november and I got to 60k.

Thanks user.
I was there too. Held ark (but still had some nice gains) and fucking IOC for months. IOC was the bane of my existence. As soon as I got rid of it, I was doubling money every week.
Best of luck.

I would say invest the whole 3k in the dadi ICO.

Dadi is my next target as well. How much are you putting in? I have like 4-7k depending on what I sell.

A friend of mine asked if it's good for making money quickly. I know that Dadi is good, but I am not sure about the time frame. Thoughts?

Started with $700 on July now I'm at $4k. Reason why I'm up so little is because I held one or two coins for 2 months or so so my funds remained stagnant in the $1.2k area. December alone I made way more money than the other months in 2017. I'm hopeful though. Btw i have half of my portfolio to throw at eaither req or ven. What do you guys think?

I'm gonna max it on the presale. In with 10k. As for the time frame, it all depends on when it's gonna be listed on exchanges and what exchanges. I'm expecting an ICX level of pump though. 100x ICO price isn't that unreal. 50x is more probable though.

I'm partial to req although ven is also a good choice.

that mouth is erotic

Yeah, but I only read about it late, so I can buy only during the crowdsale. Hope to make it. I never invested in any ICO, but I heard that if you're not fast enough you'll remain out. And given that Dadi is so hyped...

When that shit drops be quick and max up your gwei so your transaction goes before anons with lower gwei.

Congrats, don't cash out too soon. Ride it further, the more you have the more you make.

I'll do that for sure. Since you said you are in the presale, I assume you heard about the project some time ago. How do you stay informed about ICOs? I feel like there are too many and it's kind of time consuming to determine which ones are good.

Thanks user. I'm not planning on cashing out until at least 1 mil. Let's see how that goes. If I ever make it there, I'll give back to the community.

Just don't get too greedy, user. Cash out when the time is right not when you reach a goal.
I've been waiting too long to get into crypto, started mid november with about $500, right now at $2150, hope I can still get a good sum since I am also a hopeless neet. These posts are giving me hope.

How old are you

congrats on 6 figs. you're a true inspiration fellow neet user. we're all gonna fuckin make it!!!


I heard about it on twitter and proceeded to research it and then Veeky Forums started shilling it. I hope I can get in time, even with the presale.

You're right with cashing out when it's right and not with a hard number. I used that number because I honestly can continue living without this money and I would rather keep it growing.
Keep at it. We will make it.

100000€ > $100000

Mind helping me? I'm starting in a similar position.

started 1 week ago with $5.5k, now at $14.5k

thanks Veeky Forums

Great work, user.
Personally I started about a week ago with $200 and I'm currently at $1400. I can totally see myself reach 10k within the next month.

You can and you will. Godspeed user.

>start with 75 bucks
>hit my first goal of 100 with ease
>1k comes a few months later but made it
>wondering how I will make it to 10k and thereafter

Veeky Forums, you guys are helping tremendously. How should I proceed?

First, don't over diversify. With 1k you should only be holding 2 coins to get maximum returns.

The rest is luck, research and a plan. Don't panic sell. DON'T PANIC SELL. It might be the most important advice.


I'm preparing for the ICO
Shit looks like its gonna fucking moon already

Now try cashing that out without taxes.

Oops, you actually don't have 100k

You really didn't put in a single dollar after your first 50$ investment? Even when you saw that the gains were real? Wow

We should probably stop talking about it or else it'll be too many people jumping in at the same time lol

>actually don't have 100k

Actually, there're no taxes for crypto in my country so...

>I made some bad trades during the btc bullrun, lost 2 btc there and took a lot of time to recover
Literally me

Listen to this guy. I was too spread out with my 1000. I narrowed it down to two coins and Im at 3000 now. Just keep going and dont do the most obvious mistakes in investing. FOMO/Buying ATH and things like that.

Is it Italy by any chance? I have a friend from there who says he's cashing out everything without paying a dime and that he does not give a shit about taxes. He also says the government will never prosecute you for this or something like that. I was curious if it is true or not, seems a bit of an exaggeration to me.

Quick question

Do you actively buy and sell during peaks and dips or was this from mostly holding?

Not gonna say where I'm from but we don't pay anything here. We have a legal loophole and until the UE comes forth with a directive, we're golden. In my opinion, still have 1 solid year without worrying about taxes.

Started in November with 100 euro.

Look at me now BOYS, LOOK AT ME NOW.

To the moon!

At first, just holding. In november I started to trade like once a week maybe or anytime a good opportunity would come up basically.

Just to give examples of my last trades:
> sold ARK and bought ICX at 37k sats. Sold at 47k.
> bought DBC at 88 buterins, sold half at 215 and put it all into TRX at 87 buterins.

