Donald "I'm going to make the economy strong again" Trump, everyone

Donald "I'm going to make the economy strong again" Trump, everyone.

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wrong board amerimutt
nobody except mutts care about your fucked economy
get rekt all you fags who bought weed stocks instead of stuff like spacex and tesla which actually work on solving usefull shit

Hes sending the military into California to shut down the pot shops. Could escalate to a full on civil war.

>crushing the legal weed market with a stupid policy
>not related to Veeky Forums

eurt fi gib

Good. Weed lowers your IQ. I've done it a few times but I'm not doing it again. The highs weren't even very good.

Now I just laugh at regular weed users as they piss away their money to buy some grass to lower their IQ and make them sadder and more useless every day. Go President Trump!


Tfw loved weed and other drugs but quit and Veeky Forums and crypto is my new drug

Go smoke your weed and buy my bags, brainlet

At work at my white collar job. Afterwards I'll take some dabs and unwind. Not investing today though, so sorry. Someone else will have to take your shit advice.

autistic nerd rage only makes me higher

>two (((anonymous sources))) say that big evil two scoops of Hitler is going to ban the marijuweed
>coincidentally buys billions of dollars in weed stocks during the crash
>Sessions announces legalization and the end to the pointless drug war
>coincidentally make billions

I don't understand why some people are so adamantly against weed. If you don't like it that's fine. But why shit on the (responsible) people who do? There's nothing wrong with working 50 hours a week, hitting the gym 5 days a week, then on friday night hanging with the bros and smoking some tree.



Bout to go spend 7 hours cutting down rec plants, come get me sessions.

lol youre gay

>he thinks weed makes you stupid
Are people really still this stupid in 2018?

And fucking alcohol which contributes to insane amounts of deaths, murders, and generally fucking up people's lives, is completely legal in every state and not even really punishable if you do it underage.

>banning billions of tax dollars from america

They would be stupid to further limit income growth potential. Other countries will allow legal grows soon anyways. We should be the lead exporters and make ou communities and country rich instead of this petty bullshit about what people can and can't consume when you can already smoke an entire pack of cigs and drink a whole bottle of whisky after a day at the gun range.

The demand will always be there even if itbis illegal. Instead of costing the public money for more jail sentences and law reinforcement resources specifically for cannabis. This could easily turn into another positive boom to get low skilled workers high paying jobs.

What is so hard about that?

Donald "I will create millions of jobs" Trump

It's too late to try and shut it down, buy the dip and join us in cryptoweeedlambo land.

seems like you've already lowered your IQ to sub-saharan levels my braindamaged friend

I agree completely. Prohibiting marijuanna is not only expensive and ineffective, but legalizing it would have an ungodly amount of fiscal benefits.

>people here actually support degeneracy

God I started doing edibles regularly a few months ago. I had severe back problems this past year and even after therapy I still had some lingering pain

A week into getting high everyday and my back completely healed. Shit is a panacea. My libido which was near dead for years is back to normal now.

Government cucks are retarded. If they made weed legal they'd make so much more from the taxes as opposed to fucking keeping it illegal and not seeing any money the dealers are making.

GDP print in q1 will be the highest in 10 years

weed is for faggots

kys nerd faggot

Trump wins again. No, check that -- AMERICA wins again.


Time to buy potcoin.

>Gambles on unregulated internet money who's soul function is buying weed and CP
>Not degenerate

Pick one.

I used to laugh at regular alcohol users as they piss away their money to buy some beer to lower their IQ and make them sadder and more useless every day. Go Governor James P. Goodrich! Oh wait its 2018

Tesla is low volatility but high risk aka a shit stock.


>stormfaggotry on Veeky Forums
Look I know you guy are sad about your ISP BTFO'ing you but could you keep it on /pol/?

donald trump is such a fucking faggot. first the crypto tax and now this? shoulda voted for that cunt shillary

>get rekt all you fags who bought weed stocks
>fags who bought weed stocks
>weed stocks

Oh now I get it, Trump is playing another game. In this episode, he told his friends to short weed stocks, then dumped them. Accumulate low, public outcry will reverse the policy soon and new regulations will make it even more practical2weed than before, causing major pump and fomo.

Also stocks are stupid so who cares.

Get fucked potfags.

They're sad because they keep getting punched by gay black weed-smoking antifa supersoldiers. How can one ideology be so cucked by the same people they find inferior? Please advise

This. One of the most destructive drugs and yet its perfectly acceptable and ingrained into our culture. Hypocrisy.

Serves those lawbreakers right.

ah yes its the daily Ancapistan-fags try to bait /pol/ thread

It's true that the high from marijuana is pretty shitty. But it does improve some things, like taking a walk in the woods or masturbating to shemale porn.

yes, good goy donald, shut down the pot farms!

spacex isnt public

>Other countries will allow legal grows soon anyways.

Probably less than you think because they value the well-being of their citizens more than money.

*beep beep*

Read the research fucking monkey, it does deteriorate your brain.

*beep beep*

Woah, watch out there. The road is for cars not commies!

>thinking it has anything to do with safety
only money

>implying this is about USING weed
This is Veeky Forums, not 420chan.
If your first reaction to this sort of news is giving your worthless opinion on whether a particular drug is worth abusing you can fuck off.

I have some crazy chemical imbalances now.

Tried smoking weed for the first time in a decade on a trip to colorado.

I didn't get high and everything felt like shit. I used to roll around in cool bedsheets and it was orgasmic. Now I feel nothing.


>Read the research fucking monkey, it does deteriorate your brain.
the irony

Marijuana industry has enough money flowing through it now to the point that it has a pretty decent government lobby in place. I expect harsh criticism of Sessions over this in the coming days. Interested to see how it plays out.

The Canadian stocks that took a hit this morning are well on their way to recovery already. Cats out of the bag. Money people with political influence are involved now. It cannot be stopped.

>I have some crazy chemical imbalances now.
what big pharma brain poisons did you take?

That company would be sunk if the government stopped giving them free hand outs. What's the nunber? Billions of dollars?

Get rekt

>weed gets banned
>liberals screech autistically
>have to get jobs now that they can't smoke pot all day

>when some fat incel with a neckbeard is driving a car into a crowd and you can't tell if it's a snackbar or if it's /pol/

Why do anti-weed fags get triggered so easily? I agree a lot of stoners overrate weed and make it seem like its some magical plant which is annoying.

I like unwinding , taking a dab looking at a charts and munch out on my favorite food , there's nothing wrong with that and it shouldn't be illegal.

>muh brain cells
So does booze ? And everyone drinks booze , and you're kind of a fag if you dont drink booze at all unless you have a drinking problem

Good read.
It was Effexor.
It almost killed me. I had energy yesterday for the first time in 3 years. I'm hoping my brain was just slow at rewiring

>says the mutt driving his V10 bigblock truck
youre laughing now but soon youre gonna have to buy a tesla or you get rekt by gas tax

How tf are any of you retards in favor of being told what you can and cannot do? Do you not enjoy the right of being able to make your own decisions or are you under 15 and still living at home? People who need the government to protect them from "bad" decisions are idiots.

You are a dumb little faggot

>implying commiefornia is going to just let the feds take over
As much as this state is full of liberals, fags, and cucks, the state is devolving into its own country so the feds aint going to do shit

>when it doesn't matter because you die of a heart attack before it hits you anyway

dude they have to write "caution hot coffee" on their coffee cups because idiots burned their whole leg and went to court getting millions

that whole country is beyond retarded and you ask why the government has to hold their hand all the time

>I don't like something
>I'm glad it's banned
Peak boomer posting

damn, bro sorry to hear that, smoke a j and over time your brain will come back to normal

If you had a blue collar one you'd have been fired for failing the drug test you junkie.

Let's be honest, it's not because they're brainlets, it's that the American mentality when something bad happens to you is "deny any responsibility on your part and hire a good lawyer."
Fucking lawyers go around cruising for clients with that
>Got into an accident? you can make BIG CA$H from it! Call now!
pitch which is how you end up with burglars suing homeowners for getting bitten by the guard dog.

Back to le leddit you fucking faggot

Well I live in this country and it pisses me off how fucked we are. And then when they fuck us more people applaud and defend it to the death. I pray my crypto gains can buy me a citizenship in St. Kitts

Trump's a dumb bitch but legal weed is shit anyways

Im smoking since 15 yrs in a country where it's illegal - nobody cares - I just make more money by not paying taxes selling my weed.

Btw I lmao, paying taxes so poor fags can send their kids to school so they can tell the kids there that weed is bad so I will sell less or what fuck me right

angry mutt cant wait when you idiots realize your whole country is FUBAR and a civil war breaks out

Sorry this is an alt right website now. You have to like trump or else you're a soyboy cuck

>muh weed duddde
Weed is shit and it makes you a dopey tard.

when german companies implement electric cars, tesla will get rekt

Super Based bro hahha weed is super degenerate! Time to jack off for the 4th time today

>Cannabis is a trillion-dollars global industry but Veeky Forumspol/ won't touch it because it's "lame" and "degenerate"
>probably all in on cryptokitties and etheremon

If you don't smoke weed you're a fucking nerd who can only get off to furryporn. You know I'm right.

Today it's weed, tomorrow they'll try to ban crypto.
You'll see


lol y'all motherfuccers gettin trolled
obviously bait

Welp, if the government says it's bad, it must be really bad. Thanks for saving me from myself Uncle Sam, America is pretty gub.

Online commerce is multi trillion dollar industry. Multi.


>restricting a billion dollar industry that is growing every year
>creating jobs

pick one

Nice bait, but I’ll respond nonetheless.
If you’re under 18-20 or so then weed will fuck up your brain since it’s still forming. Older than that, about as harmful as milk that’s been left out a few minutes

Sector wide rally in progress. Many are getting close to even and on track to get in the green before close.

But what's it to you? Mind your own fucking business

Look at all these stoner faggots. It's utter horseshit the federal government would get involved in this, but weed is for losers. Only people I know who do it just end up playing videogames and watching jewtube instead of being productive.

leave your basement sometime. everybody and their mother and grandmother smokes weed

You are a loser who hangs out with losers and somehow view yourself as superior? I know all types of stoners, all who have jobs, and I personally have a master's degree and earn more than you. And I'm not even talking about pretend internet crypto bux

If you were alive during prohibition, would you invest in alcohol companies right befire prohibition was ended? Because that is what is happening right now in the marijuana industry.

Yes you gotta be productive goy. Find joy in enriching your superiors. Fun and games are for losers.


I used to be a stoner, and was a productive one as well. I grew up. You two might, too.

I genuinely feel sorry for people with this opinion of weed. It is a plant put on this earth to expand people's consciousness. Sure, it can make certain people lazy...but playing video games sober is a much bigger waste of time than getting stoned and doing some out of the box thinking. Give it a try sometime if you aren't afraid

From trying weed once? Sounds like a personal problem m8.