Made like 20k alone in these last trades but I know it's not something I should try to replicate by sheer will. You have to have a market trend and profit from it.

So it's Spain, Poland or Romania. Based on the use of UE instead of EU

Got me there, detective user

Impressive gains btw. I am getting impatient with litecoin, should I hold or put it elsewhere?

please rate. what do you see this being worth EOY. I am going to mercilessly hold this portfolio

Bought into TRON at 3 cents
Bought into REQ/XLM at 25 cents
Bought into FUN at 7 cents

started with 5k


My investing philosophy is to go heavy in low cap coins for maximum returns. Maybe now that I have this much I'll start to distribute 10/20% into the classic coins (eth, ltc, xrm, etc...)

As for LTC, I think it's a safe bet. Probably not insane gains but not a mistake in itself.

Nice portfolio. You'll do very well. You have FUN which is something I myself ought to get.

I can't predict a price because it's me pulling numbers out of my ass but I can say that I wouldn't change a thing besides selling that eth for LINK.

ROmania has a 10% tax on crypto starting 2018. Used to be 16%.
Judging by your good english, you must pe polish.

I need to stop over trading, I invested initial fiat of £2118 so at least it’s a gain, but it should be more I know. I’ve made a few mistakes

>started with around 200 euro last week
>still at 200 or less

h-how do u do it

Too many coins. You should only have 3 at the most.

thank you. I got that portfolio with a mix of research and luck.

I was going to throw some money at LINK, but I read up on the whole node thing and I'm not really a fan. I definitely see stinky linkies making money but it's not for me

Let me ask you this: how do you fuck it up? It is very hard to go wrong these days.

I started with 5 k 3 months ago and am currently at 17k. What the fuck am I doing wrong? Currently I hold
7.3 ETH
7100 XLM
500 TRON

started with 7k 3 months ago sitting on 185k now lol,

Ok I'm not trying to talk shit, just being honest. I started with 5k a week and a half ago, and now I'm at approx 18k (my portfolio is posted in this thread)

You should have way more than 17k by now, don't get me wrong gains are gains but for crypto you could me making (or losing) way more.

Imo, you need to take that 7.3 ETH and put it into smaller coins that you think will blow up. Watch youtube videos, carefully watch the shills on biz. ETH doesn't increase quickly enough to warrant it being such a large portion of your profile at this stage.

What didn't you like about the nodes? Curious and always happy to hear an honest opinion.

Can you tell us why this is true?

There's no real reasoning behind it, it's all about percentual gains and it's not like you can do more and more research right? Why have your money in 3 coins when you don't know if those 3 will moon, or 3 other equally good coins?

I mean you could've gone 150x with Rai if you had gone in one month ago with any amount. Imagine just putting in 100 euro and ending up with 15% of your total portfolio in gains?

Diversification in crypto is bad if you do it at random, because of the abundance of shitcoins. But there's easily 20+ projects that are solid, potential moonshot investments.

I honestly don't even know where to start. I just feel lost and disheartened knowing that I should be making way more money way faster and it's getting to me.

I feel the same way. I didn't want to make my own thread about it but I've always had shitty eyesight. With crypto and Veeky Forums I was able to turn my part time summer job money into something greater by making a lucky trade on WTC in order to get LASIK eye surgery. Now I see at 20/15.

I bought ZCL and have just been holding because there's bitcoin private fork later this month so I missed out on a couple of moons. Hopefully this'll make up for it

You answered your own question. If you find 20 good projects, by all means, invest in them if that's your strategy.

I prefer to bet hard on 2/3 coins when you have less than 10k. It'll grow much more if you hit the right ones. Being spread out is safer but returns are much lower.

>It'll grow much more if you hit the right ones

But if you don't, you won't grow :/

That's why it's a risky investment. It all depends on your risk assessment. If you don't like risk, nothing wrong with your portfolio but you'll grow slowly.

I am not risk averse. I bet big and if I lose, I'm willing to take the loss but since it's not a total gamble, with research you can get an hedge.

So far it's played out well for me but that doesn't mean it'll always be like that. Only thing I can do is research, invest and wait.

> it's all about percentual gains

I disagree. It's all about hard cash. Although the percentage is the same, It's very different being up 10% with 100$ or with 10k$.

How do you decide when to sell?

I have my portfolio divided into long holds (6 months to 1 year, unless something really kills the project) and short term holds (1 month or less).

The whole point of the short term holds are to give me more money to funnel into the long term holds. When I hit a 2x on the short therm coins, I sell half and put the proceeds it into the long term ones.

The rest I let it grow to flip into another short term coin.

Rinse and repeat. It's a conservative approach since sometimes I could sell the short term coins for more than a 2x but I learned not to be greedy.